Stopping the Handsome and Tragic Male Lead After 404

Chapter 181

This incident also started with the destruction of the Eastern Base.

At that time, the remaining scientists headed by Dr. Zhang were still supported by various bases. Although the previous research results had been destroyed, they were unwilling to give up their research.

Knowing that it is no longer possible to concentrate power like the Eastern Base to study the secret of eternal life, and also knowing that the secret research of the Eastern Base cannot be made public, so the group of remnants discussed and separated all the research projects and materials Send them to the science academies of each base, making them mistakenly think that they have obtained good scientific research projects, which can help the development of the base.

Since then, the White Wolf Base has been researching antibodies? Vaccines, the Fire Phoenix Base has been researching the alien corpses, and the Wolong Base has been researching the control of the Awakened. They all thought they were doing secret research, but in fact they were all part of the research at the Eastern Base. .And because the various bases are on guard against each other, it is impossible for them to inform each other about the research projects, and it is impossible to combine them to consider what these researches will ultimately achieve.They are just desperately trying to gain the upper hand in the power struggle in the last days.

And Dr. Zhang is highly respected and independent, and does not belong to any base, so when they have any research results, they will discuss with Dr. Zhang, and finally the experimental results will be returned. In their hands, Dr. Zhang and others slowly reproduced the research of that year.

And because the awakened people at that time had been completely labeled as demons, so killing them for research became a matter of course, and everything went very smoothly.

Until the appearance of Chengyu, everything began to change. The most powerful Wolong base was directly destroyed and his vitality was seriously injured. Even Dr. Zhang himself was bitten by the backlash in the White Wolf Base and was killed by Chengyu.

Before Dr. Zhang died, he gave all the research results and materials to Dr. Ren. Perhaps Dr. Zhang was really fascinated by the secret of eternal life, but he didn't just think about getting immortality for himself, so he desperately kept it secret until ? Pass it on and let Dr. Ren continue his research.

Dr. Ren also fell into obsession with the secret of immortal evolution.Maybe any scientist who studies related? content will be fascinated by this, and even want to know the answer at all costs.

Later, on the way to escape from the White Wolf base, Dr. Ren met Guo Yi who was injected with the wrong awakening potion by Pei Jinnian and turned into a zombie, Guo Yi, because his behavior was different from ordinary zombies, and he had never eaten people before, so he was killed. Dr. Ren took away the research.

A few years later, when Pei Jinnian discovered that the Awakened One was secretly sent to the Holy City, he knew that someone must be behind the scenes doing research related to the high-level corpse, until Gao Ge sent the news After talking about Dr. Ren and the Zombie King, Pei Jinnian realized that he had made a big mistake unintentionally, and immediately searched for relevant information without sleep. Fortunately, he had studied a lot in order to deal with the zombies over the years. The data they brought out allowed them to finally grasp the way to deal with the Zombie King in just one month.

Strictly speaking, Guo Yi is not the real zombie king, because he is a product of deformed evolution. The evolution of the real zombie king should be from zombies to high-level mutants and then to zombie kings.

Zombies eat enough of the same blood type as food. There is a chance to evolve into a high-level corpse, and the high-level corpse is to combine the blood of the awakened person with the crystal nucleus of a high-level corpse or an ordinary corpse. In order to gradually evolve again.

Such a Zombie Emperor may only come out once a century, and it must be under human intervention, otherwise the possibility is almost zero. After all, zombies have the instinct to eat people. Once they eat the wrong thing, they will become monsters. Type of alien corpse, lost the chance to evolve again.

In other words, Shao Yan is the only person in this world who has the chance to evolve into the Zombie King so far.

A product like Guo Yi, which has been ripened by medicine, is definitely weaker than the real zombie king, but it is true that he can live forever.

And only the most powerful Awakened can kill this immortal monster. According to the clues left by the ice coffin, such Awakened have a symbol, red eyes outlined by golden threads.


When Pei Jinnian said this, he pointed to Cheng Yu and said, "Only? You can."

When Qin Qin looked at Cheng Yu, as long as he shifted the angle, it was as if he saw the light golden lines in his eyes flashing. All the awakened people present couldn't help but droop their eyes when they saw such eyes. Not daring to look directly, like an instinctive fear, that is the symbol of the King of Awakening, the strongest Awakened.

"Dr. Pei, you do know a lot, but why do you go against the sky? No matter how powerful the awakened people are, they cannot live forever. They are still ordinary human beings." Dr. Ren said with some emotional instability: " After the ice coffin was dug out, the awakened person was already dead, only the zombie king was still alive."

"If the consciousness is trapped in the illusion forever and cannot be lifted, the body? It is also alive if it is completely turned into a corpse..." Pei Jinnian looked at Cheng Yu after refuting, "When you recover, your mental influence can be controlled His consciousness, trapped him forever, and your blood..."

Pei Jinnian took out a silver box, which contained the previously made weapons, two pistols, and twelve bullets with transparent shells.

"Ordinary weapons won't hurt him? But if a bullet made of your blood touches his? body, it can make his? body? deactivate."

"Only? Cheng Yu's blood? Others? Awakened people??" Xie Xifa couldn't help asking.

"No? Their blood hasn't evolved yet." Pei Jinnian said, "Or hasn't it burned."

"The fever during that time?" Qiao Nan immediately responded, "No wonder it's so hot, it turns out that he was evolving his blood."

Listening to everyone's narration, it seems that everything is going very smoothly.Dr. Ren looked left and right in a panic, shaking his head constantly, trying to deny it.

"No, what we should do is to let everyone evolve into high-level corpses smoothly. You... don't you want to live forever? I can help you." Dr. Ren said excitedly. What you do must be what everyone desires, even if you are the same as those scientists who were not understood in the past, because they are hated and resented for doing things that are temporarily unacceptable to the public, but one day in the future, people will understand and will do it for She proved that they would appreciate her contribution to the future of humanity.

These people are obviously smart people, why can't they understand her painstaking efforts?

"Then can you guarantee that everyone will become a zombie king?" Shi Qin finally couldn't help looking at some crazy women and said.

This sentence made Dr. Ren stunned. Shi Qin asked very straightforwardly, but concealed a lot of meaning.

Is the Zombie King's manipulation of high-level corpses different from the Awakened's signing of the consciousness of high-level corpses?Although Cheng Yu can command and suppress Shao Yan, Shao Yan has an independent personality, and his emotions are his? His own? business. The two are more like modern bosses and employees, who hire and are hired. However, the Zombie King's relationship with high-level corpses is more like the relationship between a slave owner and a slave that completely controls and masters.

If not everyone becomes the zombie king, then everyone will always be just a high-level zombie, which is equivalent to having no independent personality, no independent thinking, no freedom to love and hate, and becoming a manipulated doll at any time. Is it fun?Is there any meaning to such eternal life?

When Dr. Qin Jianren was dumbfounded, he said: "You didn't? You thought so great, you just helped to create a monster that could destroy the entire human race, and let all people be brainwashed to become slaves of one person. If This is the future of mankind you want, so I will definitely resist to the end."

Dr. Ren's pupils shrank, as if he had received a huge shock.

"I'm also a scientist, but I think your idea is wrong. If it's really so good, people in the holy city have seen high-level corpses. Why are they so resistant to becoming high-level corpses? Don't everyone see the benefits of high-level corpses?" Qiao Nan shrugged his nose, "Because everyone knows that if you become a high-level corpse, you? Are you not yourself?"

Pei Jinnian said indifferently: "Dr. Ren, do you still have the wrong opportunity to save yourself? What is the composition ratio of the corpse potion and how to make it? Help us make the antidote, which is your forgiveness to the people of the Holy City."

Dr. Ren's whole body was in a state of collapse of faith, "I...I..."

Suddenly, Cheng Yu asked Pei Jinnian, "Can I use my mental power?"

Pei Jinnian smiled slightly, probably because they have known each other for many years. He understood Cheng Yu's meaning in an instant, just like Brother Pei in the past. Whenever Cheng Yu wanted to do something, Xie Xifa objected, but Pei Jinnian would gently agree. ?, and encourage them to do it.

In the next second, Cheng Yu's shining eyes looked towards Dr. Ren.

With just a click, the chains that locked Dr. Ren shattered under the influence of thoughts. Before Dr. Ren could react, he just glanced at Cheng Yu and met those eyes. Suddenly, Dr. Ren His pupils seem to have lost their color.

Even without Cheng Yu's verbal order, Dr. Ren was writing and drawing next to the laboratory table, chanting some words, and Pei Jinnian and Qiao Nan had all the answers they wanted.

When he came back to his senses, Dr. Ren had already lost its use value.

Dr. Ren wanted to say something in a daze, but fell into extreme pain the next second.He covered his head and started rolling on the ground.

"What happened to her?" Shi Qin asked in surprise.

"There is no useless person? It is necessary to keep it. What I said? I still have to honor it. Let her taste ten times the pain, and it can be regarded as revenge for so many innocent humans and awakened people. By the way, I will also take She practiced her hands." Cheng Yu said with a sneer.In the end, he disliked that Dr. Ren was too loud, so Cheng Yu directly sealed her mouth, so that she could only bear the pain silently.

But the Sunflower members who saw this scene did not look good.

In their view, Cheng Yu is a man who must take revenge. To him, even Dr. Ren, who doesn't have a lot of hatred, has been treated like this, let alone Pei Jinnian, who has the most hatred.I don't know how to torture their teacher when the potion is [-]% later. Obviously, in their view, their teacher is a good person, a good person who is really for the sake of human beings, why do they have to provoke such a terrible demon? .

But when they looked at their teacher, the teacher seemed to see nothing, and calmly took the time to start making the antidote for the corpse potion, and even seriously started discussing and analyzing with Qiao Nan, and devoted himself to research.Is he really not afraid that Cheng Yu will treat him like this later?They were anxious and looked at Yang Ping one after another, but Yang Ping signaled everyone to be calm.

They were busy inside, but Cheng Yu brought Shi Qin to the corridor outside to continue their time together, Cheng Yu should cherish every minute and every second now.

Shi Qin wanted to discuss serious matters, but was kissed by Cheng Yubidong on the wall, "I will take the medicine later, and I will solve all the problems quickly, and then we will stay together... ...Wherever you want??"

Time? Qin calculated the time, and suddenly felt that the time was just right, and his absolute defense would disappear in two days. It was time to make a quick decision during this period, so that he? function, and then...

"There is indeed a place I want to go." Shi Qin said with a smile, "You will accompany me when the time comes."

When Cheng Yu hugged him tightly? Qin Dao: "I will accompany you to the ends of the earth."

"But you still can't be careless. Although everything Pei Jinnian said just now is reasonable, and I believe you can definitely win, but you haven't practiced anything, you should be careful." Shi Qin Qin said: "You have to promise me one thing."

"Tell me." Cheng Yu Chong said.

"At that time, if you can use me, you must not refuse, let alone waste time and energy to protect me. I know your intentions, but I want you to make good use of it. I will fight with my advantage." Shi Qin said firmly.

Cheng Yu was taken aback for a moment, then fixedly looked at Shi Qin.

Shi Qin squinted his eyes and said, "You don't... never thought of taking me to the battlefield, did you?"

Just as Cheng Yu wanted to nod, he felt it? This? Don't talk nonsense, or else...

Shi? Qin pinched Cheng Yu's cheek and said, "I am a man and I want to protect my lover, so don't refuse me."

Cheng Yu's eyes fluttered, and when he hugged Qin Qin again, he took a deep breath and said, "Well, I want to be protected by you."

Shi? Qin smiled gratifiedly. When the two of them were having a sweet time, they suddenly heard movement in the laboratory.

Pei Jinnian was calling them? The medicine is ready.

The atmosphere in the room was also different, everyone was quietly waiting for Cheng Yu to drink the last tube of potion.

After drinking it, Cheng Yu really felt very different all over his body. The previous sense of mental burden was gone, and his temples, which had become a habit of pain, could not feel the throbbing. Feelings have become sharper.

"How do you feel?" Shi Qin looked worriedly.

Cheng Yu looked into Shi? Qin's eyes, but suddenly stretched out his hand to hook Shi? Qin's neck, hugged him and kissed him in front of everyone.

Shi? Qin Dunshi? Embarrassed, he broke free and said, "Ask how you feel!" What hooligans are you playing?

Cheng Yu's eyes seemed to be more charming than before, revealing a kind of magical power belonging to the strong, but Shi Qin felt that those eyes seemed to want to swallow him all the time, without distinction occasion and time.

Cheng Yu said with a smile: "I can do whatever you want more."

"Let me take a look..." Pei Jinnian observed the changes in Cheng Yu's eyes with a calm expression, and finally took a blood test to determine whether it was successful. Everything was in order.

After finishing even the blood bullets, Pei Jinnian closed the box, and finally took a deep breath and smiled.Muttered: "Finally? It's done."

At this moment? Suddenly, smoke bombs ignited in all directions in the room, and within two seconds, the room was plunged into thick fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

Shi Qin immediately protected Cheng Yu behind him. After all, no matter how strong it is, it is still a human body, and it needs to be protected.

Except for Shen Ye and Qiao Nan who yelled a few times, there was no sound.

In real time? Qin also guessed, maybe who did it, but this time...

Suddenly, Pei Jinnian's voice came from the corner where Pei Jinnian was standing.

Shi? Qin was surprised, why is he still there?

Sure enough, the next second was Yang Ping's roar: "Teacher! Follow me!"

Obviously Pei Jinnian? Cooperate with Yang Ping.

The smoke dissipated, everyone held weapons in their hands, but no one made a move. Everyone looked pretty, and the scene was very embarrassing.

Over there, Yang Ping held Pei Jinnian's hand, but Xie Xifa held Pei Jinnian's other shoulder.

Pei Jinnian just turned his head to look at Xie Xifa and said, "I didn't? I'm running, can you stop grabbing me? It hurts."

Xie Xifa's pupils shook, let go of his hand, and turned to look at Cheng Yu.

"Why don't you run?" Cheng Yu sneered.

"I'm also surprised that you didn't use your thoughts to fix me. Could it be that you have the heart to let me go? But this kind of kindness probably only lasts for a while? Qin You? You are absolutely impossible."

"It's nothing, it's just that I put a force on the door, as long as you dare to step out of the door, you will be minced." Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Pei Jinnian nodded and said, "Sure enough..."

Yang Ping was furious, "Why..."

Pei Jinnian let Yang Ping let go of his hand, and said, "It's nothing... When it comes to it? Do it? After everything is done, it's up to me to make amends."

"But you've helped them so much, can't you make up for it? And you've suffered a lot, isn't that enough?" Yang Ping's eyes were going to turn red, he believed everyone present, Even Cheng Yushi? Qin didn't have it? Pei Jinnian once? He suffered a lot, why didn't he let him go? What about this poor man?

Gritting her teeth, she turned her head to look at Cheng Yushi? Qin, "If you want to touch Teacher, kill me first!"

"kill me."

"And I……"

A group of Sunflower members who were just about to cooperate to escape immediately stood in front of Pei Jinnian one by one, glaring at Cheng Yu, as if he was the villain.Everyone will only think about problems from the perspective of the people they care about, which is understandable, but Cheng Yu will not soften his heart for a second because of their words.

He just sneered and said, "Want to die? I can do it."

"Cheng Yu, you have to be reasonable. What the teacher owes you, you have to torture him? Kill him? Pay it back, but what the teacher has done now, save you guys, help you evolve and deal with Guo Yi, how are you going to pay it back?"

Originally, Shi? Qin was a bit shaken by whether he wanted to kill Pei Jinnian, but when he heard Yang Ping say Cheng Yu, Shi? Are you selflessly helping us, or helping yourself? Don’t say it’s all for us, are you brainwashing us, or yourself?

Yang Ping was stunned, but Pei Jinnian smiled, "Yes, I just want to use you to solve the problem I want to solve. I can't do it myself, Sun? Kui can't do it, only Cheng Yuneng Do it? That's why I did it all."

"So, we don't need to pay back, it's a matter of mutual benefit. It's Cheng Yu who really takes the risk." Shi Qin stood in front of Cheng Yu with confidence and said: "The past things were all your thoughts for yourself. Why can’t you take revenge for the harm you have caused, and why should you treat Cheng Yu as a villain? After all, we are the victims, and we are not the ones who caused you harm.”

At that time, when Qin spoke, all the people present at the scene couldn't help bowing their heads.Cheng Yu stood behind Shi? Qin raised the corners of his mouth.

"That's right." Pei Jinnian smiled, so he didn't leave.


"I'm about to die, and I really feel guilty towards Cheng Yu, so it's good to make up for it before I die. I've made up my mind, so you don't have to worry about it." Pei Jinnian said lightly, "Have you already done what you should do? Do it, and you will remember in the future, live well, just live for yourself."

"Teacher!" Yang Ping still wanted to stop him.

However, Pei Jinnian said to Cheng Yu: "Cheng Yu, what you said? I will fulfill it, but I have a better way to get you revenge."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but looked at Pei Jinnian strangely, and Sun Kui's people were even more puzzled.Dr. Ren on the side has long been unconscious from the pain, isn't that enough?

Pei Jinnian looked down at his own body and said, "Actually, the torture you caused was indeed painful, but I have experienced worse ones in the Eastern Base, so those will not cause any blow to my spirit, no? For any meaning, how about I give it to you as an experiment, a mental cage, you try to create a prison to imprison me, and let me be trapped in the spiritual world forever to torture me."

"Are you crazy?" This time, the first person to speak was Xie Xifa.

The other people were also shocked. Even Cheng Yu frowned slightly, thinking that this person was simply looking for abuse.

According to what Pei Jinnian said about the spiritual cage, the other party's consciousness is pulled into an illusion by spiritual influence. Once the consciousness enters that illusion-like cage, it will never come out again. It will be trapped in it forever, and it will be endless inside. Time, repeating constantly, even if everything in the world perishes, there will be no perishing in it, you can't go crazy, you can't die, the cruelty of the illusion can be created by the creator, so it is true that life is worse than death .

"My most painful memory is when I was in the laboratory of the Eastern Base. If you take this part and create an illusion, it shouldn't take much effort, and you will imprison me there forever. In this can relieve your hatred, and I will also I can atone. Come on, I'm already mentally prepared." Pei Jinnian said calmly as if he was proposing punishment for others, but it made everyone who heard it feel terrified.

Sun? Kui's people immediately begged to stop.Shi Qin couldn't help holding Cheng Yu's hand. He really didn't think it was necessary to do this step.

Xie Xifa, who had been standing silently all of a sudden, had a flash in his eyes, he couldn't help but clenched his pistol tightly, and slowly approached Pei Jinnian, saying, "Cheng Yu...his life was picked up by me, if it wasn't Did I save him? No? It's a later thing."

Pei Jinnian frowned and looked at Xie Xifa, but Xie Xifa stepped forward and grabbed Pei Jinnian's wrist, pulled him to him, and put a gun against his forehead, but Pei Jinnian looked at Xie Xifa with the same expression, "I'm I feel that Cheng Yu will like the method I offer more. Xie Xifa, that is between me and him, and has nothing to do with you."

Xie Xifa's eyes were full of complex emotions, but more of resentment, "Oh, Nian Nian, I picked you up, I raised you, you lied to me for so long, so I should send you away "As he spoke, he leaned close to Pei Jinnian's ear, and said coldly, "You owe Chengyu, but you don't owe me anything? Pay it off, Pei Jinnian, do you want to meet him so easily? When? I don’t know what you’re thinking? Then my punishment for you is not to let you see him? I want you to die by my hands.”

Pei Jinnian's eyes flickered, and he looked at Xie Xifa in a complicated manner, and the other's face could be reflected in each other's eyes, both familiar and unfamiliar.He actually knew it, knew that Xie Xifa wanted to give him a good time, but Pei Jinnian was even more determined.

"Cheng Yu, if you don't do anything, your master will take away your only chance of revenge. Have you forgotten how your parents and your lover died?" Pei Jinnian suddenly snapped.

Xie Xifa's eyes changed, and he was about to speak.

Cheng Yu's complexion turned gloomy, "Hehehe... Do you think that? Am I stupid?"

Pei Jinnian was stunned, "This is the best punishment. Don't you think it's not enough?"

But Cheng Yu sneered and said: "If it was me, even if it was the most cruel memory, as long as I could still see the person I most wanted to see, even if I had to accept the most painful thing endlessly, I would still see it. Do you still want to use me before you die?"

Pei Jinnian's expression changed, and he said with a wry smile, "Obviously when I was young, you'll believe everything I say."

Yang Ping finally came to his senses, he stared blankly at Pei Jinnian, Shen Ye heard? Here finally? He said in a daze, "It's... because of that memory? Is it my brother?"

"We are in the same laboratory, and we were together in the most painful times." Pei Jinnian said with a smile: "At that time, they would comfort me, so I am not afraid of the pain."

The most painful memory, for Pei Jinnian, turned into a beautiful memory because of the existence of silence.He? He thought that Cheng Yu would agree, so he would just indulge in the memory of that time forever. Anyway, he was used to the pain.

"Unfortunately, it was discovered." Pei Jinnian said with a smile: "Then do whatever you want."

Cheng Yu was a little angry, facing such a person who was not afraid of death or pain, it seemed that any revenge was meaningless, because he?had?don't care about anything anymore.

At the time of the stalemate?, a 'bang' suddenly sounded from above.

When Cheng Yu hugged Qin Qin tightly, accompanied by the vibration of the underground laboratory, it was like an earthquake, and gravel and dust kept falling.

"Is it an earthquake?"

"No... something is attacking here." Cheng Yu said.

The words? As soon as the voice fell, countless huge tentacles pierced in from the ceiling.

Each of the tentacles probably has one? Three adult males tied together are as thick, and the moment they are stabbed, they are not soft, but as hard as steel. Not only the upper floor and ceiling are pierced into a hornet's nest, but even he? The solid ground we were standing on was not spared and was pierced.

In an instant, several people were wrapped up in tentacles and retreated. Dr. Ren and Pei Jinnian were all taken away.

There was no way to fight underground, so Cheng Yu immediately brought Shi Qin Fei to him.

As soon as he reached the ground, Shi Qin was dumbfounded. He thought he was teleported to No. [-] of Shi Guang City, a place full of giant corpses.

How old was the Eastern Base? Qin doesn’t know for the time being, but looking around now, it’s all giant corpses, almost covering the sky and the sun, as if entering a monster’s lair.

Suddenly Cheng Yu put Shi Qin down, looked coldly at one of the directions, and said coldly: "Not bad... I delivered it to my door, saving my time."

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