Strong Waist

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Speak Up!

Chapter 46 Let’s talk!

Recently, the comment section was discussing the issue of Lucky playing. He performed very well in the FA Cup, and then he couldn’t play again.

In fact, in the setting of Yinzi, Wenger did not use Lucky for two reasons.

First: The team is fully competing for the Champions League.

Second: Song is leaving, he must sell for a good price, if he is a substitute, he will not be able to sell it!

The second reason is not written, it is the problem of Yinzi, which has caused some discussion.

Of course, if there are problems, we will learn lessons and make rectifications. This is not. Immediately I will show you seven chapters to enjoy!

Secondly, regarding the overall rhythm, the slower rhythm is to describe the environment and overall structure in more detail, I hope you can be patient!

Yinzi is reading comments every day, looking for problems.

Han Yao has an outline, so the rhythm will be slower in the early stage, but the comment area is in an uproar, and Yin Zi is also frightened.

Throughout the day, Yinzi reflected and summed up many times, whether it needs to be rectified.

In the end, I decided to take out all the manuscripts and use the number of words to make up for the procrastination of the rhythm.

Yinzi is really working hard to write this book.

Read the comments every day.

A bad comment will affect the state of creation, just like today, my mentality collapsed several times, and I can’t write anymore! (T.T).

Of course, if you see the suggestion, you will also absorb it. If there is a mistake, you will recognize it and correct it!

But I also ask some people to keep their morals in their mouths and raise their hands!

The rhythm is still this rhythm, it can’t be accelerated, or the whole thing will collapse!

Boom once again to express our feelings, and I hope you can support us a lot!

Finally, I would like to thank the book friends who have always supported Yinzi and voted continuously. Your support is the driving force of Yinzi Codewords.

At the end, ask for another wave of tickets!

Thank you all!

(PS: There will also be an Easter egg chapter about Lucky’s tackle!)

(end of this chapter)

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