Strict Wife of the Seventies Manages the Household

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Extraordinary: College Entrance Examinat

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Chapter 183 Fanwai: College Entrance Examination

In the morning, Dawang led the team, and the group of them did morning exercises as usual, and the training could not be delayed.

At this moment, it can be seen that Gao Ling’s physical strength is better than Luan Yaohui, and Er Wang, a non-soldier, has better physical strength than him.

Luan Yaohui: “It’s my wisdom that has affected my body, and I can’t help it.”

Erwang laughed at him: “Perhaps you should check if it is a sign of muscle atrophy. Don’t be young and your physical strength is getting worse.”

Luan Yaohui: “I’m just lazy, how can you tell me that I can’t do it anymore.”

Mai Sui was amused by them and clapped his hands, “I said you must work harder in your studies, and you must pass the exam.”

Zhou Shuguang: “Teacher Mai, don’t worry, it will be a shame for you not to pass the test. We have to be practiced to death. If we don’t want to suffer the crime, we have to pass the test.” He gave Ji Tingshen a pointed look.

Ji Tingshen taught them a word. I endured distress and sadness and asked his wife to make up lessons for you. If you don’t pass the exam, you can be worthy of her!

Luan Yaohui: “Teacher Mai, don’t worry, we must have done better than the platoon leader season, haha.”

Ji Ting snorted deeply, “Are you all left to dream now?”

Luan Yaohui: “No, there are also little nurses, art troupe…Ah, don’t hit me! Help!” He watched Ji Tingshen walk towards him and ran away. The others were useless and could only hide behind Dawang.

Ji Tingshen insisted on beating him again to keep his mouth low. If he hadn’t known it, he blocked the stairs and questioned him. It would be shameful! What about him, Lao Tzu’s face was so embarrassed that he was asked by the brother-in-law, can he raise his head in the future?

“Come here!” Ji Tingshen tilted his head to look at Luan Yaohui behind.

Luan Yaohui: “I call your father, you can spare me.”

He grabbed Dawang’s arm and shouted at Maisui, “Mom, you save me.”

Ji Tingshen couldn’t help but laughed, Da Wang looked at Ji Tingshen like an idiot.

Maisui was unmoved: “Eating breakfast, starved to death.” She took Erwang and ran away.

Luan Yaohui: “My mother didn’t understand it or didn’t understand it on purpose?”

Ji Tingshen patted his head, “Idiot, can you take science courses like this? What school do you report to?”

Luan Yaohui proudly said: “Tsinghua, I will be from Tsinghua in the future, and I will do better than you in the exam. Where did you report, dad? Beijing Institute of Technology? Do you dare to be a little prosperous, why don’t you report one to my mother?”

Ji Tingshen handed him an idiotic look, “There are rules above, no matter what university you are applying for, you must go to the military academy to round the required majors and check in!”

He and Dawang have a very heavy task. They need to learn a foreign language as well as military science and technology, such as going to Harbin Military University and Beijing Institute of Technology. It is definitely not as easy for ordinary students to go to college. This is also one of the special training content.

When Mai Sui and Erwang first applied for university volunteers, they only entangled with Peking University and Tsinghua Newspaper. The last three volunteers applied for Peking University, and the other two were all Tsinghua University.

Because of the cultural movement, the whole country emphasizes rationality and neglects literature. Now that the college entrance examination is restored, science and engineering majors are more popular than liberal arts majors, and because Peking University has moved to the left, cultural movements are more vigorous. Relatively speaking, there is no conservative and peaceful Tsinghua University that has the advantage.

As for the military academy, there are no decent ones now, they are all similar to the May 7th Cadre School. There are several military academies across the country, focusing on military industry, researching military equipment, etc. Most of the applicants for the first session are military cadets.

Under the leadership of Ji Tingshen and Dawang, their learning efficiency is very high. They are learning formulas during training and eating, and they can dream of doing problems when they sleep. Time passed quickly in the nervous and happy review of young people. In a blink of an eye, the unified national college entrance examination began on November 28. Each province issues the exam questions, and the exam time is early and late. The province is scheduled for three days on December 8/9/10.

Mai Sui and Erwang were in an examination room. After they finished answering the papers, they turned their heads and met with an agreement to hand in the papers.

Out of the examination room, “It’s very simple, it doesn’t feel much.” Mai Sui said.

Erwang: “I feel I can definitely pass the exam.”

“Go and see them.” They went to the agreed position and waited.

Although it is only October 30 of the lunar calendar, the temperature is already very low, and the weather is extremely cold.

Maisui stomped her feet and rubbed her hands in vain. She was so beautiful that she didn’t like wearing a swollen military coat and Jiefang cotton shoes. She was wearing a wool coat and leather cotton shoes at the moment, after all, it was not so windy.

Er Wang was afraid that she would be cold, “Or let’s go home first.”

Mai Sui took out the watch from his pocket and took a look, “Wait a little longer, it should be very fast.” She understands the level of their review. This difficulty is difficult for self-taught candidates and should be easy for them to deal with. .

Soon, Dawang and Ji Tingshen came together. Dawang’s complexion was calm, and he couldn’t tell whether it was good or bad. Ji Tingshen’s face was a little pale, and he seemed not in a good mood.

Mai Sui smiled at him, “Platoon Commander Ji, is this a bad exam?”

Ji Ting looked down at her deeply, “Will you despise me.” I don’t know if she pretends to resemble, she will sympathize.

Mai Sui patted him, “If you fail the exam, I will despise you.” What is disgust?

Ji Tingshen raised her hand and rubbed her face, raised her cashmere scarf, and shook her hand.

Maisui quickly put on his gloves and took the initiative to hold his hand, “Come on, I will warm you up.” The gloves can isolate the source of the poison.

Ji Tingshen: “…”

A few female students came out and kept looking at them. Standing here with four people is too eye-catching, and it is difficult for people to pay attention. A female classmate kept looking here, moving a little bit. She glanced at Dawang, and was frightened by Dawang’s cold eyes. Finally, she mustered up the courage to sprint at a speed of 100 meters and rushed over to Erwangyi. Letter.

She rushed so fast that she almost leaped against the wall, and Erwang gave her a hand to stabilize her.

“Thank you.” Her voice trembled, she put the letter in his hand and ran away in a panic.

Mai Sui exclaimed, “Second brother is so attractive.” She patted Erwang’s arm and was happy for him. “Our second brother’s demeanor can’t be covered by anyone!” There were girls watching. Sending a letter to Erwang, Mai Sui has a feeling that my younger brother is older and very attractive. I am a sister and I am proud.

After all, in high school, the girls almost stared at the big brother running, and the second younger brother Wenxiu was restrained and stayed with her all day. Few girls said anything to him.

Erwang’s ears were red, so he hurriedly stuffed the letter to Maisui.

Mai Sui solemnly returned it to him, “Brother, don’t be embarrassed. Young girls have the right to be pursued, and good boys have the right to be admired by girls. This shows that you have grown up. I am. Happy with Big Brother for you.”

Erwang: “…” Aren’t you born with me?

Dawang: “…” My mother’s shadow is everywhere.

Ji Tingshen: “…” When can my wife be so gentle and considerate to me.

Mai Sui received his bitter look in his eyes and smiled back, “Ji Tingshen, how many love letters have you received?”

Ji Tingshen felt her smile a little dazzling, “I don’t have a single letter, would you write me a letter?”

Mai Sui tilted his head and looked at him, “Well, I took a bath together.”

Ji Tingshen: “…” He looked at Dawang for help.

Dawang turned his head and looked to the other side, Zhou Shuguang, Luan Yaohui, and Gao Ling ran over.

Gao Ling: “I’m going to throw up.”

Luan Yaohui: “It’s over, I failed the exam.” He looked at Mai Sui: “Teacher Mai, go to celebrate and comfort me.”

Maisui laughed, “Aren’t you going back to the army?”

Luan Yaohui pointed to Ji Tingshen and Dawang: “They are the sons of the army, we don’t care, no one hurts, I ask Teacher Mai to hurt.”

Ji Tingshen was holding the fire. If he hadn’t been beeping in front of Maisui all day, she wouldn’t run him, kicking Luan Yaohui, “Get out of here.”

Luan Yaohui hid to Maisui, “Oh, it’s snowing.”

Snow fell from the sky, piece by piece, like elves falling into the world, sweeping away the gloomy past, so this is a heavy snow celebrating the harvest, which makes people feel particularly good.

Candidates who came out of the examination room cheered for a good test. They were not ideal or discouraged. As long as they are still young, as long as they can take the test, there will be hope in the coming year.

Ji Tingshen held Maisui’s gloved hand, “Is it cold?”

Wheat stomped his feet, “It’s okay, let’s go home.”

Ji Tingshen: “Tell Han Ju and Auntie to come out to eat hot pot, and celebrate.” He clapped his hands and motioned to the few people, “Come up and eat hot pot.” State-owned restaurants have hot pot in winter.

Zhou Shuguang and a few immediately agreed, “Then let’s hurry up and take a seat.” After the exam today, many people will definitely spend a lot of money to celebrate.

The snow got bigger and bigger, Dawang went to pick up Han Qingsong, and the others went to the Revolutionary Committee.

Lin Lan was going out to buy groceries at the state-owned vegetable farm. Mai Sui said that he wanted to eat hot pot. Lin Lan promised that they would cook hot pot to celebrate after the exam. Seeing them coming back, her eyebrows were crooked, “College students are back, go to your house, I’ll go shopping for groceries.”

Er Wang took her bag and said, “Mother, let’s get together and go out to eat.”

Lin Lan: “That’s okay. It’s a big thing like the exam, you have to be formal.” She knows that the children love her and keep her from working in the cold. In fact, they bring vegetables and tickets every time they come to dinner. Ji Tingshen and the others No need for her to do anything.

The state-owned hotel is not far away, just across the street, everyone knows it. The person in charge of the restaurant prepared a single room for them, “It’s warm and quiet, everyone eats and chats.”

Two old-fashioned large copper pots, a chimney erected in the middle, and charcoal fire underneath. A circle of pots can be used to cook vegetables. They are divided into spicy pot and clear soup.

Ji Tingshen took the certificate of the regimental department and asked the restaurant to prepare more mutton, pork belly, lamb scorpion, and more cabbage, potatoes, spinach, leeks, and bean sprouts.

They burned the pot first, and when the pot opened, Da Wang and Han Qingsong drove over in a jeep.

Seeing Han Qingsong coming in, a young man in the room immediately stood up, “Hello Director Han!”

Han Qingsong nodded at them: “Sit down, don’t be restrained.”

Everyone reserved a seat for him, with Lin Lan and Dawang next to them, and then the young people sat in a circle.

Just after the exam, the young people all feel high-spirited, standing at an inflection point, and now they always feel that their future is brighter than in the past dull and gloomy days. As long as you work hard, you will not be disappointed in the future.

With the proper guidance of Maisui and Erwang, plus their own efforts, they all felt that they did well in the exam.

Ji Tingshen took the lead, and the young people raised their wine glasses together, “Thanks to Director Han and Aunt Lin for the first cup. I wish you a hundred years of love and success in your work.” He has long discovered that Director Han is particularly fond of people saying that he is a good match for Lin Lan. Concentric, loving white heads and the like.

Everyone drank it together, and Lin Lan took a sip too happy.

Ji Tingshen: “Second cup, thank Mai Sui and Wang Jun, if it weren’t for you two to help us review, we can only blindly hold our heads and cry now instead of celebrating. I wish you a bright future and a happy life.”

He turned around and touched Maisui, just let her make a point. Ji Tingshen drank it in one fell swoop, and the other young people drank along, saying that they thanked the two teachers Han.

Luan Yaohui started to boast that he had a good drink, and today he is going to drink through the audience.

Ji Tingshen said: “Don’t brag, Wangguo has a lot of alcohol than you.”

Luan Yaohui was fooled for a second, and immediately climbed Dawang’s arm to drink with him.

Since Dawang had drunk it last time, he almost knew how much he was drinking. He found that drinking was really something that he could practice. He has good physical fitness and a fast metabolism. After drinking, he will quickly be excreted from the body with blood circulation.

Of course, it’s good to drink and drink happily, not for the sake of performance, let alone drinking the other party on the ground.

But if others want to provoke, he won’t be ashamed.

After Luan Yaohui drank two glasses, he put his head on Dawang’s shoulder, “Han Wangguo, if I am a woman, I will marry you, you can compare to platoon leader Ji…”

Ji Tingshen flicked a piece of raw potato on his mouth, “Eat your hot pot.”

Don’t talk nonsense in front of my daughter-in-law, shut up for Lao Tzu in front of my daughter-in-law.

Young people are full of enthusiasm and passion for the future. After the resumption of the college entrance examination, the future of the motherland will get better and better. They are not saying nothing but boasting, but point out the direction in which everyone is working hard.

After listening to them, Han Qingsong’s expression was also softer. Looking at these young people, he felt more cultured and energetic than his own generation, and the future could be expected.

Lin Lan leaned her head to him and said with a chuckle: “Director Han is still satisfied with the young people?”

These young people are elites in the army, and their faces are the faces of the younger generation in the army.

Han Qingsong held her hand without letting go, nodded, and said softly: “Are you full?”

Lin Lan smiled, “I’m full already, waiting for you.”

Han Qingsong took her hand and got up and picked up his wine glass. “Young people, the future belongs to you. I hope you all have a steelyard in your heart. Keep the party and the country in mind, work hard, and congratulate you.” He seemed to know that they must be. Will be admitted to the same, give them advance blessings.

He drank the wine in his glass and waved his hand, “You play by yourself, let’s go back first.”

Lin Lan knows that he is not used to eating out, if it weren’t for his children to celebrate the college entrance examination, he would not come to the wine bureau.

Lin Lan smiled at them, “Children, it’s good to have fun. After dinner, you can go to see a movie and play or something, don’t rush home.”

“Mother Lin, you really know us!” the young people shouted.

Lin Lan looked at Dawang and Ji Tingshen: “Leave it to you brothers and sisters.”

Dawang and Ji Tingshen nodded at her to relieve her.

Lin Lan and Han Qingsong walked arm in arm.

There was a heavy snow blowing outside, but her heart was warm, and his big hands held her firmly and warmly for so many years.

Lin Lan: “Three brothers, do you want to walk?”

Han Qingsong stood in front of the door and stared for a while, bowed his head and said something to her, Lin Lan quickly turned around and took a look so that no waiter would send it out to hear it.

Han Qingsong laughed, took her into the car, and drove home. If the children are not at home, he can just live the world of two with his daughter-in-law, and he is very happy.

In the single room, the young people were still eating and drinking. As soon as Han Qingsong left, the pressure on the waiters dropped sharply, and they would come in from time to time to take a look at the handsome soldiers.

Luan Yaohui: “My parents are gone, can I smoke a cigarette?” He learned to smoke.

Ji Tingshen glanced at him, pointed to the outside, and asked him to pull it out.

Luan Yaohui smiled with Mai Sui: “I can’t bear to choke on Teacher Mai.”

Gao Ling was going to learn to smoke with him, Ji Ting frowned, “Eat your singe leek, the squad leader has to learn before he gets sick.”

Gao Ling started to cook cabbage and mushrooms, but did not eat leeks, although he likes to eat leeks the most.

Of those present, he has the lowest position at the moment, so he really has no status.

For a moment, Da Wang got up, everyone looked at him.

Zhou Shuguang: “Would you like to go? Where do you go to fight?”

Dawang: “You continue, I’ll make a call.”

Luan Yaohui happened to come in from the outside, and when he heard that she was excited, “Is it that female communication soldier, the voice is sweet and sweet, she must be very handsome, and when will we introduce it to us?”

When he said this, everyone became curious, Zhou Shuguang: “Han Wangguo, can you, let’s eat and sleep together every day, why don’t we know when you are looking for a partner?”

Dawang didn’t change his face: “Don’t talk nonsense, I’ll call my brother.”

At this point, the two boys should have gone back to the dormitory, maybe they are still together. They told their brothers and sisters to call them at night after the exam.

As soon as I heard that I called my brothers, Mai Sui and Erwang would also go together.

So a group of people went to the telephone room of the hotel, and Dawang showed his work permit to use it.

The call was made to the Sanwang dormitory, and he moved to the quadruple dormitory, which has a telephone.

The phone rang and was picked up, and Sanwang’s loud voice came, “Big Brother!”

The sound made Wang’s ears hum, and he slowly said, “It’s me.”

Without waiting for him to continue, Sanwang began to crackle and say, “Have you finished the exam? How are you doing? My sister and brother must be very good, are you and brother-in-law also very good?” When asked, Gao Ling and Shen Yu did not fall.

At this time, the quality of the telephone was not good, and the sound leakage was very serious. He shouted there, and the whole room was full of his magical echoes.

Sanwang is changing his voice. The crisp voice when he was a child is really magical at the moment. It is torture Dawang’s ears. He is dissatisfied with his hoarse voice and cannot perfectly express his fierce feelings, so he must speak louder.

When he finished speaking in one breath, Dawang breathed a sigh of relief, “You try to talk as little as possible, don’t yell, it is troublesome to chop your throat.”

Sanwang: “Brother, my voice is already very small, I’m afraid you won’t be able to hear it clearly.”

The people who were buzzed: …This sound is really not loud.

Dawang said a few words and handed the phone to Erwang and Maisui. They used to get together every time they called.

Mai Sui: “If we are admitted, we will go to the capital next spring. Will you two come back during the Chinese New Year?”

Xiaowang: “Sister, of course I should go back.” Because of the change of sister, Xiaowang was afraid that the third brother might shock her ears, so he quickly grabbed the phone and said to himself. He also helped to keep the microphone away when Sanwang spoke.

“You two still go to the sky bridge to do art?” Mai Sui asked.

After Sanwang and Xiaowang went to the capital, the two brothers could go down in the same city, not far away, and swagger together every day. As long as Sanwang doesn’t train, he will go to school to find Xiaowang when he is free. As long as Xiaowang has no class, the two will wander around the capital, eating, drinking, and having fun. Anyway, the brothers either live in my dormitory or I live in your dormitory. Either I go to your swimming pool to take a bath, or I go to your school to take a class and listen to a concert.

It’s comfortable.

It is said that the two of them also formed a brother band. Sometimes they went to practice under the bridge with their guitars on their backs. Sanwang yelled at them, and Xiao Wang played the piano and sang.

In order to avoid recognition, he usually wears a headgear. Originally, in order to increase Xiaowang’s experience, practice the piano and practice songs, but accidentally made money.

The two brothers frequently called back to show off.

Xiao Wang laughed: “The last time we were arrested by the Public Security Office, I heard that we were students studying music, so we sang a few songs, let us eat a big roast duck, and drove us back to school, saying We will be allowed to go to Tiananmen Square to sing in the future, I don’t know if it is true or not.”

Luan Yaohui was so excited, “Samwang and Xiaowang, wait for me. When I go, we will sing together.” As he said, he started to yell, “I am very happy today. I took the 77 college entrance examination. I did well in the exam…”

The room and the phone fell silent together.

Ji Tingshen pressed his head and threw him out to calm him down.

The little brothers usually call the Revolutionary Committee to know the situation of their parents, so they don’t ask their sisters and brothers about them, and they hang up after a while.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Wang suddenly got inspiration, and he crawled on Sanwang’s bed and picked up his guitar and started playing, “The snow in 1977 came so violently and so fiercely, your enthusiasm was that winter. The fire inside warms my cold heart…”

So this winter, a song called “1977” echoed on the radio, which was called “Song of the College Entrance Examination” by the students.

The reform of the college entrance examination of the motherland is the fire in winter, warming the cold hearts of thousands of students, making them look up in the perplexity and darkness, striving for the white moonlight in their hearts.

After the phone call, they were also full, and Ji Tingshen went to settle the bill and pay.

“There are still movies in the cinema, let’s go see it.” Zhou Shuguang took out his ID, “Just buy three tickets.”

Mai Sui Erwang and Gao Ling ask for votes, and some of them have preferential treatment certificates.

Ji Tingshen looked at Maisui: “Are you tired?”

Mai Sui glanced at him obliquely, and whispered: “Tired, will you send me back?”

Ji Tingshen: “Of course.” Reluctant to give up.

Mai Sui: “Let’s go to the movies, not so many people have been there yet.”

Ji Tingshen happily held her hand and found that she was putting on the gloves again. He seemed to understand something. He didn’t break through her, he held her hand and went to the movie with a few people.

This year’s new film “Youth”.

At this time, most of the people who watched the movie were people, most of them workers. I am embarrassed to be too close during the day, but at night watching movies can be sneaky.

The movie theater has its own canteen and sells some high-priced snacks. When buying movie tickets, you can buy snack tickets by the way, specially for women and children watching movies.

Ji Tingshen went to buy a bag of candies and a bag of rice flowers, and filled the military kettle with some hot water.

He came back and stuffed Maisui with snacks, and Luan Yaohui leaned in to call mom.

Ji Tingshen kicked him aside, “Occupy a seat.”

Dawang went in first, and Ji Tingshen accompanied Mai Sui to the toilet and waited for her outside.

Ear of wheat washed his hands out, “This water is colder than an ice hole.”

Ji Tingshen took a handkerchief to dry her, and held it by the way to help her warm up, but his eyes were fixed on her face. Sure enough, her eyelashes slowly dropped, and the tips of her ears began to flush. He smiled, leaned forward, slightly bowed his head and said, “I seem to be poisoned again.”

His voice was low and sexy, Mai Sui bit his lip lightly, stared at his hand for a while, and whispered, “I have an antidote.”

Ji Tingshen: “Yes.”

Maisui chuckled, took his hand back, and slapped him, “Quickly wake up, stop dreaming.”

Ji Tingshen laughed, grasping her hand, arrogantly stuffing it in his pocket, and pulling her into the arena, “Stupid girl.” She obviously liked him, and thought he was poisoned, how could she be so cute.

After he found Dawang and the others with Maisui, he wanted to choke Luan Yaohui and Gao Ling to death. These **** actually left a seat each for the head and the tail, trying to separate him from his wife.

Cut, childish!

He led Maisui in, and grabbed Luan Yaohui by the neck to make him roll to the other side.

Gao Ling saw that he and Mai Sui were about to sit next to him. When Luan Yaohui left, he…Although he had given up pursuing Han Maisui, it didn’t mean that he liked watching the goddess be dominated by other pigs.

No way, Gao Ling had to ask Zhou Shuguang to change positions.

Luan Yaohui also expressed his desire to drink water.

Ji Tingshen: “Get out and eat the snow.”

The movie started, Mai Sui watched it very seriously. She likes watching movies, and she still thinks about how to write the story more ups and downs, and how to be more detailed.

Ji Tingshen’s attention is almost all on her. When the light is bright, her white cheeks are also bright, and a pair of shuiqiu pupils can ecstasy. When the light is dark, her face is still bright. When there is light and shadow projected from a suitable angle Coming over, her thick and curled eyelashes made his heart itchy.

Where did he give her the medicine? She knew that her whole body was poisoned. He was sitting next to her, and her body was going to be numb.

He didn’t watch the movie, played with her hand, shook her finger for a while, scratched her palm, and heard her breathing quickly as he wished, which made him feel that he was not wishful thinking, or his life would be over. . If she doesn’t like him and he doesn’t give up so easily, what will happen in the end is uncertain.

Mai Sui was watching the movie, but his heartbeat accelerated and he couldn’t concentrate anymore.

She took a deep breath, tilted her head deeply towards Ji Ting, and hooked her fingers.

Ji Tingshen leaned in.

Maisui said in his ear: “You will get me again, I will poison you to death, don’t you believe it?”

Ji Ting smiled deeply, “How are you going to poison me?” He held her hand with his fingers interlaced, thinking about your big deal and giving me a slap. Anyway, the dark people can’t see anything.

Maisui smiled, turned around, pinched his chin with his other hand, leaned forward and kissed his earlobe, and breathed into his ear by the way.

Ji Tingshen was shocked all over, stunned as if struck by lightning, and the hand holding the wheat ears followed tightly.

Mai Sui felt his body tense as he wished, and half of his body was numb, motionless, and he hummed triumphantly. It can’t control you.

Learning to be a master is not just a place to learn mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature and history, but also to dominate in terms of physiological hygiene.

After a while, Ji Tingshen turned his head to look at her in disbelief. Why did she improve so fast? She is not shy. Should he kidnap her and get married?

If this continues, he feels that he is the one who suffers.

He held her hand tightly and whispered: “The exam is over, let’s get married.”

Mai Sui: “Season platoon leader, watch the movie well.”

Ji Ting took a deep breath, feeling that the soles of his feet were itchy.

It turns out that love is an addictive poison, and you can’t quit it.

He wanted to know how she understood so much at once, and when everyone was studying together every day, how could she have so much more than him? He just wanted to hold her hands and hug her, he didn’t dare to think too much!

He suddenly wanted to sell now, kiss her ear and breathe to see how she reacted.

The concept of poisoning is what she said, and he depends on what it looks like when she is deeply poisoned.

At this moment, the movie screen went dark and the movie theater was dark, Ji Tingshen immediately kissed her ear.

As a result, I kissed the palm of her hand.

Maisui smiled, pinched his nose and twitched, “Popular Commander Ji, this is a trick, you know.”

Ji Tingshen: …you are waiting to get married!

In the blink of an eye, during the Laba Festival, there was a night of heavy snowfall outside, and the world was covered in silver.

Lin Lan slept late last night and was groggy early in the morning. When Han Qingsong was about to get up, she rolled over and rolled into his arms, sleeping soundly with his arm.

Han Qingsong hesitated for half a second between getting up and continuing to lie back, and then lay back with her arms around.

He kissed the top of her hair, and his heart was tender.

So almost seven o’clock, when Mai Sui and Erwang got up, they found that Han Qingsong, who had never got up after five o’clock, hadn’t gotten up!

The sun came out from the west.

Look at the goose feathers and heavy snow outside, they also know what they are doing on such a snowy day.

Erwang didn’t get up to exercise because of the heavy snow. Although he did morning exercises daily, he was not as harsh as Han Qingsong and Dawang, and he was still very good to himself, just to keep fit.

The two of them went to wash gently, and discussed making breakfast together. They made the ingredients for the Laba porridge last night. At this time, they just turned on the stove and simmered them, and then used the gas stove to make other tricks.

At the end of last month, the Revolutionary Committee rewarded some gas stoves, and Han Qingsong divided a set, one stove with one gas tank.

Other cadres don’t know how to use it, and they think it’s amazing. Some people are even afraid to take it.

Lin Lan was very happy, so she was sent back upstairs to cook with a gas stove on the same day. It was really convenient. The women of the Revolutionary Committee visited the house, asked her how to use it, and asked her to give lectures. It took a day to teach those women to learn.

Because they are neighbors and colleagues, they have the phenomenon of comparison and gregariousness. Lin Lan tells them that they love to listen more than the propaganda, especially some safety precautions. They remember it firmly, for fear that it will really blow up.

Nowadays, the stove is sealed with briquettes, making it convenient to cook porridge, stew, and steamed buns. Gas is more suitable for cooking.

Around eight o’clock, Ji Tingshen’s voice came from outside.

Maisui hurried to open the door, and it was as if the two came back with some meat, fish, apples, flour oil and the like.

Maisui raised his index finger and hissed and asked them to make a soft voice.

Dawang and Ji Tingshen took off their cotton army boots at the door, put on cotton slippers and entered the house, and put the things they brought back at the kitchen door for Maisui and Erwang to sort out.

Ji Tingshen stood at the door of the kitchen, smiled at Maisui, and asked her, “Has your notice arrived?”

Mai Sui shook his head: “Not yet.”

Erwang: “Did you and the eldest brother get it?”

Ji Tingshen took out a small kraft paper envelope from his pocket and handed it to Maisui.

Mai Sui took it, glanced at it, and said in surprise: “Peking University, platoon leader Ji, why are you, Peking University? You and your eldest brother are not from the Beijing Military Institute of Technology reported?”

Ji Tingshen: “Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhou Shuguang, Luan Yaohui, Gao Ling and others go to that school.”

Mai Sui asked Erwang to look at it together, and took out the notice inside. It was just a letter, saying that Ji Tingshen was admitted by the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Peking University. She looked over and over again, and wondered: “Really did not make a mistake?” She didn’t remember that he had reported this.

Ji Tingshen actually wants to learn Hindi, hahahahaha.

Ji Tingshen watched her smile so unreservedly, raised his hand and nodded on her forehead, “I am a joke.”

“Where is my big brother?”

Ji Tingshen: “Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia? Or something.”

Mai Sui and Erwang: …why is this?

Dawang handed them the envelope.

Two people picked it up and took a look, Vietnamese!

Why let them learn Vietnamese?

Ji Tingshen explained solemnly: “Students who pass the military exam basically have to serve the military. We border India, Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and North Korea. These small languages ​​are in great demand. The PLA must be equipped with translators. But some translators only speak languages. Going deep into the battlefield is not enough, so we are required to learn it by ourselves.”

Mai Sui really admired them, “Can you learn?”

Ji Tingshen: “So I invite you two to suffer a lot, and then learn and teach us. We will not only learn foreign languages, but also have to learn military-industry knowledge with Zhou Shuguang.”

When he received this notice, he exploded directly and ran to call and ask what was going on, in exchange for this preaching.

“This is a further test for you, if you admit it, you will be pulled down.” The rogue head of Huo made people want to beat him over the phone.

It’s a bit square, and it’s also been signaled by the military to modify it, so Ji Tingshen gave himself a self-persuasive education. This is the high hope the army placed on them. When he wanted to persuade Dawang, he found that they were calm and calm. Don’t think so.

It works.

Mai Sui said to Er Wang: “Brother, do you want to learn, it seems fun?”

Erwang: “I think Japanese and Korean are more interesting. I heard that if you can’t speak Hindi, you have to cut off your tongue.”

Mai Sui’s expression changed, “Forget it.”

Ji Tingshen: “…” Why don’t you forget it! Can’t you cut it together?

In the room, Lin Lan is making gestures with Han Qingsong, why don’t you call me earlier? Why are you up so late?

Han Qingsong didn’t even open the curtains, they were hung very tightly, so she slept soundly. He took her hand and kissed him, frowning slightly, “I have a headache.”

Lin Lan: “Have a headache? Have you caught a cold? Let me try.”

She quickly put on clothes, combed her hair, cleared her throat, and opened the door to go out. She was a little embarrassed. After all, she was sleeping late and let the children get up to cook.

The children are talking about the notice, and if nothing happens, they don’t care who gets up late.

Mai Sui winked at everyone and told them not to show any unnecessary expressions. She asked Lin Lan: “Mother, does my father have a cold? Do you need a thermometer?”

Lin Lan: “Take me to measure.”

Mai Sui went to find a thermometer for Lin Lan, and stood by the door frame and asked, “Father, can you still drink eight-treasure porridge, eat noodles.”

Han Qingsong pretending to be sick: “Eating doesn’t get in the way.”

Seeing that they wake up, Mai Sui and Erwang set out their meals. In addition to the eight-treasure porridge, they also have steamed buns, steamed buns, boiled eggs, and a small pot of sesame oil, mushrooms and cabbage.

Dawang took out his and Ji Tingshen’s admission notice and put it on the table.

Soon, Lin Lan helped Han Qingsong come out, and the two of them washed up. Lin Lan mumbled in the bathroom for a while before coming out.

“Brother, don’t go to work today. You have a cold.”

The Secretary’s time is relatively free, and he keeps it tight every day, and there won’t be too many cases at the end of the year.

Han Qingsong is not at home as long as Lin Lan goes to work. If Lin Lan doesn’t go to work, he will rest.

He nodded: “Don’t go.”

After reading the notice from the two, Han Qingsong said: “It’s good. We didn’t at that time, we suffered a lot.”

At that time, they often clashed on the China-India-China-Vietnam border. Although they also learned a dozen or so battle shouts, they were not very useful. Now they learn it, and it won’t be the case when they do tasks in the future.

Lin Lan looked at it and felt a little cold sweat, because the eldest son didn’t like learning foreign languages, but looking at his indifferent expression, it was estimated that he had digested and accepted this reality in his heart. Anyway, the requirements of the troops allow them to listen and speak, read and write, and the requirements will not be very high.

After breakfast, Han Qingsong took the children downstairs to help sweep the snow. He is used to shoveling snow when it snows. As long as the snow is heavy and the cleaners are too busy, he will go to work as usual. Lin Lan was fully armed, followed him with a hat and gloves, handing a broom, a shovel, and making a snowman with wheat ears.

At this time, someone shouted that the notice arrived. It’s in the Revolutionary Committee, so let’s get it.

“Lin Lan, you have all your daughters and daughters, but it’s amazing, from Tsinghua University!”

Lin Lan asked Han Qingsong to stop sweeping the snow, and took his arm to the Revolutionary Committee. Today, this is amazing. The children all got the admission notice.

Han Qingsong was afraid that she would fall, so he hugged her waist directly.

The admission letter of Tsinghua University is not too much. It is low-key and people can’t see that it is an admission letter. It is contained in a small leather envelope with a piece of paper inside.

The two were admitted by Tsinghua University of Electrical Engineering. They reported to Peking University and Tsinghua University, and finally got the admission letter from Tsinghua University, which is not surprising. Now speaking of building the four modernizations of socialism, a large number of science and engineering talents are needed, and electrical engineering, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering are just a few basic engineering disciplines. Electrical engineering is the foundation of the current foundation and requires a large number of talents.

Mai Sui smiled to Lin Lan: “Mother, I still remember you told us a few years ago that you can fly into the sky when the time comes. This day is here.” She hugged Lin Lan’s waist,” Mother, thank you.”

Lin Lan smiled and said, “You learned it by yourself. Thank you for what I am doing. If you don’t learn well and prepare well, it will be useless if the opportunity comes. Thank you yourself.”

She said to Dawang and Ji Tingshen, “Will you stay? Let’s celebrate in the evening at our own home.” The family does not need to go to the restaurant.

Ji Tingshen: “Live, let me cook braised pork in the evening, I learned from the master of the kitchen.”

He originally didn’t touch Yang Chunshui with his ten fingers, but thinking about getting married in the future, he should do it better. After all, Mai Sui was the one who made good use of in her natal family and cooks Erwang. Anyway, Mai Sui is not willing to marry him now, so he will learn two dishes when he has time. When he gets married, he will be a master chef with superb cooking skills.

Lin Lan said over there that he had to call Sanwang and Xiaowang, and told Xiaowang that he was not allowed to make a moth and go home obediently.

Xiaowang listened to what his mother said the most, and agreed very well.

Ji Tingshen quietly said to Mai Sui: “Mai, just talk about what you want to eat, and my brother learns the same way.”

Mai Sui smiled and said, “My brother has a recipe, you can make them next to each other.”

A few days later, Dawang and Ji Tingshen received a notice that they were officially transferred to the provincial military region and promoted at the same time. Both were at the rank of deputy company.

This upgrade speed is quite fast, and it just shows the army’s demand for high-precision professionals. After they finish college, their positions will be promoted again.

The Provincial Military Region established a 77th Military Student Company, with Ji Tingshen as the company commander and Han Wangguo as the deputy company commander. The student company is responsible for managing the student soldiers of the provincial corps in Beijing, reviewing their thinking, professional learning, physical training, etc., and also responsible for their safety and life. If there is a conflict with other organizations, they must also handle the report through them.

Later, the legendary Iron-Blooded Squad had initially taken shape at this time. The captain and deputy captain were all ready, and other personnel were equipped as needed. Ji Tingshen and Han Wangguo will change their positions according to the needs of the task. If Han Wangguo is the captain during the war, if there are other tasks, Ji Tingshen will be the captain.

Lin Lan also received a good news call from Shen Yu. Eight of the twelve educated youths in Shanzui Village who participated in the college entrance examination were admitted. Huo Hongzhen and others were admitted to the province’s normal colleges and agricultural colleges. He previously applied for the Chemistry Department of Peking University, Tsinghua Mechanical Engineering and another school, and was honored to be accepted by the Tsinghua Precision Instrument and Mechanical Manufacturing Department.

Shen Yu was admitted to university, and the factory gave him a holiday on the eighteenth of the twelfth lunar month, allowing him to go home for the New Year and report to school in the coming year. These factory cadres, after graduation, basically want the community to come to the community, and the factory will return to the original unit. This is because the factory will continue to issue wages and food stamps while they are in school, so they don’t need the state to assign jobs when they graduate, and they can still return to their original units.

Fresh graduates such as Mai Sui and Erwang receive state subsidies and food stamps, which are allocated after graduation.

Lin Lan and the children invited Shen Yu to live in the area for two days before returning home. They were all happy for Shen Yu. He was a very good person, but he was delayed for five years. Fortunately, he was only in his early twenties, and when he was in his early twenties, the opportunity came and finally got what he wanted.

After meeting, everyone was very happy. They were happy for Shen Yu, and Shen Yu was also happy for them. He also brought letters of thanks from Huo Hongzhen and other educated youths to Lin Lan.

At dinner, Lin Lan said she was happy, everyone had a drink.

Shen Yu picked up the wine glass and respected Lin Lan specially. “Although it is boring to say good things three times, I still want to thank the team leader again. Thank you for your encouragement so that we will not be discouraged. Otherwise, in 73 years, we will Destroyed himself.”

Lin Lan smiled and said: “No, you are all people with ideals, and you won’t abandon yourself because of a momentary frustration.”

Shen Yu has faded away from the original youthfulness and toughness of pretending, now it is warm and transparent, calm and open-minded, like a pine and cypress that has been frosty and proud of snow, finally stretched its branches, and his smile became brighter.

“But without your reminder, we won’t be so fully prepared. I might go to a provincial agricultural university at most.”

Lin Lan was a little embarrassed, she really didn’t do anything, and couldn’t afford to be so grateful. She smiled and said: “Our feelings are there, don’t say anything extra, toast to friendship.”

Mai Sui Erwang and laughed, “Brother Shen Yu, don’t thank you, my mother is embarrassed.”

They all know Lin Lan’s temper. She doesn’t try to give back to others, but only asks for her peace of mind. If people keep thanking her, she will be embarrassed.

Shen Yu laughed, “It is said that life is enough to have a confidant. I can have you like family members and confidantes. I am really lucky in life and a toast to friendship!”

“Cheers to friendship!”

Mai Sui and Erwang had admired and respected him before and treated him as their eldest brother. Now they are naturally happy to go to school together. They all felt that Shen Yu was busy working in the textile factory every day, and he was able to pick up his homework. It was really amazing to get such an excellent test.

Shen Yu didn’t expect Dawang to do so well. “Although Wangguo was not keen on learning at the time, he actually learned very well.”

Ever since he was a child, Dawang liked to sit back and sleep at school, and only started to work hard when he was about to take an exam. In fact, he remembered all the key points the teacher said, but he didn’t like to mutter over and over again.

When young people meet, there is always something to say. They are looking forward to going to the capital to do this or that. They make an appointment to climb the Great Wall, visit the national flag raising, and go to borrow the libraries of the two universities together. They really want to read books. The books available at home have been turned over how many times, and some of them can be memorized. I heard that there is a vast sea of ​​books in the two universities of Peking University and Tsinghua University. If you can read books in them every day, this is simply the greatest joy in life.

Shen Yu stayed for three or four days before leaving, and arranged to gather together in the provincial capital in the coming year.

Shanzui Village was admitted to three Tsinghua students at once, which is rare in the country, and soon it was reported on the radio station and major newspapers.

After sending Shen Yu away, Ji Tingshen and Dawang returned from the Provincial Military Region on the day of the new year. Two days later, Ji Tingshen and Zhou Shuguang met several times to return to the Mingdao Military Region to celebrate the New Year with their parents.

This time, Xiaowang supervised Sanwang’s return from the capital in the evening of the new year, obediently.

When I was going home in the capital before, Sanwang was particularly aggrieved and wanted to fool Xiaowang by what way to go home.

“Teacher Xiaowang, you said we finally went home, just so honest, don’t make any noise?”

Xiao Wang solemnly said: “Don’t be angry with your mother. In the coming year, father and mother will be left in the family. Let’s be a good son.”

Sanwang: “Just let the mother come to the capital.”

“What about dad? They work in the area, but it’s not that easy to handle.”

Sanwang said seriously: “When will you retire?”

Xiaowang: “Brother, you are really careful about your father kicking you. Our father is less than forty and is in his prime of life, so you let him retire?”

Sanwang smiled, “If you were in the country, you would already be a grandfather.”

Xiaowang teased him, “Why don’t you marry a daughter-in-law and give birth to a baby, and let your mother show you the baby.”

It was Sanwang’s turn to be serious: “That won’t work, so many brothers, let the mother look after the children, so she shouldn’t be exhausted?”

Xiaowang: “You didn’t see the big slogans on the streets and alleys of the capital, saying’fewer births and better births, benefit the country and the people’,’family planning’. In the future, it is estimated that only two will be born.” Xiaowang didn’t study this, but There are a lot of walks and lanes, and I can understand more or less by listening to the comments of the citizens.

It is said that there should be four or five years between the two births. If the first child is a son, it is best not to have a second child.

Thinking about it this way, oops, fortunately there was no family planning before, or they only had one child with the eldest brother.


Sanwang immediately became anxious, “Then we have to let the eldest brother marry a daughter-in-law and have a baby earlier, at least five or six, or not enough.”

Xiaowang: “…” Do you think it’s a toy?

Sanwang: “What do you think of Tao Lili in our team?”

Xiaowang: “Sister Tao is very nice. I like her.”

“Let’s introduce her to the eldest brother. Every time she sees the photos of her eldest brother, she has to praise her for being so handsome, and she likes it so much. She will definitely be happy to be a daughter-in-law for the elder brother.”

“But, I think the teacher we teach vocal music is more beautiful, looks like a fairy sister.”

“Where is Tao Lili strong in her body.”

“But Sister Tao doesn’t have a gentle teacher, and no teacher can cook. Big brother is not willing to cook. He has to find someone who can cook.”

The two brothers began to enter into a state of vision that although I like you, but I disagree with you, they debated with each other, and laughed at the end.

“What are we bother about? Brother might not like it either.”

“That’s right, let’s go home quickly.”

For Lin Lan’s family, there are more expectations for the New Year than before. It is no longer for visiting relatives and wearing new clothes to eat a good meal, but for reunion, and the family will be together affectionately and talk to each other about the year. The results and gains.

The world is so big that young people want to go out and have a look, and Chinese New Year is an opportunity to go home and reunite them with their parents.

The tired bird returns to the forest, the petrel returns to the nest, and they will take off again after resting.

This time, under the supervision of Xiaowang, Sanwang went home properly.

Both brothers brought gifts to Lin Lan.

Sanwang brought back a pocket trophy medal to Lin Lan. It was all his income over the past few years. It was lost in the dormitory before. There were also many gifts, which were still bought and given by others. There are also the small things he and Xiao Wang have picked up at some of the stalls. He doesn’t care whether they are true or not. If they think they are beautiful and delicate, Lin Lan would like to buy them.

Lin Lan watched them buy so many things, and then counted them, and said in surprise: “Little brother, teacher Xiaowang, where do you two get so much money?”

The two laughed.

In addition to Sanwang’s salary and Xiaowang’s allowance, the two of them also have money to sell singing, and Xiaowang’s money earned by attending performances with his teacher at school, and there is another item.

He draws well, and he also drew comic books with a few students from the school. Of course, he was just a substitute, and he would help when others were too busy.

They drew the paintings of the little man book, with three yuan per page for easy money, and writing scripts, and each page had a dime and four cents.

Xiaowang sometimes helps them draw, and he can make more than ten dollars.

For the members of the rural farming field, it is a lot to earn a piece a day, and there are some earning points.

Although intellectuals were suppressed in the cultural movement, the income of intellectuals, including literary and artistic artists, was indeed very high. This is also the reason for suppressing them.

Therefore, they think it is more useful than big cities, knowledge, technology, and art!

Lin Lan really didn’t expect that the big brother Sanwang and the naive Xiaowang would be so comfortable.

After they went to the capital, they really didn’t worry about her. They didn’t want to give money or food stamps. They took the initiative to call her every three to five, and they wrote a letter regularly to report specifically, really don’t worry about the old mother at all. of.

Being able to meet such a good child made her grateful for her life.

The family went back to Shanzui Village for the New Year, and this time they brought back more things. Han Qingsong, Lin Lan, and Dawang all gave out New Year gifts, and they took them back to share with relatives and friends. In the countryside until the tenth day, the family returned to the family compound in the area.

The day before the Lantern Festival, Ji Tingshen came to gather with them from home and brought Lin Lan a dozen catties of Ejiao and recipes for concocting Ejiao.

“Mother, my mother gave it to you.” He didn’t understand this, so he just gave it to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan didn’t expect that their family would send donkey-hide gelatin as jujube cakes. At this time, donkey-hide gelatin was 7 yuan and 51 jin. She would also buy winter soaking rice wine. Everyone in the family would drink a cup to be good for health. Generally, I bought a catty and couldn’t finish it in a year. Ji Tingshen actually sent a dozen catties at once.

Seven yuan is not cheap, she now only earns 46 yuan a month, and this tens of catties of Ejiao will cost her nearly three months’ wages.

Seeing her entangled in this, Ji Tingshen smiled and said, “This is not unusual at all. It is made from donkey skins. My uncle works in the Ejiao factory, so I buy a lot.”

Lin Lan didn’t say anything, the big deal will be more serious next time.

She is making lanterns with the children. Zhang Luo of the Revolutionary Committee is holding the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival. All factories and units are also participating. Everyone can guess lantern riddles and select beautiful lanterns.

Originally someone suggested holding the Kongming Lantern Festival, but Lin Lan and Han Qingsong rejected it.

Although the Kongming Lantern can make a wish, it is not safe. If it falls and is not extinguished, it will ignite haystacks or houses or factories, which is very dangerous.

Later, the Revolutionary Committee adopted the suggestion, and also advertised and urged the people not to use Kongming lanterns. The propaganda said that lanterns can still pray for blessings. Write the blessings on the lanterns and let the people who appreciate the lanterns help them to read them out. The wishes can be realized!

Lin Lan’s family made an octagonal palace lantern. Han Qingsong, Dawang, and Ji Tingshen used straw stalks to make lanterns. Lin Lan and Mai Sui were in charge of pasting the grassroots.

Xiaowang painted the Tiananmen Square in Beijing, with a portrait of Chairman Mao on it, and his family in front.

The characters are all simple strokes, but they outline the characteristics of each person. The cold and handsome have their own…

Ji Tingshen was staring at him while he was painting, lest Xiaowang would not paint him.

Xiao Wang bit his ears with him, “Brother-in-law, I drew you on it, you have no regrets.”

Ji Tingshen: “I can’t ask for it, never regret it.”

Then he watched Xiao Wang holding a fine wolf pen and sketching a few strokes next to Da Wang behind Mai Sui. A handsome young man with lowered eyelashes gently watching the girl in front of him leaped on the paper.

“Brother-in-law, I will pack your snacks in the future.” Ji Ting smiled deeply, holding Xiaowang’s shoulder.

Xiaowang: “You have to be nice to my sister for the rest of your life, or we won’t forgive you.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not only good to your sister, but I’m also good to you. Are we a family.” Ji Ting was deeply happy.

Xiaowang: “We will also treat you well.”

Write in the blank space after drawing.

Erwang is studying ink, “What word to write?”

Sanwang: “A happy family.”

Mai Sui: “It’s pretty good, but it’s not prominent. I guess it’s all like this.”

She asked Han Qingsong and Dawang, they had no idea, what is not to write? Nothing to pay attention to.

Mai Sui turned his head silently and asked Lin Lan: “Mother, what do you write?”

Lin Lan thought for a while, “Why do you just write “the flowers are similar every year, and everyone is the same every year”?”

I hope that every year, flowers are always there, and people are reunited.

Mai Sui clapped his hands: “Just write this, no matter how far away, no matter how busy, we will be together during the New Year.”

Being together is the most common and most extravagant wish.

Lin Lan nodded, “Okay.”

The Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, thousands of people empty alleys. Almost the whole city was dispatched, all happily participating. In this way, they celebrate the end of the cultural movement, and celebrate the new future of the motherland and themselves.

On the square and on the street, there are clusters, clusters, and rows of lanterns, like long dragons and bright pearls dotted on the earth.

The full moon is in the sky, and the spring is full of people. The lanterns are like the day and the love is like the sea.

After the Lantern Festival, the children begin to prepare for school.

This time they went to more people and some people took care of each other. Lin Lan was not worried at all, but the children were reluctant to bear her and Han Qingsong.

A few days before leaving, several children took turns to test her.

Xiaowang: “Mother, you and my dad also go to the capital to play.”

Sanwang: “Mother, don’t you consider working hard with my dad to transfer work to the capital?”

Mai Sui: “Mother, Ji Tingshen said that there are correspondence universities in the capital of the province. When we get to know it, you should also find a chance to read a correspondence course.”

For adult higher education before the Cultural Revolution, there were university correspondence education and night university education. Now that the Cultural Revolution is over and the college entrance examination is restored, university correspondence education and night nature will also resume. Mai Sui and Erwang feel that their mothers are very capable of self-study, and they will definitely be able to pass the university entrance exam with them.

Lin Lan was reluctant to leave Han Qingsong alone, “Don’t worry about me and Dad. After going to school, you are busy. You have to study every day and you don’t have time to think about anything else. You can go home after the summer and winter vacations. Don’t think about your parents. If your parents have time, you can visit the capital to see you.”

In early February, the children went to shave their heads together, and then set off to change cars in the provincial capital.

Han Qingsong rarely gave face, and took time to accompany Lin Lan to the train station to see them off.

Dawang saluted Han Qingsong, then hugged Lin Lan, as did Ji Tingshen and Er Wang.

Sanwang was used to it and didn’t salute. He grabbed his father’s hand and shook it, then picked up Lin Lan and went around three times, “Mother, if you want us to play, I’ll give you a ticket.”

Xiaowang: “I’m out, I have money.” He also held Han Qingsong’s hand and shook it, picking Lin Lan up and spinning around twice.

This unusual way of sending off makes people at the station keep watching.

Lin Lan: “The ticket is checked, hurry up.” They stopped sending to the platform.

She waved to the children, and the children waved at them with their backs to the ticket gate until the ticket gate came in.

Seeing them drifting away from their backs, Lin Lan’s eyes suddenly moistened.

Han Qingsong hugged her, pressing her head on his shoulder, “Finally, it’s quiet.”

Lin Lan was amused by him and laughed, “Brother, the children heard you say that, I don’t know how unconvinced they are.”

Han Qingsong clasped her shoulders, and said relaxedly: “If you don’t go to work today, I will accompany you to stroll around the park.”

The spring is cold, and the river is already showing green and stars. It is the time when the grass is far away but there is no near. The spring ice began to melt, old people and children were playing by the river, and young people would come to dance after get off work in the evening.

The dance at this time is very simple, mainly to express the feeling of joy and freedom. There are even daring and avant-garde young people who ran over with a dual-card recorder while playing music while twisting and jumping.

The two sat on the benches by the river, watching the sunset sinking, Lin Lan smiled and said, “Brother Brother, I’m going home to cook.”

Han Qingsong shook her hand, “Let’s go out today.”

Lin Lan smiled and said, “What are you celebrating?”

Han Qingsong’s eyes were burning: “You are mine.”

Lin Lan’s heart jumped uncontrollably, and the old husband and wife felt passionately in love.

He really led her to a state-owned restaurant, and ordered a catty of dumplings filled with cabbage and pork, half a catty of tofu vermicelli, and also ordered a sweet and sour pork ribs and a fried potato shreds.

Lin Lan ate ten big dumplings, and one more dish was almost full. Originally thinking about the rest to take back, no one knew that Han Qingsong had eaten it all in a calm manner.

Lin Lan smiled: “Three brothers, are you so happy?”

Han Qingsong nodded with intoxicating spring in the corners of his eyebrows, “Of course.”

Can he tell her that if the children are not at home, he feels that he has become younger, and he feels like a new marriage?

After eating, he took her hand for a walk, and took her to the movie half an hour later. He didn’t care about what was put, he didn’t have to choose what to watch anyway.

After watching the movie, they walked home.

There is heating upstairs, it is hot, and Lin Lan is lazy and warm when he returns home. The children were gone, she was a little empty in her heart. She wanted to cry, but she felt very fulfilled when he was with her this day. She turned on the radio to listen to the program, Han Qingsong went to boil hot water, poured it into a custom-made white leather bucket and let her take a shower.

After Lin Lan was washed, she sat on the wooden bench to read the photo album. After years of accumulation, their family had several large photo albums. At first, she and the children made them by hand using cardboard. Later, she bought them, and there are three more. Wang and Dawang bought them and gave them to her.

I took the most pictures at home, and the other one was Sanwang. Since Sanwang bought a point-and-shoot camera at the end of last year, Mai Sui and Erwang took a lot of pictures at home, and she and Han Qingsong also took more pictures.

Except for the festivals, many of them were captured by Mai Sui and Erwang of her and Han Qingsong. Some were singles, some of them were taken together, some were cooking, and some of them had their heads together and whispered.

There is also a Chinese New Year Shou New Year, she slept soundly in his arms, he pulled the hair from her forehead and kissed her.

Snapshots are always more natural than posing, and the true feelings are revealed.

Soon after Han Qingsong finished washing, he took a hand towel and wiped his hair casually and came over and reached for her.

Lin Lan looked up at him.

Han Qingsong: “Teach me the dance you skipped again.”

Lin Lan covered her face and couldn’t help but laugh, “Third Brother, you are too much.” As soon as the children left, you were too arrogant, and you almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Han Qingsong didn’t care, turned off the radio, and turned on the recorder. It was the English songs the children listened to before they left, and Henry gave some popular European and American songs.

“MoreThanICanSay” was being played at this time, and cheerful drums rang, Han Qingsong reached out to her again, Lin Lan smiled and jumped up.

The music is not loud, and their voices are also light, and will not affect others.

“Whoawhoa, yeayea, IloveyoumorethanIcansay”

Lin Lan danced with him, smiling happily at the corners of his eyebrows and eyes, “Brother, do you know what song this is?”

Han Qingsong: “Isn’t it just a song?”

He doesn’t know what song it is, and which song is what it puts. Anyway, he just wants to dance with her.

After the jump, Lin Lan was tired, kicked off his shoes and stepped on his feet, hooked his neck with her arms, nestled in his arms, supported her body with his arms, and swayed gently in accordance with the rhythm.

When the tape finished playing, the tape recorder jumped up automatically, and Han Qingsong picked her up and went back to the room.

When she passed the switch, she turned it off and she yawned in his arms, “So sleepy ”

He kissed her lips, covered her with the quilt and hugged her into his arms, “We can sleep first.”

Lin Lan was dazed, leaned to his lips and kissed him, muttering: “Brother, I love you.”

There was tenderness in his heart, and so did I.

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