Strange talk live room

Chapter 11 Uninhabited

"Old Wang, please help me contact you first, and I will think of a way to pay for it in the next two days."


Wang Laizi carried the rag bag and limped away.

I'm not sure whether he is reliable, but he has been around for many years and has some skills. The interval of seven days is not long, and it is better to have help than to work blindly on your own.

I had not slept all night, I was still frightened, and my body was extremely tired. No matter how many worries I had in my heart, I couldn't hold it anymore.

Lock the doors and windows and go back to the bedroom to rest.

I didn’t sleep well, and I had many nightmares. One time it was Sister Hong, and the other time it was the scary old man from the bun shop. I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t.

When I woke up, it was already dusk.

I was sweating profusely and my clothes were all wet. I felt like I had just been fished out of the water.

I lit a cigarette and sat alone in the dark shop, meditating for a long time.

No matter how much I don't want to believe it, it is an indisputable fact that I have fallen into a terrible trap. It is useless to be decadent. The most important thing is to seize every opportunity to break away.

I put out my cigarette butts, took a shower and changed clothes, and ate something casually. Facing the darkening sky, I rode a small electric donkey out of the village in the city.

In less than half an hour, I arrived outside the door of a high-end residential complex.

The grand door stands tall, with several spotlights shining on the marble door number.

Yunhui Yayuan.

The famous high-end residence in Chengdong District of Dongzhou City is close to Dongzhou University. It is not too far from the urban village where I am located, but the environment is completely different.

Wearing clothes from a stall, I took out the bunch of keys, pretended to be calm, and swiped my card to enter the community without changing my face under the security guard's eyes.

There are shaded trees and winding paths, and you will feel the slightest chill as soon as you enter.

In such a large community, the occupancy rate is not high. There are only a few scattered households in each building with lights on, and almost no one is walking around outside. The silence is a bit scary.

The lights were dim, the shadows of the trees were swaying, and something seemed to be hidden in the dark corners. This high-end community had an inexplicable eerie feeling.

Walking alone inside, I always feel a chill on my back, and something seems to be following behind me. When I look back, there is nothing.

I was looking for it while walking. I was unfamiliar with the place and the light was too dark, so I couldn’t find which direction Building 6 was for a while. I stopped, squinted my eyes and looked around the neighborhood.


The bush next to it shook slightly and made a sneaky sound, as if something was really inside.

I frowned, carefully approached the bush, turned on the flashlight of my phone, and shined a light on it.


The branches and leaves swayed, and a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the bushes and rushed towards me. I was startled and quickly ducked away.

The black shadow fell to the ground, and it turned out to be a tall and strong German black-backed dog. It grinned with a fierce look, lowered its body in an attacking posture, and made a threatening sound from its mouth.

I just moved slightly, and it seemed like it was greatly stimulated. The black hairs on his neck stood up and he barked at me crazily.

Could it be that he was unlucky enough to encounter a mad dog?

The black back is a famous fierce dog. If this kind of dog is staring at it, it will not dare to move at all. I screamed in my heart and thought about ways to escape.

"Luca, Luca, where are you?"

At this time, a woman's anxious shouts rang out not far away, and not long after, a very elegant middle-aged woman hurried over.

"Luca, why did you come here? Why are you yelling again! Stop! Stop!" Seeing this scene, the middle-aged woman was stunned and shouted the command to Heibei anxiously.

The black back screamed and retreated as if it had found a savior, hiding behind its owner. He slowly calmed down, but his eyes were still staring at me warily.

The look in his eyes was strange, as if he was afraid of something.

"I'm sorry, sir, didn't I scare you? My Luca sometimes runs around and screams, but he has never hurt anyone." The middle-aged woman comforted Black Back, grabbed the leash, and smiled apologetically at me. laughed.

The tone is gentle and he looks very qualified.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt anyway." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good." The middle-aged woman glanced at me and said in a strange tone: "Looking at your appearance, you must be the new one who moved in, right? If nothing happens, go home quickly and don't walk around the community at night. "


The middle-aged woman didn't answer me, and hurriedly left holding the black dog, and soon disappeared into the night.

Why are the people in this neighborhood so weird?

With doubts, I continued to wander around the community and finally found Unit 2 in Building 6.

Unexpectedly, I bumped into that middle-aged woman again downstairs.

Standing at the elevator entrance, both of us were surprised and embarrassed.

As soon as the black-backed animal named Luka saw me, the hair on its neck suddenly exploded again. It stared at me with two fearful eyes and made a threatening sound from its mouth.

The middle-aged woman touched Hei Bei's head and comforted him for a while.

"I'm very sorry. Luka used to just scream into the air. I don't know what happened today." The middle-aged woman pressed her back with a headache.

My heart skipped a beat.

They say dogs can see things that humans can’t see with the naked eye. Could it be that I got something dirty?

A chill ran up my spine, and I subconsciously turned around, but of course I saw nothing.

In the dimly lit hall, there were only me, a middle-aged woman, and a dog with strange eyes.

My heart was pounding, so I took out my big black phone and prepared to use the phone's camera to check if there was really something following me.


At this moment, the elevator door slowly opened.

The middle-aged woman seemed to be in a hurry, holding the black back and entering the elevator first.

"It's dark, it's best not to stay outside. If you don't mind, let's go upstairs together." After looking at me, she pressed the elevator door again.

This was the second time she said this, and it didn't look like she was joking.

What's wrong with this neighborhood?

"Okay, thank you." I entered the elevator and swiped my card.

There is one elevator for each apartment, and the elevator only stops on the floor where the card is swiped, so the privacy is very good.

I am on the 18th floor, and she is on the 17th floor.

The reflective metal door was closed. In this airtight and small space, the black back seemed to be even more nervous. Its strong body was curled up behind the middle-aged woman, its tail between its legs, not even daring to make a threatening cry.

"Do you live in 1802?"

I was holding a black mobile phone, and before I could turn on the camera, the middle-aged woman suddenly asked.

Ever since she saw that I was going to the 18th floor, her eyes had become strange.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" I didn't answer directly because I was not a resident here at all.

"It's nothing. It's just that the house on the 18th floor has always been empty. No one has ever lived in it." The middle-aged woman hesitated to speak. She obviously knew something, but she couldn't say it out loud.


I was stunned.

If 1802 is an empty house, wouldn’t my trip be in vain?

But looking at the middle-aged woman's expression, it seems that it's not just that no one lives there.

"Ma'am, can you tell me more clearly what's wrong with the house on the 18th floor?" I asked sincerely.

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