Strongest Martial God

Chapter 3294 - Choose to go on the road

At this moment, there is a feeling of a dog on the 9th day of the game. What did the kid get in the end, and how did he get into the dominance in an instant. Although he guessed how Ye Zhong did this step, he knew that he was not an opponent at the moment.

He is the master of the game, and the person who truly exudes the dominant atmosphere is definitely not an opponent, even if he is a top-ranking person.

“call out–“

He was like a lightning retreat, but Ye Zhong was astonishingly fast. He spurred the shrinking of the ground into an inch, and the speed was so unimaginable that it could tear the shackles and make the time and space go backwards.

The leaves are as pleasing as the shadows, and there is no deliberate way to make their own speed, but they are chasing them out, chasing and winning for nine days, and then taking a shot.

I haven’t motivated my strength for too long, so I can’t adapt to it at one time. At this moment, I am going to take a hand to practice.

After winning the 9th, it was a quasi-dominant. He noticed that the leaf weight at the moment seemed to be a bit strange. He burst into the light and tried his best to retreat. Because of confrontation, he was definitely not an opponent.

However, it is a pity that in addition to his own combat power, Ye Tianta also spread a little breath at the moment, and the two breaths are intertwined, so that the body that won nine days feels tearing pain, and then His gods were a little bit stunned, as if they were going to explode.

At this moment, he was scared to death, how did the other party suddenly come to this step? How could it be so powerful.

As soon as the breath spread out, he could hardly move.


The next moment, Ye Zhong approached the front of the win nine days, and then picked up the palm of his hand, a big slap is smashed down, can be described as invincible, solid shackles in the face of winning the nine days.

Blood flower splash, skull fragmentation, there is really no suspense, the power of Ye Zhong’s palm is so amazing, it’s just a blow, it’s just a blast of the head that won nine days.

Winning the head of the ninth blast, the red and white blasted together, it looked very miserable.

His **** felt the catastrophe, and at this moment he wanted to leave the flesh, because if the gods were settled, he would die without a burial place.

But unfortunately, when he was the other palm of Ye Zhong, it fell like this.


Winning nine days of screaming, at this moment, the soul flies, he wants to escape, but the result is futile, under the brilliance of the light, his entire **** melts like a snow and ice quickly.

In the end, Ye Zhong had only one last **** in his hand, so he caught it in his hand. He wanted to know some of the secrets of the winner and explored it for a while, but the result was nothing.


Xiaguang was slightly shocked, and finally the **** became a ash, and the leaf regained the palm of his hand, and the headless corpse was thrown on the ground.

With the power of his dominance level, it is really not too much trouble to suppress a quasi-dominant. It is just a matter of training. Now it seems that it is really effective.

I am afraid that even if I won’t think of winning the 9th, I would die so badly.

“You **** it!” Ye Zhong faintly opened, no one killed a sense of quasi-dominant, after all, he has now resumed the dominating power, it is too easy to kill the master.

The only thing that made him feel that he was vomiting blood was that he had wasted precious battles for this nine-day win. He was prepared to wait until he was close to the original masters, then activate his predecessors and restore his dominance. I couldn’t think of wasting a waste for such a waste.

“Trouble, you broke out the power of dominance in advance, and now I am afraid that when you and the source dominate in the middle of the battle, the sudden fall of the realm, not only can’t kill them, but it is equivalent to give them a big one.造化, you can’t go like this, you have to take the second back hand prepared by my big sister’s head. Otherwise, you will die if you go.” Yu baby looks a bit ugly, while sighing the strength of Ye Zhong One side is also sighing again and again, in order to win this nine days, it is really a waste of too precious things.

Soon, the rest of the baby led the way, and the two came to another Jedi. This Jedi was also abandoned, and no one was close on weekdays.

This time, no one blocked the road. The two unimpededly came to the depths of this Jedi and finally found a stone box.

“I can’t think of it, I can still see this thing again.” Yu Bao looked at this thing, and his face was full of confusion. It seems to recall what was going on.

“This thing is the big sister’s head prepared for me for a long time, she said, not to be forced to open, but now it has been unable to take care of him, have to shoot like this.” Yu baby said.

“I can’t think of this world, but it appeared in advance…” At this time, a cold voice remembered, no sadness, no waves, no waves, reverberating in this place.

“Big sister?” Yu baby glimpsed, incomparably shocked, I can’t think of the voice of Ye Qingdi at this moment.

Obviously, the familiarity of this sound, the baby’s familiarity, has long been branded in the bones, but I can’t think of it after millions of years.

The woman’s voice is extremely cold, but it contains an indescribable singular charm. It is really admirable. I can’t help but listen to it and explore everything about him.

“Since you came for my own backhand, it must be a big robbery…”

Apparently, Ye Qingdi seems to have already deduced some things. Although this world is very special, it has conflated time and space and cut off everything. Even people like Ye Qingdi can’t hope to wear the ages. All these are speculations.

Her voice grew more and more slowly, as if it had been wiped out in the long river of time, and gradually disappeared.

“What preparations did the big sister do?” Yu Bao is very closed. She still doesn’t know the whereabouts of her big sister, but what is her second backhand?

Is it difficult to follow the arrangement of Ye Qingdi, these back hands are arranged for other people, not for her? So what do Ye Qingdi want to do?

After a moment of silence, Yu’s baby groped for a moment on the stone box, and then heard a “snap”, the stone box opened directly at the moment, an indescribable horror wave spread at the moment, it seems to be this The heavens and the earth have collapsed.

There is a crystal crystal bottle in the stone box. There is a bright red color in the interior. It looks dazzling and dazzling. The radiance of the light shook the world, and the heaven and earth avenues are all screaming, seemingly shuddering.

This is a bottle of blood, actually has an indescribable rhyme, although it does not break out at the moment, but it has been able to directly suppress the avenue, the horror is boundless.

“Whirring whirring–“

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be a cry of the gods and crying, and there are also hurricanes blowing up, and various heavens and earth visions are present, making the stars in the universe seem to be shaking, as if they are going to explode.

This is a drop of essence of Ye Qingdi, which was extracted by him, and then sealed up and left to the later generations. It contains the blood of the dominant level, and even more shocked people can’t speak.

“This is the real blood of my big sister. This true blood, if it is refining, can have an unimaginable effect, can extend your time into the dominance, and even have a certain degree, so that you have the opportunity to touch Ultimately, this time it is really cheap for you.” Yu baby sighed.

According to her, Ye Qingdi was not inferior to the three figures who have come out of the ancient history. What kind of atmosphere and traces of her true blood are really unimaginable. thing.

Ye Qingdi was able to touch the ultimate to a certain extent in the past, so after she got her true blood, the benefits that Ye Zhong could get should be beyond imagination.

However, these are all words. The most important thing for Ye Zhong at the moment is to have the strength to fight against the source. If you can extend the time, then this thing is the most important for him.

With this material, Ye Zhong confident that if he is defeated, he will definitely be able to take one or two sources to dominate the road.

However, he has confidence in himself, even if it is impossible to completely calm down the source of the disaster, but the whole body should not be a big problem.

In the end, Ye Zhong chose to go on the road, because he knew that this road is not lonely, at least five of them are still there, and there are many masters that are constantly being bombarded. This has a chance to destroy those. The source is dominated.

“I am waiting for you to come back, don’t waste my backhand.” Yu’s voice came from the rear, her voice sounded like a well-being, but in fact it was full of a worried mood. She is really afraid that Ye will not return.

“You can rest assured, I will be able to return, this world can’t dominate, I will settle the source!”

With the fall of Ye Zhong’s words, his figure is like a meteor, even if it is temporarily restored to combat power, but still approaching at an unimaginable speed, and finally came to the battlefield outside the fourth restricted area.

Even if the battlefield is in chaos at the moment, the stars are smashed, the stars are falling, the sun is exploding, the place is broken, the broken stones are everywhere, the earth is almost turned into an abyss, and only the fourth restricted area is detached. Steady.

The blood is splashing and shining with amazing light. These lights are the true blood of the dominant level. Any drop contains an unimaginable breath. When you fly out, you can pierce the mountains and rivers.

“Ah! Kill!”

There is a dominating scorpion, at this moment shattered the Milky Way, the sky collapsed, the murderous gas overwhelmed the ancient starry sky, in this place, the battle to the point of white heat.

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