Strong Counterattack

v2 Chapter 134 - Dislocation 05

When a service person repeatedly hints that he is a high charge, you must be alert. The so-called high charge may be higher than you think, by N grades.

They are not looking at your pocket, but your bank card or even the future.

The brutal force is like a recitation, at this moment there is a trace of hesitation.

Even though Ms. Zhao gave her a house for the first time, she did not give her much cash. Her current liquid assets can be used to meet the tuition fees and daily expenses for the next semester. Unless she goes to Ms. Zhao and Mr. Yu to get the money.

Although I know that the two are actually her biological parents. But because of the alienation of the two, thinking of such things, Zhang Chan still has the illusion that he is just a beggar.

Self-esteem is the most unacceptable thing for people with strong self-esteem.

Her baggage can weigh eight hundred pounds.

Zhang Chan looked solemnly: “How much is it?”

Old Liu smiled and said: “I suggest that the two of you buy my previous investigation report and make a decision after reading it. This will help both parties reach a consensus and make it easier to understand our pricing standards.”

He bent down, turned under the table for a long time, and finally pulled out a piece of paper with creased corners from the messy information.

“Twenty thousand.”

Old Liu pressed down the edge and pushed things forward very politely. Only Zhang Chan listened but wanted to hit someone.

“Just such a piece of paper? One piece?”

“Is the paper expensive? The information is expensive!” The old Liu Keng was frank, “But I have always been generous. If I can develop follow-up cooperation, I am willing to give you this information for free.”

A gift of twenty thousand?

Zhang Chan understood that the high charges were not based on the stinginess of the dispute, but on his total assets.

That is really expensive.

Yu Xizheng has taken things over. Anyway, they have no better way now.

It briefly records some personal conditions and interview keywords.

In the era when the Internet was not widely used, the information of rural hospitals was missing in batches, and patient management and identity verification were not valued, they could not use conventional methods to conduct investigations, and could only rely on non-stop visits and inquiries to obtain ambiguity Information. And because the age is too long, there will be contradictions in the information heard from different populations. How to delete the selected authentication is another big problem.

Many of the employees who worked in the hospital in those years were hard to find. There are those who change jobs, those who go abroad, and others who suddenly disappear or have passed away. The other party’s investigation report spanned a dozen nearby towns and villages, and finally through the fellows and relatives, only a few people from the country where the hospital worked were found.

Seeing these alone, Zhang Chan really has no objection to his pricing.

This manpower and patience cannot be given by the average person.

Yu Xizheng raised his head and asked, “Did you find it in the file?”

“It was indeed found from the file. The earliest I was a family planning fine document that I entrusted to check, and the official still has it there. I found the record of the fine you paid within one year after birth, write down the name, and then Then go to the hospital to verify and do preliminary investigation. However, the paper files of the hospital are damaged because of irregular storage. I could only hope for the staff ’s own impression at the time, but in fact the attitude was not Optimistic, I have even made plans to find all the relevant people, and then carry out DNA verification one by one … “Lao Liu leaned forward on the table and said,” Surprisingly, some of them remember the situation in those years. . Although it is impossible to tell the specifics of Mrs. Zhang, it gave me a lot of information. “

Zhang Chan: “What?”

Old Liu smiled and said: “It’s weird? Mrs. Zhang didn’t produce it locally. The hospital was far away from her home. She was hiding for the escape, hiding in the home of her sister who was married, secretly hiding and waiting for production. There was hardly anyone in the village who knew her. When she went out, she was reportedly arrested and went to the health center. She went home immediately after the birth. But after more than 20 years, for a non-local resident, why Do those people remember her? “

Yu Xizheng: “Do you want me to pay 20,000 yuan for such a simple doubt?”

Old Liu said: “Of course not. The doubts are just the doubts. I was deeply curious and investigated several staff members. In one of them, I found something of more interest … Two of them may not be the only ones. One.”

Both were shocked.

Old Liu took the pen next to him and played between his fingers: “There are various reasons. Some are really due to operational errors, some are sympathetic, and some are interests. Those who want to have a son but cannot have a son, think Children who are born but cannot be born, are born with disabilities, or have children but cannot afford them at all. “

“For example, Mrs. Zhang, when she was delivered to the hospital, she had already given birth nearly full-term. They belonged to those who wanted to have a son. Even if one was killed, they would definitely have a second. The doctor who helped her induce labor at that time couldn’t bear it. In addition, just during the holiday, there were few people in the yard, so she helped her do the birth. “

Yu Xizheng asked: “What is my reason?”

“If he remembered correctly, it was because you were not in good health when you were born. And your family is poor and unable to provide you with follow-up treatment. They are worried that you will not be able to support you. There are still people on the same day because of an accidental preterm birth The passer-by kindly sent them in. The man’s dress was rich at a glance. It was Mrs. Yu. They thought that if the baby was exchanged for Mrs. Yu, they would have a chance to get better treatment. So they tried their best to buy the medical care. Staff. Everyone can work together to make it very concealed. In the end, it succeeded. “Old Liu compared with his fingers.” It only takes a little bit of money. “

Zhang Song took a deep breath and sneered. Hands clasped the chest, leaning against the back of the chair with eyes closed.

on purpose.

Therefore, her adoptive parents had long known that she was not her own, so she took it for granted and drank her without any guilt. Instead, she thought that she had the nurturing grace.

Until things are exposed, I still want to get something from her.

“This is difficult to obtain evidence. It is a huge project. The parties will generally not agree to testify. I need to think of another way. My plan is to save the country by curve, for example, I can find several other victims and persecute the same year. The doctors and nurses turned into witnesses. They may still have some useful things in their hands. But this is my guess, and it does not guarantee that it can proceed smoothly. “

Old Liu took out the computer, pressed a row of numbers on it, and pushed it to the two.

“My charging standard. Guaranteed 220,000 in January. If the investigation goes well and you get the results you and I want, 100,000 in January. Make sure to sign the contract, pay a deposit of 100,000 first, and pay the monthly salary. I strive to give you within half a year. Find out the results. In addition, I will report progress to you every month, and you have the right to stop at any time. “

Zhang Chan’s anger that hadn’t gone down again escalated and wrapped up the whole person.

She wiped her face hard and asked, “Do you accept selling for debt?”

Lao Liu smiled with eight teeth: “Pro, we don’t have a similar payment method here. It is recommended that you can install the loan in installments, and the interest is only twice that of the bank, up to 30 years ~”

Yu Yizheng took out his mobile phone and clicked on the payment software. The old Liu light car over there took out the QR code to let Yuxi fight.

“Thank you dear and wish you a happy life ~”

Zhang Chan rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily from his nose.

The payment reminder over there sounded a drop.

Old Liu stood up and bowed diligently: “Pro, please sign over there.”

Yu Xizheng walked behind Zhang Chan, put her hand on her shoulder, bent over her ear and said: “If you want to feel sad that you are poor, I think you are used to it. I wish you an early escape from poverty and get rich.”

Yu Xizheng patted her shoulder and motioned her to hurry up: “This time it’s still my treat. Let’s go.”

Zhang Chan: “I thought that someone you stole like this, there should be no words in your life.”

Yu Xizheng: “People like me who are stingy have the word debt in their lives.”

Zhang Chan: “What debt?”

Yu Xizheng shrugged indifferently: “Who knows?”

Zhang Song’s lips opened, and he wanted to sarcastically say that besides stabbing, you are quite cold-blooded. This kind of cruelty can be given to biological parents who have only seen it once. Why talk about debt of conscience now?

But he stopped. Her reason and upbringing stopped this sentence.

She didn’t actually need to be jealous or resentful of fighting, nor did she have to vent her.

It should be the most irrelevant one, but it is the most loyal person in the whole thing. Tear out a truth that makes most people hate it.

The concern of her biological parents for her is only to maintain the surface.

The care of the adoptive parents for her was too lazy to maintain.

No one cares about how well she is, how she feels, and whether she wants to live with herself. No one cares which direction her future is going to, how much effort she has made and how many sacrifices she has made in this mistake.

The Zhangs don’t care.

The Yus and his wife handled the whole thing according to their own ideas, and then informed Zhang Chan to cooperate. They achieved their own 60 points, and hoped that Zhang Chan would also minimize their troubles.

Is there something in it because of love?

Yu Xizheng refused, he had the power to refuse to hurt himself, but also had the courage.

Maybe he was really the only one who was thinking purely for her. By comparison. His care and tenderness seemed too subtle.

The emotion came abruptly, and Zhang Chan was caught by surprise.

She pressed her nose and said in a deep voice: “Thank you.”

Yu Xizhen paused for a moment, then took her back and said, “Then you rest here. I signed to come and find you.”


When the contract details were agreed upon, when it left the office, it was already dark outside.

Looking at the street lights that illuminate in the distance and those who are passing by in the lane, Zhang Chan still feels like he is crazy.

Spend so much money to do things that may not have the result, in order to just cut off your past and have a new start. All of this was not caused by her. She was just an innocent victim.

She felt ridiculous.

Why do you have to bear this absurdity?

Whether the original truth was accidental or deliberate, for Zhang Chan, the result has not changed, but the impact is quite different.

The naked ugliness in human nature made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She is not happy to continue to play the perfect character carefully in front of the two pairs of parents. She wants to be as arrogant as she is in the fight.

Yu Xizheng sent her back to school, and she was silent all the way. Did not comfort her, nor laughed at her. It was only when the place was put down that he could not wait to leave, apparently she could not bear her mysterious melancholy.


Some things, Zhang Chan thought all night, but did not think of the result. Finally, using logical inference, the perfect solution is given.

Why was she happy before she could recognize her? The main reason is still money. If you behave too euphemistically, the other party may not even realize it.

It seems very reasonable.

She can ask Ms. Zhao to take back the house over there, or ask the other party to give her the property certificate and discount it for sale. Then just get rid of each other’s troubles and don’t bother.

It is okay to borrow it. Because she only lacks money now.

After getting up the next day, she sorted out her clothes, combed her hair back, and then sorted her fine hair into the mirror.

A room friendly strangely said: “Want to go on a blind date? You are so grand.”

Another roommate teased and said: “It is not because of the grandeur to go on a blind date. How can a man have such a high weight in her eyes? It is estimated to be an interview. A high-paying interview can arouse her enthusiasm.”

Zhang Chan smiled at them: “I’m gone.”

Yu Xizheng told her the addresses of Mr. Yu and Ms. Zhao, and reminded her that it is best to contact them before going to the door, otherwise there may be no one in the family. Maybe the family has already traveled, he hasn’t contacted him in a long time, and he doesn’t know the other’s itinerary.

Zhang Chan turned the car all the way, and decided to go to Ms. Zhao’s house, which was close.

Good luck, just right, someone soon came to open the door.

Ms. Zhao was surprised to see her. Zhang Chan is paying attention to her expression. I can’t really interpret any emotions related to “happy” from my face.

There was a dialogue from the TV inside the door, which was very loud. The cool air blew out from inside and rushed to Zhang Chan’s slightly reddened face because of sweating.

Ms. Zhao was still blocked at the door, Zhang Chan smiled and asked, “Wouldn’t it be unwelcome?”

Ms. Zhao slowed down for half a second before she smiled and said, “How come? Come in. Why did you come here suddenly? Did you tell me? He didn’t come together?”

Zhang Chan took off his shoes and went in.

“Your younger brother is at home, your younger sister went to classmate’s house to play.” Ms. Zhao pointed to the sofa and introduced casually, “I go to the kitchen to see and eat immediately. You talk to your younger brother first. He is about to take the college entrance examination, not good at math , You are a student of A university, just can teach him. “

Speaking and walked away first.

The young man lying on the sofa lifted his eyelids and glanced at her, then pouted: “You are the one my mom said.”

It seems to be almost adult, wearing a pair of big white shorts, with bangs that obviously do not meet the high school student male standards. Look at the color of the hair, it has also been dyed.

Zhang Chan took a piece of paper from the coffee table and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

“Tuck.” The young man said with a tongue. “Why is it so soily?”

Zhang Chan ignored him. Sitting on the sofa beside him.

The young man turned the TV on again and kicked the corner towards the low stool.


Zhang Chan looked at the TV in front.

It should be 65 inches, OLED. The computer and mobile phone she is using now may not add up to all the equipment of this TV.

The young man said, “Did you not find that my family dislikes you? My mother bothers you too. What are you doing? Ask for money?”

Zhang Chan turned his face and glanced at him lightly.

The young man said to his little finger, “My parents’ property, it’s all me and my sister. You kind of wild girl who doesn’t know which hill comes out, my dad won’t let you into the company. If you wait Alright, maybe I can leave you a bit out of the nail gap. But if you make me angry, I’ll crush a small person like you and ant hospital. “

Zhang Chan looked at him expressionlessly: “Did you watch too many TV shows with a mental disability?”

The young man put his legs back and smiled: “You think it’s a TV drama with a mental disability. It’s actually real in reality. I don’t have any knowledge before, and I forgive you.”

Zhang Chan: “Then I really want to learn a lot.”

Ms. Zhao came over and shouted, “Small recitation, come and have a meal. Baby, come over and eat quickly. There are braised pork ribs you like today. What does the TV turn on so loud? I can’t hear my mother talking. Go and ask your father to eat.”

The young man felt bored and got up and shouted.

Five minutes later, four people sat at the dining table. After the nanny finished cooking, he greeted several of them and left.

From the beginning to the end, Ms. Zhao never asked what she was here for.

There was a table full of dishes, and Zhang Chan sat on the lower right side, holding a bowl different from them.

The sound of the TV is still noisy. There is an unknown barrier between Zhang Chan and them. Everything became tasteless.

Zhang Song was puzzled.

Why can I easily handle all kinds of hypocritical interpersonal relationships in the ordinary time, and face such a family game, but feel so boring?

Zhang Chan asked: “You don’t have any …”

“What?” Ms. Zhao picked up the chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of beef in her son’s bowl. After finishing, I want to put down the chopsticks. Just remembered Zhang Chan, and also caught a piece in her bowl.

Zhang Song: “Do you want to know something?”

The middle-aged man next to him said with dignity: “Don’t say so many unhappy things when you eat.”

The young man shouted: “Mom, why is this beef sour today?”

Ms. Zhao said: “It’s a lot of wine. It’s not sour, the beef is very well stewed. Eat.”

Zhang Chan felt that she might be too sensitive, but she is very upset now. From the moment I stepped into this house, the negative emotions that I had been trying to suppress came up.

This place makes her feel dull, like the air before the rain.

This environment made her understand that she is an undervalued place in this place. And to let yourself ignore the natural contempt and escape from the bottom status is to let yourself behave freely.

Is she free and easy?

In fact, she is still … a little unwilling.

No, not at all.

Her baggage can weigh eight hundred pounds.

She suddenly changed her mind. Dignity compares to money, which is not necessarily worth it for a long time.

Zhang Chan put down his chopsticks and stood up and said, “I’ll go back to school first.”

Several of the people present looked up at her.

Ms. Zhao asked, “You are full now?”

The middle-aged man next to him forcibly photographed the chopsticks and grunted angrily.

The younger brother chuckled with pride.

Zhang Chan picked up the bag on the sofa. Go back to the door and put on your shoes.

Ms. Zhao stood up and came to see her,

Open the gate, and there was violent heat outside.

Ms. Zhao hasn’t had a courtesy yet, Zhang Chan suddenly said: “As a woman, you look very beautiful. But as a mother, I think you are bad.”

Ms. Zhao looked at her stunned.

Zhang Chan raised his **** to her son: “Because you raised a son who grew up, it’s not bad. The daughter who hasn’t been raised by her son is also not bad. But the biological son who brought the older son himself is just garbage.

Afterwards, the young man scolded: “I’m **** your uncle!”


The gate fell directly in front of several people.


Zhang Chan felt a little disappointed. She may be inseparable from the part-time job. Once so close to Feihuang Tengda, it turned out to be an illusion.


A little tired after getting off the bus, sitting on the stone steps in front of the school with a bag and resting.

Yu Xizheng passed by once without stopping.

Soon she passed by for the second time, and stopped a little beside her.

“What are you doing here? Sad spring hurts autumn?” Yu Xizheng asked, “Aren’t you hot?”

Zhang Chan looked into the distance and looked at the red banner hanging on the distant tree: “What the **** are you talking about?”

Yu Xi contented with a “hehe” sound: “Goodbye.”

Zhang Chan shook his head and said, “I’m sorry.”

Yu Xizheng turned around and left.

Within a minute, Yu Xizheng returned. Standing behind Zhang Chan, she used a parasol to block out some of the sunlight for her, and then crouched down and said, “Zhang Chan, you really surprised me. What is there to deceive you from here?”

Zhang Chan did not answer.

She distressed her poverty.

Yu Xijing raised her wrist and showed the silver dial to her: “Give you a minute. For someone who is not worth it, it is a waste of time for an extra minute. You should make money. 60, 59, 58 …”

He carefully counted fifty-nine, and finally got stuck behind “2”.

The second hand jumped one minute and ran another half lap.

Yu Xizheng said: “Who do you want to count for you, the last one” 1 “?”

Zhang Chan reached out and grabbed his hand, leaning in front of him.

Suddenly afraid of Yu Xizheng, he withdrew his hand hard: “Don’t bite, don’t bite!”

Zhang Chan: “Bah!”

Yu Xizheng rubbed his hands on his clothes and looked disgusted. After a while, he still said positively: “Zhang Chen, I don’t think we should hurt each other like this and continue to consume internally.”

Zhang Chan nodded: “I think too.”

Yu Xizheng: “The school is about to begin. After the old Liu has checked things out, I don’t know the year of the monkey. I think your university resume doesn’t want to be tagged with a super family.

Zhang Chan: “Everyone else.”

Yu Xizheng breathed a sigh of relief: “I want to be clean.”

Zhang Song: “Then I want money.”

Yu Xizheng thought about it, and excitedly said, “I want it too.”

Zhang Song: “I have to apologize.”

Yu Xizheng pondered: “If there is, then I will.”

Zhang Chan looked at him suspiciously.

What do you want?

The author has something to say: Is there a unit I want to see? If not, I will prepare a new article ~

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