Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 52: Shadow Sweets

Kaelen stepped out of The End Grind, his muscles still humming from the intensity of the workout. He glanced at his phone, noting the time, and smiled to himself. It was time to check out the bakery—his bakery. Jason had been overseeing the final preparations, ensuring everything was in working order.


Climbing into his Porsche, Kaelen was joined by Loren and Seraphis. As he pulled out, his thoughts drifted to the whirlwind surrounding him. Between his grandmother’s dramatic arrival and the looming clash between Delphinus and Zagoth, Ravetham was a city on edge. But today, his focus was elsewhere.


The bakery, nestled in the heart of the Shadow Fall District, had the look of a high-end establishment. While the sign hadn’t been installed yet, Kaelen had already settled on a name: Shadow Sweets. It had just the right touch of subtlety, perfect for the underground vibe he wanted to maintain. Parking the car, he thought, "Shadow Sweets… yeah, that works."


Inside, the place was immaculate. Large glass displays showcased an assortment of baked goods—muffins, cookies, cheesecakes, and pastries—all designed to appeal to casual passersby. However, there was more than met the eye. The bakery's real business lay in the back, hidden behind false walls and discreet kitchen setups: high-tech ovens and secret compartments for storing cannabis-infused ingredients. This was where the potent Dragon’s Breath and Celestial Dream strains were blended into the edibles.


Jason was already there, leaning against the counter, chatting with a group of women. Spotting Kaelen, he grinned. “Just in time,” he called out.


Kaelen approached as Jason introduced the team. “This is Annie,” Jason gestured to a short blonde human with bright eyes, who smiled at Kaelen. “And this is Mira,” he continued, introducing the druid girl with wolf ears and a tail. Her long, silvery hair and sparkling green eyes caught Kaelen's attention.


“Then we’ve got Naya,” Jason motioned to a slender elf with deep brown skin and glowing amber eyes. She wore simple, earth-toned clothing and gave Kaelen a respectful bow.


Jason's grin widened. “And finally… Syra.”


Kaelen’s violet eyes narrowed at the drow woman. Her presence in the bakery raised his suspicions. With her dark violet skin, white hair, and glowing red eyes, Syra seemed out of place in this setting. Drow rarely ventured outside the crypts, let alone into the Shadow Fall District.


“Nice to meet you all,” Kaelen said, his tone neutral as he kept a watchful eye on Syra. She smiled, but something about her didn’t sit right with him.


Jason’s voice boomed again. “And last but not least, this is Ronan.” A towering, muscular Oni with blue skin stepped forward, tribal tattoos covering his arms. Kaelen recognized him instantly—Ronan was famous for his viral cooking videos and was a sought-after chef.


“Man, I’ve seen your work,” Kaelen said, extending his hand. “Best food I’ve ever seen online.”


Ronan grinned, flashing sharp teeth. “Thanks. I aim to please. Anything you need, just let me know.”


Kaelen thought about asking for diet tips, but the image of Loren’s milkshakes crossed his mind, and he smirked. He figured he had that part covered.


Across the city, Blaze sat anxiously at a CIA branch, facing Delphinus. His expression was as cold and calculating as ever.


“Zagoth is coming,” Delphinus said flatly. “I can teleport him great distances, but that’s all. He’s coming back, and he’s very angry.”


Blaze shifted in her seat. “What do you want to do about it?”


Delphinus’ gaze darkened. “I thought about using Kaelen as a shield, but on second thought, he’d probably survive. I’m going underground for a while. Let the world deal with itself. If you need me, I’ll be in Manga, Japan.”


Meanwhile, Zagoth was currently battling NATO forces over Bond, England, distracted momentarily by the gold in their jets, allowing Delphinus to slip into hiding.


Back in Ravetham, Alyssa sat with Detective Harper, reviewing the missing person report on Grik. Footage had surfaced showing him being blown up, but the location—Kaelen’s club, The Black Fang—made it difficult to investigate further. No one wanted to confront Kaelen directly, especially with Delphinus in hiding and Matron Zelyndra, Kaelen’s grandmother, now in town.


The U.S. military had even arrived to ensure Zelyndra’s safety, with the President urging no international incidents during her visit. After all, the Underdark was part of NATO.


At the top of one of the tallest skyscrapers in Ravetham, Don Cappo lounged on the balcony, taking in the glittering sprawl of the city below. The night air was cool, the hum of the metropolis a distant echo. Beside him stood Warptor, a raptor who moved like a ghost through the city’s criminal underworld, controlling the ebb and flow of information and operations. Don Cappo held a crystal glass filled with aged whiskey, the amber liquid reflecting the dim lights of the cityscape.


"The military presence is becoming heavier," Don Cappo muttered, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table’s edge. He gazed out at the horizon, a frown tugging at his lips. "It’s like they’re making a point—showing the city they don’t need Delphinus anymore."


Warptor leaned into the shadows, his eyes gleaming as he spoke in a low, deliberate tone. "They think they’ve got everything under control. But they have no idea what’s coming. Chaos is patient—it waits until they're too comfortable."


Meanwhile, within the ornate walls of Valerian’s mansion, the atmosphere was heavy with luxury. Rachel sat across from Mason and Valerian, her posture sharp amidst the plush surroundings. The gleam of chandeliers caught on polished wood and gold accents. Tonight wasn’t just about pleasantries or fine dining; Rachel had a specific request, one that needed no preamble.


"I need a fresh batch of fairy dust," she said, cutting through the formalities with practiced ease. "The usual amount isn’t enough. Business is booming, and I need more to keep my recipes in demand."


Valerian, ever the businessman, raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "That’s quite the request, especially for something so rare. What’s driving the sudden demand?"


Rachel took a sip from her wine glass, her eyes steady. "Fairy dust gives my customers that extra edge they crave. It's become the secret ingredient in everything. If I want to stay ahead, I need a constant supply."


Mason sat quietly, watching the exchange without a word. Valerian, smirking, drummed his fingers on the table. "I’ll have your shipment ready by tomorrow. But remember, Rachel, favors come with a price. One day, I may need something in return."


Rachel met his gaze without flinching, her expression unreadable. "When that day comes, I’ll be ready."


Across town, at a high-stakes shooting event for professionals, Surge stood victorious. Her dark hair swayed as she clutched the million-dollar prize, her posture exuding both grace and power. The audience’s cheers rang out, but she barely acknowledged them. Despite the cheers, her rich mother and high elf father weren’t there. They never were.

But Glitch and Patch were, standing off to the side, sharing what could only be described as an intimate moment. Glitch’s shimmering green hair sparkled in the spotlight, while Patch, all metal limbs and rugged muscle, looked awkward but strangely content.


In the background, Bolt and Jason were preoccupied, recording videos at the bakery for one of their side hustles. She knew about Jason’s side hustle and actually approved of it, but she wouldn’t record a video unless Loren did it with Kaelen first—and even then, she doubted it would happen anytime soon.


In the dim glow of Ravetham’s police precinct, Sheriff Holden leaned back in his creaky chair, his eyes fixed on Zeke. The brothers had been discussing Kaelen’s latest move.


"Kaelen wants to turn your convenience store into a bakery?" Holden’s voice was incredulous, eyebrows raised. "That doesn’t sound like him."


Zeke shrugged, taking a drag of his cigarette. "Yeah, but he’s promised me free supplies, and he’s already hired a crew of girls to work there. He even got some famous chef. It’s not what you’d expect, but I tried some of their stuff—it’s good."


Holden chuckled darkly. "You ever think about how much money that boy’s sitting on? His grandmother’s basically a queen. And legally, she’s untouchable. It’s like we’re stuck in her shadow until she decides to leave."


Zeke exhaled a long stream of smoke. "Doesn’t matter. The bakery’s legit. Besides, the cops love the free donuts. You might want to let this one slide."


Holden muttered something about bribery under his breath, but he didn’t argue further. "Sounds like a racket to me."


Zeke smirked. "Maybe. But it’s a damn good one."


Kaelen was enjoying a spread of desserts when Syra, a young drow woman with a mischievous glint in her red eyes, approached him. Her movements were smooth and deliberate, like a cat circling its prey.


"I watched ‘Royalty’ by Trap Icy," she said in a soft, sultry tone. "And I had to meet the man behind it."


Kaelen gave her a casual shrug, trying to brush off the compliment. "I’m nothing special. Just born lucky, I guess."


Syra’s lips curled into a playful smirk. "I’d trade a lot to be born lucky." Her gaze lingered on him, the unspoken question hanging in the air. "Are you single?"


Kaelen chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s complicated. I’m single, but with my career, I can only have friends right now.”

Syra pouted playfully, but before she could press further, Kaelen’s phone buzzed. Trap Icy and Kunai had finished their interviews and were at Rave U, where they had a performance scheduled. They needed a lot of edibles, and fast.

The journey from the Shadow Fall District to Rave U wasn’t long, but the tension in the air kept Kaelen on edge. The drow and the wood elf girls volunteered to help load up the trays of edibles. They rolled out with professional setups, ready to meet the demand.

Rave U was buzzing with energy when they arrived. The concert had the familiar feel of a university event—loud music, flashing lights, and a sea of students already hyped for the show. As Kaelen and his crew entered with the trays, they were let in for free, bypassing the long lines outside.

Inside, Trap Icy and Kunai were already on stage, performing to a roaring crowd. Vex and Elara joined Kaelen at the back, helping him sell the edibles from their rolling trays. The setup was clean and professional, and business was booming as students eagerly bought treats to enjoy while watching the performance.

The night was a success, and as Kaelen watched the crowd eat up both the show and the edibles, he knew this was just the beginning.


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