Strong Counterattack

Chapter 63 - End of Module 2

Changfeng ’s flight was not so punctual. After all, it was not a private flying boat. She waited for more than an hour at the place where she transferred. Qi Shixing’s spaceship was recognized by the roadside alliance in casual clothes.

She observed and found that a large number of Union soldiers were stationed in Qi Shixing, who had controlled the security of a nearby generation.

The terminal was sealed and no one could get out.

Most of Xie Han is here.

The soldier, as an insider, knew that the operation was caused by two little girls and recognized Changfeng at once.

He lowered his voice and said with a long wind, “You come with me first.”

Changfeng did not resist and followed behind him, wandering around to a safe stronghold.

The soldiers under investigation inside were also stunned to see her.

“How did you come here?”

The flight of the alliance has obviously stopped!

The long wind went into his pocket, standing silently at the door. An old leader inspected it.

The soldiers looked at each other. One person asked her to sit down, found a box of canned fruits in the room, stuffed her in her hands and asked, “Did you come because of Chief Xu?”

These soldiers are not very old and do not know how to comfort this poor child in their eyes. Considering the wording, “I don’t think you need to think too much. The officer asked to come here, not necessarily for the sake of … um, maybe it was because Xie Han, yes, wanted to avenge Xie Han. Our alliance soldiers and wealth guards have always Mortal enemy. “

Changfeng looked at them, and several people stared at the work screen to hide their embarrassment.

Everyone thinks that Xu Ling came because of Xu Jingxin?

Changfeng looked at the clear syrup in the can and said, “I think so.”

Several people once again focused on the head.

Changfeng: “So Xie Han?”

Qi Shixing is a legal planet not under the jurisdiction of the Union. On the whole, it is relatively peaceful. It was a little unexpected that this would be Xie Han’s stronghold.

Interplanetary pirates are international issues. Some small countries are willing to tolerate the wealthy slaves because of interests, and the coalition cannot interfere in other countries ’internal affairs. Although the locusts in other countries are not good enough, they often eat their own food and grass, but more are helpless.

However, the Alliance ’s annual investment in liquidating the Scrooge is not small, and its attitude is strong enough. Now they have come to the door. Presumably, the leaders of Qi Shixing are not stupid enough to compete with the Alliance because of the interstellar pirates.

The other party carefully glanced at Changfeng, and then said, “You are here to watch. The alliance is hunting down the money-serving slaves left on the planet, and then imposing sanctions. Xie Han and others are resisting. But we have many people. Xu Changguanfei said To challenge him, Xie Han agreed, and won and walked, and lost his life … “

As long as there is an interest, there will surely be a tyrannical slaver.

Xie Han is not the most ruthless one, just the most powerful one among ruthless people. The gathering of the Scrooge is not up to him. Tens of millions of people will rise if he falls.

Now that the disaster is coming, no one will desperately help him. If you want to live, you have to blog.

Changfeng glanced at the screen. Xu Ling and Xie Han were standing on a wide open space, but the building could be seen not far away.

Changfeng has seen a duel between high-ranking warriors, but most of them are on the desolate planet, or the chaotic and unlorded, inferior planet that needs rescue.

That destructive power is definitely not comparable to ordinary thermal weapons. A knife can break a mountain, a fist can break a rock, and the person who survived in the end, besides having a big life, has better luck.

She confirmed the location coordinates in the upper right corner, placed the can on the table, and turned straight out.

“Huh? Hey, wait!”

The soldier saw her about to leave, and then reached out to stop her, but the speed of the long wind was more sensitive than he thought. A side slipped over and drilled out of the door.

The soldiers hurried out, and just after leaving the gate, the long wind had disappeared at the stairs. He just looked around and the figure disappeared completely.

It was too late to blockade and guide near the terminal, and only issued a warning warning.

The long wind violently blocked the road, roguely grabbed a passerby’s light energy two-wheeled vehicle, said the address to the intelligent navigation, and ran past at high speed.

Grab the handle of the car with both hands and blow with the wind.

She thought she would probably be the first person in history to ride a two-wheeled vehicle to find a pro-help battle.


Xu Ling suffered a dull pain in his head, and the hand holding the knife also felt like he was about to lose power.

Fingers were stiffly attached to the handle of the knife, like holding life thousands of times, tightly encircled, but there was no much consciousness.

The shadows in front of him became twofold. The sequelae of the sudden outbreak, let him clearly feel that the power has gone away with himself with the years.

Of course Xie Han is not young.

Xu Ling shook his head, trying to throw away the ghost in front of him.

The shadow suddenly moved, getting closer and closer. Dangerous shadows enveloped him.

Xu Ling still lowered his head.

At that moment, I didn’t know why. I felt the sky was clear and the world was very quiet, but I couldn’t find any fun to survive.


He heard the roar of the heart-shattering roar from a distance, hitting his heart like a thundering thunder.

Xu Ling suddenly opened his eyes, and Yu Guang saw Xu Jingxin running from a distance. The figure overlaps with the flashing knife light at the corner of the eye.

Then the line of sight blossomed again.

“Qiao! Bah–“

Xu Jingxin stopped at the same place.

Xu Ling refocused his eyes and raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Xie Han’s knife stopped in the air, a thin figure stood in front of him, the arm raising the knife was trembling, but he stopped the deadly sword for him.

Xu Ling was an agitated spirit, and his blood seemed to boil, regaining his strength and retreating back with a long wind.

Xie Han’s lingering momentum cut into the ground and split a narrow crack.

Three parties stand. Suddenly no one else started.

Changfeng lowered the knife, and his right shoulder was almost unconscious.

Xu Ling held her hand tightly. The palms are all sticky sweat stains.

Changfeng stood tall and looked at the rumored Xie Han.

Xie Han had a scary scar on his face and looked terrified at close range. In addition to his gloomy temperament, it is almost the same as the so-called evil spirits.

He said in a low voice: “Want to find someone to die.”

Changfeng changed his weapon to his left hand: “Heroes have been born since ancient times. You, an old immortal, should step on Huangquan Road.”

Xie Han’s pupils turned and glanced at Xu Jingxin.

He heard the “daddy” just now.

Xu Jingxin did not respond to that line of sight.

Xie Han showed disappointment in his eyes, and quickly hid it, turning his eyes back.

If you can choose, she certainly hopes to choose a life as bright as Xu Ling.

There is a future and a dream. You can go to every place in the world and enjoy the praise of others.

Xie Han watched Xu Ling’s eyes burst into flames.


Not everyone can be born in a peaceful country like the Union, and then embark on a glorious life.

His world, subject to discipline and law, can only be slaughtered by anyone. Strong resistance, and eventually became a desperate man.

His violentness was almost inscribed into the genes, and his crazy and magical childhood cast his twisted character.

He admires destruction and likes blood.

But he still left all his feelings to his children.

She had long beards to cover her scars and gave her status and wealth. Want to give her what was weak at the beginning, what she longed for but never got.

But Xu Jingxin returned him with fear and disgust.

She may not understand that she grew up in blood and killing. The world is more cruel than she imagined, and he has given her the best he has struggled with.

And even if she lost her past, name, appearance, and even her genes, she wanted to leave herself. It seemed that she had given her life and became the dirtiest thing in her life.

It felt many times more painful than being seriously injured by the enemy.

But he allowed it.

He didn’t understand.

Obviously, he is as strong as Xu Ling. Or it should be more powerful.

He promised to compete with Xu Ling and won, and he took Xu Jingxin away. Lost, I hope the other party will let Xu Jingxin leave. After all, Xu Jingxin did not kill anyone, and to be precise, he did not break the law. She never stole the secrets of the alliance for him.

He hoped that Xu Jingxin could understand that Xu Ling did not love her as much as she had imagined.

Destiny decides her position. After all, she is her own daughter and cannot be changed.

At that moment Xie Han had a sense of pleasure. It’s the euphoria of bleeding from the body.

This is their destiny.


Xu Ling pulled back with a long wind: “You retreat. Farther. He is a lunatic.”

Changfeng obediently followed suit, but did not let go of his weapon.

Xie Han’s eyes were full of blood.

Correct. He is a lunatic, always.

Xie Han burst into a roar, whip his arm, and hacked over without any rules,

Xu Lingsheng blocked the knife, and his throat was bloody.

Xie Han closed the knife quickly and cut it again.

He was as crazy as a storm, and he was hit by a storm, just venting.

Perhaps this is his way.

The surrounding sword air flew around without a goal. Changfeng and Xu Jingxin withdrew carefully to avoid, but Xu Ling in the storm of sword air barely supported.

The long wind sinks his face.

With such strength, Xie Han is undoubtedly a strong man. I don’t know where his limit is.

Sand and dust were blowing up, and the smoke was everywhere, gradually blocking the view. I can only see two black shadows shuttle between them.

In the sound of metal collision, a slender figure bent his knees and was pressed to the ground.

Changfeng is ready to join the knife. She doesn’t matter what she does.

Xu Jingxin clenched his fingers, crying and shouting again: “Dad–“

Xie Han’s figure paused slightly, and the pupil turned to one side, looking for the other person’s figure.

Xu Ling stopped breathing and stared at the sky, taking the opportunity to stab it backhand.

All voices stopped abruptly.

A lot of water splashed down from the water pipe in front, quickly pressing down the dust.

The sight is finally clear again.

Xu Jingxin saw a large knife almost embedded in Xie Han’s waist, almost completely submerged.

Blood dripping down the blade from the tip of the knife, and then the huge body fell over.

Changfeng raised Xu Ling in the past.

Xu Jingxin stepped forward and stopped in front of Xie Han.

Xie Han exhaled hard and stretched out her hand, her lips squirming. However, the beard was too thick and he could not see his lips.

If you get closer, maybe you can hear him saying:

—I’m destined to you.

He could not have come, he had the opportunity to leave. But he didn’t.

Xu Jingxin took a step back.

Xie Han looked at the receding toes and smiled, the light in his eyes dispersed.

Then a team of soldiers ran from a distance. Take a military doctor and check the situation of several people.

Xu Ling could also stand on Changfeng’s shoulders.

Xu Jingxin stood stunned, his soul seemed to be free.

Xu Ling took a deep look at her, then closed her eyelids and looked away.

He is now partial to Xu Jingxin, that is unfair to the long … his own daughter.

The soldier asked:

“Sir! Sir, are you going to return to the Alliance for treatment, or do you want to stay here for surgery?”

“Sir … that, detain?”

Xu Ling opened his mouth slightly, but could not tell.

The companion next to the soldier knocked his head hard and shut him up.

Changfeng seems to have encountered similar treatment methods for dog blood scenes, and she still remembers the answer.

95% of users answered that pretending to be dizzy is an effective way to relieve embarrassment.

After all, there is no way to really get into the ground.

So Changfeng relaxed his strength and rushed forward.

Then he was picked up by one hand.

She heard the medical doctor yelling nervously in her ear: “Quick! Take her to the medical boat. What about our bed? What about the shelf?”

Xu Ling motioned them to give way, squatted down, muffled the long wind, and walked in the direction of the doctor’s finger.

Changfeng’s head fell on his shoulder, and he tilted his head to adjust his posture.

Xu Ling’s shoulders were wide, his skin was slightly hot, and his muscles bounced after excessive consumption.

She tightened her arms.

No extra data will appear in the brain, but a strange feeling will be felt.

The two can hear each other’s suppressed breathing.

Changfeng wanted to play his fainting role well. But when I closed my eyes, I suddenly remembered it and added: “I still have two friends, because the poor are trapped in the glory star. Please fish.”

Xu Ling tilted his head almost inaudibly, then responded dumbly, “Uh.”

Xu Ling walked very slowly, his footsteps were not stable, and halfway down, silent tears flowed down the footsteps. Pause for a while before moving on.

Soldiers on both sides raised their hands to salute, holding their heads high and greeted him as they approached.


The three Changfeng returned to the league, but they were still criticized fiercely.

Kaiyun is not a member of the Alliance, but the accounts of Changfeng and Tang Yiyang are still here. If you want to transfer, you have to wait for the government to agree. Both of them belong to the Union.

Kaiyun was particularly unhappy and accused the alliance of fighting for citizens of other countries.

The police brother who educated them was furious, thinking that this group of young people’s consciousness was too low, and asked them to listen to the ten-class ideological and political education, and then wrote a reflection to reflect on it.

Changfeng had no choice but to take an injured arm and accompany the other two in the classroom to watch the short education.

Tang Yunyang was particularly painful: “Why is it always me who is injured innocently?”

Kaiyun is also particularly painful.

Why should the tycoons receive political education?

Changfeng is even more painful.

Why should an injured patient take classes in the police station?

The little brother of the police strictly guarded them through the class, and then pretended to sign with a let out sign at the end of the form.

When the three of them walked out of the gate to greet the Union Sunshine, Xu Ling was already waiting at the gate.

He sat on the steps in front of the door with his back arched, and the tall figure looked a little bleak.

Tang Yunyang walked back to the police station with the brave man of Kaiyun broken.

Xu Ling stood up.

Changfeng bowed: “Thank you for picking me up.”

Xu Ling kicked the ground and asked, “Do you have a plan for your future life?”

Changfeng thought for a while and said, “My friend has a great volunteer. I want to see if I can help her.”

Xu Ling: “If you have time, I mean, if you want, you can come home and have a meal.”

“As a great hero of the Alliance, if you invite me to dinner, I will certainly be happy.” Changfeng laughed, “If you don’t mind, I can call two friends. Maybe I will often harass.”

Xu Ling’s expression softened and smiled heartily: “Very welcome.”

Changfeng looked at him quietly, showing a shallow but warm smile, with a serious tone:

“I think she must hope that you can be accompanied by someone beside you, so that you will not spend the rest of your life alone. Best wishes to you, sir.”

Xu Ling was hard to say.

He asked softly, “Can I hug you?”

Changfeng took a step closer: “Of course.”

Xu Ling opened her arms and hugged her into her arms.

A line appeared in Changfeng’s mind

-This is a hug from my father.

The heart seems to step on the ground.

When she was a robot, she didn’t know how to warm others, she didn’t know the complex emotions of human beings, and she didn’t know there were other ways to deal with it besides deleting data.

But now, she feels that she can realize that if the real Xu Jingxin still exists, she will definitely want to tell Xu Ling that:

——Those misses that can’t be spoken, let you know how great it is.

——You can live a good life, which is really good.

She looked over her shoulder and looked far away, suddenly stunned, as if there was a voice in her ear that was truly saying, “Thank you.”

[End of this module]

The author has something to say: this unit is over! The next unit is called “Self-cultivation of Dramatic Essence”, live broadcast, soul exchange, non-mainstream entertainment.

This chapter supplements the update on the evening of the 19th

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