Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 42: Green Ventures

In the heart of Ravetham, the Black Fang club stood quiet yet still brimming with potential. Despite being temporarily closed, its walls hummed with memories of packed crowds and thumping beats. Kaelen stood behind the bar, casually swirling a drink. His striking violet eyes, the mark of his drow lineage, studied his brother Jason, who sat across from him in an unusual state of calm. Gone was the cybernetic exoskeleton Jason usually wore, replaced by a simple hoodie and jeans. Despite the change in appearance, Jason’s chaotic energy was still radiating.

“Bro, I’ve been thinking,” Jason said, leaning forward with wild enthusiasm. His blond hair, a reminder of his high-elf blood, flopped into his face as he grinned. “We could make bank if we started a weed-growing operation. With your connections and my...let’s call it ‘business sense’... we’d kill it. Hydroponics, man. Oy Yo says that’s the future. We need a hot place, somewhere full of plants to really get it going.”

Kaelen’s sharp mind clicked into gear. He’d known Oy Yo had her claws in the underground markets. If she vouched for hydroponics, there had to be something to it. He nodded, his expression serious as he set his drink down. “Makes sense. Oy Yo knows her stuff. But a location...we’d need something unusual, somewhere with heat and room to grow.”

Loren, ever the sly observer, chimed in from her spot across the bar. She was dressed in her signature maid outfit. “You know what you need? A zoo. Imagine all that heat and natural space. Plus, it would keep the cops off your back, thinking it’s just some kind of exotic pet venture.”

Kaelen smirked at her suggestion, but behind that smirk, the gears in his mind were turning. Loren had a knack for offhand ideas that turned into gold. The zoo was unconventional, but it could work. Without missing a beat, Kaelen pulled out his phone and called Alyssa, his go-to legal consultant and fixer.

“Alyssa, you know of any zoos for sale around here?” he asked, casually leaning against the bar.

On the other end, Alyssa’s efficiency shone through. “Actually, Don Cappo is selling his old reptile zoo. He’s focused on his bigger one in Griffindor County. I can handle the paperwork if you’re interested.”

Kaelen’s eyebrows lifted. The idea of owning a zoo, let alone one from someone as notorious as Don Cappo, piqued his interest. “Yeah, handle the legal side. I’ll meet with Don Cappo. I want to see this place.”

Jason, who had been listening to the exchange, could barely contain his excitement. His reckless nature shone through as he grinned and pulled out his phone. “A zoo, bro! This is gonna be sick. Wait till I tell Draken.”

Jason’s call went through quickly. On the other end was Draken, the dragonborn leader of the Pixie Cartel and son of Zagoth. Draken was known for his underground dealings, his scales shimmering with an intensity that reflected his dangerous nature.

“Draken, you won’t believe this—Kaelen’s getting a whole reptile zoo. We’re gonna turn it into a weed-growing operation. You in?” Jason’s voice carried across the room as if he had no concept of subtlety.

Draken’s laugh echoed back. “A zoo, huh? Count me in. Let’s meet up. I want to see what we’re working with.”

Later that day, Kaelen, Jason, and their crew—Trap Icy, Oy Yo, and Kunai—arrived at the old reptile zoo. The place had an eerie charm to it, filled with abandoned enclosures, overgrown plants, and a lingering sense of untapped potential. Waiting for them at the entrance was Don Cappo himself. With an aura of menace, the crime boss greeted Kaelen with a firm handshake.

“Good to see you, kid,” Cappo said with a gruff smile. “This place has potential, even if it’s a bit run-down. You’ve got the vision, though. I trust you’ll do something interesting with it.”

Kaelen nodded, taking in the space. His mind was already working through possibilities. “I’ll make sure it’s put to good use.”

As they toured the zoo, Jason’s excitement reached new heights. “Bro, this is perfect for a music video! The vibe, the visuals—it’s all here.”

Kaelen thought for a moment. With his label, Lost Strays, starting to gain traction, the idea of shooting a music video here wasn’t far-fetched. Trap Icy and Oy Yo had a new track ready, and there was no better way to launch it than with a video that flexed their team’s powers and creativity.

Pulling out his phone, Kaelen called Elara, his trusted partner and former rival turned ally. “Elara, I need you and Vex to help out with a music video. We’re shooting at this zoo I just bought. Can you make it?”

Elara’s voice came through the speaker, calm but confident as always. “Of course. Send me the details. Vex and I will be there.”

Next, Kaelen turned to Jason. “Call Glitch and Bolt. They’re good with tech. We need cameras and all the gear to shoot this right.”

Jason nodded and immediately dialed. “Glitch! Bolt! We’re shooting a video at the zoo. Grab the gear and meet us there.”

Glitch’s excitement buzzed through the phone. “Oh, hell yeah! This is gonna be epic.”

Bolt, always the electric force, added, “We’re in, boss. We’ll get everything set up.”

The zoo transformed into a makeshift music video set. Trap Icy and Oy Yo rehearsed their verses while Glitch and Bolt set up the cameras. Surge, Loren, and Seraphis joined the scene, ready to showcase their skills.

Trap Icy, with her platinum blonde hair and bold attitude, kicked off the video with her fierce lyrics:

“I see the shadows movin’ in the night,
But I’m too fast, too bright, I’m outta sight.
They wanna chase me, but I’m runnin’ free,
Ain’t no chains, no locks, they can’t hold me.”

Oy Yo, decked out in her flashy streetwear, followed up with her quick, sharp verses:

“Creepin’ like a ghost, I’m under the radar,
Too slick, too quick, can’t catch the star.
Lights flash, but I stay in the dark,
Fangs out, I’m leavin’ my mark.”

In the background, Surge, Loren, and Seraphis danced with fluid precision, their movements a blend of grace and power. Surge, normally composed and tactical, let loose, her body moving with the rhythm. Loren danced with sharp, controlled movements, her eyes occasionally darting to Kaelen as if seeking approval. Seraphis, with her ethereal pink hair, moved with a radiant elegance that seemed almost otherworldly.

As the shoot wrapped, Jason approached Kaelen, his grin wide with satisfaction. “Bro, that was insane! This video’s gonna blow up. But listen—I’ve got another idea. When the club reopens, I wanna set up a bakery. But not just any bakery—a spot where we can sell alcohol and edibles. Trust me, it’ll be a hit.”

Kaelen raised an eyebrow, amused but intrigued. “A bakery that sells booze and edibles, huh? I can see it working. You’ve got my support.”

Jason slapped his brother on the back, his wild energy never faltering. “Thanks, man. Oh, by the way, have you lost your virginity yet or what?”

Kaelen gave his brother a sidelong glance, chuckling. “Yeah, Jason. With Surge, actually. Bitches, right?”

Jason erupted in laughter, shaking his head. “You dog! Whatever you say, bro. Whatever you say.”

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