Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 320.1: Drifting Road of the Divine Tree

Chapter 320.1: Drifting Road of the Divine Tree

Anthem-san Do you think he is stressed out? (Lucia)

Anthem's rampage is so overwhelming that Lucia looks at it as if she is looking at something with sorry. Kicking away the swarming Battle Ants in all directions, Anthem moves forward. Trees and ants burst open and pierce the ground with a roaring sound. No one who knew Anthem in the past would look at him today and recognize that he was the small, kind-hearted young man he was (Although he still has a kind heart).

Maybe it is because Cry-san is here for the first time in a while, so Onii-chan is also enthusiastic (Sytry)

Sytry, who is driving the carriage, follows up, but can you really call that a follow-up?

Tino shouts as she kicks away a Battle Ant that evaded Anthem's attack with a move that even seems graceful.

Onee-sama, there are so many of them! Battle Ants aren't supposed to be Monsters that appear in a forest like this!! (Tino)

Her voice is harsh, but despite moving so intensely, her expression shows she still has some leeway. Her growth rate is fast to begin with, but she seems to be growing at a remarkable rate these days, making me happy as her Senpai, but at the same time I feel lonely these days. She even mastered how to operate the carpet ahead of me

Liz, who had been working with Tino to eradicate those that Anthem's missed, suddenly looks at me and shouts.

In other words, that's what you mean, right! Cry-chan? (Liz)

Un, un, that's right. (Cry)

It is common for Monsters that are not supposed to appear to appear, and it is also common for higher-ranked species to appear. To begin with, heroic tales are always full of ups and downs. Kruz wipes the sweat from her forehead while continuing to cast offensive Magic in a situation where it seems like she would hit the enemies no matter where she shoots and says.

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Haa, haa We-Well, it's still better than Chill Dragons appearing in a town, desu. (Kruz)

Right, right, riiight! Once you have been through a terrible experience once, you will start to compare it from the second time onwards. As you can imagine, even I don't always keep updating my ranking of dangerous incidents.

However, I did think about it when they were fighting against that "Demon King (Maou)" or something, but this time, our Party really has a high offensive power.

Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei) is originally a Party that excelled in annihilation power, but with the addition of Lapis and the others, who shoot magic as if they are breathing, a terrifying breakthrough power is created. The Battle Ants that swarm from all directions are not keeping them at bay at all. Even if they are armed, after all, they are still swords, so their reach could not be greater than Magic. The Magi from Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai) who cast offensive Magic are graceful, brutal, and exactly like the Spirit People that humans imagine.

So this is, war, huh. (Cry)

Hmph. To think that Monsters like those would appear in a forest managed by Spirit People Moreover, I can sense a clear intention to hinder our movement. Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka

), do you know anything about this? (Lapis)

Lapis glances at me as she cuts through 5 Battle Ants that appear with her wind blade.

Needless to say, I know nothing about it and in the first place, it was not my intention to enter the forest this time. Just as I was about to open my mouth to object, Eliza, who had heard the conversation, chided me.

Now is not the time to talk about this. We should hurry to the meeting place. (Eliza)

Really, you are absolutely right. Let's take the time to talk about it at night after we get to Yggdra. (Lapis)

Should I say that it is a nice follow-up or should I be sad that I lost the opportunity to defend myself? I am at a loss as to whether or not to object immediately, but I can see that it was going to turn into an argument, so I just shrug my shoulders. She might forget to talk to me about it once night arrives

But even though the other side has a sword, Luke, the main-interested person, has turned into a statue (Cry)

He did say he wanted to try cutting a thousand people (Lucia)

Says Lucia as she manipulates water to catch the countless arrows that are shot toward us. I don't know what's going on, but this time Luke is really unlucky.

Uoooooooooooooooooooh!! (Anthem)

Well, Anthem-san is on a rampage, so he wouldn't be able to get in that easily. (Lucia)

Anthem, who is the most swarmed by the ants, agitates and roars. With just that, the ants that are clinging to him *barabara* fall apart and are blown away by his thick arms and legs. When Anthem is on a rampage, his aim becomes amateurish The only one who can cut in during Anthem's fight is Lucia.

Sytry, who is in the driver seat, *pon* claps her hands and says.

Indeed, the enemy goal seems to be slowing us down. They are sacrificial soldiers We might be too slow with the carriage. Let's leave it here. (Sytry)

Haaah!? Leaving aside if we agree to leave the carriage or not, what about the horses, desu! (Kruz)

? Our horses are well trained enough to run away from hordes of Monsters and return home by themselves. Is it different for Starlights (Hoshi no Seirai) horse? (Sytry)

Lapis frowns at what Sytry says. A horse that can pull a Hunter's carriage and travel through uncharted territory is precious. In particular, the horse that pulls Starlight's (Hoshi no Seirai) carriage is so beautiful that even I, who isn't really interested in such things, would fall in love with it, so I get that they would be hesitant to abandon it.

Or rather, there is a slight error in Sytry's remarks. Rather than training them, in the end, only those horses survived. Our carriage has been attacked too many times, you know However, this time there is no need to abandon them. We have Mimic-kun with us. The horse is huge, but Mimic-kun's mouth is also big, so if we force it a little bit, we should be able to get them in. We will have no choice but to give up on the carriage tho'

I am glad to see that my Relics are useful after all these years. I knew it, the Magic Bag is the most excellent Relic after all.

When I snap my fingers, I order Mimic-kun.

I thought so when we first fought against him, butSo strong!! What overwhelming power. Seriously, what kind of Monster is that? It is more powerful than Zork Where does it live? (Quint)

Says Quint with his eyes shining as he peers into the Mirror of Reality. In the mirror, a giant was kicking away a swarm of Battle Ants with a single touch of his armor. Battle Ants are highly social Monsters. In combat, their coordination is on par with that of skilled human soldiers. The way he forcefully breaks through the encircling formations composed of highly coordinated ants is impressive, even from the point of view of an enemy.

All I know now is that it's a humanoid oneee. I'm more interested in that treasure chest Monsteeeer. (Uno)

It was shocking to see it swallow the horses. It is probably not to feed the Monster, so he can probably get them out freely. There are likely some restrictions, but its convenience is comparable to that of the Mirror of Reality. If it is possible, I want him to tell me where he got it.

After all, the enemy has a considerable amount of power. We will be subjected to a painful experience if Night Parade (Hyakki Yako) consider them as the same enemies we have dealt with so far. I was convinced after the first and second rounds. At the very least, the current us lack a decisive factor. Moreover, Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) has not yet shown any clear action.

But then again, unknown Monsters are good things. In response to Uno and Quint who are having a heated discussion, I snort and say.

But, we were able to stall him. No He let us stall him, should I say? So this is the Drifting Road of the Divine Tree, huh? It looks just like an old gate (Adler)

A few hours after walking while being led by the guiding tool. The moss-covered rock gate that suddenly appeared in the middle of the animal trail is strangely mysterious, but it looks like nothing more than a simple ruin.

Beyond the gate is a forest and the guiding tool is pointing to the far end of the grove beyond where there is no road.

It's a Magical Road, isn't it It doesn't look different from the outside. You wouldn't even notice this normally. (Adler)

But if you focus, you can feel a very slight mysterious power at work. I'm sure there's something going on thereeee. (Uno)

Inside the gate. The dark green forest is quiet, and there is hardly any sound of the wind. On the contrary, that fact indicates that what is beyond the gate is not just a simple forest.

Adler, who has been staring deep into the forest with narrowed eyes, kicks the stone irritably. The Star-Eater loitering nearby moves its antennae sprouting from the top of its head as if to show its vigilance. Most Monsters are nothing more than food for the Ancient Star-Eater Centipede.

That's unusual Star-Eater seems to be quite excited too. Apparently, what awaits us is quite a formidable foe. Are you ready for this? (Adler)

Of courseee! (Uno)

It is too late to talk about going back, My King. I'll subdue a Monster stronger than that Immutable Permeance (Fudo Fuhen)! (Quint)

Uno and Quint follow Adler, who passes through the gate without hesitation. Zork shakes the earth and follows, while Star-Eater howls and forces its way through the gate.

Cracks run through the gate that collides with its tough armor and collapses. Then silence fell.

Thanks for reading! Strange Grief's horse are OP, they are the ultimate survivors! Ooooh so the correct gate now has cracks because of Adler What will happen if Cry, the god of misfortune goes through it!?

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