Streamer in the Omniverse

Dylan and Battle on the train.

As always, if anyone wants to support me or just read 3 chapters ahead, that's possible on my (P)(A)(T) for just 2 dollars!

If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories, thank you very much!

Oh, there's a quick explanation at the end of the chapter, nothing serious, but if possible, give it a read.

That said, good night, everyone, and happy reading!



POV: Dylan Oakwood.

"Devas, did something happen?" It was the first time I saw Devas like this... genuinely concerned.

He always had this air of confidence around him. It wasn't arrogance; it was more like self-assurance. He knew how much and what he could do.

Even in Jille, when the situation had gotten really bad, he still remained somewhat calm, still confident.

The same happened here, in Winterhord. Even when everyone was being affected by the energy of that thing, affected by hallucinations, he simply seemed immune and remained calm, going to fight that thing alone.

Devas always had this air of confidence, security, but not this time. He clearly seemed worried... but something told me it wasn't about himself.

It was as if he was concerned about something happening far away, as if he had just received some terrible news and couldn't do anything about it.

"I need to go." It was the simple response Devas gave.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that Robyn was about to ask something. I raised my hand, preventing her from speaking.

If what I thought was true, time was short. Devas seemed ready to just fly out of here.

I ignored the pain that came from using my magic with my body not fully healed yet and asked.

"Can we help? What happened?" The answer was probably no.

"No, you can't." Devas widened his eyes momentarily before a small piece of paper appeared in his hand, resembling a theater entrance ticket.

He tore the ticket before frowning in frustration, as the ticket simply reformed in his hand.

"Magnificent... Of course, it wouldn't work." He growled before turning, looking at me. "Dylan, I don't have time to explain, so listen carefully." His voice sounded serious.

No need to repeat, my friend. I won't forget, not with my magic active.

"I'll leave the Humvee here for you to cross the storm. Take everyone and go back to Terraria. Winterhord is already stabilized. Focus on the realm, figure out what the hell is happening, and protect yourselves." After finishing speaking, he tossed something to me. The keys to the Humvee.

"I'll be back in a month at most. In my absence, you're the group leader." He moved his hand, tapping the air as if pressing an invisible button.

I was completely focused on him, yet I couldn't grasp how the teleportation he used worked. But I could see in detail his final actions.

He stretched his arm, pointing at me with his finger while speaking...

"I trust you, Dylan. Take care of everyone... Take care, my friend."

Words I would make sure to fulfill.

"What the hell happened?" Robyn shouted the next second Devas disappeared into the air.

From the beginning of the conversation to the end, it must have been a little over five seconds, maybe less. Everything had happened very quickly; it was expected that she would be confused.

"Let's go. I'll inform the others that Devas had to leave." I said, clutching the Humvee key in my hand. The car was probably outside.

One month... Right?... I'll keep things in order until then.


POV: Ruby Rose.

"A train! Why is there a functional train down here?!" Yang growled, barricading herself behind a ruined building to avoid getting hit by the White Fang's gunfire.

All of us were, actually.

Zwei woke us all up in the middle of the night, sensing something. It was Weiss's turn, she was the one who noticed the first movements of my family's dog.

After we all woke up and woke up Doctor Oobleck, he quickly devised a plan, and we split into two teams, with him going one way and us going the other.

We ended up encountering Torchwick and the White Fang almost at the same time, with the thief chattering a bit about his plan before the battle began.

"This was a developing city!" Weiss shouted, creating several glyphs quickly to create an ice barrier around us, using Ice Dust, when the building protecting us gave way. "Of course, they would need a way to move supplies and construction materials!"

"The tunnels were sealed when Mountain Glenn fell!" Doctor Oobleck shouted so his voice could be heard amid the gunfire. "If they really have explosives, they'll hit the center of Vale directly! It'll be a catastrophe!" His voice sounded urgent, more than urgent, actually.

If this happened, in addition to the explosion causing massive destruction, it would open a direct path for the Grimm to enter... This was bad, very bad...

[Take your positions, let's go!]

My thoughts were interrupted by Torchwick's voice coming from the train's speakers, just before a whistle sound filled the entire environment.

"The train is departing!" Blake shouted, pointing into the distance where the tracks were.

I glanced momentarily at my Scroll... No signal, we were alone here, just the five of us...

"Weiss! Frozen Petal Barrier!" I yelled, moments before moving, trusting that my partner would follow me and understand what I was talking about.

We had trained various group movements; this was one of them.

I sped up, the world slowing down around me as my Semblance activated. At the same time, I opened a small compartment on the side of my combat skirt, leaving a trail of Ice Dust as I ran straight towards the train.

It didn't take me three seconds to cross the gunfire, dodging as many bullets as I could and relying on my aura to absorb the damage from the ones I couldn't dodge. Not even a second later, Weiss activated her Semblance, making dozens of glyphs appear in the Ice Dust trail.

Almost instantly, an ice barrier with small rose petals inside it rose where the Ice Dust had been spilled, and my team, along with Doctor Oobleck, ran behind it, protected from the gunfire.

"We need better names for these combined moves!" Weiss shouted. I ignored her; the names I had chosen were great.

"Are you okay, Ruby?" My sister asked worriedly, relaxing when I waved that I was fine. The few shots that had hit me were grazing, barely draining my Aura.

"Can you stop this thing?" I asked Weiss, pointing to the train that had started moving. "Freeze it? Freeze the tracks?" The likely answer was no, but it didn't hurt to ask.

"Only if you give me an hour to prepare!" Weiss practically growled. "Still, I might die in the process, did you see the size of that thing!?"

"It's a cargo train, of course it's going to be huge!" Blake replied back, shooting at the tracks, causing only minor scratches.

"Let's calm down! No fights!" I shouted. Everyone was stressed; I was stressed too, but it wasn't the time to argue.

"Let's go up, I can stop the train from the inside." Doctor Oobleck spoke, taking the lead. "Follow me, let's save Vale." He didn't wait before starting to run, jumping on the train's roof.

I was the second to jump, appearing next to Doctor Oobleck, my Semblance deactivating.

The third was Blake, then Yang, and finally Weiss, who was the least athletic of the whole team. I'll ask Yang to come up with an exercise plan for her when we get back, and not if, but when.

I won't let my team die here; I'll save them.

"We need to go to the front, to the control cabin!" Doctor Oobleck shouted, his voice muffled by the noise of the train wheels running on the tracks.

Before we could start running, Weiss drew everyone's attention.

"Professor?" Weiss was next to the hatch, looking into one of the cargo cars of the train.

"Doctor!" He almost reflexively shouted, even in this situation. "What is it, found something?" He asked, walking over to her. "Oh... that's bad, it looks like they really have explosives..."

"A bomb?" Blake growled. They had a bomb?!

I couldn't look to confirm, but I trusted my teammates; my attention was focused on the cars ahead.

"Guys, we have company!" Many White Fangs... Many bad guys...

Everyone frowned when they looked to where I was pointing.

"We can't-" Doctor Oobleck's voice was cut off by whistles... Whistles that I'll guess came from the bomb beneath us...

"Expect them to go easy on us..." Doctor Oobleck finished his sentence before getting up, pointing to the front of the train. "Well, time to go." I didn't hesitate to run to the next car.

Actually, none of the four of us hesitated. Blake just took a while to get there because she was stopped by Doctor Oobleck, who placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Blake, if that thing explodes, it can kill all of us," he pointed to the bomb.

"Seriously! Could he be any more obvious?!" I heard Yang mutter as she fell into the car and rolled to dissipate the impact.

"I'll handle it, leave it to me!" Blake shouted, jumping between the two cars to sever the connection between them.

Moments later, the car we were in was disconnected from the rest of the train.

"Good job, Blake!" I cheered.

"It wasn't me; it was Torchwick!" Blake shouted, jumping onto the car with us.

"I guess he really doesn't want us on this train..." I heard Yang comment, my attention focused on the car that had been disconnected...


...just before it exploded.

"That's not good..." Doctor Oobleck practically narrated my thoughts.

"Even worse is this..." Weiss's voice sounded tense, horrified, almost.

I quickly found out why. After all, inside that car, there was another bomb...

"Another bomb?!" Blake shouted the question.

I looked at the hatch that was open next to me and confirmed.

Doctor Oobleck furrowed his brow even more and quickly ran past us, going to the front car while muttering.

"No, no, no!" With each "no," his voice got louder, turning into a shout when he opened the hatch of the front car. "THEY ALL HAVE BOMBS!"

As a signal, the bomb in front of us started beeping, at the same time our car was disconnected.

"Run!" I pointed to the front car.

"This makes no sense!" Yang shouted, frustrated, before turning when we heard a scream coming from the front cars.

"GET THE HUMANS!" One of the White Fang, a woman, shouted.

That was racist! And Blake was a faunus!

"I'll take the first one." Yang practically threw herself at the first White Fang running towards us, kicking him into the air and then punching him into the car.

I accelerated right after, a trail of rose petals being left behind me as I activated my Semblance, cutting and pushing many of them out of the train, their auras protecting them from the fall.

At least these "grunts," as Torchwick called them, had auras, so I didn't have to hold back as I had to against the others.

Blake and Weiss followed right behind me, both quickly attacking the White Fangs around me and dispersing them easily.

"They are pathetically weak," Yang commented, punching one away.

I wouldn't say it in those words, but yes, these White Fangs were weak. If we weren't on a high-speed train, this battle wouldn't have lasted even ten seconds...

I need to train the use of my Semblance; I could barely make turns... If I wasn't careful, I could end up falling on the tracks.


The explosion of the car behind us this time was louder. I quickly looked back and saw that a hole had been opened in the tunnel's ceiling, where several Grimms were entering...

Several Beowolves, Boarbatusks, and even a huge King Taijitu...

"Oh my..." Doctor Oobleck sighed, realizing something.

"The cars are for creating entrances in the tunnel for the Grimm!" He turned, shouting. "He doesn't just want to breach the city; he wants to bring the Grimm into the city at the same time! A horde!"

This is madness... Why would Torchwick do this?... This wouldn't just breach the city but would kill dozens... Hundreds... Maybe more...

He was a thief, not a murderer, a monster... Why?...

I shook my head, dispelling those thoughts. We already knew he wanted to breach the city; knowing he wanted to bring a horde of Grimms wouldn't change anything.

Anyway, let's stop this train!

"We have to hurry!" Doctor Oobleck shouted, pointing to my three teammates. "You three, focus on trying to stop these bombs!"

"And us?!" I shouted, pointing to myself, while Zwei jumped beside me.

"Let's stop this train!" He pointed forward, running.

As I said, let's stop this train!


POV: Roman Torchwick

"GO, YOU IDIOTS, STOP THEM!" If I had gone to a kennel to hire subordinates, I would have gotten something better.


When I saw that I was alone in the pilot's cabin, I let the muscles in my face relax... Damn, shouting like that is exhausting.

I didn't even react when the "air" next to me shattered like glass.

[You know these guys won't be able to stop them if they go one by one] The words formed magically above Neo's head.

I really wish she would change the font she "speaks" with, and the color too...

Reading words in neapolitan colors gave me a headache...

"I know, if they all go together, they would have a better chance... But who said I want them to win?" I squeezed my fingers until they turned white.

Cinder was a damn psychopath, and that came from me, who had been living with Neo for years... At least my dear ally didn't want to kill thousands!

I couldn't screw up Cinder's plans so obviously, not with this damn collar around my neck; that woman would kill me at the first opportunity she had... But it wasn't my fault that the White Fang were idiots... Was it?

It wasn't my fault that Cinder assigned untrained animals to be my subordinates. If they couldn't even stop four girls in their first year at Beacon, causing the plan to fail...

[Are we finally going to betray the bitch?!] Neo managed to convey hatred in her words, which were "written" sharply and in red.

"Not yet, we need to wait for a better opportunity, when she's busy enough not to hunt us down." I wasn't weak, much less Neo, who was my bodyguard, but Cinder was a monster on her own.

That strange Semblance she had of creating and manipulating fire was ridiculous...

Neo could kill her if she attacked her by surprise, but the bitch would have to die in a single blow, or things would get bad... Very bad...


"That's the fifth car." And also our cue. "Let's go "fight," we can't just stand here..."

Before I could even finish speaking, the Neo in front of me shattered into thousands of pieces, the real one was probably already far away, going to have fun... I mean, fight, with one of the girls.

I told her not to kill anyone; I hope she listens... Well, one or two traumas in adolescence build character.

I walked calmly through the cars; I thought it would be Red who would come to meet me, but it seems I was mistaken.

"Hey, Kitty, did you miss me?" I teased the disguised faunus while twirling Melodic Cudgel in my hands.

"You know, we need to stop meeting like this. People will talk." Blake? I think that was her name, growled and ran towards me almost like a berserker.

It was so easy to provoke people... I think I'll open a course on that when I retire; I'll make good money.

I slowly swung Melodic Cudgel in the direction of the faunus running towards me, who switched places with one of her clones...

Typical, was that all she knew how to do?

... That exploded? That was new.

Had Kitty learned to fuse her Semblance with Dust? It seems I'll need to take things a little more seriously...

The clone that exploded, made of Fire Dust, probably, hurt, took a good chunk of my Aura, but nothing serious.

Her subsequent blows hurt a bit too, but I managed to defend most of them that aimed at my vital points while kicking her in the stomach, pushing her away.

"Wow!" I clapped my hands on my shoulders, dusting off my suit. This shit was a pain to wash... "Seeing it like this, it almost looks like you want to kill me." I provoked her.

"Just looks like?" She growled, as fierce as the Kitty she was, but the look in her eyes was cruel. "I'll tear you apart, Torchwick!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did I do so bad that made you act like this?" I don't remember taking anything from her.

"Besides using the White Fang as slaves?!" She growled. "You want to kill thousands! Monster! Genocidal!" That stung a bit...

Not the White Fang part, I wasn't racist, but those guys were so dumb that it was almost a waste not to use them as cheap labor.

No, what hurt was being called a monster, genocidal.

I could accept insults with grace and retaliate like a game, but this wasn't an insult, was it?... This would become true if this train crashed...

I would stop being the handsome, charming, most beautiful and elegant thief, Roman Torchwick, to become the "Genocidal Monster, Roman Torchwick."

I didn't want to be that... But that didn't matter now.

"Are you going to cry?" She didn't cry, but instead jumped at me again, exchanging blows again.

These clones were unbearable, especially the ice ones; I had to take extra care not to get Melodic Cudgel stuck in any of them.

"Well, I think that's it, Kitty." I sang, kicking the faunus away and quickly climbing the stairs to the top of the train car. "I'll jump off before everything explodes."

I had dragged this fight on long enough; now it was up to them. The driver's cabin was right there. If they couldn't even stop the train, things were already doomed.

I must be getting rusty because as I climbed the stairs, I didn't notice the rock that came flying at me, probably from one of the idiots riding the Mechs who threw that thing...

As my body flew away towards the tunnel wall, I instinctively realized that the hit had broken my aura, and it wouldn't reform in time... These rocks on the wall look sharp...

Damn, is this how I'm going to die then? Hit by a stray bullet? What a pathetic way to die...

The relief I felt when two small hands pulled me from the air back onto the train's roof couldn't be described by words.

My disbelief, on the other hand, could.

"You?... Why did you save me?" Who saved me wasn't Neo, but Red... Why?

Her companion had called me a monster; it's not hard to conclude that they all thought the same... Why save a monster?

"You're a thief, someone in league with terrorists, and deserves to go to prison." Red pointed her giant gardening tool at me. "But you're not a monster... Why are you doing this, Torchwick?"

Such a simple question, the answer even more... I was being coerced, threatened... But who would believe a thief?

"Yeah, looks like you got me." I offered my wrists. "Here, Red, arrest me."

"Torchwick, tell me, why?" Don't look at me like that, Red, there's no explanation... You won't believe it, Red.

Before Red could say anything else, our little conversation was interrupted by another of the cars exploding, opening another hole in the ceiling.


I noticed from the corner of my eye that besides the Grimm, something else fell from that hole, a person.

"No..." I murmured. I had recognized that person... That thing...

This guy hadn't died years ago?

"Do you recognize that man?" Another voice asked me.

"Aren't you the coffee guy?" I asked reflexively. I had some information about this Beacon professor... Or was it Doctor? It didn't matter.

"Yes, I recognize that psycho, thanks to the brothers, not personally." Few people faced Tyrian Callows head-on and lived.

"He's kind of a boogeyman in the criminal underworld, a psychopathic and psychotic killer everyone thought was dead. A serial killer." Grimm was bad, Tyrian was worse.

The rumors I had heard about that guy... They still sent shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

"Why is he looking directly at me?..." Red asked with her voice slightly trembling.

That guy's eyes were empty... Crazy and broken.

"I don't know, but I imagine it's not anything good." The coffee guy spoke with a furrowed face. "Go stop the train, Ruby; I'll see what our uninvited guest wants..."

Red hesitated, seeming to want to say something before simply disappearing in a shower of rose petals.

Had I been relegated to the background? Can I be offended now?

"Get out of the way; as much as I'd like to have fun cutting you into pieces, my Goddess gave me a mission, and I must fulfill it." Even this guy's voice was weird.

Everything about him screamed psychopath, the clothes he wore, the expression on his face, the way he moved.

"I'm afraid your "Goddess" will be disappointed." The coffee guy replied, his voice deadly serious. "You won't touch a hair on my students' heads."

"Good thing I don't ask for permission." Fast, Tyrian was fast. He must have moved from one car to another in less than a second.

The coffee guy wasn't slow either, as he easily defended Tyrian's attacks, blocking every blow he gave with those blades he had on his arms.

The problem was that, due to surprise, the coffee guy had to give up some ground, which opened a gap for Tyrian to move towards the pilot's cabin, where Red was.

But you're not a monster...

... Fuck it, change of plans...

"I knew you were a traitor, ROMAN!" I ignored Tyrian's shout and fired two more shots at him, forcing him to back away.

"Traitor?" I shook my head amused. "I'm not a traitor; I just want you, Cinder, and your goddess and all your allies to go to hell together!"

I can't be a traitor if I've never been on their side; I only had one side, and that was mine.

And on my side, letting psychopaths kill innocent girls was something I wouldn't allow.

"He's a scorpion faunus; he's just hiding his tail." I commented to the coffee guy, who nodded without taking his eyes off Tyrian.

I'm a thief, not a monster...

"Come, you ugly thing; I'm going to beat your face in a bit to see if I can fix your weird appearance."

So, as the greatest thief of all that I was, I'll steal the scene.

Now, where was my sociopathic ice cream-themed assistant when I needed her?...


POV: Third Person.

The battle against Tyrian escalated quickly, with Oobleck taking the lead against the scorpion faunus, while Torchwick seized any opportunity to attack from the sides.

Torchwick, for the first time, was fighting seriously, not playing around, as he often did when encountering any of the RWBY team girls.

"Any plan?" Torchwick asked Oobleck in the brief seconds of rest they had when Tyrian was sent flying.

If things continued like this, they would end up losing; both of them knew it. Tyrian was rested and seemed to simply ignore the blows, as if the pain were something fake.

Oobleck and Torchwick, on the other hand, had been fighting since the train started moving, the former much longer than the latter.

Torchwick's Aura was also reaching the red, much of it spent protecting him from the rock that had hit him earlier.

"We need to throw him out of the train; that should buy time for reinforcements to arrive." Oobleck didn't ask why Torchwick had betrayed the White Fang and whoever Tyrian called "goddess." The important thing at this moment was to stop the faunus and halt the train; the rest could be asked later.

"Ruff-Ruff!" Zwei, who had been watching the fight from the side all this time, barked, catching the attention of the two, and pointed with his nose to the car behind Tyrian, where Blake and Weiss had climbed.

"Good eye, Zwei." Oobleck praised the corgi and signaled to the two that Tyrian was an enemy.

Weiss wasted no time attacking, creating several glyphs around Tyrian, who jumped backward even before the ice tips could form.

Torchwick shot with Melodic Cudgel towards the scorpion faunus; at the same time, Oobleck and Blake ran towards him, both with their respective weapons ready to attack.

Tyrian spun his body at an almost inhuman angle, tilting his spine back at a ninety-degree angle, causing Antiquity's Roast, Oobleck's weapon in flamethrower form, and Gambol Shroud, Blake's weapon in katana form, to collide in a shower of sparks.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Tyrian attacked with his wrist blades, The Queen's Servants, towards the shins of both Oobleck and Blake.

Oobleck was an experienced Huntsman, having experienced various battles. His instincts were great, as were Blake's, who was a cat faunus.

But even with that, the two couldn't completely dodge the attack, which would graze them.

Normally, something like this would be negligible; their auras would block the damage from the blow, and they would resume the attack on Tyrian, who was in a vulnerable position... But Tyrian was feared for a reason beyond his sadistic and cruel personality.

Tyrian's golden eyes gleamed, changing color to a cruel purple as he activated his Semblance: Aura Disruption.

As the name suggested, the faunus's Semblance did exactly that; it disrupted the aura, distorting it, preventing it from protecting its user.

Both Blake and Oobleck grunted in pain as an ugly cut appeared on their shins, something Tyrian couldn't help but take advantage of.

Torchwick was reloading Melodic Cudgel, and could only watch as the scorpion faunus twisted his own body, still bent at ninety degrees for an attack towards Blake's chest.

Tyrian knew Oobleck was much stronger and more experienced than the cat faunus, so he attacked, focusing on the weakest link in the chain, which would give way, breaking in half.

Weiss watched, her eyes widening in horror as she saw Tyrian's wrist blades heading towards the center of Blake's chest...


... Only for Tyrian's wrist to be punched away, courtesy of Yang, who jumped, punching the train hatch and coming out from inside the wagon.

Tyrian ignored the pain in his wrist and spun with the impact, leveraging the kinetic force of the blow to jump away.

"Who's the guy?" Yang growled, her body aching from the fight she had just left, her hair glowing like fire and her eyes red.

"I have no idea, but he's an enemy," Blake hissed as she stepped on the ground, the cut on her leg hurting as she put weight on it.

Oobleck wasted no time in attacking Tyrian again, Torchwick, who had reloaded Melodic Cudgel, did the same, shooting at the faunus while keeping his distance.

"Are you okay?" Weiss asked hurriedly, approaching the two. "Are you both okay?" She changed the question when she saw Yang's battered state.

"I am, Yang saved me," Blake replied, running her hand lightly between her breasts, where the blade would have hit her.

"I am," Yang responded similarly. "The girl with the umbrella attacked me; if it weren't for our extra training, she would have taken me down."

"Did you get her?" Blake asked.

"No... Not even close. I just managed to survive; she's fast and hits hard..." Yang seemed irritated by the loss. "She would have gotten me if she hadn't stopped suddenly when her Scroll beeped."

As if on cue, the air beside Tyrian shattered like glass, and Neo, who had received Torchwick's distress signal, appeared, attacking the scorpion faunus.

Neo didn't know why Torchwick was attacking Tyrian, or even who Tyrian was, but that was enough for her to attack him too.

"Don't let him touch you!" Torchwick shouted, having seen what happened to Blake and Oobleck. "His Semblance does something to Aura!"

Neo nodded her head, but that was the only sign she gave that she had heard before going back to attacking Tyrian, who had managed to block her first blow...

Not without cost, as the "element of surprise" he had was spent, the faunus's scorpion tail swinging slowly behind him, with a wound where he blocked Neo's attack.

Blake, Weiss, and Yang, who had spent the last few seconds recovering, jumped back into the fight, surrounding Tyrian on all sides.

At that moment, a smaller explosion than the previous ones occurred, not coming from the wagons, but from the pilot's cabin, where Ruby jumped out.

"Did you break the controls?!" Torchwick shouted, incredulous.

"No!" Ruby denied. "One of the White Fangs came running and shouted 'Long live the White Fangs' and then blew up with the command cabin!" She seemed disturbed by the action. "I don't even know if he's alive..." Ruby's expression was dark, not understanding why someone would do that...

Tyrian took advantage of the distraction of the explosion and Ruby's appearance to jump off the train, onto one of the nearest Grimms.

The faunus would prefer a thousand torturous deaths than to disappoint his goddess and queen, but he was smart and cunning enough to realize when he was surrounded and at a disadvantage.

The mission had not failed... Not when the train would crash and collide with the Vale... If the collision didn't kill the silver-eyed girl... The chaos of the collision would be enough for him to attack...

With Tyrian jumping away, most of everyone's attention focused on the wall rapidly approaching the train...

"For me, now!" Weiss shouted, calling everyone.

Yang and Blake were already beside her, Oobleck wasted no time in running towards the heiress, trusting in her decision.

Roman hesitated, looking at Neo and then at the ground beside the train. Jumping and escaping now was the best opportunity they would have...

"Damn it, we're screwed anyway..." Roman muttered, running towards the white-haired heiress, the ice cream-themed assistant following him closely.

Ruby, who was farther away, activated her Semblance, accelerating within seconds and appearing next to Weiss.

Yang and Blake looked angrily at Neo and Torchwick, respectively, but didn't start any fights, fearing to interfere with whatever Weiss was about to do.

The heiress, seeing that everyone was around her, stabbed Myrtenaster into the roof of the train, using the maximum Ice Dust she could in combination with her Semblance, glyphs, and created an ice structure around everyone.

A rose, which moments later collided, just like the train, with the wall, under the Vale...


Well, as I mentioned, these last chapters are more focused on the world of RWBY, but still important, something to set the atmosphere.

Well, it was my first time writing a group fight scene (other than the Devas, against a group, and now a group against something, in this case, Tyrian), so I don't know if it turned out well. Comment if not, so I can improve.

My internet is back to normal, but it's the beginning of the month, and like every beginning of the month, everything is a mess, so I won't be able to give a date for the next chapter, but it will be soon.

And don't crucify me for the Humvee! Devas will achieve something in Remnant, and the Humvee won't just disappear; it comes back, don't worry!

Well, I won't drag on much more here, a good night to everyone and happy reading!

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