Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 256,Part1: 1 - Supreme Martial Arts Festival ⑧

Chapter256,Part1: 1 - Supreme Martial Arts Festival ⑧

Chapter 256 Supreme Martial Arts Festival ⑧

Part 1

Zebrudia Empire is a great nation. And the Zebrudia Imperial Family, which stands at the top of the Empire, has produced outstanding individuals from generation to generation.

One of the abilities required as one of Zebrudia Imperial Family is military prowess.

A strong nation demands a strong king. With the rise of Treasure Hunters, the Level of the warriors rose greatly, but even today, it was still one of the pillars of the Empire.

The current Emperor, Radrick Atrum Zebrudia, is also known as a great warrior and holds the title of Dragon Slayer. Although Zebrudia has many enemies, no one has ever succeeded in assassinating a member of the Imperial Family.

Amidst such a powerful Zebrudia Imperial Family, the only one who was seen as a weakness was the Imperial Princess, Murina Atrum Zebrudia.

Zebrudia also has a Prince, but the Imperial Princess Murina was unique among Zebrudia’s Imperial Family.

She is timid and does not make public appearances, and her contact with others is minimal. Maybe because of this personality, her martial arts skills, which are considered essential for the Imperial family, are below average.

Normally, member of the Zebrudia’s Imperial Family show their qualities by the time they are in their teens――Even before they turn ten if they are outstanding, but this Imperial Princess has yet to show any talent.

Perhaps out of concern for the current situation, or perhaps because the Emperor of a great nation was also the son of a man, the current Emperor paid special attention to Princess Murina.

He always assigns the best Imperial Guard as her escort and takes her with him to conferences. It appears that he is careful to ensure that the Princess does not remain alone in the country.

Weakness is a sin in Zebrudia. But to the Emperor of Zebuldia, the Princess is special.

It was only natural that the Princess was chosen as the 『Fox’s (Kitsune)』 target.

Radrick stood out as a politician. He overrode the opposition of many nobles and instituted numerous policies favoring Hunters, and as a result, Zebrudia is now at the peak of its prosperity.

Naturally, his personal security is top class. As he is an excellent warrior himself, it is not easy to assassinate the Emperor in the castle, and on his brief outing――On his way to the Conference, his assassination ended in a failure.

Since the failure of 《Still Water (Shisui)》 who was a top-notch assassin as well as the Magi, 《Dragon Caller’s (Ryuu Yobi)》 Kechackchacka, who possessed unique power, the 『Fox (Kitsune)』 would have to exert a great deal of force to break through the Emperor’s protection. Even if they succeeded in assassinating him, the organization would have to suffer a great deal of damage.

They had already lost 《Still Water (Shisui)》 and 《Dragon’s Caller (Ryuu Yobi)》, two of their top-class Magi. Zebrudia was not the 『Fox’s (Kitsune)』 only enemy, so they cannot afford to lose any more power in the organization.

Even if they succeeded in assassinating the Emperor after all the suffering, Zebrudia also has an excellent Prince who inherited his blood.

At the loss of their excellent leader, people’s anger would be gathered under the Prince’s banner and would be directed at the weakened 『Fox (Kitsune)』. Since the Empire trusted Magi called 《Still Water (Shisui)》 can no longer be used as an assassin, that move would not be a wise one.

That was why the assassination of the Princess was necessary. If the assassination of the Princess, who was under the protection of the Emperor, was successful, people’s resentment would turn towards the Emperor.

It would show the 『Fox’s (Kitsune)』 power and invite infighting. It would also put a crack on the united Zebrudia.

It’s nothing compared to the huge plans that were originally planned, but it will also be bad for them.

The timing of the raid is the moment when the Imperial Guard protecting the Princess is at its thinnest――The moment when the Boss appears.

Security at the Supreme Martial Arts Festival is thin. The guards brought by Zebrudia are also few in number. Essentially, the contestants will be the major bottleneck in conducting the raid, but all of their attention will be drawn to the boss who has appeared in the arena.

At the moment when all attention is focused on the arena, the Imperial Guards protecting the Princess would be at their thinnest.

Zebrudia’s Imperial Guards is a group of elite, but if there are only a few of them, they can be handled.

――Was what it was supposed to be.

“Impossible……” (Kitsune l)

“Kil, kil……?” (Kilkill-chan)

With a mysterious expression on her face, the Imperial Princess knocked down the series of daggers attacks that were closing in in an instant.

Her white hand was holding a sword. It was a sword with Zebrudia’s crest engraved on it which was dropped by the Imperial Guard who had been protecting the Princess.

Clearing up the guard was easy. There were fewer guards than we had anticipated beforehand, and there was no sense of tension that they would have normally had when guarding an important person. A surprise blow mowed down their consciousness and they couldn’t even launch a good counterattack.

And yet, even though the last hurdle has been cleared and all that remains is to assassinate the Princess――The Princess herself cannot be defeated.

My hands were numb, even though I had just received one single blow. Her terrifying arm strength, which could not be believed to have been coming out from her slender arm, was undoubtedly that of someone wielding Mana Material as her power.

We got our priorities wrong. We should have taken care of the Princess instead of the guards in the first ambush. We should not have given them time. We were misled by previous information. I regret it, but it is too late now.

It was also a failure that one of the three men who were supposed to be in charge of the attack was wounded in a painful counterattack by the guard. In front of the three fox mask men, there was no tension in the expression of the Princess.

“Tsk!” (Kitsune 1)

With my companion, we simultaneously attack her from left and right. The Princess spun lightly in response to the slash, which was timed asynchronously.

A normal person’s legs would have been tangled, but hers were as light as if they were dancing.

My blow with all my strength was easily repelled by her spinning white blade. Normally if you spin around on a battlefield like that you would only expose an opening especially if you are surrounded.

However, the seemingly random and powerful slash released by the Princess completely caught our attack.

“Kil, kil, kil.” (Kilkill-chan)

What terrific dynamic vision. Her supple muscles and body language are the movements of one who is completely accustomed to doing those movements. These are not the movements of someone who needs protection.

To begin with, there was absolutely no hesitation in her blow, as there should absolutely have in an amateur’s attack. There was no fear in her clear eyes.

If you show an opening――You will be killed.

The fact that I did not bring the weapon I usually used because it was inappropriate for an assassination backfired on me.

The girl in front of me is――A monster. What was all that talk about her being timid and not demonstrating any talent yet?

The Princess, who had repelled our attacks, lowered herself and stepped forward with the same momentum. For a moment, her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

“Kil, killuuu?” (Kilkill-chan)

“Tsk…… Fuuuh……!” (Kitsune 1)

There is also the question about why she is only saying kill, kill.

I caught her blade with mine and managed to parry and deflect it. Sharp metallic sounds continuously reverberated.

Each blow is heavy. In addition, the impact is getting stronger and stronger. Are you telling me that she is not serious yet?

Even attacks made from behind her by my companion were handled with such ease that one was tempted to think that she had eyes in her back. This is not the work of a human being.

Then the companion who was wounded and retreated in the back snapped his fingers. It was our signal.

I repelled her attack with all my strength and moved to the side to distance myself. The Princess opened her eyes in wonder.

――And then, the Princess was engulfed in black flames.

The Princess burned up like a torch without a single scream. My companion who released the Magic let out a rough breath while protecting his arm, which was cut severely.

“Haaaa, haaaa…… Zebrudia…… To think that a mere Princess can have this much power――” (Kitsune 3)

“I should have noticed it when the number of escorts was so small――We have to withdraw before people gathered――” (Kitsune 1)

When I was about to finish my sentence, it happened.

The burning Princess staggered greatly. And with the same momentum, she hugged one of my companions and pushed him down.

“Killuuu!!!!” (Kilkill-chan)

“!? That’s ridiculous――That was Advanced Level Magic!?” (Kitsune 3)

My companion who cast the Magic yelled in surprise.

“Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill――” (Kilkill-chan)


When the Princess got on top of him, she hit my companion several times and leaped up like a spring.

It was like a scene coming straight from a nightmare.

The stench of burning flesh. The Princess approached to attack with her whole body enveloped in flames. Her hand already no longer held the sword.

I quickly crossed my arms and defended myself. A small fist thrusts from below me. A tremendous impact, which would make me think that I had not guarded against, rushed through my entire body.

My body which should have been strengthened with Mana Material was crooked and my bones creaked. Black flames spread through both of my hands, and an intense pain rushed through me.

To attack without a single scream while being burned all over by those flames, she cannot be human.

Time was running out. If this keeps going on, people will come. We will be wiped out.

“Retreat! Retreaaaat!” (Kitsune 1)

It is okay, she was hit by an offensive Advanced Level Magic. She is seriously wounded, it is enough… Enough to show how much of a threat the “Fox (Kitsune)” is.

My companion who had fallen――No, it is useless. We can’t afford to take him with us. I ran while looking back as fast as I could. My other companion followed me while holding his arm.

“Kill, ki…… Ll…… Gill, Gill, gill, gill, gill, gill, gill…… Ki… Ll……” (Kilkill-chan)

How can she still move?

――Something engulfed in flames was chasing after us while roaring.

§ § §

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Gogogo Kilkill-chan!

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