Streamer in the Omniverse


I'm officially cured! YAY!

Being sick with a stomachache for 2 weeks, taking medication, and dealing with pain is kinda horrible, wouldn't recommend it, 0/10.

Well, here's the chapter. I'll try to speed up the next one; I'm just finishing Hunter's story chapters to release them as well.

As always, if anyone wants to support me or read ahead 3/7 chapters in my stories, that's possible on my (P)(A)(T).

If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories. Thank you very much!

That said, goodnight everyone, and happy reading!



Beacon was what I would imagine from a fairy tale castle, one of the classic tales: a mystical appearance, walls painted in white, random pools of water here and there, along with many statues.

Even the 'Great tower' of the castle this place had, and apparently, that's where we were headed.

"The tallest tower of a castle?" I commented, ignoring the tension in the elevator we were in. "Am I going to find a princess up there or something?"

It was funny how I was the one surrounded on all sides, but they were the ones tense. Well, the body I was carrying on my shoulder might have something to do with that...

I'm not throwing Tyrian to anyone; I'm sure this guy will wake up and escape the moment I take my eyes off him.

Besides Ozpin and the dominatrix, the only ones in the elevator were Team RWBY, with the other four being dismissed by the headmaster, who ignored their protests and said he would talk to them later.

The reason was obvious since in this 'discussion,' some confidential information might leak, and my familiarity with Team RWBY practically guaranteed their involvement, whether they liked it or not.

"Maybe in the past," Ozpin replied in a playful tone. "But nowadays, it's just my office." Funny how he was the most at ease here, after me, yet I felt he would be the first to jump at me if I showed hostility.

"Too bad," I commented, looking at the others in the elevator.

I was sure Team RWBY, if not for the current situation, would have asked more questions than I could even think of, but something was holding them back, or rather, someone, the same person trying to pierce my neck with just her eyes.

The dominatrix, or rather, Glynda. Turn that look away, woman, I don't like whips.

Tall women, yes, but whips, no. Keep your fetishes to yourself.

I must have been able to convey my thoughts with just a look since she looked at me even more intensely, as if she could barely contain herself from beating me. Kinky.

Her name was Glynda, right? What was her last name? Was she the Goodwitch that Ruby sometimes mentioned?... Were we going to "Oz's" tower with "Goodwitch"?

I never lived there, so it was a certainty that I wasn't and never had been in Kansas...

Curious how only Ozpin and she came along with Team RWBY in this elevator; I thought the other teachers would come too, to restrain me and everything, but it seems not.

Well, I won't do anything anyway.

"Wasn't there some kind of helipad on top?" I asked after a few minutes inside the elevator.

What the hell was this? This world had the technology to create shape-shifting weapons but not a faster elevator than this junk?

"I wished for one, but I thought better of it when I realized that would give the politicians from the Vale a place to land if they wanted to talk to me." Ozpin's eyes gleamed with amusement.

Damn, the "Dumbledore" vibe this guy gave off was immense.

"I imagine spending almost ten minutes in an elevator has discouraged some visits," I commented.

"More than you can imagine," Ozpin replied.

Funny how it was just him and me talking, with everyone else extremely tense for one reason or another.

After another minute, the elevator doors opened. Finally!

After a short walk to Ozpin's office, we entered and took our seats.

The office was a place... Open, to say the least.

There was a desk and a chair and literally nothing else. Well, to say nothing else, there was a coffee maker on the desk.

To my lack of surprise, since I had already seen the points on the minimap, there were already two people in there even before we entered. A man and a woman. Not to mention the other yellow point that was by the window for some reason.

The man was tall as hell, as it seemed to be common here, but what I noticed most about him was that I could "pull" his right arm into my inventory. A prosthetic.

He also had that "military" air about him, and by the way the woman next to him seemed to act subordinate, I'll guess he holds a high rank.

I found the bastard I'm going to send the statue to...

As for the woman next to him, well, she was tall for a woman, not as much as Glynda, but still quite tall, and by the white hair, blue eyes, I'll guess she's related to Weiss.

Both had that "Don't touch me, peasant" look.

I may or may not be stereotyping something here, but that's neither here nor there.

"James, Miss Winter, I see you received my message," Ozpin spoke in a calm tone, nodding to the two in the room.

"Ozpin," the man nodded back. "So, is this our guest?" he asked, looking at me.

I noticed that Winter, as the woman was called, kept her gaze on me for a moment before turning, focusing her gaze on someone behind me, by the angle, I'll guess it was Weiss.

It seems like they really are relatives, sisters? She didn't seem old enough to be Weiss's mother, but I won't bet on it, not when "Aura" or any kind of energy is in play.

"Correct," Ozpin replied, sitting in the chair behind the desk, one of the only two chairs in the office. "This is Devas, a kind young man who helped with the little problem this morning."

If by "little" he meant the invasion, or something like that is a regular occurrence, which I doubt, either this guy has seen some shit in the years he's lived.

"It seems I forgot to mention to bring a few more chairs," Ozpin commented, looking at the only chair in front of the desk. "Why don't you sit, Devas, while I ask for more chairs?"

I raised an eyebrow. Was this some kind of power play? Since I would be the only one sitting and everyone else would be standing around me or in front of me?

I might be overthinking, but I'll flex a little here...

"Not necessary," I waved my hand, making several chairs appear in the office, one for each person in the room, except for me, who sat in the chair in front of Ozpin that already existed.

It was funny how everyone ignored Tyrian's body when I threw him on the floor beside me.

Ozpin barely blinked as the chairs appeared, even less so at the sound of the body hitting the floor.

"An impressive Semblance you have there, storage?" Ozpin asked, probing while everyone else sat.

I'm sure I heard Yang comment, "One-nil in the dick measuring contest" before someone slapped her, but I might have hallucinated.

"Something like that, very useful," I replied. Couldn't he, or they, sense that I had no aura? Or at least not the unlocked one?

It wasn't very useful information, but it was good information.

I noticed that James and Winter hesitated, as if they were about to say something, but chose to remain silent. Curious. Both of them also chose to stand, ignoring the chairs I placed for them, the same with Glynda, only Team RWBY sat in the chairs beside.

"Coffee?" Ozpin offered.

"I'll take it." Of course, I would take it; damn, it was the first time I was offered coffee and not tea!

That didn't stop me from analyzing the cup; there was no poison or anything, but it was good to be cautious. I might have gained a strong resistance to poisons, but I'm not foolish enough to risk it...

No one spoke for a few seconds, the only sound in the entire room being the small tinkling of metal that occurred every time I tapped my fingers on the arm of the chair.

Ozpin seemed content with the silence, calmly drinking his coffee as I did mine.

This wasn't the same for the four students, who seemed uncomfortable as seconds passed, Glynda, James, and Winter seemed to be joining Ozpin in this "contest," staying silent with blank faces.

I was almost intimidated... Almost... Well, let's get this started.

"Do you want to play that old game, Ozpin?" I asked, looking at the man as I put the cup on the table. He took a last sip of his coffee before answering.

"Which game are you talking about?" he asked back.

"A question for a question," I replied. "No lying; you can skip the question, but you'll be obligated to answer the next one."

I won't be interrogated; if you want answers, I'll ask questions back.

"And what prevents us from lying?" he asked. Everyone's attention in the room was on us.

Before answering, I tilted my head, briefly looking at the window, where the third yellow dot I noticed was. It was a Raven... Or a Crow, I couldn't tell.

Animals only appeared on the Minimap for two reasons: either they were aggressive or important for some reason; that was the setting I left.

The dot representing it was yellow, so it wasn't aggressive. So, either this bird was important for some reason... Or it wasn't a bird...

A shape-shifting Semblance?... Or was it because of the mana that the bird emitted that it could transform?...

It was a small amount of mana, but it existed, and coming from a bird of all things, it was suspicious, especially since it was almost identical to Ozpin's.

A familiar, perhaps? Wizards and sorcerers had those things, didn't they?

"Nothing prevents us from lying," I replied to Ozpin. "Neither I nor you, but we don't have many options here, do we?" I commented.

Almost everyone noticed the subtle warning in my words: "You can't force me to answer anything."

I wasn't the villain here; technically, I hadn't violated any laws or anything. I even helped protect the city, even if I destroyed some things in the process...

Sure, I didn't have any kind of legal documents, but throwing a lie that I was from an isolated village always worked in worlds without advanced technology or, in this case, worlds with society stuck in just four kingdoms.

I doubted that they kept data on all the villages around the kingdoms, and even if they did, it wasn't comprehensive.

Frankly, I didn't even care to answer some questions here, as I said, I wasn't the enemy, quite the opposite, but I also wouldn't be interrogated like a criminal.

The prickliest reaction to my subtle message came from James, Winter, and Glynda, who frowned, almost as if they wanted to challenge the fact that they couldn't force me, but ended up doing nothing.

Ozpin, on the other hand, continued with a calm face and took another sip of coffee calmly, not hiding the amusement in his eyes.

Did I mention he gave off a "Dumbledore vibe," didn't I?

"Fair," he shrugged. "Who starts?" He asked.

The audible sigh from Team RWBY was heard as the tension dissipated almost completely with the headmaster's words.

"I'm outnumbered here," I commented. "I think it's fair for me to start then." I didn't care who would ask the first question, but I'll do it just out of pettiness.

The way those three behind Ozpin were staring at me annoyed me a bit...

Ozpin nodded, signaling for me to ask the question. Well, let's see how much I can drag this out...


POV: Weiss Schnee

"What's his rank?" Devas asked, pointing to General Ironwood.

"The second round of the dick-measuring competition is about to begin?" Yang whispered. Lucky for her, I was far away and couldn't slap her.

To say such vulgar words and give me that image... Damn...

I pushed the image of Devas naked away and focused back on the conversation while ignoring the heat in my cheeks... Why had he asked that, I couldn't tell, but I had been watching him long enough to know it was for some stupid reason.

Professor Ozpin didn't hesitate to answer; after all, the information wasn't something secret or anything.

"James here is the General of the Atlas army." Also the headmaster of the academy, but it seems he kept that information, maybe to use in another question...

Damn, this was starting to look more and more like those meetings with the Atlesian nobles... Subtle power plays, evasive answers...

I couldn't even help here; none of us could. Suspecting Devas in this scenario was wrong, but for us, who knew him, for everyone else, he was just a random guy who showed up exuding power.

Someone who had no record that he existed, by the way...

What should we do? "Oh yes, trust him, he's nice! How do we know that? We've been following him for six months on the stream he does in another world."

The only ones who would believe that are the people who should be in a psychiatric ward.

General Ironwood frowned at the question, but remained silent, as did my sister next to him.

Professor Ozpin wasted no time in asking his question.

"What is your profession?" He asked. "I imagine someone like you should have some recognition, but you seem not to be registered in any database in any of the kingdoms..."

Damn... Did they already know this?...

"I'm a streamer," Devas answered truthfully. "In case you don't know what that is, I do live broadcasts, showing my day-to-day life." He even added to the answer, unlike Professor Ozpin.

"Two to zero..." Blake whispered next to Yang.

"A streamer... Interesting," Professor Ozpin commented. "Your turn again, ask."

Devas hummed for a moment, moving, making his armor hit the chair, creating a metallic tinkling.

"What's the address of his base?" Devas pointed again at General Ironwood. "I want to send a gift later." There was the reason...

It was because of the soldiers before, wasn't it?... Devas was petty like that.

"Is that a threat?" The General asked, speaking for the first time, his voice was deadly serious, without any emotion.

Winter next to him also had a tense face, with a tight frown at the question.

Devas looked at General Ironwood before answering calmly.

"No, just curiosity, but Ozpin can skip the question if he wants." He smiled slightly, pointing to Professor Ozpin.

But then he would have to answer the next one... That or lie.

Devas seemed to be enjoying the situation... He turned what would be an interrogation into a little game...

Interestingly, Professor Ozpin seemed just as amused, even though he avoided showing it.

"I can give you the address later, what do you think?" Ozpin asked, dodging the question, without skipping it or lying. "I can do it now, but I'll need to add your Scroll to send you the data, and it might take a while too."

Devas didn't have one, and if he did, he would have to add Professor Ozpin, which would open a loophole for them to track him...

"He dodged and counterattacked!" Ruby whispered next to me. "It's like watching one of those TV series when two detectives face off!" I have no idea which series she's talking about.

"Two to one," Yang whispered. Stop this! Can't you guys see the current situation?!.

"You can send it later then; it's not something necessary right now." Devas waved his hand. "Your turn again."

The only reason the General and my sister seemed not to have arrested Devas at this moment was Professor Ozpin, who was mediating the situation.

Only he and Devas seemed entirely comfortable in the room right now...

"You met Team RWBY through that stream, I imagine." Professor Ozpin remarked. "Can I watch it too? Have the 'link,' in this case, I think that's how you say it?" He asked.

"Maybe later, I can be the streamer, but I have few invitations, if you're lucky, you won't even need to be invited." Devas replied, telling the truth again.

Professor Ozpin waved, without wanting any kind of follow-up, and pointed back, signaling that it was Devas' turn again.

"I'll shift my focus a bit here," Devas commented, pointing to... Goodwitch? "Is she really not a dominatrix?" The silence that followed the question was deafening.

The silence must have lasted about two or three seconds before being broken by a bird of all things, a crow, which was at the window and no one seemed to notice before.

As I didn't know, since this should be the weirdest crow I've ever seen in my life, as he was facing away, wings up, and his caws were almost like laughter.

The bird only fell silent when Goodwitch cracked her whip, using her Semblance to toss the crow away, just before turning to Devas.

"What?" He asked innocently, raising his hands. "It was an honest question, I swear." The way he extended his pinkie finger only made the vein on Goodwitch's forehead pulse more angrily.

I'm sure the only reason Devas wasn't attacked was because of Professor Ozpin, who coughed into his own hand, a cough that suspiciously sounded like a laugh.

"I'm pretty sure Glynda isn't a dominatrix, Devas," Professor Ozpin replied with the most neutral face he could muster, yet I could see a slight, almost nonexistent hint of a smile on his face.

My teammates didn't even try to hide the smiles on their faces; the only ones who didn't seem to find Devas's comment amusing were General Ironwood and my sister.

I won't lie... It was a bit funny but rude. How could he think Beacon would hire someone like that?

"If you say so..." Devas didn't seem convinced but didn't press on. "Your turn, ask away."

This back-and-forth of questions continued for some time, with Professor Ozpin asking serious but unrelated questions to anything that had happened before in the battle.

The questions were varied, like: "Where had Devas studied?", "How old was Devas?", "What had he come to Vale for?" or "What did Devas think about Beacon since it was his first time here?".

Devas always answered without lying and asked something totally random and unimportant, like: "What brand of coffee does Professor Ozpin buy?", "Where did Professor Ozpin buy that coffee brand?" or "Is it normal for people from Vale to be so big?".

The latter, Professor Ozpin said he wasn't sure about, but Devas didn't seem to care much.

After a while, when Professor Ozpin seemed to find the answers he was looking for with his questions, he switched the questions to something as random as the ones Devas was asking.

"How do you like your coffee?" Professor Ozpin asked.

"No sugar, or just a little," Devas replied. "And you?"

"I like it with a little milk or honey," Ozpin replied back.

They didn't even seem to care about the one-question-at-a-time rule anymore and were just chatting about everyday random things like two old friends...

"This is not quite what I expected to happen..." I murmured.

"I'll agree with that..." Yang murmured back, with Ruby and Blake nodding along.

"Do you prefer blue or pink?" Devas asked.

"I prefer green," Professor Ozpin replied.

That answer didn't even address the question! Why the heck are you two so familiar and smiling while talking?!

"Can you stop wasting our time with these silly questions and act serious?!" The one who interrupted the conversation was my sister, who growled, in a serious tone, at Devas.

The entire room's attention turned to her; she didn't even seem to react, just staring at Devas with a serious gaze.

I knew she would never act like this, especially in front of a direct superior like General Ironwood, so she must have been ordered...

Especially since her sentence could refer to both Devas and Professor Ozpin, but still, the General hadn't interrupted or reprimanded her...

"And here we go..." The happiness in Yang's voice almost made me want to get up and smack her on the head again...

... Why, sister? Why did you have to be the scapegoat in this situation?...

Devas slowly turned his head towards Winter, and winked as he looked into her eyes... One eye at a time... Slowly.

That seemed to irritate my sister more than if he had insulted her.

"Weiss, this is your sister, right?" Devas asked, without taking his eyes off Winter. I hesitated for a moment but answered, everyone's attention turning to me when I spoke.

"Yes, Winter is my older sister," I replied, ignoring the looks.

"My condolences." He gave me his sympathies.

If looks could kill, Winter would have killed Devas, and Yang and I.

"Hisss... That burn might melt even Winter's ice..." Yang whispered next to me.

I must not commit murder... I must not kill my partner's sister... I mustn't... Not in front of so many people...

Before I could respond to the "condolences" Devas gave me, he continued.

"But I'll grant your request and stop playing around." Devas spoke, his voice strangely upbeat. "Hey, Ozpin, can I ask you something? Maybe it's a bit personal." He asked.

"I don't know if I'll be able to answer, but you can certainly ask." Professor Ozpin waved for him to continue, seeing how far this would go.

Professor Ozpin seemed to have reached a conclusion about Devas and was the calmest in the room, he and Devas, that is.

"I think everyone behind you knows about your magic..." Devas ignored the wide-eyed looks from everyone and continued. Professor Ozpin was the only one who seemed indifferent to the question. "But do they know about the faint divinity you possess?"

Even Professor Ozpin seemed surprised then.

Devas disregarded the two bombs he had dropped in the room and turned to my sister, who had wide eyes.

"Were these questions serious enough for you?" He asked with an innocent look.

"Three to one..." Silence, Blake!


POV: Ozpin

Damn it, James, why did you have to mess things up... I was even enjoying the conversation...

Well, it was my fault to procrastinate for so long, so I can't entirely blame James's flawed plan of sending Miss Winter to provoke Devas to see how he would react.

But still... Him knowing I had magic like him was expected, even though I wasn't good at detecting mana, even after living so long and many lives, I had sensed his mana; him sensing mine wasn't such a big surprise.

But him saying I had "divinity" within me was... And I think I know what he was talking about...

"They know, but not in the way you put it." This divinity was probably coming from the curse the Brothers cast upon me.

James, Glynda, and Qrow, who were at the window in their well... crow form, knew about my immortality, and Winter, even though she didn't know, James and I had already discussed bringing her into our inner circle, so her knowing wouldn't hurt.

The problem was Team RWBY, who seemed shocked by this fact... Damn it, James...

"How does this divinity look? The color and form." I asked. I knew the curse existed, that was obvious, but I never thought it was something detectable.

Did it have a form? Color?

Devas blinked, looking at me, and when he opened his eyes, they looked different, with dark circles and red veins in his sclera. It was as if he hadn't slept for weeks.

"It's... white? I guess?..." Devas answered uncertainly, closing his eyes, as if to concentrate. "It seems to have the shape of a flame, something faint, like an ember." He opened his eyes again, and they were back to normal. "I can't tell more than that, sorry." He apologized.

"No... That's enough." I replied. It was a description that reminded me a lot of the Brother of Light... Who was the one who had cursed me.

I had come to the conclusion that Devas couldn't be on "her" side; I didn't know how he had magic, but it wasn't a gift from "her."

Besides, "she" would never give part of her power to another being. Devas was someone with a personality so discordant from "hers" that there was no way he could be part of "her" inner circle.

That, or he was the greatest actor that ever existed because I was old... If he could deceive even me, then everything is about to be condemned...

Still, knowing that someone could see so deep into my being, such an ancient curse, such an old part of me, was strange.

"WAIT A MINUTE?! ARE YOU A GOD?!" Miss Yang exclaimed.

Looking closer, the entire Team RWBY seemed more surprised by the fact that I had "divinity" than magic. Didn't they know about the magic Devas had?

"No, Miss Yang, I'm not a god, not even a demigod or a descendant of one." If such a thing even existed in this world. "Just an old man who made many mistakes..." More than I could remember.

I raised my hand, stopping Miss Yang or any other member of Team RWBY from speaking.

"I'll explain some things later; I ask for your patience." I already intended to explain some things thanks to Miss Rose's silver-eyed awakening; I'll just do it sooner than planned.

"I believe our... guest," Glynda glanced at Devas from the corner of her eye. Was she still upset about the "dominatrix" joke Devas had made, wasn't she? "Are you referring to your... peculiar condition?"

I nodded, acknowledging that the deity Devas spoke of was my curse.

Glynda didn't comment further, and James remained silent, signaling to Miss Winter that he would explain later, which made her refrain from asking questions.

"Can I ask you a personal question then, Devas? Something more private," I asked. I had been avoiding questions about magic, but since the cat was already out of the bag...

"About my magic?" He guessed my question.

No one except Miss Winter reacted to his statement. I had already informed James, Glynda, and Qrow that Devas had magic, and it seemed my theories were correct, and the RWBY team knew too.

I nodded and inquired, "How do you use magic?" As far as I knew, there were six beings in the world who could use magic, eight if I counted Qrow and Raven, nine with Miss Rose's eyes.

There were a few explanations as to why Devas could use magic.

The first was that he was a Maiden, which was quickly dismissed. He clearly wasn't a woman or had any feminine traits.

The second was that he was the son of a Maiden. It wasn't unheard of for their children to have magic, but it was a minimal amount, nothing close to what Devas seemed to possess, even with his restrained magic.

Of course, talented individuals existed and always would, but something told me that wasn't the right explanation.

The third and last was that Devas was part of a hidden village or shelter that had existed since the time when magic was still common in the world, something unthinkable... but not impossible.

I was almost certain that if such a place really existed, either "she" or I would have found it by now, but ruling out the impossible, what remained, however unthinkable, was the truth.

"It's... complicated," Devas began to explain. "Honestly, my situation is somewhat unbelievable, and it will take a while if I go into details."

"We have time," James spoke for the second time.

Devas looked at him for a moment before sighing and turning his gaze back to me. "I'll ask some silly questions; answer them honestly, and it will decide whether I'll answer or just walk out that door." Devas pointed behind him.

It was as if he was sure no one could stop him, and as much as the others behind me seemed to disagree, I agreed with Devas.

In the conversation we had, I had time to analyze him, just as he analyzed me, and I discovered something... Devas didn't have unlocked aura.

Sensing aura was something almost everyone could do simply, but sensing the aura of someone who was effectively hiding theirs? That was more challenging, but after a few hundred years, I had figured it out.

Devas not having aura meant only one thing—all he had done, the footage I had seen on the way back to Beacon, all of it was done without Aura.

His magic was also more significant than I expected, more than I had felt before. Devas was strong, very strong. In my current state, I knew I could only delay him.

In my prime, I could win; in the state I was in now, not...

I trusted my companions, and I knew what they were capable of, but fighting Devas was foolish; even if we won, the losses would be significant.

"I'll answer with my best, then," I nodded for him to ask the questions.

The first one almost made me laugh.

"Are you good or evil?" He asked with a serious face. "White or black, no gray."

I could hear a scoff coming from one of the RWBY team, but I couldn't tell which one. I heard Qrow caw too, as if he were laughing.

"The right answer would be that no one is entirely good or entirely evil." Gray, the area almost everyone was in, changing the tone of color. No one was entirely white or black...

"But if I were to say, only between white and black, unfortunately, I would say I'm the latter." I answered sincerely.

For all the mistakes, sins I might have committed, I wasn't proud of any of them and always tried to improve, but that didn't absolve me of anything...

I was gray, as gray as anyone could be, but if the choices were only "white" or "black," as much as I would like to think I was "white," I wasn't... Not anymore, not for a long... long time...

I ignored the looks my companions gave me behind me, and the ones the RWBY team gave me in front; I focused only on Devas.

"Second question," Devas continued without commenting on my choice. "What would you sacrifice if needed for a 'great evil'? Yourself or an innocent?"

"Myself," I answered without hesitation.

If the choice was to sacrifice myself in place of someone else, the choice would always be that. I would come back; they wouldn't... And even if I didn't come back, the answer would still be the same.

I had committed too many sins, made too many mistakes. If I could redeem myself for just one, I would accept it.

The only sound in my office at the moment was Devas's words, and only that. Everyone was silent, paying attention.

Funny, Devas was theoretically the one to be interrogated, but here I was, answering his questions, even if he considered them "silly."

"Third and final question," Devas spoke. "For a greater good, would you sacrifice a few for many?" He asked. "One for ten?... A hundred for a thousand?"

"Yes..." I didn't take pride in my answer or the fact that I had done it before.

I had grown weaker, flawed; before, I would fight, save everyone, or as many as I could. I didn't have that choice anymore... I didn't even know if I ever really had it.

To my surprise, Devas didn't seem angered by the answers, or happy, but rather sad, and he sighed.

"Being the headmaster of a school really must mess you up," he whispered, almost inaudible. "So much like that other idiot too..."

"Bonus question!" Devas then exclaimed, lifting his head quickly and surprising almost everyone in the office. "You wouldn't happen to have a world of swords inside you, would you?"

Before I could answer, he threw something at me; I caught it reflexively.

"It was a rhetorical question, no need to answer," Devas stated. "Watch, draw your own conclusions, and if the others want to see, feel free to show them." He pointed to the object resembling a Scroll that he had thrown to me and stood up from the chair.

"Have someone call me when you're done." Devas turned, heading towards the door, before stopping and turning to the window. "Want to escort me, birdie?" He looked directly at Qrow.

Of course, he would have noticed that it wasn't just a simple crow...

Qrow looked at me, I nodded, and he flew to Devas's shoulder, landing there.

"Well, let's go then. Who wants to be my guide?" Before he finished speaking, Miss Rose was already in front of him, with a trail of rose petals behind her.

The rest of the RWBY team followed their leader shortly afterward. I'll talk to them later about what had been said here.

Before they left the room, Devas stopped and spoke without turning around.

"Look up the video on your phone with the title 'Compilation for the explanation of a damn strange situation.' It should help save some time." Then he passed through the door.

"Ozpin?!" Glynda was the first to speak after the door closed. "What the hell was that?" I sighed and waved, placing the "phone" as Devas had said, on the table.

"A bet..." I answered without lying, as I had in the last questions, and gestured for them to sit in the chairs that Devas had placed in the room. "Let's watch, sit down." Let's see if I would win this bet or not...

Funny... Devas had really left through the door, and no one stopped him.


Yay! My internet is no longer messed up!

Well, as for the chapter, it's a chapter that gave me some trouble, since the interaction between Devas and Ozpin was somewhat complicated to write. I think it turned out well, not forced, but please let me know if you think otherwise so I can improve.

Devas didn't let himself be interrogated; some things were said, others weren't, and conclusions were drawn. What conclusions? Some answers in the next chapters!

Well, that's it. I won't drag on here anymore. Good night, everyone, and happy reading!

PS: Since Ozpin was nerfed and tossed aside in the RWBY canon... I'll fix that.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.