Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 263,Part1: 1 - Winners and Losers ④

Chapter263,Part1: 1 - Winners and Losers ④

Chapter 263 Winners and Losers ④

Part 1

“So, you were…………………… A famous Hunter, I see.” (Kryhi)

With deep emotions, Kryhi Andrichhi, who had brought along his companions in droves, started the conversation with this.

This incident was awful in many ways, but if I had to name the biggest victim, it would probably be Kryhi Andrichhi.

I got bad luck because I was forced to participate in the Supreme Martial Arts Festival without knowing anything about it, and for some reason, I had been showered with lightning because of him, but he was also misfortunate to be mistaken for me and be attacked by that fox mask guy.

However, Kryhi’s demeanor was calm as usual.

It seems he didn’t mind that I was hiding the fact that I am Level 8.

Well, leaving aside my name, my Alias 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 is relatively well-known, so him not knowing about it is weird――.

If Sytry had been there, she would have successfully managed the conversation instead, but unfortunately, she was away for work today.? Lucia, Anthem, and Liz weren’t there either.

I had no one to rely on, so I was silent and didn’t know what to say when Kryhi continued.

“I wanted to come to see you sooner, but it was only this morning that I was finally able to move. I pushed myself too hard on that last blow.” (Kryhi)

“…… Aaaaaah, you mean the one that hit me, huh.” (Cry)

I remember…… It was the one that reaped my last Barrier Ring. If you think about it, I haven’t been attacked by the “Fox (Kitsune)”, but I have been hit a lot by Kryhi……

The reason why Lightning Magic is called the Magic of heroes is because of its high power, but also because its difficulty level is one of the highest among all types of Magic. Its high degree of difficulty also includes the difficulty of controlling it.

To put it simply, Lightning Magic is good for burning off large areas, but it is difficult to hit a specific target.

Even if the control of the spell is perfect, if there is an Anthem or a very unfortunate man nearby, there is a high probability that it will be sucked in that direction.

You are asking me how I know that? Because Lucia told me!

Lucia does not use Lightning Magic, but now you know why, don’t you? I will never forget the look on Lucia’s face when she accidentally hit me the first time she cast Lightning Magic.

Kryhi nodded largely at my words, held his forehead, and brushed his hair back. It was a somewhat awkward gesture, but it suited him well.

“I heard what happened.? It’s my loss, I heard that you were cutting corners in that match in order to lure the “Fox (Kitsune)”.” (Kryhi)

“……………… Hm?” (Cry)

How did the story get so twisted that he would come to such a conclusion?

There is nothing that could be further from the truth. Looks like rumors are really nonsensical.

But even if I wanted to tell the truth――It is pretty complex. It is very complicated to explain, especially the part where the me that Kryhi was fighting was the me that wasn’t me.

When I checked behind me, Luke, who was in the room for escort duty, was nodding knowingly. You definitely didn’t get it, did you……

He is a fiery man, but he is indifferent to things that do not interest him. It is regrettable that the group with common sense is not in the room with me.

For a moment, Luke and I met eye to eye. Luke nodded, stepped forward, and said with a *yareyare* good grief sigh.

“You don’t understand. He was cutting corners? You’re wrong. That’s all Cry’s strategy. I don’t get it either tho’.” (Luke)

If you don’t get it, I want you to stay silent……

Hmmmm, What kind of response would allow me to settle this matter amicably? Even if I can’t tell the truth, I would like to clear up the misunderstanding Kryhi has.

Kryhi looked at me with a serious expression.

“Cry, tell me one thing. Was it an act too when you were blown away by my lightning?” (Kryhi)

!! It’s here!

At least…… At least let me make myself seem like a smaller fish! But seriously, why do I have to work so hard to make a small fish look even smaller!

“………… No, I can’t do that kind of acting. I can’t go into details, but――It was a terrifyingly powerful Lightning Magic. I only know of one person who could use Lightning Magic better than Kryhi.” (Cry)

No ordinary hero could have unleashed that much Lightning. I have holes in my eye, so I don’t know much about Hunters’ strength, but if it is just the way they handle Lightning, he is probably better than the level 7 Hunter――――Arnold from 《Fallen Mist (Kiri no Rai Ryuu)》.

Then who is a better user than him, you say? Well, of course, it is――Ark Rodin. I am a fan of Ark and also because the length of my relationship with him is far longer than Kryhi’s. The number of requests I have made to him is just not the same.

Kryhi closed his eyes at my words and remained silent, but eventually nodded slowly.

“I see…… I guess it was as I expected. However, it was something I didn’t want to believe. I’ve always thought I was second to none when it came to dealing with lightning――But I have to admit it.” (Kryhi)

Kryhi looked straight at me. His fists were clenched in frustration, and they were *furufuru* shaking. Hunters are always so competitive.

But, it can’t be helped. After all, your opponent is that Ark Rodin from 《Silver Lightning Star (Ginsei Banrai)》. In addition, it even contains favoritism in my judgment. I would give him 99 without a second thought. He would have 100 points if he could improve the part where he is not here when I want him to be there.

Then, Kryhi clearly said to me who was smiling.

“I’ll admit it, Cry Andrich. You are――A better “Emperor of Lightning (Raitei)” than me.” (Kryhi)

“…………………… Yes?” (Cry)

What is this guy talking about? Has he been hit by Lightning so hard that his head has gone poof? Does 《Infinite Sky Flower (Senten Banka)》 mean that he has a flower garden in his head?

When I was speechless, Kryhi continued. His voice was quiet but filled with a strange passion.

“You don’t have to hide, I know. You――You absorbed my power by daring to receive my lightning!” (Kryhi)

“!? Receiving Lightning and absorbing its power!? What’s that, that’s so coooool! Cry, I’ll do that next time too!” (Luke)

Luke’s eyes immediately light up as he gets on board with a logic I couldn’t understand.

The tsukkomi role. Someone please play the role of the tsukkomi.

“The power of that mysterious fox mask and the power of the Key of the Earth that I felt just before I fainted isn’t something that could be stopped by a human mage! Yes, that is unless you borrow the power of Mother Nature! No, that’s not the only reason behind my thoughts. The lightning that was supposed to be aimed at the “Fox (Kitsune)”, you caught it with your body! You twisted the magic cast by another Magi, received it, and turned it into your own power. This is a realm I do not know. At that time, you were without a doubt the “Emperor of Lightning (Raitei)”――No, wrong………… You are the one who is above the “Emperor of Lightning (Raitei)”――You are the 《God of Lightning (Raijin)》!” (Kryhi)

I caught it… you say――You are the one who sent it towards me! I will take my hat off to you for that crazy idea.

Don’t tell me Kryhi Andrichhi is………… Someone bad?

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

I want to see Lucia showing her Lightning Magic to Strange Grief but the lightning suddenly bends and hits Cry!

Lucia shocked face ∑(???〃) Nii-san!!!

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