Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 44: Reptilian ruse

Kaelen’s Porsche cruised smoothly along the winding road to Scalescape Sanctuary, the reptile zoo he now owned. Located just outside the bustling city of Ravetham, the sanctuary was nestled in a secluded valley surrounded by dense, verdant forests. The air grew cooler as they approached, the chirping of birds fading, replaced by the distant rustling of reptiles and the subtle warmth of sunlit enclosures. Ahead, the towering gates of the sanctuary loomed into view, adorned with a striking logo—a dragon coiled around a serpent, hinting at the mysteries within.

“I still can’t believe we’re growing weed in a reptile zoo,” Oy Yo smirked, adjusting her seatbelt, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “But hey, genius is genius.”

Seraphis, ever playful, leaned forward from the backseat. “Kunai’s still convinced one of those creatures has it out for him,” she cackled. “He swears one of the wyverns gave him the evil eye last time.”

Kaelen chuckled, keeping his gaze steady on the road. “He’s gonna have to toughen up if he plans on sticking around more often. But yeah, this place is perfect for what we need.”

As the car passed through the gates, the sprawling expanse of the zoo came into view. Scalescape Sanctuary covered acres of land, featuring meticulously designed enclosures that mimicked various natural environments—deserts, jungles, wetlands—each crafted to house the exotic creatures within. Every habitat was both practical and immersive, offering visitors a seamless experience while keeping its deeper secrets hidden from prying eyes.

The zoo wasn’t just an attraction to Kaelen. It was an intricate front for his new underground operation. They drove past habitats containing massive lizards, sleek drakes, and majestic wyverns, all meticulously curated to inspire awe. But beyond the public displays lay the real prize: the greenhouse, where their clandestine grow-op flourished in the shadow of the sanctuary's reptilian residents.

The first to greet them as they stepped out of the car was Mekkar, the zoo’s keeper. A blue-scaled kobold with a sleek, serpentine build, Mekkar’s yellow eyes gleamed with pride and purpose. His muscular arms were covered in intricate tribal tattoos, symbols of his people's ancient bond with reptiles.

“Mr. Valrath,” Mekkar hissed, bowing slightly in reverence. “Everything runs smoothly. The creatures are content, and the greenhouse... thrives.”

“Thanks, Mekkar. We’ll check it out,” Kaelen replied, nodding as the others followed suit. Loren, Seraphis, and Oy Yo trailed alongside him, taking in the surroundings.

Mekkar led them through the sanctuary, explaining each enclosure with the pride of a curator.

“This here is our Basilisk enclosure,” he said, gesturing toward a rocky domain where a giant, snake-like creature lounged beneath the sun, its scales glistening. Sharp, gleaming fangs and glowing eyes hinted at its deadly potential. “Basilisks are rare, but docile under careful management. Their gaze petrifies only when threatened.”

To the left, a lush tropical habitat teemed with Crested Hydras, multi-headed serpents whose hissing could be heard through the dense underbrush. “Crested Hydras regenerate rapidly,” Mekkar explained. “They thrive in dynamic environments, constantly adapting to new stimuli.”

Further on, they approached a massive tank, home to sleek Sea Serpents, their lithe bodies slicing through the water like living blades. “Tamed, unlike their wild brethren,” Mekkar assured them, watching as one serpent skimmed the surface, its dorsal fins creating a ripple. “They require only minimal feeding and plenty of space to swim.”

Finally, they arrived at the Drake Enclosure, a sprawling desert landscape. Two small Sand Drakes lazed on sunlit rocks, their golden scales shimmering like treasure in the sunlight. “These thrive in heat,” Mekkar said, nodding toward the basking creatures. “They’ll make for powerful allies in the future, should we need them.”

As they continued, Kaelen spotted Jason, Draken, and Surge already waiting by the greenhouse. The greenhouse itself was a marvel of controlled cultivation—rows upon rows of carefully tended plants under the watchful eye of grow lights and state-of-the-art systems.

Jason bounded over with a wide grin, his excitement showing. “Bro! You’re finally here! Wait till you see what we’ve got going.”

Draken, the formidable Dragonborn leader of the Pixie Cartel, stood tall and imposing. His shimmering purple scales reflected the ambient light, while his dark purple eyes flicked toward Seraphis with a sense of intrigue. “I’ve been eager to meet you, aunt Seraphis,” he rumbled. “I brought something special for you.”

Seraphis raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “A gift, you say?”

Before Draken could respond, Jason eagerly pointed to the plants behind him. “Alright, Kaelen, check this out. We’ve got three strains going strong right now.”

He gestured to a batch of plants with fiery crimson leaves, their glow almost palpable under the specialized lights. “This is Dragon’s Breath—hits you like a fireball. Perfect for anyone who needs a real punch.”

Next, he guided them to a patch with shimmering, almost translucent leaves. “This one’s Pixie Dust—light, airy, keeps the creativity flowing. It won’t knock you out, but it’ll take you to another world.”

Finally, Jason pointed to a section of deep green plants with a silver sheen. “Celestial Dream—smooth and mellow, perfect for unwinding. It’s gonna pair perfectly with the edibles we’re planning to sell at the bakery.”

As they admired the strains, Draken turned back to Seraphis, a sly smile on his face. “Where are your wings and horns, aunt? As a Dragonborn, I wear mine proudly.”

Seraphis laughed, tilting her head with a playful smirk. “I’m no Dragonborn, Draken. I’m a true dragon. This is just my bonded form. Transforming is... exhausting, though. I rarely show off my scales these days.” She sighed dramatically. “Such a tragedy.”

Draken chuckled and handed her a small box. “Well, maybe this will brighten your day.” Inside was a Wyvern Heart Cake, decorated with a rich, meaty aroma that immediately captured Seraphis’ attention.

Without hesitation, Seraphis dug in, her expression one of pure delight as she savored every bite.

Watching the scene unfold, Jason grinned at Kaelen. “Bro, we need a baker for the club. If they can make stuff like this, we’ll be rolling in business.”

Kaelen, surveying the thriving strains and his team’s growing enthusiasm, felt a sense of satisfaction. The sanctuary provided the perfect cover. The exotic reptiles, drakes, and wyverns were a brilliant distraction from their true operation.

Draken stepped forward, arms crossed. “Now that you’ve seen everything, it’s time to make it official.” He handed Kaelen a thick contract. “You already own the zoo, but this expands our reach. We handle the growing, distribution, and supply chain. All it needs is your signature.”

Kaelen scanned the contract briefly. Everything looked airtight. Jason had done well, setting up the grow-op, and the Pixie Cartel was ready to deliver. Without hesitation, Kaelen signed the papers.

“Done,” he said, handing them back.

Draken’s eyes gleamed as he shook Kaelen’s hand. “Welcome to the next level.”

Jason, brimming with excitement, clapped his brother on the back. “Told you, bro. This is gonna be huge.”

Oy Yo, observing the scene, leaned toward Loren with a chuckle. “This whole setup is wild. Dragons, wyverns, and enough weed to keep Ravetham lit for days. Kunai better watch out, though—one of those wyverns totally has a vendetta against him.”

Loren laughed, shaking her head. “Kunai will survive. Barely.”

Kaelen smirked. “He’ll be fine. We’ve got bigger things to worry about.”

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