Strong Waist

Chapter 689

  Chapter 677 Lukaku wants to be a cake striker


  ”Kay!!! Crazy Kai!!! He jumped too high and drove the ball directly from the top of Cahill’s head Goal! This is a super goal!!!”

  ”Arsenal scored another goal in the final stage of the first half, leading by two goals!!!”

  Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ——In

  the Emirates Stadium, the Arsenal fans are already crazy.

  They waved their hands excitedly, bursting out a huge sound wave, and they kept cheering and roaring.

  At this moment, they want to vent all their passion.

  ”This is so cool!!!”

  ”Kay!! That’s monster physical prowess!”

  ”How high does he jump?!”

  ”God!! He’s flying!!!”

  ”Second goal !!! Hahaha!! The one who won the London match is Arsenal!!”

  ”Forward!! Arsenal!!!” The

  Arsenal fans at the scene were already in high spirits.

  Lucky’s goal completely ignited the passion of the audience.

  Even Chelsea fans were literally left speechless.

  This kind of jump height, how can humans prevent it?

  Even the Arsenal defenders were dumbfounded.

  Hummels is very good at heading the ball, and his ability to compete for the top is good, but if he faces Luckai’s goal this time, he will be helpless.

  ”Our captain is on fire!”

  Jimenez grinned.

  He looked at Le Kai with fiery eyes.

  During their time at Atletico Madrid, Jimenez and Atletico Madrid have repeatedly lost in key games, largely due to the lack of such key players.

  Whether it is Ronaldo’s lore or Barcelona’s suppression, they have no way to resist.

  They were defeated by these two teams every time, which annoyed them and felt aggrieved at the same time.

  After coming to Arsenal, Jimenez felt suddenly enlightened.

  Because they also have such players in their team.

  Lucky gave him the feeling of always maintaining enthusiasm, as if he would never fail or give up.

  The positive impact that such players bring to the team and the construction of the spiritual level are incomparably huge.

  Jimenez’s biggest feeling at Arsenal is not the strength in tactics and strength.

  It’s the toughness of ‘not giving up’!
  This kind of thinking spread and affected almost all Arsenal players, and Jimenez was also inspired a lot.

  ”Hahahahahaha, what is this guy doing!”

  Suddenly, Hummels pointed forward and laughed.

  Jimenez looked over and couldn’t help grinning.

  He saw Le Kai in front of the camera, lifting up his shorts, showing off his knotted thigh muscles.

  Obviously Le Kai was showing off his jumping ability just now.

  ”Kay is showing off his thigh muscles, tsk tsk. I have to say that the amount of muscle is terrifying, and these muscles also ensured Kai’s crazy jump before!”

  Paul Mosen praised.

  Dixon also smiled and said: “Chelsea’s morale has been beaten!”

  As Dixon said, the second goal completely stunned Chelsea.

  Lucky’s goal is too deterrent.

  The almost unstoppable feeling tormented them constantly.

  After this goal, it soon entered the intermission.

  The Arsenal fans at the scene have begun to sing loudly, they have begun to celebrate the victory.

  The feeling that Arsenal gives them now is that it is impossible to lose.

  They have already begun to enjoy the victory brought by the game.

  In the locker room, Mourinho walked in with a happy face.

  ”Gentlemen, be quiet!” The

  noisy locker room fell silent.

  Mourinho looked at the players and said: “We performed very well in the first half. It’s true. This is the rhythm we need to play. No matter what the opponent is, we must maintain our own rhythm, and we must maintain our own rhythm in offense and in the first half. The defensive end is handled very well, although it’s not good to say so.”

  Mourinho shook his fist fiercely; “Kill my old club!”

  Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ——The

  players booed loudly and laughed loudly.

  They continued to applaud, cheering for Mourinho’s explosive speech.

  And Mourinho also smiled happily.

  The main reason is that the game was played so comfortably.

  Arsenal executed his tactical arrangement perfectly.

  When everyone was resting, Mourinho took the initiative to find Lucy.

  ”Kay, I have an idea.”

  Lucy looked up curiously.

  Mourinho said: “You have a lot of linkage with the wing, but you lack linkage with the center.”

  Hearing this, Lucky pondered for a moment, nodded and said: “Because I can’t determine Lukaku’s movements.”

  To be honest , Lukaku’s running position is not only confusing opponents, even teammates are sometimes swayed.

  The guy is equally likely to carry in the paint or run out of the paint.

  In many cases, Lucky cannot guarantee that Lukaku can run to the gap he has seen.

  Therefore, Lucky will try to reduce the direct interaction with Lukaku as much as possible, and instead cooperate with the two wingers more.

  ”Then why don’t we call him over for a chat?” Mourinho suggested.

  Soon, Lukaku came over, and when he heard about the problem, he began to complain; “That’s right! Sir, you have to talk about him, he rarely passes me the ball, captain, are you a teammate? What’s your opinion!”

  Le Kai said unhappily; “If I have any opinions, I’ll beat you up!”

  Hearing this, Lukaku smiled and put his hands on both sides of his cheeks, pretending to be cute; “I’m so cute, you want to beat me up!” Me?” It

  has to be said that Lukaku’s mentally funny attributes are innate, some people make it embarrassing, but some people are natural and funny.

  Even Wilshere on the side vomited, and the whole locker room burst into laughter.

  Le Kai also patted Lukaku on the head, signaling the other party not to be joking.

  ”However, my running position is indeed a bit chaotic, but you can ask me, as long as you pass the ball to me, I will do it!”

  Lukaku is eager to score.

  Moreover, the Arsenal team has the most capable midfielder in the Premier League. Under such attractive conditions, he can give up anything.

  It’s not impossible to let him be a pie front who specializes in eating cakes. As long as Lucky keeps passing the ball to himself, then it’s not a problem.

  Even in order to eat cakes, Lukaku felt that he could fight against the opponent and grab the ball’s landing point.

  Le Kai was a little surprised to hear Lukaku’s response.

  He didn’t expect Lukaku to make such a big determination.

  In fact, after Lukaku joined Arsenal, he has changed a lot.

  At Arsenal, Lukaku can feel the momentum, and everyone is working hard for the championship.

  In the previous clubs, although many people were like this, there were also some people who came to dawdle.

  This kind of discord is common, but it is almost nonexistent at Arsenal.

  The so-called insiders are scarce in Arsenal. Even if they appear, Arsenal will trade them out soon, and will not stay in the team at all to affect the integrity of the team.

  The second is the desire for victory brought about by the rise of one’s own state and overall strength.

  The so-called desire for victory needs a certain amount of winning to motivate.

  A team loses all the time, and it’s inevitable that they’ll be in a downturn.

  And every victory, even the struggle in the process of losing, will motivate the players.

  Everyone at Arsenal feels that way.

  That is the predictability of victory!
  They have great expectations for the future. As Mourinho said, this Arsenal team was born for the championship.

  Whether it is the Premier League champions or the Champions League champions, they will surely regain their honor.

  In this process, if you want to become one of the champions, you must continue to improve and integrate into it.

  Lukaku knows where his shortcomings are, so he has to correct them to score goals.

  He wants to be an integral part of Arsenal, a real champion.

  The second half was about to start, Lucy got up and patted Lukaku on the shoulder and said, “Let’s try in the second half!”

  Hearing this, Lukaku’s eyes lit up and he nodded violently.

  Soon, players from both sides appeared on the field.

  After the first half of the game, Arsenal currently leads Chelsea 2:0.

  Chelsea did not make personnel adjustments. Obviously Conte still trusts this team.

  Arsenal also did not make any adjustments.

  In the second half, the two sides changed sides and fought.

  Chelsea kick off first!

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