Strong Waist

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Successive Injuries

Chapter 74 Successive Injuries

The 12 rounds of the Premier League are over, and Arsenal is also skyrocketing in the league standings.

From the 14th place in the worst league in Wenger’s history to the 6th place in the league.

This roller coaster of results is exhausting for Arsenal fans.

It seems that in these two seasons, Arsenal will encounter a bad start. In the past, they were weak in the later stage, but now it is better. The early stage started with blood, and the mid-term began to continuously collect points.

But it has finally recovered, which is good news for Arsenal fans.

But there is also bad news.

That is Wilshere is injured again.


This guy missed the entire 2011-2012 season, just came back this season, and was on the team for less than two weeks, and then went back to the hospital bed.

Arsenal fans are angry.

They have great expectations for this ‘Prince’. Many people hope that Wilshere can carry the honor of Arsenal and challenge to a higher stage.

But from the current point of view, what challenge and what honor, this guy has dealt with the hospital bed.

There was still no response from the club, but Arsenal fans judging from Wilshere’s miserable cry in the derby match, this guy’s season will be reimbursed again.

I just came to Arsenal for training in less than two weeks and played a game!

Then he took the initiative to shovel people and hurt himself!

Arsenal fans are both angry and funny!

Destroy it!


Arsenal fans’ attitude towards Wilshere is indignant.

I have given you the No. 10 jersey, what else do you want?

Lying on a hospital bed in a No. 10 shirt?

If you don’t have strength and talent, that’s all.

But precisely, this guy has enough talent.

Not only Arsenal fans, but also the coaching staff are starting to lose patience.

When Wenger saw the diagnosis report given by the team doctor, his whole face became extremely depressed.

【The lumbar vertebral fracture requires surgical treatment, and the recovery period cannot be determined. 】

Wenger silently put the medical certificate aside and closed his eyes gently.

He regrets handing over the No. 10 jersey to Wilshere.

Before, he was full of expectations for Wilshere, but now Wilshere shows the attributes of a glass man, which is embarrassing and useful.

Missing the game for two consecutive seasons, this guy is really useless!

“Let Le be the main starting force in the next game!”

Wenger has made up his mind.

Lucky’s performance in recent times has been very good.

And in the game Lekai played, Arsenal’s defensive linkage was also extremely stable, which was something Wenger had to consider.

Song’s departure did have an impact on Arsenal to a certain extent.

But the existence of Lucky makes up for this very well, and even strengthens it a lot!

Moreover, Le Kai is a more stable defensive midfielder than Song.

Of course, in Wenger’s view, Lekai’s talent is far more than that, but Lekai can only play to this extent at this stage, and he will need to slowly experience in the future.

Wilshere’s departure completely established Lucky’s starting position.

After a season and a half, since joining Arsenal, Luckey has finally gained enough trust.

Lucky is not the instant combat power that Suarez joins at a high price. The process of starting from scratch is always there, but Lucky has greatly reduced this length of time with his performance.

Arsenal also prepared a new contract for Luckey.

A new five-year contract at £50,000 a week.

Lucky remembers that Alexander Song was paid £45,000 a week.

Compared with the latter, it has increased by 5,000 pounds.

Arsenal’s salary has always been not a lot. Even if the Russian boss came to power, the problem of players’ salary limitation is still very serious due to the debt at home.

Now it’s not bad, although it can’t be called the first tier of the Premier League, but the second tier is finally there!

Lucky’s weekly salary of 50,000 also made him rich enough.

Although it can’t be compared with Suarez, the team’s highest paid, it still makes Lucky satisfied.

Of course, Wenger also explained it when he gave Lucky a new contract.

As long as Lucky’s performance is good enough, Arsenal will not be stingy with his salary.

If it was the previous Arsenal, it would be fine. Since the Russian boss came to power, the investment in the team is still very large.

These are enough to deliver on the promise.

After    received the first week’s salary of 50,000 yuan, Lucky was ready to move out.

He was a boarding house at Billy’s and was not yet eighteen at the time, so he needed a caretaker.

Now Lucky is an adult and is eligible to live alone.

“What are the house prices in Fulham?”

Lucky approached Vermaelen and asked.

He knew that the captain lived there. As a wealthy area in London, the Fulham area has always been synonymous with prosperity.

Vermaelen glanced at Lucky and said, “It depends on the location. If it’s on the London Bridge side, the total house price is around £1.15 million. If it’s an area where Van Persie once lived, don’t think about it now!”

Le Kai had a bit of embarrassment on his face and said, “What about renting a house?”

“About £3,000 a week! Of course, that’s all services added together, you wouldn’t want to clean a house that big by yourself.”

Lekai grinned slightly, so the house prices in this **** capital are really expensive!

“Why do you have to live in Fulham?” Vermaelen laughed; “Many people don’t choose there. If you want to invest, I do recommend the Fulham area, but if you live by yourself, you You can find a suburb, preferably a single-family building close to the training base, which is only 500-650 pounds a week!”

£500 a week, converted into RMB, that is about 5,000 a week, close to 20,000-30,000 a month.

Lucky grinned, feeling that it was still too expensive.

His boarding fee for a week at Billy’s was less than £100.

And control what you eat.

Le Kai sighed, found Chamberlain, and said hopefully, “You live alone?”

Chamberlain looked at Lucky in surprise and said, “No! I live with my mother.”

Le Kai reluctantly waved his hand and said, “Okay!”

Now, he has made it clear that he wants to rent a house by himself, and it is impossible to rent together!

In fact, with 50,000 pounds a week, Lucky can really consume a house in the Fulham area.

But he is different from the consumption concept abroad, saving money first.

Therefore, Lucky was unwilling to be the Moonlight Clan.

Actually, Lucky had planned to find a personal trainer before, but finally gave up the idea.

The reason is very simple, Arsenal’s so powerful assistant coach is about to become his own personal trainer, what personal trainer should he find?

The matter of renting a house was put aside for now, and Lucky dealt with it slowly.

For now, he still has to focus on the league.

After entering November, Arsenal have recovered a lot of points in the league, but they still have not entered the Champions League, so they still need to make persistent efforts.

In the Champions League, Arsenal ranked second in Group B with 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss.

The appearance of    is not bad.

Lekai also played a few Champions League games, with good and bad performances, so-so.

The league has also entered the 13th round, and Lekai once again entered the starting list for away games.

They will play Aston Villa away.

Aston Villa’s performance in the past 12 rounds was not good, with 2 wins, 3 draws and 7 losses in the vicinity of the relegation zone.

This also makes this team play a heroic state.

Lekai is also the first time to play a relegation team in the Premier League, this one seems to be the same as you.

He never thought that a 17th in the Premier League would be so difficult to play.

Chamberlain also ridiculed Aston Villa before the game, saying that this was a three-pointer that sent Arsenal a winning streak.

His teammates looked at him strangely.

Now Lucky understands!

Why is Nima’s relegation team so difficult to play?

For a full 90 minutes, the two sides played a **** violence.

Lucky got a yellow card on his back.

And the final result was a 0-0 score.

There are big duck eggs on both sides!

Aston Villa drew Arsenal at home to avoid falling into the relegation zone.

And Arsenal broke the chance of four consecutive victories.

But worse problems arose.

After the game, the Arsenal team doctor found out that Cazorla has a tendency to be injured during a routine physical examination. Cazorla’s calf Achilles tendon is obviously overloaded and needs to rest for a period of time, otherwise there will be irreversible problems. .

This result surprised everyone when it was released.

This is Cazorla!

If we say that the best player in Arsenal’s lineup this season is Cazorla!

It’s not a good thing for this guy to show such symptoms.

This is a huge blow to Arsenal.

Wenger is also hesitant to let Cazorla rest.

But the bad news came soon.

During training, Cazorla suddenly fell to the ground and screamed.

This scene made everyone have a bad premonition in their hearts.

After the diagnosis, the results came out.

Cazorla suffered an Achilles tendon injury and officially entered the injured list.

Seedlings for the new book ask for support!

Ask for a recommendation ticket! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for collection!

(end of this chapter)

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