Strongest Martial God

Chapter 15 - Strong confrontation


With a smirk falling down, just between a breath, I saw the speed of the Su language suddenly rise, and the figure suddenly plucked out. This time, there was a faint glimpse of her body shape. And by itself, with this speed, she erupted an extremely fierce offensive in an instant.


There is a somewhat vague figure in the Su language. At this moment, as the flame whirlwind sweeps toward the place where the leaf is heavy, the fists, feet, and elbows are all turned into the most fierce offensive, covering the place where the leaf is heavy. Going, it is really a bit unimaginable, why a woman in the district can display such a violent offensive.


Under the Feihong stage, many students looked at the fierce attack that broke out in the Su language in an instant, and all of them came out with a burst of sound. This astrology disciple seems to be older than they are a few years old, but these skills have already surpassed the attitude of their peers. This fighting power is even more surprising.

Wang Mo’s face appeared to be a bit of a worry, and the star’s singularity of Zongsu language was completely beyond his imagination.

“Yezhong…you won’t lose this way?”

In another direction, Liu Qingmeng did not know when he came to the side of the field. She stared at the scene on the Feihong stage, and her dreams flashed through her eyes. She has seen Ye Zhong’s shot, but at that time his opponent did not have the degree to reach this Su language!

“The disciple of Xingxiangzong is really stronger than the students of our Feihongwufu.” Many of the lecturers gathered together, and the admiral stared at the Feihong stage with a few strange gaze. The staggered figure, she knows more about Ye Ye than others, so she is also amazed at Ye Zhong’s ability to show at the moment, but in contrast, the strength of the Su language is even more amazing.

“Not necessarily… Although the Su language is strong, it is not easy for him to win the leaf. I can’t think of it. This kid has always been a Tibetan mastiff!” Mo Hai’s strength can be said to be the strongest in the field, but he is most surprised at the moment. . He can see clearly that in the face of the stormy general offensive in the Su language, Ye Zhong is like a lonely peak in the wind and rain, and does not move!


Among the many sights, the fiery red figure burst into a fierce attack, but at that moment, another long figure in the standing field was still flashing or picking up, even the extremely horrible offensive of the Su language was not The fall is blocked. That looks like it seems that he has completely seen the offensive of the Su language.

As time went by, Mo Hai and other lecturers of Feihong Wufu, the horror of each face was even more intense. The strength of the Su language is completely in their expectation, but Ye Zhong’s skill makes them marvel. Clean and straightforward, but it is the simplest offensive. At this time, it is gorgeous like a demon, and even the light that the Su language blooms is resisted!

“Mad teacher, is this little guy going to learn the skills of this hand? This means, this heart, and the random strain in the battle, can not be inferior to those who have fought!” After watching it for a while, Mo Haifu couldn’t help but open the door.

Hearing the words, the other lecturers also nodded slightly. Only the admirer smiled a bit. She was also confused at the moment. The unremarkable leaf in her class was really the guy in front of me.


In the violent offensive, suddenly there was a sigh of silence, and I saw the leaf that had always taken the defensive. At a certain moment, the hands were like rifles, and they penetrated the extreme violently. The offensive, and then the point is lightning fast in the point of the rapid figure.


A muffled sound, the Soviet language’s figure was slightly shocked, but then it was a little bit surprised and turned back a dozen steps toward the rear, while the clothes on her right wrist had broken, showing a cut The white cockroach is like a broken arm, but at the moment the white arm is above, but there is a little red fingerprint.


“how is this possible!?”

Around the bottom of Feihong Terrace, there was a burst of cool sounds. All the students of Feihong Wufu were surprised at the moment. Obviously they did not expect that the strongest from the Astrology is showing. Under such a fierce offensive, it was actually forced back by Ye! ?

Looking at the look, Ye Zhong not only did not fall below, but also accounted for a little cheaper? How can this be! ?

“Ye Zhongshi, you really don’t understand the pity and jade!”

The face of the Su language also became a bit strange at this moment. After she looked down at her arm, she even pulled off her sleeve and directly revealed the shocking right arm of the white and smooth, then she Looking up, the sight of laughter and laughter fell on Ye Zhong.

Opposite, at this moment, the leaf weight is slowly retracting the pointed finger, slightly frowning, although he just took a little cheaper, but the realm of the Su language is a bit higher than himself, then the power of the earthquake is also Not small. Moreover, the combat experience of this Su language and the various reactions in the battle are not comparable to the so-called genius of the Ye Family Su family that was encountered before. Such a character is a rival. If you don’t use other cards, you can rely on your true strength at the moment. It’s easy to get a draw. It’s extremely difficult to win. If you’re not careful, you might lose!

Really a good opponent!

Ye Zhong slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and the look in his eyes became more and more deep.

Seeing Ye Zhong didn’t seem to have any interest in nonsense, the Su language whispered, and then she saw her take a deep breath, on the arm of the slap, a hint of blue meridian, if there is a tour Snakes generally appear under her skin, and these blue meridians emerge, making her skin more attractive.

At the same time, an extremely repressed violent volatility is also slowly spread out at this moment, and it is very exciting!

The shackles under Feihong’s stage have also weakened a lot at this moment. Many of the students have sensed the strong pressure from the Su language at this moment. Looking at this scene, it is clear that this Su language is no longer ready to retain strength, but It is necessary to display the strength of the forged body in the fourth heavy-duty period.


Looking at this scene, Ye Zhong was also a long sigh of relief. The look in his eyes became more and more dignified. He saw his palms close together, and then a slight spin, the boiling blood seemed to burn at this moment. It’s normal. Obviously, at this moment, Ye Zhong is also urging the six burial swords.

The pure aura that was previously absorbed by the leaf weights seemed to be alive at this time. It actually swam away in the weight of the leaf, and finally formed a week and slowly running.

This is not the spiritual power that the martial arts can cultivate, but the pure aura of the human body! In general, only the strongest who practiced the fifth heavy weight of the forged body may have a few chances to appear in the body such a vision of the aura. At this moment, Ye Zhongzhong actually had such a situation. If this matter came out, it was enough to shock the world!


It’s a week! The blood in the body of the leaf seems to have completely boiled up at this moment. A subtle humming sound is heard from his body. Compared with the Su language, it is not inferior to the momentum. It is also spreading at this moment!

“This… a terrible little guy!”

When Mo Haifu and others saw the full force of the Soviet language, Ye Zhong’s momentum was able to compete with her, and all of them were full of surprises. They can feel that Ye Zhong’s momentum at this moment is extremely strong. Obviously, this is definitely not the effect that ordinary forgings can achieve.

“Is it a forging spirit?”

Seeing that Ye Zhong can resist the pressure from his own body, there is a bit more curious taste in the Su dialect. She is now convinced that Ye Zhong’s 100-step peerless style is not a rumor. Through the fight with Ye Zhong, she determined that Ye Zhong had this ability, but at this moment Su Shi couldn’t help but try to see how strong this leaf can be.


An increasingly violent breath spread out from the body of the Su language, and among the breaths that came out of her, there was a breath like a wild animal.

“The spirit of the next product, the astrology forging body!?”

The Mo Haifu master slammed a sigh of coolness and lost his voice! He couldn’t think of it completely. This Su language had to be forced by Ye Ye to display the forged body of the astrology called the town of Zong Lingling!

“What!? Actually a star-like forging body!?”

I heard the words of the Mohai government, not only the lecturers, but the students around them were shocked.

You should know that among the big five dynasties, among the five major families, there is a set of top-level sacred spirits as a township coffin, even if it is good. Even in the royal family, there may not be a spiritual spirit.

In the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, you want to cultivate spiritual spirits, only to go to the stars like a sect! This is also the reason why countless power families of the Great Zhou Dynasty are highly respected by the Astrology!

Because, such as the heritage and inheritance of the astrology, it is definitely not a family that has been a district for nearly a hundred years!

Even in the astrology, the spiritual forging spirit is only one set, which is called the astrology of the town of the ancestors! It is said that in the forging body nine heavy cultivation of this set of coffin warriors, there is a great chance that you can enter the martial arts innate! This shows that this is strong! ?

At this moment, Ye Zhong actually forced the Su language to use the astral forging body! ?

At this moment, the audience was shocked!

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