Strongest Martial God

Chapter 3308 - Disaster

It has been clearly seen that a body dominated by a source has exploded, but the result has been restored again. There are masters and unnamed creatures guessing. Most of them are intentionally blew up, and they want to recover the situation. After all, how terrible is it to dominate the road? It’s hard to imagine, and once it’s really blown up, that power is too big to be imagined.

The characters at the dominating level are so hot and hot, and this kind of means makes people feel creepy!

“The master of the sky is really at a disadvantage. He was beaten once, but he did not know whether the one of the magic gates had achieved such a victory, and whether it paid a certain price.”

People’s hearts have mentioned the eyes of the blind man. I don’t know if the incarnation of the demon door was created. After all, the source master has already wanted to use such a fierce means to pull back the disadvantage. No one knows that he will eventually get it. What kind of results.

The war is still going on, the power of Feixian has reappeared, and it can tear the sky, the darkness, the incomparable, the sky.

Everyone knows this scene, and the one of the demon door should have benefited a lot from the incense of the sentient beings, and it has not been greatly affected. Otherwise, she will not be so imposing and consistent. If you want to say it, this is the invincible style of the world.

This battle can be said to have hit the collapse of the universe, the chaos of the chaos, and the explosion of the stars.

The master of the sky is at a disadvantage, but in order to make up for this gap, he is constantly moving among the major states. Every time, it is a cold and ruthless devouring of a lot of souls, but in just a few moments, there are three or five. The state government was affected.

However, he only had only two such opportunities. Next, he was carried by the incarnation of the Demon Gate into the wilderness of the chaos.

This is an area that has never been explored. Even the people of Chaos, who do not know what is in the wilderness.

In this ridiculous land, the two peaks dominated the war and hit the ground of catastrophe and ghosts, and all kinds of horror and demon things happened, especially in this remote land, even in the war. At the same time, there was a **** rain, and a black lightning blew the sky, and the boring thunder of the road continued to flash.

In the looming, it seems that people can see the lightning of human form, which represents the emergence of a huge amount of terror.

But unfortunately, these are just illusions. Even some strange scenes appear because of the confrontation between the two. In such a war, the earth is cracked, and the four wild places are full of skylight.


Another **** sky, the blood splashes into the universe, and the land in the wilderness has a big collapse. Some mountains have collapsed, and people have seen the ancient corpses inside. These corpses are so strong that they are all the cadres of the dominant level. At this moment, I can actually hold this piece of heaven and earth. If this is not the case, the wasteland here will no longer exist.

As for the master of the sky, it is once again blasted. You can see that the blood is like the sea, the surging, and the vastness does not know how many thousands of years, so you are shocked by the world.

The real mastery of the battle, the killing of this step has already shocked the human world, such intensity is unparalleled, the past is invisible, and the future may not be visible.

It is no wonder that there have been unspoken rules from ancient times to the present, and the ruler is invincible. Because the true peak dominates the confrontation, the fighting power exerted is inevitably too earth-shattering. If this continues, it is likely that the whole chaos will be destroyed. It is really the era that the era has been shattered, and such a war is absolutely sweeping all things, unstoppable.

“do you died?”

“Is the source dominated?”

“Is this the source of the disaster, even if it is the real end?”

Someone is talking and asking questions, all of which are in the hope that everything will end like this and will end in victory. However, it is a pity that the volatility of the dominant level has spread again in the near future. The rich life is spurting out of the air. The main lord once again reorganized and dominated the body and re-entered the battle.

It’s so hard, it’s almost invincible, and it’s only too strong to say that the true peak is too strong. Even if it’s stronger than him, it’s too hard to kill him.

However, the one of the demon door is not the existence of the ancient history, even if it is just an incarnation, but the combat power is still earth-shattering, she made the source dominated four times, and the last few times were hard. It was blown up and turned directly into broken bones and flesh and blood. At the end, even the gods exploded.

But in the end, he still died, and he couldn’t resist it completely, and he could not survive this world.

On this day, it can be said that cheers broke out everywhere, and all the people in the world are fortunate. The sounds of the sounds are all over the stars. This is the idea of ​​all beings. When they are together, they are really magnificent.

But is there still a sinister? If the evil lord does not die, is the source of the disease really over?

No one knows what happened next. It seems that there was a major outbreak of the war, but it seems that there is no, but the whole world has settled down. No one has ever shot it, and it has gone to the world, and no one has swallowed the life of the soul. The so-called source road disappeared completely, and the darkness was dispelled in this way, and a light appeared in the world.

At this point, the source of the problem is a complete end, this field should probably be the most terrible blood and chaos, the most likely to make this era of the end of the war, it is completely over, although the process is a bit short Amazing, but it is much faster than expected.

However, such a war has left too much pain.

“It’s over! We finally passed, even if there is no master in the world, the source of the disaster is still over!”

“The world is safe!”

Throughout the chaos, after a brief calm, cheers came from everywhere, and all kinds of sounds were heard. Everyone was lucky. I heard such a chaotic world. Every one was excited because they could survive. It is already unimaginable in itself. It can’t be said that everything is really not easy.

Everyone is the rest of the robbery. At this moment, they are breathing in the big mouth, and then they are shivering to the sky, and now they can appreciate the preciousness of life.

Living is better than anything.

Many souls are venting their sorrows and are all swearing, and they are all expressing their feelings.

But at the end of the day, when the cheers and excitement ended, everyone gradually calmed down, and the atmosphere of sadness and desolateness permeated and gradually spread to the land of the Quartet.

Because this time, the source of the disaster is too great. Nearly one-fifth of the chaos in the chaos has fallen, and many of the state capitals have been razed to the ground. The corpses on the earth are everywhere, and the blood flows into the river everywhere. It can be said that these mountains are taller than one, and these rivers are wider than one.

“Child, where are you? Come back and see for the father?” A white-haired old man fell into a pool of blood, so he opened his mouth and felt that he was very cold.

“Mother, beg you not to die, beg you to live!” A weak girl shook a body vigorously, but the body was dull, she seemed to insist on this moment, but finally still suffered No, it fell like this, and there was no sound.

“Hey, don’t sleep, get up, you get up!” A young child of three or four years old, crying, holding an arm of an early cold body, tears in his eyes.

This is just a microcosm of the human tragedy. Others can be said to be everywhere, not just a state, but a vast universe. It is full of turmoil and bleak clouds.

In this battle, the loss of the spirits is too great. I don’t know how many Yingjie’s bones are buried in the country. Even if there is no quasi-dominant level of power, some people want to go to World War I.

There are still many people who sacrificed their self, let the masters of their own ethnic groups break out and be able to participate in World War I.

It can be said that if there is no sacrifice for these people, the origin of this world will be calm, and it is almost impossible.

“Unfortunately, there are too many burials. Those unspeakable creatures and masters can really watch this? High up, overlooking the human world, what are they thinking about? Want this era to end, then open a A new era? Unfortunately, they have failed. The people of this world will remember all this. The so-called incense of all beings will never exist again!” Ye Zhong sighed in the dense land, and now he looked at the sky. Naturally, I can sense the battle just after.

The incarnation of the demon door was killed at a crucial moment. It was a complete calming of the battle. Did she take her own fruit? Ye Zhong didn’t know, and he didn’t want to know. He only knew that this world ended like this. It may be a good thing. If it continues, even if it is the source, it will not be able to bear this.

However, although such a battle has been victorious, in fact, after this day, many ancient ethnic groups with profound contents in the chaos world have been destroyed, and many of them dominated the ethnic group. They even sacrificed their finals to the final card.

The scope of this sacrifice has been too wide, and many hidden ethnic groups have to be shot. It can be said that since then, this world is really dominated by the world’s top ten, the top ten Jedi, and the top ten restricted areas. It is almost impossible to re-emerge with a force to compete with them.

Perhaps, after that, the battles of the three camps will be reopened, and this time, the scrolling is absolutely the whole chaos, and who else in the world can compete against the three camps? It can be said that absolutely no more!

On this day, the source of the disaster ended completely, and the two key figures, Ye Zhong and Yu Bao, lost their tracks.

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