Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 12: Loyalties

Kaelen tossed the bag of loot into the backseat next to Loren as he slid into the driver’s seat of his sleek black Audi. The car’s leather interior gleamed under the dim parking lot lights, a stark contrast to the gritty surroundings. Elara followed suit, placing her own bag beside Loren before settling into the passenger seat.

As the engine purred to life, Kaelen’s phone buzzed with a message from Jason: “Meet us at The Black Fang, Cappo’s club over at Venom Street in the Shadowfall District.” He input the address into the GPS, watching the map light up as it plotted the course through Ravetham streets.

As Kaelen pulled out of the parking lot, Elara cast a glance toward Loren, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. “When can a Druid also be a Witch?” she asked boldly, her voice cutting through the air like a knife. “I saw you shadow-step and cast spells back there. Something about you feels off. Kaelen, where did you say you got this Druid maid from again?”

Kaelen didn’t even glance her way as he turned onto the road, the streetlights casting fleeting shadows across his face. “I told you not to worry about it, Strike. Just be lucky she’s on our side.”

Elara wasn’t satisfied. She jabbed her finger at Kaelen, her frustration showing. “Look, I tried not to worry about it, but seeing a lycanthrope casting advanced magic like it’s child’s play has my alarm bells ringing. What’s stopping her from taking us out and running off with the loot?”

Before Kaelen could respond, Loren spoke up from the backseat, her voice soft but resolute. “I would never betray Kaelen. Even if he abused me, I would make it my goal not to give him another reason to do so.”

Elara stared at her, bewildered, as if Loren had just spoken a foreign language. “What the hell? Where does this undying loyalty come from? And… I almost believe her… actually, I do believe her, which is fucking weird.”

Kaelen, tired of Elara’s constant suspicions, flicked on the music and cranked the volume, drowning out her rant. His eyes flicked to the clock: 3:20 AM. He was feeling the exhaustion creep in, though most of it was thanks to Elara’s relentless questioning.

They finally reached The Black Fang, a high-end club nestled between towering buildings, its glowing neon sign casting eerie shadows on the street. A long line of people stretched out from the entrance, all vying for a chance to get inside. The club’s entrance was guarded by massive bouncers, and the pounding bass of music throbbed through the walls.

Kaelen parked his car in a secluded spot and stepped out, Elara and Loren flanking him. Loren, ever the dutiful maid, carried the loot in her arms, looking entirely unbothered by the burden. Surprisingly, it didn’t seem suspicious as they made their way toward the entrance. Kaelen and Elara were still in full costume, but the bouncer recognized them immediately, nodding as he stepped aside. “Don Cappo’s waiting for you in the VIP section,” he grunted.

Inside, The Black Fang was a sprawling maze of luxury. The main floor was bathed in crimson light, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling like drops of blood. Plush velvet couches were scattered around, and sleek marble tables dotted the space, each occupied by glamorous patrons sipping expensive cocktails. The air smelled of rich perfumes and spiced cigars, and the music was a deep, pulsating rhythm that seemed to sync with the heartbeat of the club. Private booths lined the walls, shrouded by sheer curtains, offering a semblance of privacy to the wealthier patrons. A sprawling bar took up one side of the room, where bartenders mixed drinks with effortless flair.

The VIP section was elevated above the main floor, separated by velvet ropes and guarded by more muscle-bound bouncers. Kaelen ascended the steps, spotting Jason—Link Up—in full armor, lounging with his crew at one of the plush booths. The crew was in high spirits, drinking and smoking, with Don Cappo in the center, laughing at a joke Kaelen had missed.

Without wasting time, Kaelen gestured for Loren to hand over the loot. She did so gracefully, placing the bag on the table in front of Don Cappo. The kobold eyed Loren, whistling at her appearance. “Where’d you get yourself a maid?” he asked, his tone dripping with amusement. “If you need a new job, girly, Don Cappo will always have a place for you.”

Loren bowed politely, her voice calm and measured. “No thank you, sir. I am loyal to Lost Stray only.”

Jason, hearing her reply, broke into a grin, clapping his hands together. “Why can’t any of you be as loyal as her, huh?” he teased his crew. “Makes me wanna get a maid too. Hey, Surge, how about you? Wanna be my maid from now on?”

Surge, her face reddening at the suggestion, stammered, “I-if it’s for you, Link Up… I might…”

The rest of the crew burst into laughter, with even Jason cracking up at Surge’s embarrassment.

Unfazed by the banter, Don Cappo unzipped the bag, inspecting the contents. He pulled out the monster cores one by one, placing them on the table, their glowing energy illuminating his calculating eyes. After that, he carefully examined the documents, flipping through them with a practiced eye. Finally satisfied, he motioned to one of his guards, who approached with a black briefcase. Opening it, the guard revealed stacks of crisp hundred-dollar bills.

After splitting the money, Don Cappo handed Kaelen his cut—thirty stacks, about thirty thousand dollars in total.

Without saying a word, Kaelen pocketed the cash and made for the exit. Once back at the car, he handed Elara ten stacks of the thirty. But before he could give Loren her share, she spoke softly. “No thank you. My service is yours to use freely.”

Her words lingered in Kaelen’s mind as they drove. Dark thoughts began to creep in, twisting through his mind like shadows of mischief. But before he could lose himself in those thoughts, Elara’s voice snapped him back to reality.

“Drop me off at my place,” she said, giving him the address: an upscale apartment in the Mistfall District, located at the corner of Raven Street and Lark Avenue.

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