Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 54: Calculated Move

Kaelen sat in his sleek office at the Scalescape Sanctuary, looking over the financial breakdown of the day’s events. The reptile zoo had been a hit, and the combination of the live performance, the buzz from edibles sales, and the influx of visitors left him more than satisfied. He had always been strategic, and today, his careful planning was paying off.

The zoo’s gates opened at noon, and by the time the live performance by Trap Icy and Elara hit the stage, the place was packed. At $20 a ticket, the sanctuary had drawn in over 1,000 guests, bringing in $20,000 from ticket sales alone. The sanctuary also did brisk business selling merchandise, with fans eager to snatch up memorabilia from the event and reptile-themed souvenirs. That brought in an additional $5,000.

In the background, the edibles made by Naya, Mira, and Syra—a part of Kaelen’s team—sold out quickly. Each infused treat, from cookies to brownies and gummies, had flown off the shelves at $25 a piece, with 500 units sold, making $12,500. The alcohol sales at the Black Fang Club’s attached bakery, which Kaelen had set up for this exact type of synergy, added another $3,000. By the end of the night, the performance itself had drawn even more attention to Lost Strays, with Trap Icy’s new song streamed heavily, generating $8,000 in revenue.

Sitting back, Kaelen tallied the total revenue from the day: $63,500.

Of course, there were expenses. He owed Trap Icy and Elara their fair share for the performance. Since both were integral to the event’s success, Kaelen had agreed to a 20% cut of the performance fee, which was $15,000. Trap Icy and Elara each earned $3,000 from that. Additionally, they deserved a slice of the streaming revenue, so Kaelen allotted another 20% to them, giving them $1,600 each from the $8,000. Altogether, he paid Trap Icy $4,600 and Elara $4,600.

Beyond that, the operating costs for running the event couldn’t be ignored. Staffing at the zoo, security for the venue, tech for the performance, and other operational expenses came in at $8,000. The edibles had their own cost—ingredients, packaging, and overhead—which totaled $3,000. Permits and licenses for the performance had cost $5,000, with an additional $2,500 in miscellaneous expenses. Altogether, the total expenses reached $27,700.

After everything, Kaelen sat with a final net profit of $35,800—a solid gain that could easily fund his next venture: the gun shop.

Surge and Elara had both approached Kaelen with the idea of opening a gun shop. They had been clear with their vision, and Kaelen trusted their judgment completely. As someone who had been shot at more than once, Kaelen knew firsthand the importance of firearms and saw the potential profit in running a store alongside his other businesses.

Surge and Elara provided him with every detail. The shop would be positioned perfectly—right next to the Black Fang Club—capitalizing on foot traffic from his clientele. The inventory would focus on a mix of standard firearms and high-end weaponry. Surge had connections with the right suppliers, ensuring Kaelen would get the best deals on both weapons and ammunition. The initial cost of the inventory alone was estimated at $50,000, with another $20,000 to lease a nearby property.

On top of that, he would need permits and licenses, which Elara had already calculated to cost around $5,000. Setting up the store, installing security systems, and ensuring compliance with local regulations would run him another $10,000. In total, the startup cost for the gun shop was set at $85,000.

But Kaelen had no doubt the investment would pay off. In the world they lived in, weapons were as vital as food or shelter. And with Surge and Elara managing the business, it was destined for success.

Just as Kaelen finalized the plans in his head, his phone buzzed. It was Oy Yo, the black kobold who had become a vital part of his operation. “Kaelen,” she said urgently, “there’s a situation with Delphinus in Manga, Japan. Seraphis needs us there immediately.”

Without hesitation, Kaelen knew who to call. His biological father, Valerian Drakov, picked up on the first ring. The relationship between them had always been complicated, especially given Kaelen’s loyalty to Mason, the man who had raised him. But Valerian had resources no one else could match.

“I need a ride to Japan,” Kaelen said without preamble.

Valerian’s tone was calm, measured, but there was a new piece of information in his reply. “Before we go, you should know the mayor of Ravetham was behind the attempt on your life.”

Kaelen blinked, absorbing the revelation. The mayor had tried to have him killed? “What did you do?” he asked quietly.

Valerian’s voice darkened. “I sent my people to handle it. Discreetly.”

Kaelen nodded, his mind already shifting to the next task. “Thanks. Now, about the jet?”

“Meet me in the crypt,” Valerian replied. “We’ll be in the air within the hour.”

The mayor of Ravetham, Darren Corvass, sat uncomfortably in the sleek, dimly lit conference room, his palms sweating despite the cool air. He was a half-elf, his features sharp and angular, yet softened by his human heritage. His black hair, streaked with silver at the temples, was slicked back, giving him a polished but aged appearance. His pale skin seemed to glow under the harsh overhead lights, emphasizing the tension etched into his expression. His piercing green eyes darted nervously as he faced the most powerful woman in the room.

President Aeliseth Thar’undar, the president of the United States, was seated across from him, her presence both elegant and intimidating. She wore a high-collared suit of deep crimson that contrasted with her alabaster skin, and her long, platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back like liquid silk. Her blue eyes were cold, calculating, and filled with an intensity that seemed to bore into Darren’s very soul. Aeliseth had a reputation for being ruthlessly efficient and commanding, and now, her focus was entirely on him.

“We know you were responsible for the assassination attempt on Kaelen Valrath,” Aeliseth began, her voice icy and unwavering, each word like a knife cutting through the silence. “You have two choices.”

Darren’s throat tightened as he shifted uneasily in his seat, his fingers twitching against the polished mahogany table. He had known this day might come but had foolishly hoped he could outmaneuver it. His power in Ravetham, especially in the wealthiest areas like Ravenwood, had been built on alliances, secrets, and manipulation. But now, he was caught.

Aeliseth’s eyes never wavered from his face as she delivered her ultimatum.

“You can face trial and be exposed for your crimes. Or,” her lips curled into a faint smile, “we can turn you over to the Queen of the Underdark. I’m sure Matron Zelyndra Nyxaris would love to deal with you herself.”

The mention of Zelyndra’s name sent a shiver down Darren’s spine. The Queen of the Underdark, Kaelen’s grandmother, was feared even among those who trafficked in dark alliances. Her methods of punishment were legendary, and none who crossed her ever returned the same—or at all.

Darren remained silent, his lips tightly pressed together. He knew any attempt to deny or negotiate would be futile. Aeliseth had cornered him, and there was no escape from the truth she had laid before him. His mind raced, weighing the options: face a public trial, where his legacy would be torn apart and his enemies would rejoice, or fall into the merciless hands of Zelyndra, who would likely exact a far more brutal and personal retribution.

President Thar’undar, sensing his silence as an answer, gestured to the armored figures standing by the door. The All-Stars, her elite security force, were renowned for their discipline and deadly efficiency. Clad in sleek black combat armor, their visors reflected the dim light of the room as they stepped forward in unison.

“Take him away,” Aeliseth commanded, her voice calm but authoritative. “Drop him off near the Shadow Fall district. Perhaps he’ll learn a thing or two about survival in downtown.”

Darren’s heart sank. The Shadow Fall district was infamous for its lawlessness, a place where the most dangerous criminals, supernatural beings, and the destitute roamed freely. To be left there, unprotected, was a death sentence in itself. His mind spun, trying to imagine a way out, but there was none.

The All-Stars moved swiftly, their armored hands gripping his shoulders with firm, unyielding force. Darren offered no resistance, knowing it would be futile. As they escorted him from the room, President Thar’undar’s cold gaze remained fixed on him, unblinking and merciless.

The door shut with a heavy thud behind him, sealing his fate.

Kaelen leaned back in the plush leather seat of Valerian’s private jet, absorbing the opulence around him. The jet's interior resembled a luxurious loft, complete with polished wood finishes, ambient lighting, and comfortable couches that invited relaxation. Valerian spared no expense; the space boasted a well-stocked bar, a state-of-the-art entertainment system, and several private quarters, making the journey more of an extravagant escape than a simple flight.

Around him, his companions had settled into their own activities. Seraphis, sitting across from Kaelen, flipped through a thick tome on ancient draconic lore. Her red eyes flickered like embers beneath her pink hair, giving her a fierce yet graceful look. Loren, always close to Kaelen, casually checked her array of vials and potions while making playful comments about the many places they planned to visit in Manga, Japan.

Jason, Bolt, and Draken had turned the back of the jet into a hangout spot, passing around a freshly lit joint while battling it out in Final Fantality on the massive screen affixed to the wall. The sound of brutal combos filled the air as Red Dot executed an array of savage attacks, blood and sparks flying on the screen with each hit.

“Red Dot in Final Fantality—now that’s a sight,” Jason said, his voice hoarse from the smoke as he exhaled slowly, his blond hair tousled from the flight.

Draken grinned, his features relaxed and sharp. “There’s talk of Lost Stray and Link Up being next. You ready to see your face in pixels, Kaelen?”

Kaelen took a long drag from the joint, feeling the smooth burn in his lungs before exhaling into the already smoky air. He glanced at the screen with a nonchalant smirk. “Didn’t ask for it, but if it comes with a big check, I’m all in.”

Draken laughed, leaning back in his seat. “Always about the money, huh?”

Kaelen flicked the joint into the ashtray. “It’s just business. The more exposure, the better for the label.”

Bolt, his electric blue hair crackling faintly with energy, chimed in. “You really gonna let Draken date Oy Yo? You two signed her, after all.”

Kaelen shrugged. “Not my business who Draken dates. Pure luck that I signed her to Lost Strays anyway. Guess it’s fate, huh?” He shot Draken a grin.

Draken chuckled but looked a little embarrassed. “We’ll see how it plays out.”

Mira, the silver-haired druid, worked with calm precision as she prepared the base for their edibles, her keen senses finely attuned to the task. Seated at the jet’s polished kitchen counter, she methodically combined dried herbs, including lavender, chamomile, and mint, each measured with the accuracy of someone well-versed in both nature’s magic and the culinary arts. Her wolf ears twitched now and then as she focused on the delicate balance of flavors and potency, her hands moving gracefully through the ingredients.

Mira’s process started by decarboxylating the cannabis—a crucial step for activating its psychoactive properties. She laid the buds on a small baking tray and slid them into the oven, preheated to a precise temperature. As the warm, earthy aroma began to fill the cabin, her wolf ears perked up, picking up on the faint sounds of conversation from the others.

Naya, seated nearby, was busy mixing ingredients, her golden eyes flicking between her work and Mira’s progress. The wood elf occasionally glanced at the druid, impressed by her focus. Naya knew Mira’s hands were as skilled in combat as they were in crafting, yet she marveled at how deftly her fingers moved when handling such delicate materials.

Meanwhile, Syra, the violet-skinned drow with white hair, sat cross-legged, helping with the cooking while occasionally asking for love advice. She had a crush on Kaelen and wanted to make her move on this trip. Her red eyes sparkled with curiosity and a hint of nervousness as she sought guidance from her friends.

After decarboxylating the cannabis, Mira melted butter in a small saucepan. Her movements were fluid, each step familiar from countless times preparing herbal mixtures. She added the now-active cannabis into the bubbling butter, allowing the cannabinoids to infuse into the fat. The druid stirred slowly, her wolf ears twitching as she kept an ear on the consistency, making sure it didn’t overheat.

Naya moved over to help, grabbing the mixing bowls. “We’ll need to strain the butter soon,” she said, her voice practical and efficient. Together, they worked quickly, straining the infused butter through a cheesecloth to remove any leftover plant material. The resulting liquid was a rich, golden-green color, a perfect base for the edible treats.

Mira smiled at the sight, her wolf ears twitching with satisfaction. “Perfect consistency,” she murmured, reaching for the dark chocolate bars and oat flour to mix into the butter for their final product—handcrafted, potent edibles.

As she stirred the ingredients together, the room smelled of chocolate and herbs, a curious blend of sweet and earthy aromas. Naya rolled the mixture into small, bite-sized balls, while Mira sprinkled them with a hint of powdered cinnamon and sea salt for flavor balance. Syra finally broke her meditation, moving over to touch each treat with a faint glow of arcane energy, sealing the magic within.

“There,” Mira said, wiping her hands clean. “These will last us the whole trip. And they’ll keep our senses sharp.”

Syra nodded in approval, her crimson eyes glowing softly. “No one will suspect what these are. Perfect for what’s to come.”

As the game played on in the background, Valerian approached Kaelen. His entrance, as always, was silent but commanding. Dressed in flowing dark robes, his pale, ageless face and sharp eyes held an air of deep authority.

“Kaelen,” Valerian’s smooth, deliberate voice cut through the room’s relaxed atmosphere. “Before we land, you need to drink this.”

Kaelen looked up to see Valerian holding out a small vial filled with a shimmering silver liquid that seemed to pulse with a strange light.

“What’s this?” Kaelen asked, taking the vial.

“Unicorn blood,” Valerian explained. “It will enhance your abilities, make you stronger. Rachel acquired it through special means—it was offered willingly by the creature. You’ll need this for the trials ahead.”

Kaelen swirled the liquid in the vial, watching it catch the light. “Unicorn blood, huh? Powerful stuff, then.”

Valerian nodded, his expression serious. “Very. Drink it before we land.”

Kaelen uncorked the vial and downed the shimmering liquid. It tasted sweet, like honey, with an underlying metallic tang. As it slid down his throat, he could feel an almost immediate shift in his body, though he couldn’t quite identify the change yet.

“I feel... different,” Kaelen muttered, his violet eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to make sense of the sensation.

“You will,” Valerian replied cryptically, before returning to his seat.

Kaelen shook off the strange feeling and refocused on the game as Jason set up another round. His thoughts drifted back to the unicorn blood, but he chose to distract himself by focusing on winning the match.

Five hours later, the jet touched down in Manga, Japan. It was 2:00 AM, and the humid night air greeted them as they stepped off the plane. Despite the late hour, Kaelen felt oddly energized, likely a side effect of the unicorn blood coursing through his system.

Waiting for them on the tarmac was a sleek black SUV, its tinted windows gleaming under the dim runway lights. Oy Yo stood at the front, her father, a burly kobold with black scales and gleaming yellow eyes, beside her. Flanked by several men in dark suits, they looked ready for business.

Oy Yo greeted Draken first with a playful smile, her sharp eyes gleaming with excitement. Draken returned the smile, but there was a hint of nerves beneath his usual swagger.

Kaelen glanced behind him to check on Trap Icy and Kunai, who were still groggily climbing out of the jet, having passed out during the flight. They were tired but otherwise fine.

As Valerian and his staff veered off to handle their own affairs, Kaelen gestured for the rest of his crew to follow. Seraphis, Loren, Jason, Mira, Naya, Syra, Bolt, and Draken gathered around, ready for whatever Manga had in store for them.

"I guess it’s time to see what Oy Yo has lined up," Kaelen said, anticipation mixed with curiosity. The humid night air clung to him, but the rush of excitement kept his mind sharp. Whatever lay ahead in Japan, Kaelen was ready.

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