Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 46: The Fall Guy

Kaelen had just returned from the Scalescape Sanctuary, feeling a mix of satisfaction and fatigue. The hidden grow-op, spearheaded by Draken and Jason, was running smoothly, and Seraphis had enjoyed basking in the attention from Mekkar and his team. But as soon as he stepped out of his sleek Porsche at the Midnight Mirage Motel, the air around him shifted, tense with foreboding.

Suddenly, two unmarked police cars screeched to a halt, boxing him in. The shrill wail of sirens shattered the stillness as red and blue lights flickered chaotically across the Black Fang’s windows. Doors slammed open, and a squad of heavily armed officers poured out, their faces tense beneath their bulletproof vests emblazoned with "RPD."

"Kaelen Valrath!" the lead officer barked, his voice strained with tension, one hand on the butt of his gun. "You’re under arrest for the shootout with Grik and his crew. Hands in the air—now!"

Kaelen’s heart dropped. Grik. He knew this moment would come, but its sudden arrival was still a gut punch. Keeping his face calm, Kaelen raised his hands, moving with deliberate composure. His wolf helmet, resting on the passenger seat, was no help now. All he had was his years of discipline and self-control.

Loren, just a few steps behind, froze, her eyes flashing cold and calculating as she assessed the scene. "What the hell is this?" she demanded, taking a step forward, her tone controlled but laced with a dangerous edge.

"Ma’am, stand back!" one of the younger officers warned, his voice shaking. They knew Kaelen's reputation, and they weren’t keen on facing Loren, either.

High above, Seraphis, watching in her dragon form, descended swiftly, casting a massive shadow across the lot. Her pink-scaled wings flapped with force, shaking the ground beneath her as she let out a thunderous roar. The officers hesitated, momentarily frozen by the sight of her. Nearby, Jason leaned against the club's wall, watching intently, his fists clenching as tension built.

"Don’t make this harder than it needs to be," the lead officer urged, his voice betraying a tremor of fear.

Kaelen’s violet eyes burned with quiet fury, but he knew resisting would only make things worse. "I didn’t start that fight," he muttered, his jaw clenched as the officers moved in, roughly cuffing his wrists. The cold metal of the handcuffs was a harsh reminder of his situation.

Loren stood motionless, her face a mask of calm, though her eyes burned with fury. "We’ll get you out, Kaelen," she said, her voice steady despite the fear simmering underneath. She knew Delphinus was behind this.

Seraphis snarled low, her powerful form vibrating with frustration. But Kaelen gave her a sharp look—a silent order to stand down. Reluctantly, she obeyed, folding her wings with a growl.

Jason spat a curse under his breath. He already knew the arrest would complicate things, his mind racing to think of ways to turn this around. "Damn it," he muttered.

As Kaelen was shoved into the back of the police car, his mind churned. Someone must have talked. Or worse, Delphinus had paid off the right people to make sure Kaelen was the fall guy. He had been set up.

At the RPD station, Detective Harper sat at her desk, eyeing the report on her screen with growing unease. She had been part of the task force responsible for the Grik takedown, but something about the timing of Kaelen's arrest didn’t sit right with her. The commendation she had received for her role felt hollow. Deep down, she suspected this was all part of Delphinus’ manipulative game.

In the interrogation room, Kaelen sat across from Sheriff Holden. Holden, a grizzled veteran with streaks of gray in his hair, leaned forward, eyes hard. "You’ve stirred up a lot of trouble, Valrath. We’ve got statements, footage. Delphinus wants you buried."

Kaelen’s expression didn’t waver. "I’m not saying a damn thing until Alyssa gets here."

Holden smirked but there was no humor in it. "That’s fine. But you're looking at serious time."

Before he could say more, the door to the interrogation room swung open, and the officers outside scattered, fear clear on their faces. A regal figure stood in the entrance.

Zelyndra Nyxaris, Matron of the Underdark, swept into the room like a force of nature. Her silver-white hair, intricately braided and adorned with gemstones, shimmered in the dim light. Dressed in flowing black robes trimmed with purple and gold, her violet eyes, identical to Kaelen’s, glittered with fury.

Outside, Zagoth, the massive dragon, loomed over the station, his immense form blocking the windows as his wings curled protectively around the building. The streets of Ravetham had erupted in chaos, civilians fleeing at the sight of the dragon.

Sheriff Holden hurried to the front, his bravado quickly fading. "Your Majesty," he stammered, "we were just following orders—Delphinus wanted—"

Zelyndra’s cold smile silenced him. "Detained? My grandson?" Her voice was soft but deadly. "I’ve come to take him with me."

Holden swallowed, his bravado crumbling under her piercing gaze. "O-Of course, Your Highness. I’ll have him released immediately."

Kaelen’s cuffs were removed, and Zelyndra’s gaze softened, just for a moment, as she looked at him. "Come, Kaelen. We have much to discuss."

Though tension stiffened his body, Kaelen followed her out of the station. He didn’t trust her, but at this moment, Zagoth's presence gave him the reassurance he needed. And that would have to be enough for now.

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