Stray Cat Strut

Chapter Forty-Two – R&R

If you want more to read, consider joining my Patreon! Or check out my other original works:
Love Crafted (Interactive story about an eldritch abomination tentacle-ing things!) - Completed
Stray Cat Strut (A cyberpunk system apocalypse!) - Ongoing
Cinnamon Bun (A wholesome LitRPG!) - Ongoing
Fluff (A superheroic LitRPG about cute girls doing cute things!) - Volume One Complete!
Dead Tired (A comedy about a Lich in a Wuxia world doing Science!) - Hiatus
The Agartha Loop (A Magical-Girl drama!) - Ongoing
Lever Action (A fantasy western with mecha!) - Volume One Complete!
Heart of Dorkness (A wholesome progression fantasy) - Ongoing

Chapter Forty-Two - R&R

“It’s an unfortunate fact that humans can’t operate at full capacity at all times.

If you don’t allow your workers a minimum of time to decompress and destress, the quality of their work will sharply decrease.”

--Excerpt from Minimums and Maximums: A Guide to the Workforce, 2024


I couldn’t remember most of the events of the afternoon. There was a shower which lasted until my entire body was a wrinkled mess. Then I remembered Lucy helping me dress (which probably explained why I was only wearing a t-shirt and socks) and then a blissful fall into a deep sleep.

I yawned, toes stretching out under the blankets. The screen-windows to one side showed that it was still dark out, maybe approaching midnight? It was hard to tell. I was never exactly a very punctual ‘up with the sun’ kind of girl, but I wasn’t used to waking up so damned early.

My arms rose and I spread my legs so that I was splayed out across the entire bed. It was nice. I might have been able to fall asleep again, but I had the nagging impression that I still had a lot of work to do.

Also, there was no Lucy in bed, which was somewhat discouraging.

With a bone-deep sigh I rolled over to the side of the bed, rubbed at my face for a bit, then climbed to my feet. I had to visit the washroom, which, as usual, was a great way to ruin any mood.

I found my power armour laying on a heap at the bottom of the shower. I vaguely remembered leaving it there. Probably for the best. It looked dry now, but I wouldn’t mind hosing it down again, just in case.

Exiting the en-suite, I shuffled out of the room. The penthouse was quiet, which was nice. A peek into one of the rooms on the way to the kitchen revealed a few of the kittens sleeping in a heap on one bed. Though I did find Nose was awake and playing some game. I didn’t particularly mind as long as he wasn’t being loud.

“Cat?” Lucy asked.

I grinned and looked up to find the most beautiful girl in the world waiting for me by the kitchen island. She smiled right back and pulled me into a hug. Not a sexy hug, just a warm, soft hold that made me want to melt. “Hey,” I muttered.

“There’s cereal and milk,” Lucy said. “And did you know that the theater room has a lock on the door?

I groaned. Sexier words had never been uttered.

Lucy laughed and squeezed me tighter before letting go. “Give me two minutes,” she said. I leaned against the island while Lucy scrambled for bowls and spoons, then tucked a milk carton under one arm and an entire box of Longb-os under her chin. “Come on, kitty Cat,” she said.

I followed after her, partly amused, and partly because I really was hungry. It didn’t stop my eyes from straying down to the way her hips moved. “Are you trying to strut?” I asked.

“Is it working?” she replied.

I snorted. “Not really, no, you look like a grandma that just had her hip replaced.”

Lucy sniffed, but she soon broke out into giggles. “Yeah, I'm still getting used to walking. I’m not ready for catwalks just yet, I don’t think.”

“I’d love to see you practice,” I replied.

She turned so that she could open a door from behind. “I’m sure you would,” she replied.

The theater room was the same place Daniel and I had dived into the matrix in. The far wall had a massive screen on it, and the room was filled with a few plush couches arranged so that they all more or less faced the screen.

“Sit, sit,” Lucy ordered. She gestured to one of the bigger, more plush seats.

I sat; the leather was cool against my bare legs, but I could live with it. Lucy filled two bowls with milk and cereal, then handed one to me before she paused next to the seat. It was a couch for one, but I couldn’t imagine her not sitting on or right next to me.

She sighed and placed her bowl on the seat next to mine. Then she reached under her t-shift and undid the front of her pants before dropping them. “Uh,” I said.

“It’s not fair that you’re the only one not wearing pants,” Lucy said before retrieving her bowl and sitting wedged right up against me. “Isn’t this better?” she asked.

Her skin was warm against my own, and I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. “Yeah, this is much better,” I said.

It was a bit awkward to eat while Lucy used me as a seat, but we both managed to start crunching through what was no doubt the least healthy meal we could manage to make on such short notice. “So,” Lucy said after swallowing a bite. “Did you want to talk, or do you want to watch a movie and snuggle instead?”

“Hmm. I think... I’d rather relax, but I feel like I need to talk. Does that make sense?”

Lucy nodded. “Yeah, of course. Just don’t talk during the movie.”

“That would be a sin,” I said. Not that I minded, but Lucy got unreasonably annoyed at anyone that spoke during a movie. It was always nice to cuddle while watching some pirated cartoons, but Lucy tended to hyperfocus on whatever she was watching, so it never really went beyond cuddles. Not that I really minded. Sex was nice, but tiring, and I was all tired out.

Lucy nodded. “You spent the day in the sewers?”

“Yeah. Did I tell you that much?”

She shook her head. “Media feeds told me. I’m following the people following you.”

“I have people following me?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. Not that many yet though. You’re not super popular. Gomorrah has a lot more. Sexy nun is just hard to pass up, you know?”

I snorted. “Alright, fair. So yeah, spent the morning in the sewers. Can’t say it was fun. Things... honestly, they’re still not done. We need to figure things out. A bunch of people are in really shitty situations, and I feel like if I don’t try to do something, they’ll be fucked. Not to mention the rest of the city.”

You don’t need to worry that much. I have been monitoring the situation, and I believe you still have some time to react.

“Hi Myalis,” Lucy said. Had Myalis sent that to her too? “Hey, can you help us find a good movie?”

That would be trivially easy. I’ll load the movie onto the screen. When you’re ready to start, just say so.

“You’re a sweetheart,” Lucy said.

I huffed and contented myself with another bite. “Mm, Myalis, we need to call people, don’t we?”

I have organized the replies you’ve received from Gomorrah, Longbow, and Deus Ex. They will be ready for your attention once you’re done relaxing.

“Once I’m done relaxing?” I asked.

You don’t yet have the capability to overlook the amount of mental and physical strain you have put yourself through over the past days. If you don’t take some time to destress, you risk harming yourself. If I judged things pressing enough, I would suggest that you forgo relaxation in order to tackle the next issue, but matters as they stand are not critical enough to justify that much risk.

“What Myalis is saying,” Lucy translated, “is that you need a break.” She dipped her bowl up and finished off the last of her milk. “Ah, so we’re going to watch a movie, and maybe after that I’ll give you a massage.” Her hand came down on my thigh and I hissed at the contact. Her fingers were so cold!

I finished my cereal, tossed the bowl and spoon onto the next couch over, then wrapped my arms around Lucy and pulled her closer. “Fine,” I muttered into the nook of her neck. “But if we’re going to do that, then the least you can do is be a bit warmer.”

“Hey, I’m plenty hot,” Lucy said. She wiggled around until she was comfortable, then I reached down and unfolded the sofa’s legs and we spent an enjoyable couple of seconds resettling in place. Lucy reached over and pulled a blanket over, then snapped it open and covered the both of us in it.

“Thanks,” I said.

Lucy sighed. “I love you, you know.”

“I love you too,” I said. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.

“We have a whole bunch of things to do tomorrow,” Lucy said. “We need to get the museum-house ready, we need to do something about Rac and the kittens, and you need to save the world some more, but right now, you belong to me.”

“Oh?” I asked. “I belong to you now, huh?” I pulled her closer, hands wrapped over her stomach.

She nodded and placed her hands over mine. “You do. Property of Lucy. I’m going to have that tattooed on your butt.”

I laughed. “Wouldn’t that mean that only my ass would be yours?”

“Two tattoos then,” Lucy said. “I’ve got two hands after all.”

“Pervert,” I said.

She chuckled. “I’m not a pervert. But these legs, they’re mine too. Myalis, start the movie, Cat’s running out of banter.”

“I am not!”



Are You Entertained?

By the way, there was never a better time to check out Heart of Dorkness! The final chapter and epilogue are dropping tomorrow!

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Some of my stories are on TopWebFiction!
-Cinnamon Bun
-Stray Cat Strut
-Lever Action
-Dead Tired
-Heart of Dorkness
Voting makes Broccoli smile!

The following books are available as paperbacks (and as Ebooks) on Amazon. Oh, and there’s an awesome audiobook for Cinnamon Bun Volume One and Two, and also Love Crafted!

(The images are links!)

All proceeds go to funding my addiction to buying art paying for food, rent, and other necessities!

Thank you so much for all your support everyone! And thank you extra hard for allowing me to do this for a living; I’ll do my best to keep you entertained!

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