Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 246,Part2: 2 - Inherited Will

Chapter246,Part2: 2 - Inherited Will

Chapter 246 Inherited Will

Part 2

Maybe he didn’t expect it, Gaff-san’s face completely freezes.

Originally, this mask was a drop item. It may be valuable, but I don’t know its true value. If so, it would be better for the mask to be given to Gaff-san, who really understands the value of the mask.

I took Gaff-san’s hand and let him hold the mask. His rugged hand was damp with cold sweat. Is he surprisingly someone timid despite his bold appearance?

“You wanted it, didn’t you? I have been waiting for the right moment.” (Cry)

“W-Well that’s――B-But carrying this, I am still not ready, and my work, is only halfway――” (Gaff)

Maybe it is because he is confused, he is being incoherent.

I just *un un* that’s right nodded and randomly said something badass.

“No…… You did enough! Gaff-san, you have shown enough talent to carry this on!” (Cry)

“!?” (Gaff)

Now that I think about it, I feel that everything started because of this mask. I should not have had anything to do with the Fox Mask Fan Club.

Then I wouldn’t have gotten my hand on Key of the Earth, and Sytry would not have created a fake Princess. Luke would not have indiscriminately cut people either, nor would he have forced me to be a Hunter despite me having no talent, nor would Tino have gone through so much hardship because of Liz, yes, no doubt about it.

“I hope you will continue to do your best for the Fox Mask Fan Club! I would be happier if someone who wants that mask had it. I am just a guy who happened to get this mask, but as your predecessor, I am expecting a lot from you, do your best!” (Cry)

“How-However――What are the future guidelines and handover――” (Gaff)

“Guidelines…… Handover――No…… From now on, you are the guidelines!!!” (Cry)

“!?” (Gaff)

At my proclamation, Gaff-san opened his eyes to the limit.

I don’t want to do this anymore. I want to be free from these shackles as fast as possible. What did I do? Eh? You are telling me that it is my fault because I am not doing anything? Hahaaa……

“……………… If you have any problem, you should talk to Sora. For the time being, I think you should keep doing what we are doing right now.” (Cry)

After a moment of silence, I pushed everything onto Sora.

Since she knew I was a fake and insisted that I was the real, real thing, she should take at least that much responsibility.

Well, but…… You know what. Gaff-san seems to be a high-ranking member of the Fox Mask Fan Club, so I feel like everything would be fine. At least he would be better than me at being at the top, as I didn’t know what was going on at all.

Gaff-san looked at me for a while in silence but eventually nodded gravely.

“I respectfully――Accept your order. Boss.” (Gaff)

Good, good, good. Now everything is settled. Now all I have to do is to get surrounded by Luke and the others, protect the Key of the Earth, and give it back to the country when they are ready.

I don’t know anything about the bad foxes, but I am sure that the burning Baa-san will surely burn them.

“What will Boss do from now on?” (Gaff)

“Let me see…… I will leisurely observe the fight, maybe.” (Cry)

Well, I am talking about Kryhi, Luke, Touka, and the other people’s fights, you know. Let’s watch the fights with Tino while eating popcorn. That is why I came here in the first place.

In reality, it would probably have been better if I locked myself in my room, but unfortunately, I would not be safe at all if I stayed at home without any escort.

Gaff-san nodded as if he was very satisfied with what I said and looked at Sytry, who had been *niconico* smiling and silent all this time.

“By the way, who is that person next to you?” (Gaff)

Come to think of it, this is the first time he met Sytry. How should I introduce her to him――?

When I was hesitating, Sytry *pachin* snapped her hand with a big smile and said.

“I am his wife.” (Sytry)

You are saying this because you want to be hit, aren’t you?

§ § §

Somewhere in 【Cleat】. Three figures wearing fox masks were gathered in a room in the basement.

One is a slender young man. He is not huge, but his body is toned, and he has a calm, yet seamless appearance. His body did not have the intimidating aura of a powerful man, but there was a strange charisma about him that made people naturally bow down to him.

His face was covered with a white fox mask, so he was not recognizable.

He is one of the top Leaders of the 【Nine-Tails Shadow Fox (Kyubi no Kage Kitsune)】, the largest secret organization in the world. The man called “Boss” says in an unusually slightly irritated tone.

“The forces around here are already *gatagata* rattled. Nothing can be done.” (Boss)

The two people with a fox masks facing him――His two trusted subordinates say nothing and accept the Boss’s words with awe.

“All the members are frying Aburaage while being sure that they are following orders. Other organizations that were useful pawns have been thinned out by none other than us, and the center of command is in disarray. On top of that――There are suspicions that other Byakko may have intervened. It’s absolutely outrageous.” (Boss)

They understood that an intelligence network was primordial. They also understood that too much secrecy sometimes leads to discrepancies. But never in the history of the “Fox (Kitsune)” has the situation been this messy.

When on earth did they interfere? Why did they interfere? How did they do it? Is there really a traitor on the inside?

The only foxes that have been eroded are those in this vicinity, and while the organization itself is not yet on the brink of collapse, it cannot be overlooked, nor can they interfere in the Supreme Martial Arts Festival under these circumstances.

Maybe due to good timing, they successfully retrieved the Key of the Earth, the key to the operation, but this operation is not so light that it can be pushed through on that basis alone. What is needed first is to reorganize the organization.

Looking at the box containing the key to the earth, a man with a fox mask says in a cruel voice.

“We are withdrawing. But we will not retreat without doing anything.” (Boss)

If we back down at this point, the “Fox’s (Kitsune)” name will be tarnished.

It is unclear how the organization got into this mess, but the culprit can be predicted.

《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, the Level 8 Hunter. And the one who should have made the request to him, the Zebrudia Empire.

The man who completely prevented the assassination of Radrick Atrum Zebrudia by stopping 《Still Water (Shisui)》 and 《Dragon Caller (Ryuu Yobi)》 who was considered one of the best Magi even inside the “Fox (Kitsune)”.


It is also known that he has called on the Explore Association to fight the “Fox (Kitsune)”. If we do not destroy him now, he will continue to stand as an enemy of the organization.

To begin with, people who are capable of defeating a Level 8 Hunter are rare even in the organization. We cannot afford to let more human resources be exhausted for no good reason, nor can we allow him to get away with it.

Crush him with my own hands. On a grand stage. We will retaliate against Zebrudia.

“Fox (Kitsune)” is vindictive. We will make our name that was previously only known in the underworld reverberate in the public world.

“I will take care of 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. And you will kidnap the princess. Don’t be picky on how to do it, let’s carve the “Fox’s (Kitsune)” mark on the Supreme Martial Arts Festival.” (Boss)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Ooooh, saw volume 6 picture in the wikia. Lucia in her kitsune form is so cute!

And the real Boss is finally on the move! He should have run with his tail between his legs.

Now he is gonna regret ever defying Cry!

Tchao à plus!

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