Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 261,Part2: 2 - Winner and Loser ②

Chapter261,Part2: 2 - Winner and Loser ②

Chapter 261 Winner and Loser ②

Part 2

The Boss finally breathed a sigh of relief when he reached a safe house that the organization uses during emergencies in a nearby town.

I scolded my body, which was complaining due to the fatigue, and used Potions to heal my wounds and Magic power. For the time being, the biggest crisis is over, but I must not let my guard down yet.

The organization also envisioned an all-out war with the Empire, but that was not until a long time in the future. The Key of the Earth, our trick in our sleeve has also been lost, so a difficult battle is about to begin.

What happened to my subordinates who were in charge of assassinating the Princess?

If they had succeeded, they would be back at headquarters. If by any chance they failed――They would already be dead.

I close my eyes and rest my body while keeping my attention on my surroundings. In my mind, I see the girl with a fox mask who saved me.

Her appearance, her extraordinary power, the fox mask she wears. If she is not a member of the organization, there is only one answer that comes to mind.

【Lost Inn】, the Treasure Shrine that led to the establishment of 『Nine-Tails Shadow Fox (Kyubi no Kage Kitsune)』. It is said that God’s kin like there.

Once upon a time, the founder of 『Nine-Tail Shadow Fox (Kyubi no Kage Kitsune)』 encountered the Treasure Shrine and was bestowed with a fox mask by the gods who lived there.

The organization has a rule that anyone who comes across that Treasure Shrine and obtains the mask will be accepted as a person recognized by God.

The belief in the Fox God is one of the pillars of the organization. But at the same time, it is just a stipulation.

The term accepted as a person recognized by the gods means that the organization appoints that powerful person as a top executive as he encounters the 【Lost Inn】 and through fateful circumstances was able to obtain the mask, which is a drop item of a Phantom. That’s all.

In other words, the acquisition of the mask is only meant as a trial to bring in the strong.

Even the special status given to the priestess isn’t because of some deep reason. 『Nine-Tails Shadow Fox (Kyubi no Kage Kitsune)』 is in the end a derivation of an intelligence agency.

Naturally, there is no cooperative relationship between the Phantoms of the 【Lost Inn】 and the organization. In the long history of the organization, there have been several times when the organization has fallen into crisis, but the Phantoms of that Treasure Shrine have never saved the organization. In the first place, it is against providence for a Phantom to appear outside of its Treasure Shrine.

The girl with a fox mask said to the Boss, 『Kikkikan-san’s enemy. I’ll let you go……………… This time, it is my win!』.

What did her words really mean? Who is Kikkikan-san? Is it his real name? Or is it a nickname? How do you get a nickname like that? Why is letting the Boss escape a win for her?

No matter how much I think about it, I cannot find an answer. If I had to guess from the situation, it would seem that 『Kikkikan-san』 is referring to the 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 that was facing the Boss at that time, but――.

…… It is no use, what I need right now is to rest.

The structure of the organization is in shambles. Fighting 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 in the state is――Too dangerous.

Whatever the identity of that fox mask girl is, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I should assume that we have gained a strong ally and use her.

――Just as I was thinking this, a voice suddenly called out to me from behind.

“Kuh, kuh, kuh…… Looks like you got beaten up pretty badly――『Kuubi (Void Tail)』.” (?)

It was a woman’s voice with a chilling resonance. The Boss opened his eyes and sighed at the sound of a voice that showed no sign of her personality.

Before he knew it, a tall shadow appeared in the room. She was dressed in a loose-fitting kimono and carried a sword at her waist. Her face was covered with a mask similar to the one worn by the Boss.

”Nine-Tails Shadow Fox (Kyubi no Kage Kitsune)” has multiple tails. There is more than one top executive with a mask.

“…… Insolent. 『Kenbi (Sword Tail)』 this is my territory.” (Kuubi)

“Can you even say that――Do you think I know nothing? I have heard――The rumors. It seems the organizational structure is almost unmaintainable, and the headquarters is in disarray.” (Kenbi)


Being hit at a sore spot, the Boss――『Kuubi』, one of those who stand at the top of the organization, frowned.

Kuubi directly controls a large area centered on Zebrudia. This time, it is only a small part of the area that has been reduced to chaos by 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 but it is also the most important part.

The pain of this failure is not at the same level as losing the major assets called 《Stillwater (Shisui)》 and 《Dragon Caller (Ryuu Yobi)》.

Normally, it is against the rules for a Boss to show up unannounced on another Boss’s territory. Kenbi is a superhuman who rose to the top executive position with just one sword, but she is not so incompetent that she cannot understand this.

Above all, Kenbi’s fighting ability is high. She has managed to get around all the unmanageable obstacles with just her sword alone, so her pure killing power is one of the best in the organization. This is also the reason why Kenbi is recognized among the “Fox (Kitsune)” even though they value people that make schemes.

“However, I know his MO. The chaos will soon calm down. There are no problems.” (Kuubi)

And that’s when Kuubi opened his eyes.

No…… It was a stroke of luck that Kenbi came here.

No matter who 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 is, his guard should be down now.

It is a shame that I can’t do it myself, but if I send this woman to assassinate him, everything will turn around.

Once 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 dies, the Empire should become a little more docile.

Above all else, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 could be the natural predator of the organization. It is best to destroy him here.

And there, Kenbi said in a calm voice.

“I understand the situation, generally speaking. By the way, Kuubi, how――Did you get out of that enclosure? It must have been difficult for you to escape even if you use all your strength there――” (Kenbi)

I see, you had already planned something in advance. That’s also against the organization’s rules, but now I am thankful for that.

Kenbi took a deep breath and tried his best to answer calmly.

“………… Believe it or not, I was saved by the Fox God’s kin. God is blessing the organization.” (Kuubi)

“……………………………… I see.” (Kenbi)

Kenbi’s answer was unexpectedly straightforward.

Without any further questioning――She pulled her weapon from her waist with a natural motion.

The blade was over one meter long. The curved blade has a unique blade crest. The blade, which is reminiscent of the depths of the ocean, is more like a work of art than a piece of weaponry and has an appeal that draws you in.

A blade with a quiet radiance. It looks like she was just standing there, but there was no opening nor carelessness in her.

“…… What do you think you are doing?” (Kuubi)

My strength is almost back. There is no problem with using my techniques. Kenbi snickered a small laugh as she met Kuubi’s gaze.

“When I was thinking what kind of excuse you will use, to think you will use a god as one…… Kuubi, who was known for his ruthless pragmatism and schemes, has fallen from grace. You are suspected of using a strategic weapon, the Key of the Earth, without permission in order to endanger the organization, and plotting a civil war by secretly giving masks to your subordinates to throw the headquarters into chaos. Now――You’re going to disappear.” (Kenbi)

“…… Say what!?” (Kuubi)

At her unexpected words, I stood up and glared at Kenbi. Although I could not read Kenbi’s expression because it was hidden by her mask, her voice was filled with contempt and pity.

Her Katana Relic――The smooth-looking blade was pointed at me.

“Don’t worry, the “Fox (Kitsune)” won’t die. It’s just that a new tail will grow back. I should thank 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 for stopping the wave of destruction in its tracks. Command around Zebrudia’s area will be handed over without any problems.” (Kenbi)

Did she say 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》!?

At her word, a revelation descended on Kuubi.

The events that have taken place up until now flash through Kuubi’s mind like a revolving lantern.

When you think about it calmly, 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 actions at Cleat were too accurate and too deadly for the organization. It was as if――The Boss’s actions,? all the operations that took place at Cleat were already known.

No strategist would be able to pull off such a maneuver without knowing the “Fox’s (Kitsune)” every move and policy.

And then――The saving grace from the Fox God’s kin that appeared at the perfect moment.

If there is any possibility of someone manipulating the Fox God’s kin, it can be none other than a priestess.

If all these strategies were all to bring Kuubi down, then――.

In order to do all those things without being discovered by Kuubi, you need power. Help from someone at the top executive level.

I knew that there were rumors of a possible civil war circulating at the headquarters.

At the time, I thought it was just a boring joke, but――.

I get up and start to circulate my Magic.

I have heard that Kenbi is not good at strategizing, but――Was that all a bluff?

“Tsk………… Don’t tell me, you――Used 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》―― To start a civil war.” (Kuubi)

“? Hmph, I see, further negotiations are pointless.” (Kenbi)

Kenbi snickered At Kuubi’s――At the traitor’s question and held her sword at his eye level.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading! And thank you Chulbom for the Ko-fi!

Pffff do you think Cry needs the cooperation of a Kitsune’s Boss to think of his plan to destroy you?

Of course not, because Cry is the Divine Strategist and has everything in the palm of his hands!

And also Kenbi didn’t you know?

The strongest swordsman (here swordswoman in her case) does not use a Relic sword to kill the enemy, but a wooden sword!

Tchao à plus!

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