Strong Waist

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Wenger’S Own Son And Godson

Chapter 53 Wenger’s own son and godson

In the evening, Lucky returned to Billy’s house, ran into the room after dinner, took his mobile phone and started looking for various game videos.

He is mainly observing how the organization plays, how to organize better, how to complete the attack, etc.

At Arsenal, Lucky feels that he is constantly learning and growing.

This feeling is very good.

Today, he has not been able to be on his own, but he believes that the future self can accomplish many things that are now unimaginable.

In the dark night, the teenager lay in bed, staring at the game video on his mobile phone without blinking.

Watching the black and white ball pass back and forth under the feet of different people, watching the overall formation move left and right along with the passing.

The teenager exclaimed from time to time, and sometimes stared at a scene several times with wide eyes.

At this time, Lucky is like a sponge, constantly absorbing all kinds of knowledge and growing himself.

The next day, in the afternoon, the daily training ends.

“Playing a small scrims?”

Cazorla looked at Lucky in surprise.

The players of the first team gathered around and looked at Le Kai in surprise.

“I want to train organizational skills, so I hope you can help me! Of course, I won’t force you, after all, a day’s training is also very tiring, and you have to keep training, so you can refuse!”

Le Kai looked at his teammates and said sincerely.

Teammates glanced at each other.

At this time, Suarez raised his hand and said, “I haven’t practiced enough yet, just to kick for a while!”

Seeing Suarez’s statement, Cazorla also smiled: “Add me!”

Arteta; “I’ll come too!”

Mertesacker: “I’ll join too!”

Szczesny; “Can the goalkeeper join?”

Contrary to Lucky’s expectations, there were nearly 12 people left.

Although not all flowed down, it has exceeded his expectations.

These people are Lucky, Chamberlain, Suarez, Arteta, Mertesacker, Szczesny, Cazorla, Ramsey, Podolski, Walcott, Jenkinson, Kosciel Ni.

In the end, the 12 people were divided into two teams, and a team of six people competed against each other.

1 Team:

Lucky, Suarez, Chamberlain, Cazorla, Ramsey, Podolski.

2 teams:

Arteta, Mertesacker, Szczesny, Jenkinson, Walcott, Koscielny.

The crowd ran to the equipment room, moved the small goal over, and used the half court as the boundary to conduct a small confrontation.

The two sides played with each other, but it was obvious that the 2 team was suppressing the 1 team.

Arteta’s organizational skills still make them quite popular.

But Team 1 is not a vegetarian. The three small-field breakthrough kings, Suarez, Cazorla, and Podolski, arranged the opponents clearly.

In the end, Lucky was all helpless.

“Don’t take it anymore, you guys are kicking like this, I’m even a fart organization?!”

Hearing the words, the three of them were suddenly embarrassed.

They had so much fun, they forgot about it.

Re-tune the game.

Lekai stood in the center and continued to connect each line with one kick.

But easier said than done.

Especially in a small space like a small field, there is a risk of being stolen in an instant.

Therefore, every time you go out, you need to be fast and accurate.

At the same time, Lucky has to use his ‘foreseeing’ talent to observe everyone’s next move. I have to say, Lucky’s head is about to burst in this situation.

The head needs to rotate at a high speed and analyze the situation.

There can be no mistakes at the feet.

This is sour and refreshing.

After kicking for half an hour, Lucky couldn’t hold on anymore!

“Rest awhile!”

Then everyone noticed that Le Kai was sweating profusely and his jersey was soaked.

This amount of sweating is obviously not normal.

Taking advantage of the rest time, Chamberlain asked Cazorla the skills of ‘oxtail’, and Cazorla was not stingy about it.

Chamberlain gave up after trying both sides.

Others are called oxtail, smart and smart.

And the actions he made were really uncomplimentable.

Lucky even named him ‘Niu Lame’.

Chamberlain really limped when he dunked the ball.

The players at the scene were even more excited.

After resting for a while, Le Kai clapped his hands and said, “Guys, let’s continue to practice!”

As the sun sets, in the Arsenal training ground, the players are still running and training.

Wenger stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the office, squinting at this scene, the smile on the corner of his mouth looming.

“Here is the fourth round of the 2012/2013 Premier League season, Arsenal’s home game against Southampton, the game has passed 87 minutes, and the score on the field has come to 5-1, after Arsenal’s draw in the last game, A big win!”

“At the same time, we can also see the excellent performance of Chinese player Le Kai in this game.”

“This is also Lucky’s first start in the Premier League. He scored four steals, three interceptions and one assist. Lucky’s performance is getting better and better!”

Zhan Jun said excitedly.

In the past four games, Lucky has begun to emerge gradually.

Especially his defensive ability has benefited Arsenal today.

As long as Luckey is on the field, Arsenal’s defense is solid.

“Wenger is finally starting! It’s unreasonable not to start!” Zhang Lu also said with a smile.

Lucky’s wonderful performance made everyone happy.

In the barrage, the fans also discussed enthusiastically.

“Isn’t this much stronger than Song?”

“I’m good! Four steals and three interceptions, how many times did Southampton attack? Bull!”

“Another assist! It’s called a long pass and it’s so cool!”

“Suarez is fine, but it’s mainly Lucky’s pass.”

“At least a 40-meter long pass, accurately passed to Suarez’s forward line, directly causing a single-handed shot! Awesome!”

“Really, this performance should be the first! It’s delicious!”

“Professor! Don’t just love your own son, but also take care of your godson!”

“My son is out of milk!”

Recent Chinese fans refer to Le Kai and Chamberlain as Wenger’s godson and real son.

Lucky is the godson, and Chamberlain is the real son.

Mainly because Chamberlain was always able to get opportunities when he didn’t play well, and even had a starter.

On the other hand, Le Kai has always been a substitute, but his statistics are not gorgeous.

In this game, Wenger was also extremely satisfied with Le Kai’s performance, the only pity was only one point.

“Southampton played too conservatively, they didn’t tap Kai’s full potential.”

Wenger said towards Patrice.

Patrice rolled his eyes angrily and said, “What if it’s too strong and Kai can’t bear the pressure?”

“Impossible!” Wenger shook his head and said; “His ability to withstand pressure is not that weak!”

Patrice also smiled, how could he not know the student he trained himself.

The first three games are to observe the stability of Lucky this season. After all, something like the rookie wall also wants to be vigilant.

After coming off the bench in three games, their performance is still excellent, so there is no need for them to investigate.

The only pity is Diaby.

Diaby had high hopes.

But his performance was not satisfactory.

So the coaching staff has started to lose patience.

They are going to support Lucky!

If Lucky’s performance is still excellent after the start, then he is basically set in the main position.

What 18 years old is not enough experience.

Our factory can ignore these.

As long as the little demon performs well, it will still give you the first start at the age of 16, and the core will be given to you!

Wenger thought for a while and sighed: “There are five more games, right?”

Five games?

Patrice is puzzled.

He recalled the battle table, and his eyes became solemn; “Yes, there are five games left!”

The tenth round of the Premier League, Arsenal VS Manchester United!

Wenger turned his head to look at the back of Le Kai, who was about to disappear in the player tunnel, and asked, “How do you think he will perform?”

“I don’t know! But. Chamberlain in that game. Hey~~~”

Patrice shook his head, the pressure on Chamberlain in the game against Manchester United last season was too much, it was a very bad debut.

“I hope Kai can withstand the pressure!”

Wenger; “Some people are born for this kind of scene, young people should rise up in the ordeal!”

Patrice said quietly; “Last year, you said the same, and then we were slaughtered by Manchester United!”

Wenger twitched his cheeks and said, “It’s different! This time it’s our home court!”

Patrice sighed, this hurdle will eventually be crossed.

He can only pray for Lucky now.

I hope Lucky can really have an excellent performance in that game.

At the end of the game, Arsenal beat Southampton 6:1 at home.

At the last moment of the game, Cazorla assisted Gervinho and scored his second goal of the game.

After the game, Captain Vermaelen stood in the locker room at the door of the locker room and hit the hand with every player who walked in.

“Nice job, Gervinho!”

“Great kick, Cazorla!”

“Suarez, you did a great job today!”

Vermaelen gave each player a high five with smiles on their faces, clearly enjoying the game.

When Lucky walked in, the smile on Vermaelen’s face became even more intense.

In this game, Vermaelen played very comfortable, largely due to the key role played by Luckey in the midfield.

Even a lot of times, when there is a problem with the defense, he will drop back.

Such a reassuring midfielder makes Vermaelen feel at ease.

He raised his right hand, stretched out his palm and said; “Le, you”

“Captain, great kick!”

Lucky stepped forward and rubbed Vermaelen’s head, then walked directly into the locker room.

Vermaelen: “.”

Back in the locker room, Lucky took off his sneakers and went barefoot, then took off his shirt again and left his upper body naked.

The entire dressing room is full of strong ‘manly’.

But Lucky was immune to it, so he just wanted to go to sleep like this.

too tired!

Playing the full court is not the same as playing half court. Physically, it is a completely different level.

When the situation became clear, Lucky also tried to organize several waves.

The effect is good.

However, doing this in the competition does consume too much physical and energy.

So I still haven’t found the right way!

Lucky smiled bitterly.

Seedlings for the new book ask for support!

The manuscripts are almost drained!

First release to you!

(end of this chapter)

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