Stop it, Bro~

Now That’s Orange (3)

What does a man, nay, a savior demand?

Beauties? No!

Wealth? No!

These are the things one must get for themselves! No. The Savior demands sustenance. A Savior who spends his precious calories to save someone must supply his body with the same... no, more calories!

"Another round!" Brody smacked the mug against the table as men and women worked to please him. Plates after plated came to his table and were taken away empty. Mugs after mugs of ale and rum were brought to the table only to be taken away empty as the man seemed insatiable!

Nojiko only wondered now just how could the youth be content with the breakfast she provided an hour ago. The entire tavern was abuzz!

While many served Brody, even more cheered! Genzo had yet to return after being bandaged but most couldn't care at this point. They'd just been saved! How could they not party?!

"Brody..." Nojiko muttered with her eyes still wide, "Are you really a pirate?"

"Girl, I'm tired of your narrow vision already. Like, did you not see me beat those punks? Boys! Bone 'em!" Maybe not the most well-thought phrase but the moment Brody ordered, the group of men threw the clean bones of the meat just devoured by them on the group of fishmen tied and set against the wall in the tavern! There was already a layer of bones around these unconscious Fishmen but who would pity them?

Speechless at the response she got, even Nojiko was forced to realize that the era of tyranny over the island had come to an end but with HOW it ended... the process of it, that is, left Nojiko a little empty. It was too... easy?

From breaking Arlong's nose to using his body as a reinforced whip and then finally throwing him away. It was as if Arlong was a plaything in front of this man...

"Arlong has the largest bounty in East Blue—"

"Fuck!" Before Nojiko could complete, Brody stood up with a growl, "Bounty! Shit, shit!" His reaction put a pause to the party around him as he picked up the plate and hurried out only to find the mysterious Usopp with the Northern Nostril walking towards the tavern with an orange-haired chick. Brody would have given them more attention if he wasn't pressed to ransack the fool's territory.

"Oh! Usopp, let's drink later, yeah? Good talk!" Brody shot past them, flipping the plate over and accurately chomping down on pieces of meat successively as he picked his pace even further.

"Nami?" Nojiko walked out with a dazed expression. Others inside the tavern gave Nami a look before every one of them grinned, "Hey! Nami is back!"

"Arlong is defeated! You don't have to stay with the Fishmen!"

They began to shout loudly, raising their mugs with wide grins, instantly stumping the girl called Nami and Usopp.

"Come in..." Nojiko strained a smile, "I'll explain everything to you..."


Brody's life has always been the kind to encounter strangers and barely know them before moving on. Sometimes, he encountered actual beasts. Not the kind of Fishmen, but the real deal. It was a rare event but it happened more than he would like to admit. And this time, Brody actually knew the bandaged, green-haired man reclined over the chair with Arlong's body lying not far from him.

"Pirate Hunter Zoro..." Brody muttered while the man in front of him was more... alert than anything.

"Aren't you..." Zoro slowly stood up while belting all three of his swords onto his waist as Brody could practically feel Zoro's intent to attack him out of instinct. That was good. Instincts should always warn oneself about the danger they'd found themselves in.

"No need to recite my bounty, right?" Brody chuckled, "I mean, compared to the legends, I barely have any name. But it looks like you've ended my playmate."

The redhead pointed at Arlong as Zoro frowned, "You did this to him?"

"No, believe me. It was just a love tap," Brody smiled, "What are you doing here? If it's his bounty you're after, I'd have to tap you with the same amount of love, too..."

"I'm a pirate," Zoro remarked.

"Yeah, I know, a Pirate Hunter. What of it?"

"No, I meant, I joined a Pirate Crew," Zoro huffed, "My captain sent me to make sure I return with our navigator."

"Navigators are all the rage huh, even I'm looking for my navigator," Brody smiled, "It's my crewmate's sister."

"Good luck finding her," Zoro returned to his seat and slumped down after it was made clear Brody wasn't about to attack him.

"Thanks. By the way... who got you? Those look like some nasty injuries even through the bandages..."

"This?" Zoro looked down before shaking his head, "Ya know of Dracule Mihawk?"

"Know him? No, not really. But I've heard of him."

"Well... I challenged Mihawk and lost," Zoro sighed, "This is my reward." He added while pointing at his bandaged body.

"Nice," Brody commented, "I really respect you swordsmen. How about it? Wanna ditch your old crew and join mine?"

Zoro frowned, "You... have a crew? The information was different. It said that you were a bandit."

"Heh, just a title. I realized that Pirates fight with pirates and the navy. So, that's what I want to be, a Pirate. I think Grandline will have loads of challenges for me there. Maybe you can find Mihawk again, too. So? I could use strong guys like you as a warm-up!"

Zoro had an urge to draw his sword when he saw a grin as wide and innocent as his captain form over Brody but... this man had a 'reputation', the product of which was sliced by him not too long ago. And Zoro himself was injured.

"Thanks for the offer, but I like the crew I'm in."

"Aw... sigh, and here I thought I'd get a swordsman AND a navigator for my crew. Oh, well. Can't really force someone still sulking over his loss from Mihawk."

"I ain't sulking!" Zoro snapped.

"Sure you aren't," Brody winked knowingly and walked past Zoro before picking Arlong up. "Who knew I'd actually find Arlong again... looks like I'll earn a banger this time~!"

"Marines will attack you if you bring Arlong to them... you know that, right?" Zoro called out as Brody waved his hand, "I know, I know! I'll just deposit Arlong and loot the marine base next!"

That kind of logic... stumped Zoro hard. As Brody entered the giant building, shoving everything valuable into a sac alongside Arlong, Zoro raised his brow as he saw familiar figures running into Arlong Park.

"Oh? Usopp!" Zoro snorted as Brody walked out with the sac, "That's your captain? The Nose of the North?"

"The Nose of the North?" Zoro looked at Usopp with a weird expression who gulped and stuttered, "Y-yeah! Did you forget, Zoro-kun, I, your captain, have the nose that smells north—"

"You defeated Arlong, why?" The orange-haired girl looked at Brody with a frown as she saw the Fishman sticking out from the sac alongside many, many valuables and stacks of bills!

"I didn't defeat anybody... he just crumbled without a fight. For me to defeat someone would mean that they actually put up a fight. Zoro, that reminds me, did Mihawk actually defeat you... or did you just crumble?"

"Why the hell are you shifting the conversation towards me?!" Zoro blushed, scowled, and shouted— all at once, as he seethed while Nami looked at them, "All of you... you're just pirates! Beating Arlong doesn't make you any better!"

"Ok?" Brody shrugged, "Now, if you excuse me. I have to find a shirt, look formal enough, then invite my navigator Nami to my crew."

Brody nodded and walked towards the exit.

"Oi," Zoro's gruff call, however, stopped Brody in his tracks as the swordsman had one hand casually resting over the top of his swords while his other hand pointed at the orange-haired girl, "That's Nami."

"Hah, a good joke," Brody smiled, "I know from trusted sources that Nami is a sister to a dark-skinned woman... with blue hair. This Orange, hurt nobody looks nothing like her."

Blunt as always.

"Um... she is Nami..." Usopp nodded while adjusting his goggles.

"You, I believe," Brody nodded.

"WHY?!" Zoro shouted.

"You... want me to be part of your crew?" Nami muttered in a dazed manner, realizing why Nojiko looked so out of place before she hissed, "Never! I'll never be a pirate!"

"Ah, titles. You can call yourself anything," Brody smiled, his behavior a stark contrast from minutes ago, "I would have worn a shirt for this... you know what, wait a second."

Crouching, Brody stripped a Fishman and wore his light pink shirt with a dark crimson coconut tree pattern.

"Even if you don't want to be my navigator, why not just point me in Loguetown's direction?" Brody added, "That's all I ask."

Nami bit her lip while Brody turned around, "Loguetown isn't in that direction..."

"I know, I going to Nojiko's. Like hell I'm leaving this place without having at least one of you to travel with me!"

"What? Don't you dare try and force my sister—"

"Oh, quiet you," Brody looked back with a smirk, "This island has no future for most of you. After all, you guys let someone rule your lives for years. A little outing and the fresh scent of the sea won't hurt anyone... well, maybe it could. We'll see. Besides, Nojiko is seriously beautiful~!"

"Wait!" Nami hissed as Usopp called out from behind, "Nami, what about Luffy?"

"I told you guys... I won't ever join a pirate crew! But... the villagers wouldn't mind having you guys stay until Luffy shows up. Going Merry isn't damaged so you all can leave once he is here."

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