Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 322,Part1: 1 - Drifting Road of the Divine Tree ③

Chapter 322,Part1: 1 - Drifting Road of the Divine Tree ③

Chapter 322 Drifting Road of the Divine Tree ③

Part 1

I blink my eyes and check the faces of the people around me.

I see Eliza’s bewildered expression and Sytry’s smiling face despite being in a situation like this. And――The cold stares of 《Starlight’s (Hoshi no Seirai)》 Members.

I *bururi* shudder. Even I, who is not good at reading the atmosphere of one place and is often scolded because of it, could tell that the atmosphere of the place was cold.

This is…… Me being misunderstood again, right? I hurry and explain myself.

“N-No, I didn’t do anything in particular tho’……” (Cry)

I would rather ask what you think I did and what is happening.

I have no intention of doing anything, nor do I have any skills to do it.

It is true that the timing is bad, but why do you think I did something…… Ehh, aaah..

I *pon* hit my hand and I *surisuri* rub on the rugged gate. Tino takes a step back as if she is frightened.

This is an action that doesn’t particularly mean anything――But then one of the Members of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》, who is standing behind Lapis, blurts out.

“………… Enough screwing around, human.” (Starlight Member)

“………… Oi.” (Lapis)

Lapis looks back at her comrades behind her with a harsh expression. However, even under her sharp gaze, the expression on her companion’s face does not change.

So far, they have listened to Lapis, their Leader’s opinion, but apparently, it seems that they have reached their limit.

“No, Leader. This time only I have to say it. Lapis, are you okay with this? It is true that obtaining the Cursed Stone is a great achievement, but flaunting it and even making fun of us for being quiet and obedient is not something we can allow as proud Spirit People.” (Starlight Member 1)

Eh, be-being quiet and obedient――Eh? When? I feel like you have been staring at me the whole time tho’?

Their gazes collide with each other, Lapis lets out a small sigh and takes a step to the side. And then, the Members of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 step forward.

They are just a little taller than me. Slim and tall. Their gaze is cold and sharp, but their face is so beautiful that it doesn’t bother me.

As one would expect from the group rumored to have the most beautiful women in 《First Step (Hajimari no Ashiato)》. Of course, they have to be competent, but about half the reason for bringing them in was to attract customers (It was Sytry who suggested it).

It is clear from the look in their eyes that they don’t think very well of me, but even so, it is still much better than how other Spirit People look at me.

Some Spirit People constantly abuse humans for no reason at all, while others are friendly on the surface but try to harm us from behind our backs. The members of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 are easy enough to deal with just because they come at us head-on without any back and forth. Moreover, it seems that almost no Members other than Lapis and Kruz come to the Clan House in order to avoid causing trouble unnecessarily……

The problem is with Liz and the others, who are in a rapidly declining mood. They aren’t baring their fangs yet, but that is because 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 are Clan Members.

But that patience will not last long. They used to be more impatient, so they have grown, but there is a limit to it.

And, 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 do not have a character to stop just because Liz and the others are there. Well now, I wonder what happened……

While I am thinking about it, one of the Members standing in front of me opens her lips. Just as I am preparing myself to hear all kinds of insults, Eliza interrupts her.

Standing in front of me as if to protect me, she speaks in a voice that makes me feel sleepy as usual.

“Wait………… It’s not good to assume that it’s Kuu’s fault.” (Eliza)

“! Eliza’s right, desu. Calm down. No matter what happens, there’s no way a human can interfere with the spell of a Spirit People, desu.” (Kruz)

Immediately after, Kruz follows up with her opinion in a loud voice. I am really glad that we became friends.

Their eyes widen at the counterargument from their peers. Even if they are used to having their points pointed out by Lapis, their Leader, they are probably not used to receiving opinions from Kruz and Eliza who are younger than them.

It is not as if the threat behind their gaze has disappeared, but for the time being, it doesn’t seem like I have to worry that a 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》 VS 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 will start soon.

After a moment of silence, the blonde Spirit People narrows her eyes, *chirari* glances at me and says.

“……………… Very well. Not that I believe in 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 there………… But I will believe it only if 《Lost (Horo)》 can give us a satisfactory explanation for the current situation.” (Starlight Member 1)

“……………… It could be a coincidence.” (Eliza)

One of the Members standing behind, the shortest Spirit People girl, says with a contemptuous smile to Eliza, who seems to have it hard to find something to say.

“What a funny thing you are saying…… It is the secret art of the royal family, is it not? And moreover, this time they have received an official invitation. And now, you are saying that, by chance, there is a problem in the spell which has never had any problems since its activation? Hah, I doubt such a silly story is possible. If there is such a thing, why don’t we, all of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 bow our heads once and apologize for having doubted him, and for one time only, have us follow the orders of the man there. Any order!” (Starlight Member 2)

Do you think that Spirit People would feel uncomfortable if they don’t say something in a roundabout way?

Suddenly, the girl starts making bets that make no sense, and the Members agree on it. Only Kruz is astonished.

Lapis sighs and says as if she has no choice.

“………… You are saying something interesting. 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, I will be the witness of this match. Not as the Leader of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》, but as a neutral party. Spirit people do not lie. If you are not the main cause of this problem, with my pride of being a Spirit People on the line, I will make the Members of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 take responsibility for their words.” (Lapis)

“You just slip through it Lapis, you’re excluding yourself from it, desu! Don’t include me too, desu!” (Kruz)

Kruz lashes out at Lapis who declares this without letting the other party say yes or no. Lapis’ ability to dodge situations like this is quite impressive. I envy her a little bit.

By the way, if by any chance the cause of this incident is my fault, what would I be forced to do?

The other Members of 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 are taken aback by Lapis and Kruz, but they quickly pull themselves together and point their fingers at me.

“If instead we turn out to be right――“I now understand everyone’s request from 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》. Now let’s prove that Cry-san didn’t do anything!” !?” (Starlight Member 1/Sytry)

Sytry *pan* claps her hands and stops them from saying anything. She is not going to let the other side say anything. As expected of an Alchemist who survived through high and low amidst the Alchemists around the world.

I feel like it is a little unfair, but since it really is not my fault, let’s not worry about that now.

Having sensed what she wanted to do, Lucia sighs deeply and enters the conversation.

“But how are you going to prove it? Syt. How can you prove he didn’t do anything…………” (Lucia)

“It is simple. If Cry-san isn’t the cause of it, the same thing can happen even without Cry-san――Eliza-san, please find a safe gate again. If a problem occurs even without Cry-san, then it is not Cry-san’s fault!” (Sytry)

In response to Lucia’s question, Sytry *kururi* spins around to check with the people present and confidently says.


No, well, I vaguely knew that this is what would happen.

“I finally…… Figured it out. It seems that the space-time inside it is unstable. Therefore, even if it is safe when Eliza-san checks it, it can immediately switch to a dangerous path. This is probably how the technique is originally designed. The guide is an item that allows you to pass through the labyrinth that is constantly changing――We can assume that each gate has no great significance.” (Lucia)

Lucia explains in a quiet voice. Liz is 《Strange Grief’s (Nageki no Borei)》 Thief, but it is Lucia’s daily job to elucidate and convey any magical mechanism. Especially in High-Level Certified Treasure Shrine, there are many traps like those, so she naturally becomes skilled at this.

It seems that the 『Drifting Road of the Divine Tree』 is a place for Lucia rather than for Liz.

Hearing what Lucia said, 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 *unun* nod their head and then say in a low voice.

“I see now…… In other words, Lucia Roje. This is what you are saying. It is just a coincidence that 《Lost (Horo)》 gives the NG?when 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》――Your brother approaches it.” (Starlight Member 1)

“Human techniques are not something that can intervene in the art that manipulates time and space on such a large scale. You girls should be the ones who know the most about the power of the Royal Family of the Spirit People!” (Lucia)

Lucia exclaims with flushed cheeks. And there, Eliza stops in front of one of the gates as if she is tired and says for what seemed like the umpteenth time already.

“The next one is……………… Here.” (Eliza)

“………… 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, it is almost time that even I have to admit that you have lost. I am only making this judgement from a neutral standpoint. It is too much to call this accidental.” (Lapis)

“Yowaningen, it’s time for you to stop screwing around, desu! At the very least, if nothing happens even if Yowaningen approaches, you can at least have a bargaining chip, desu!” (Kruz)

Kruz’s friends snort at her desperate plea.

“You are wasting your time, Kruz. You are the one who taught us all that 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 is not a man who would stand down when he should.” (Starlight Member 1)

What in the world did Kruz say to her friends when she told them about me?

Already no one believed that this incident is not my fault. However, I could not just blame those girls. If I had been in those girls’ shoes, I would have thought the same thing.

It had already been nearly an hour since we began to prove my innocence. All the gates Eliza had chosen turned into dangerous gates as soon as I approached them.

If you think the other way, they remain safe until I approach them. There is no longer any excuse for this, it is completely harassment towards me.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

I wonder how Kruz describes Cry to her friends.

A human who will never give up after having something in mind?

I’m sure Kruz is complimenting him in a Tsundere manner when talking about Cry.

But Sasuga Cry, no matter which gate he pick, it will become a dangerous one.

If he says Breaking Bad line “I AM the danger”, everyone will believe him.

Tchao à plus!


NG: it means Not Good or Not Ok.

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