Stray Cat Strut

Chapter Seventeen - A Home Visit

Chapter Seventeen - A Home Visit

Chapter Seventeen - A Home Visit

French was, until the fall of Canada and the dissolution of the province of Quebec, the official language of the Quebec region. Its still a language widely spoken today, with well over fifty percent of the population in the region being at least fluent in French.

However, the language of the modern world is English, and without governmental oversight, educational reforms, and most importantly a powerful cultural background, most people in the region tend to learn English as a primary language.

--On the French of Canada, 2043


I arrived at home entirely exhausted. The sun had set already, so Id flown through the night with nothing to beat back the neon glare of the city.

It wasnt that bad. After all, my current entirely-reasonable sleep schedule had me waking up a bit before noon, so it really only felt like lunch time, but at the same time coming home after dark made it feel like Id been working all damn day long.

Plus it was a bit of an eventful day. Productive, sure, but eventful.

I was a little surprised to notice a car parked out front right next to my mecha. The house had defences, and Id told Myalis that using them on media, police, or anyone that seemed annoying was totally fine.

Once I got a little closer, I could see why the car hadnt been blasted off the roof. It was a muscle car, all sleek, aggressive lines and painted a black so deep that swallowed the light around it.

Id recognize Gods Righteous Fury anywhere. Which meant that Gomorrah was here.

Or maybe Franny had taken the car out for a ride. That depended on whether Gomorrah would allow her favourite person to drive her favourite car. I wasnt sure which of the two sat higher on Gomorrahs list of priorities.

I parked my significantly-less-cool-than-the-Fury bike a couple of metres away then leapt off of it.

Im home! I called out as I opened the front door. I removed my helmet and tossed it onto the nearest couch as I made my way in deeper. The kittens were spread out and around, doing their own things, and I got a few hellos from the older ones.

Then Nose ran up to me and stopped right in my way with shining eyes. You blew up the mayor! he said.

Just his head.

That was awesome! Can I have a gun?

I considered it. The responsible thing to say was no. Sure, I said. But not right now. Maybe ask Grasshopper, she can give you like, safety lessons. Stop you from blowing your own head up.

I wasnt going to teach someone how to aim when I could barely figure out depth perception myself.

I patted Nose on the head until he squirmed away, then made my way deeper in. There was some noise in the kitchen, someone laughing, some music playing at a fairly low volume. I paused by the entrance and looked in to find the kitchen more occupied than ever before.

Gomorrah was sitting on the little island thing to one side dressed in casual clothes. Or as casual as Gomorrah ever was, which meant a blouse and button up sweater over a skirt that stopped below the knee. It was all very 1950s housewife chic.

Lucy and Franny were by the stove, Franny cutting up some carrots with swift clack-clacks of a knife while Lucy stirred something in a large pot. Lucy was in her PJs still, but with an apron tossed on, Franny looked like her style was more street punk than anything, but it was pretty toned down at the moment.

Hey, I said. I felt a little overdressed in my coat and skinsuit armour.

Catherine, youre here, Gomorrah said at the same time as Lucy shouted Cat!

Lucy abandoned her post to run up and give me a quick hug, a peck on the cheek, and a pinch to the ass before she grinned and ran back. Im cooking! she said.

I see that, I replied before going over to the island. What are you two doing here?

Just visiting, Gomorrah said. Thought you could use some company.

Arent you on vacation too? I asked as I sat next to her. I figured youd have better things to do than spend time with the likes of me.

Gomorrah shook her head. Youre not terrible company, she said. Not great, not terrible.

Franny snorted at that, and I had the impression Id just missed out on an in-joke between the two of them. Well, Im glad to have you over! Youll be putting Lucys grub to the test? She made this fish thing yesterday that was pretty good.

Pretty good? Lucy asked. If you want to taste fish again you might want to try a bit more flattery than that!

It was excellent, I said. Best fish I ever had. Finger-licking good. Gomorrah looked at me strangely, but I dismissed her concern with a shrug. So, enjoying your time off? I heard you were burning some stuff.

Testing some new equipment, Gomorrah said. What about you, Catherine?

Should I continue to call her Gomorrah? She was in casuals, without a flamethrower or nun outfit in sight. It felt a little strange to call her Gomorrah when she was in the guise of a hot blonde from every teacher kink video ever.

What about you? Delilah asked.

Urgh, Im doing half-days. Morning I work, evening I play. Its not working out so well though, as you can guess by the time.

Yeah, I saw you on the news, she said. Her voice dropped a bit, keeping things between us under the cover of the noise Lucy and Franny were making across the room. Did you want to talk about it?

The mayor thing? I asked.

She nodded.

Not really. Look, its our job to fix shit. Kill aliens, keep people alive. He was making that last bit hard. I gave him a chance. He decided to fuck around. So... I did what had to be done.

Is that Stray Cat talking, or Catherine?

Whats that mean? I asked. It was just Cat. There was a rat in my city and I dropped it at the citys doorstep, thats all there is to it.

Delilah nodded along. Okay.

Hey, if you two want, you can head out, Lucy said. I want to tease Franny and thatll be hard to do with the both of you here. Besides, itll be another half hour before this is done. She gestured to the big pot still on the stove. There was some steam coming from it that smelled like... beef? I wasnt actually sure what she was making. A stew, maybe?

Sure, I said. Have you seen my mecha up close? It got damaged and Ive been trying to fix it up.

You know how to fix things? Delilah asked.

I shrugged. Come, Ill show ya.

We stepped out and started across the living room when we ran into Daniel. The oldest kitten in the bunch paused in front of us, then eyed Delilah up and down. Wow, you are hot, he said.

Dammit, Daniel, I said. She could literally light you on fire.

I know, Im warming up already. Whats your casual name, hotstuff? he asked.

Wait, you know shes a samurai, right? I asked. Delilah seemed content not to have to interact with Daniel at all.

Yeah. That only makes it better, no? he asked. Hi, Im Daniel. Big fan.

Hi, she said. Somehow Delilah managed to communicate I will skin you alive slowly with a single syllable and a narrowing of her eyes.

Daniel raised his hands in surrender. Okay! Cool. Nice to meet you, Im gonna... not be here.

Fantastic idea, I said as he stumbled off. Sorry. Hes a... hmm... fucking moron?

You keep him around because? she asked.

Hes a kitten. Well, hes a little old for one, but it doesnt matter. Him mooching off of me doesnt really cost anything. I held the front door open for her and we stepped out. It was a bit chilly out, and the wind was pretty strong, but it wasnt bad enough to need to head back in just yet.

The mech and my deactivated repair drone were sitting where Id left them. Delilah seemed actually interested as I started to explain what Id been fixing on it. Unfortunately, I wasnt so smart or deep into the work yet, so I wasnt going to be able to hold up the conversation forever.

Youre actually moving things along nicely, she said. Especially considering how much stuff youre doing all at once.

Its not that bad, I said. I... I wanna keep busy. Itd feel wrong not to.

But were on vacation? she asked.

Yeah, I guess. Doesnt change that I have to do something.

The wind hummed between us, and eventually Delilah nodded. I think I understand. Cat, Delilah said after a brief but awkward silence. She brushed some of her hair away from her face. I think I need to ask you for a favour.


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