Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 87: Shattered Scales

The atmosphere on Draconia was tense as the skies blazed with the twin suns over the jagged horizon of volcanic peaks and fire-spewing canyons. Nys'trinara, once the undefeated conqueror of worlds, lay battered and broken within her home fortress. Her draconian armor had been mangled, her scales shattered, and her wings torn—she looked as though she had been thrown into a starship compactor and survived only by sheer willpower.

By her side, hovering just above the ground, was Delphinus, the pink space dolphin with psychic abilities. He had warped them both back to Draconia, leaving the aftermath of her defeat behind them on Earth. Nys'trinara’s defeat was humiliating enough, but worse, it had been at the hands of a Terran.

Inside the towering Draconian Palace, the massive throneroom shimmered with ancient magic and futuristic technology. The throne itself was carved from obsidian, and seated upon it was Emperor Xaldorith, Nys'trinara’s father and ruler of Draconia. His golden eyes glowed beneath his heavy brow, his massive form encased in draconian battle armor that was so ancient and powerful that it hummed with energy.

Delphinus floated before him, projecting the grim news telepathically to the emperor. Xaldorith’s eyes narrowed in fury as he learned of his daughter’s defeat.

“A Terran?” Xaldorith’s voice rumbled through the chamber like thunder, shaking the walls. “My daughter, the undefeated conqueror of worlds, brought low by an insignificant Earthling?”

“The Terran’s name is Kaelen Valrath,” Delphinus spoke with satisfaction, his pinkish form glimmering as his psychic waves continued to resonate within the chamber. "He is no ordinary being. He wields immense power, something... otherworldly. It would seem that he has ties to both draconic and eldritch forces."

Xaldorith’s clawed hand clenched the armrest of his throne, cracking the obsidian. "For this insult, I shall have his head. A bounty of ten trillion credits. Dead or alive." His voice was final, like the slamming of a cosmic door.

Delphinus bowed slightly, a twisted smile curling at the edges of his ethereal form. “I will assist in this endeavor, my Emperor. Together, we shall see the Terran brought to his knees.”

Back on Earth, in the neon-lit chaos of Ravetham, the race had finally ended, leaving behind a trail of destruction and burned-out wrecks. Aeliseth, who had orchestrated the death race, stood coolly at the finish line as the chaos settled. Her platinum hair fluttered in the night wind as she addressed the winners, her face neutral but her sharp eyes assessing every move.

Seraphis was awarded $20 million for her wild and relentless driving, which had decimated half the field. The black Corvette EV she drove now stood as a symbol of her triumph.

Jason, grinning from ear to ear in his Lamborghini Estoque, received $10 million for his second-place finish. His suit was still steaming from his exoskeleton’s overdrive mode, but the high elf’s energy was boundless.

Trap Icy, driving her matte black Lamborghini, was more reserved but pleased with her $1 million prize. Her Kenku boyfriend, Kunai, gave a subtle nod of approval as they watched the police and spectators clear the streets.

Aeliseth turned to Kaelen, who had finished the race last but had still survived the insanity. "I want to see you tomorrow for a more formal recruitment into my services," she told him, her gaze lingering just a bit too long. Kaelen, too tired to argue, nodded and agreed.

He and Loren climbed into the Porsche Panamera 5, the sleek black car purring as they headed back toward the Black Fang—Kaelen’s club. Seraphis followed behind in the Corvette EV, a sense of pride radiating from her as they drove through the city.

When they arrived at the club, the party was already in full swing. The bar was crowded with shady figures lounging, gambling, and drinking. Illegal activities were scattered across the various back rooms, but none of that bothered Kaelen. As long as no one caused trouble, he let his clientele do as they pleased.

His attention was drawn to the bar where Siena "Veil" Voss, the muscular Aasimar tech genius, sat drinking. When she noticed Kaelen’s arrival, she gestured for him to join her.

“I want you, that pretty blonde, and the fiery one in one of the rooms upstairs,” she said bluntly, taking a swig from her drink.

Kaelen smirked. It was hard to say no to Veil. “Sure.”

Loren and Seraphis followed him up to his private quarters, where the night took a wild and hedonistic turn.

Afterward, as the early morning sun began to rise over Ravetham, Loren spoke to Seraphis about setting up a bank account. The two drove off in the Corvette EV, leaving Kaelen behind as he prepared for his next destination: Shadow Sweets.

At Shadow Sweets, the quiet atmosphere was a stark contrast to the chaos of the night before. The scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air, and Kaelen spotted Zeke, sitting in one of the booths, devouring a slice of cake. Across from him was Harper, dressed in casual street clothes, something Kaelen had never seen her wear before. They looked like they might be on a date, which surprised Kaelen considering Harper’s usually cold demeanor.

Behind the counter, Maya and Syra were busy working, baking more desserts as they handled the front. Kaelen made his way over, greeting them both warmly before picking up a few edibles to go. Ronan was nowhere to be seen, likely working in the back.

Kaelen’s next stop was Lock and Loaded, his gun shop. Behind the register was Elara, her sharp features betraying nothing as she informed him that Surge was currently on a date with Jason and would return later.

Kaelen thanked her before deciding it was time to check on his sister and Valerian at the mansion.

When Kaelen arrived at Valerian’s mansion, he immediately sensed something off. Inside the grand hall, Thaige, his sister, was holding a meeting with several powerful figures. They were all women, each exuding an aura of vampiric might that made even Kaelen’s skin prickle.

At the center of them, Thaige looked more alive than ever, commanding the room with her presence. Seated at the table were four elder vampires, their eyes glowing in the dim light.

One of them, Yamada Sagiri, had an aura that Kaelen recognized immediately—an ancient vampire lord from the eastern clans. But the other three were unfamiliar to him.

The first was Venera Ashenheart, a tall, pale woman with jet-black hair that cascaded down her back. Her clan was notorious for its control over shadow magic and assassinations.

The second, Isolde Crimsonveil, had blood-red hair and wore an opulent gown, her clan infamous for its control over dark rituals and forbidden magic.

The third was Morgana Blackthorn, a vampiress with silver hair and piercing blue eyes. Her clan specialized in controlling legions of undead, making them one of the most feared families in the vampire world.

They were here for one reason: to investigate the rumors of Thaige’s revival, the ancient Demon Lord of old. The tension in the air was thick as the elder vampires discussed the implications of Thaige’s return.

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