Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 80: Blitzball and Blackouts

Kaelen sat back in one of the plush lounge chairs in his Black Fang club, casually leaning over to exchange a quick word with Draken, who was there to pick up his order of four pounds of weed. The deal had already been arranged, and Draken counted out $35,000 on the table, flashing a satisfied grin. The room was buzzing with activity as the evening crowd filled the club. Loren, standing behind the bar, reached for the remote and switched on the flat-screen TV mounted on the wall.

The room fell into a hushed quiet as the large screen came to life, broadcasting a live news segment. The anchor's expression was grave as they introduced the story with one name dominating the conversation: Kaelen Valrath.

"Tonight, we have exclusive coverage of an incident that has shaken the nation," the anchor announced. "Recently, a well-known Twitchr streamer, Trap Icy, captured shocking footage involving Kaelen Valrath, a figure now dubbed by some as a potential weapon of mass destruction. To discuss the implications, we have a panel of experts with us: Dr. Marian Roswell, military strategist and defense expert; Alistair Vayne, a renowned magical biologist; and Professor Lorelei Durne, a historian specializing in arcane and draconic studies."

The broadcast cut to the footage from Trap Icy's stream. It began with scenes of Kaelen working out in the gym, his movements calm and measured, until Delphinus suddenly appeared, making bizarre threats. As the video progressed, Kaelen’s form shifted, vanishing from sight as Delphinus roared with frustration, biting through metal weights as if they were candy. Trap Icy followed the dolphin as he swam through the air outside, where Kaelen reappeared, unleashing a powerful dragon’s breath in his full draconic form, a blinding beam of destruction that obliterated Delphinus’s armor and knocked the dolphin into a deep crater, unconscious.

As the footage concluded, the screen cut back to the panel of experts.

Dr. Marian Roswell was the first to speak, her voice steady but concerned. "What we witnessed here is unprecedented. The transformation of Kaelen into a white dragon is significant because white dragons are typically known for their ice and frost abilities. But Kaelen’s dragon breath was something entirely different—it was a devastating blast of pure energy. This makes him an anomaly, a hybrid weapon of mass destruction."

Alistair Vayne nodded in agreement. "Correct. White dragons in known literature and magical biology possess very specific traits: frost breath, heightened durability, and territorial aggression. Kaelen, however, seems to have fused these draconic abilities with something more dangerous—possibly blood magic and light magic, given his background. This combination means his powers could rival that of some of the most destructive forces we've ever documented. If left unchecked, he could wipe out entire regions."

Professor Lorelei Durne frowned, adjusting her glasses. "The real issue here is intent. Is Kaelen in control of these powers? Or is he a ticking time bomb? We know that dragons are volatile creatures, but Kaelen's mixed heritage half elf, makes him unpredictable. He’s no longer just a prince of the Underdark; he’s a weapon."

The anchor turned toward Aelira, who was now representing the Underdark as their diplomat. Her face was calm, but there was a fire in her violet eyes as she spoke.

"Kaelen was defending himself," Aelira said, her voice sharp. "Delphinus attacked him first, and Kaelen had no choice but to respond with the full extent of his abilities. This wasn't an act of aggression—it was an act of survival. He is not a weapon of mass destruction. He is the Prince of the Underdark, and we expect him to be treated with the respect he deserves."

The anchor's tone shifted, more probing. "But what about this footage?" They switched to a different video—one showing Kaelen naked, but blurred, with a sign draped over him saying, I’ll do anything for drugs.

Aelira's eyes narrowed, and her voice took on an edge. "That was an imposter. A mimic from the Underdark, sent to sabotage Kaelen’s career and reputation. My queen, Matron Zelyndra, has already dealt with the individual responsible. It was an attempt to undermine his standing, nothing more."

Before the anchor could respond, one of the analysts—Alistair Vayne—interjected. "But what about the survivor’s story?" He gestured to the screen, where a shaky, distorted voice began speaking in a pre-recorded interview.

"I only went there because I was told I’d get my beep sucked, but instead I got attacked by this white-haired boy with violet eyes. He tried to bite me before wolves showed up, and I barely escaped."

Aelira scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. "This proves nothing. Just another drug addict, too high to even know left from right. Regardless, Kaelen is not a danger to the public. He is a prince of the Underdark, and you would do well to remember that."

Loren, tired of the tension, changed the channel, switching it to a Blitzball game—The Reavers versus The Ace of Spades. The room settled into a more relaxed atmosphere, with only the occasional murmur about the news coverage.

Draken finished paying Kaelen before giving him a nod. "I’m heading over to the zoo to grab my shipment," Draken said, standing up.

As Kaelen relaxed back into his chair, his phone buzzed. He answered, his sister Thaige’s voice chiming in on the other end. "Brother, I’m coming over to celebrate your victory over that pink fish, Delphinus. I’m bringing Father’s most expensive blood wine, so prepare yourself."

Kaelen smirked, unable to help but enjoy the praise. But before he could respond, Seraphis appeared from the shadows, striding over to him. She sat down on his lap without warning, leaning in to kiss him deeply. The world went black before Kaelen could even react.

When he came to, he wasn’t in the club anymore. The room was dimly lit, and he was dressed in a rich purple robe, holding a half-empty bottle of blood wine. The taste of it still lingered on his lips, and there was no sign of Loren or Seraphis. He glanced around, confused, masking his annoyance as he took another swig to clear his head.

Before he could figure out what had happened, Thaige’s voice echoed from nearby. "Syra’s bringing some entertainment later, so brace yourself, brother."

Kaelen’s expression shifted to one of worry. Before he could say anything, Syra arrived, flanked by Surge and Aelira. All three women were wearing long, black trench coats, their expressions unreadable. The moment Kaelen saw them, the world faded into darkness once more.

Kaelen woke up again, this time outside. The cool air hit his face as he sat in a circle with Kunai and Jason, the two of them casually passing around a blunt. They glanced at him with curious expressions, clearly aware of something he wasn’t.

Jason gave a knowing smirk. "So, wanna talk about your secret?"

Kaelen blinked, still groggy. "Secret?"

Kunai shrugged, taking a slow drag before handing the blunt to Kaelen. Jason leaned in, lowering his voice. "Whatever, lil' bro. Keep it to yourself if you want, but Mason told me to keep an eye on you. If you're acting weird, it's probably that nanite in your head. Just don’t hurt yourself or anyone else, alright?"

Kaelen took a deep hit from the blunt, exhaling the smoke slowly. "What the hell did I do?" he muttered, more to himself than to them, wondering what kind of chaos had transpired during the blackouts.

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