Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 22: Betrayal

Kaelen’s Audi purred to a stop outside Elara’s apartment complex, its sleek, metallic frame reflecting the dying light of the late afternoon. The long shadows stretched across the pavement, casting an almost eerie calm over the scene. As his engine silenced, he noticed the figures standing near the front entrance—familiar, yet unsettling.

Jason, his older brother, leaned casually against the wall, dressed in his signature exoskeleton armor that gleamed with the last rays of sunlight. The suit was a marvel of modern engineering, sleek and metallic, yet intimidating in its bulk. Thin plumes of steam hissed from its joints, the unmistakable residue of Jason’s habitual hotboxing sessions, adding an almost surreal aura around him. His eyes, sharp and playful, gleamed beneath the helmet as he talked animatedly with Elara.

Nearby stood Surge, her figure poised yet alert. The half-elf was dressed in a maid outfit, a strange juxtaposition to the high-powered sniper rifle strapped across her back. Her tan hair was neatly pulled into a tight ponytail, the soft brown strands catching the light with each slight movement. Her maid uniform, though traditional in its black-and-white frills, had been altered to fit her athletic build, hugging her form in all the right places. The outfit, elegant and functional, gave her an almost disarming appearance. Yet the deadly precision of her demeanor and the way her fingers occasionally brushed the stock of her rifle told a different story. Despite the domestic nature of her attire, Surge was anything but harmless.

Kaelen, feeling his body nearly restored after the chaotic fight with Vex, sat in the car with little concern. He was still sore, but the rapid recovery had worked wonders. His muscles were strong, his reflexes sharp. He parked his Audi beside them, his eyes scanning the scene. Jason, sensing his arrival, pushed off from the wall, his cocky grin widening as he sauntered over with a swagger only Jason could pull off.

“Kaelen, Kaelen, Kaelen,” Jason drawled, each word dripping with mischievous intent. “Two hundred million dollars, lil bro. That’s how much they’re offering for you. I’d almost be as rich as dad with that kind of payout.” His grin sharpened, and he leaned in, lowering his voice. “How about we run a little scam, huh? I turn you in, we split the money 50/50. You can get away if things get dicey—you’re good at that. Plus, Elara here told me you were hurt fighting Vex.” Jason’s voice turned mocking, but there was a dangerous edge beneath it. “You shouldn’t trust her, Kaelen. She’s the one who gave Vex your location.”

The accusation landed hard, but Kaelen kept his face blank. His violet eyes flicked toward Elara, who stood nearby with her arms crossed, her face flushed with frustration. “I already apologized to Kaelen for that,” she snapped, her voice tight with anger. “I only told Vex to fight him if he wanted to date me. I didn’t think he’d go after him so soon.”

Surge, who had been silently observing, chose that moment to speak, her tone icy but calm. “I was there at Rave U when you gave Vex Kaelen’s address, Elara. It was unnecessary and proved you can't be trusted.”

Tension crackled in the air, the weight of their words pressing down on the small gathering. From the passenger seat of the Audi, Loren, who had been silent the entire time, suddenly moved. With a smooth flick of her hand, she cast a silence spell, muting the conversation around them.

“I’ve heard enough,” she said, her voice cutting through the silence like a blade. She turned her gaze to Kaelen, her expression serious, almost apologetic. “I’ve never told you the full truth, Kaelen. Not about who I am or why I was exiled. You see... I’m a skinwalker. It’s a curse that runs in my family, but only the rare females inherit it.”

“My father, King Dave Dawn of Alfheimr, banished me when I began to show signs of the curse. Rather than be killed, he got me a position as a maid for Valerian. But this is who I truly am.” Her voice lowered, almost reverent. “Don’t be shocked when I shift.”

Without another word, Loren stepped out of the car and began to transform. Her slender figure contorted, her bones cracking and elongating as her form morphed into something primal. Blonde fur, as bright as her hair cover her as she grew in size. Her limbs thickened, transforming into powerful, sinewy legs and arms. Her face elongated, her mouth turning into a sharp snout filled with glistening, lethal teeth. In a matter of moments, Loren had transformed into a towering dire wolf, standing over ten feet tall.

Jason, caught completely off guard, didn’t have time to react. Loren lunged forward, her massive jaws snapping around his armored torso with a crunch. In one swift motion, she flung him across the street like a toy, his body colliding with the ground in a mess of metal and steam.

Surge acted fast, shoving Elara ahead of her as she retreated, trying to put distance between herself and the towering beast. Loren turned, her eyes glowing with fury, and swiped at Elara. Her paw came down with the force of a wrecking ball, slamming into the pavement and sending shockwaves rippling outward. Elara, narrowly dodging, was still thrown back by the sheer force, crashing into the brick wall of her building. She crumpled to the ground, blood trailing from a wound on her forehead.
Kaelen, seeing the chaos unfold, knew he needed answers. He stepped forward, his voice calm but commanding. “Loren, pick her up. We’re going to get some answers.”

Without hesitation, Loren shifted back to her human form, the transformation seamless as her towering frame shrunk back into her familiar, lithe figure. She approached Elara’s unconscious body, gently lifting her up before heading inside.

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