Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 18: Collision course

Kaelen, Loren, and Elara stepped out into the cool night air, the fresh breeze doing little to lift the weight of their earlier conversation from Kaelen’s mind. The revelations about his past were still swirling in his thoughts, making the chill of the evening seem distant and unimportant.

Sliding into his Audi, the familiar purr of the engine hummed as they left the shadowy streets of Ravenwood behind. Normally, the city’s constant background noise of distant voices, cars, and flickering streetlights provided a comforting hum. But tonight, that noise had faded into an unsettling, oppressive silence.

Kaelen couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. His grip tightened on the steering wheel as he finally broke the quiet. “Doesn’t it feel a little too quiet tonight? I don’t like this… something’s wrong.”

Elara, who was lazily sprawled in the passenger seat, shot him a glance. She yawned, leaning her head back. “Kaelen, it’s late. You’re probably just tired. Let’s just get home.”

Before Kaelen could respond, the world around them was suddenly engulfed in a blinding light. His foot slammed on the brakes as the brilliance enveloped the street, forcing him to shield his eyes from the glare.

“Shit!” Elara shouted, her hand already instinctively reaching for her weapon.

Emerging from the glowing light was Cygnus of the Justice Guild, her swan-shaped form bathed in radiant cosmic energy as she touched down gracefully in front of the car.

Kaelen squinted at the figure, exhaustion written across his face. “Oh, hell no,” he muttered, his patience long gone.

Without a second thought, Kaelen floored the gas. The engine roared as the Audi surged forward, its tires screeching against the asphalt. Cygnus had barely a moment to react before Kaelen’s car barreled straight into her. The satisfying thud of her body hitting the front of the vehicle echoed through the night as she was knocked to the ground.

Kaelen couldn’t help but smirk. But that smirk quickly faded as he glanced in the rearview mirror. Cygnus’s swan body was healing itself at an unnatural speed, her wings spreading wide as she got back on her feet, as though the collision had been little more than a bump in the road.

“Damn it,” Kaelen muttered. He knew taking down a Justice Guild member wouldn’t be that easy.

Within moments, Cygnus was airborne, her glowing wings catching the wind as she swiftly closed the gap between them. With a loud thud, she landed on the roof of the Audi.

Kaelen’s frustration hit its peak. “Fine. I’ll hear her out so she can get off my damn roof,” he growled.

He pulled the car over to the side of the road, parking it under the dim glow of a streetlight. All three of them stepped out as Cygnus dismounted from the car, her form shimmering as she gracefully shifted back into her humanoid shape.

Her transformation was mesmerizing. She stood tall, her radiant skin glowing softly like the light of distant stars. Her hair, white as snow, flowed around her shoulders, catching the light and shimmering like a river of moonlight. A faint trail of stardust followed her every step, and her elegant wings, now folded behind her, glimmered like diamond dust. Her suit, sleek and pristine, hugged her form, each fold catching the soft glow of her celestial energy.

Brushing off her suit, Cygnus gave them a sarcastic smile. “Running me over wasn’t very nice, boy. Lucky for you, my powers come with a self-cleaning feature, or I’d be sending you my dry-cleaning bill. Anyway, I came to offer you an internship with the Justice Guild, but after seeing how reckless you are, I’m tempted to rescind the offer.”

Kaelen, in no mood to entertain her, shot back without hesitation. “Fuck off, bird brain. Tell the Justice Guild I’m not falling for their obvious manipulation schemes.”

Cygnus looked genuinely stunned, as if she’d been physically slapped by his words. Her previously smug expression darkened. “Listen here, kid. We’re the good guys. And don’t think we won’t make your life a living hell if you keep this up. Just be a good sport and play ball.”

Kaelen didn’t dignify her threat with a response. He simply turned his back on her and gestured for Loren and Elara to follow him. “Come on, let’s go before I catch the bird flu.”

Without looking back, they got into the car. As Kaelen sped away, Cygnus quickly faded into the distance, though Kaelen knew this encounter wouldn’t be the last. The Justice Guild had a way of making sure people didn’t forget them.

Inside the car, the tension gradually eased, replaced by the low hum of the road beneath them. Elara was the first to break the silence, amusement dancing in her voice. “Well, that was dramatic. Running over a Justice Guild member? Bold move, Lost Stray.”

Loren, seated in the back, let out a snicker. “Cygnus didn’t see that coming at all. I thought she was supposed to be this top-tier hero? What a joke.”

Elara laughed, leaning back into her seat. “Yeah, but she doesn’t seem like the type to let that go. You think she’s gonna just leave you alone after tonight?”

Kaelen’s eyes remained focused on the road. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got a meeting with Zagoth tomorrow. Maybe the dragon can help get the Justice Guild off my back.”

Elara raised an eyebrow. “You really think Zagoth’s gonna do you a favor? Dragons aren’t exactly known for their generosity.”

Kaelen smirked. “We’ll see.”

A few moments of silence passed before Loren spoke again, her voice more serious. “Just be careful, Kaelen. The Justice Guild isn’t something you can just keep running from. Eventually, they’re going to catch up.”

Kaelen didn’t respond immediately. Loren was right, but he wasn’t ready to admit it. Instead, he focused on taking the long route to Elara’s house, just in case they were being followed.

After finally dropping Elara off, he drove back to the Midnight Mirage Motel, the weight of the night’s events once again pressing heavily on his shoulders. Tomorrow’s meeting with Zagoth would decide what happened next, and Kaelen hoped it would be enough to keep the Justice Guild at bay—for now.

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