Strongest Martial God

Chapter 3341 - Part of the truth

“Several predecessors! I suggest that you immediately search for his gods. This person has absolutely big problems. One bad is the spy who stays on our side. The purpose is to destroy the great cause of our magic door, no matter how It is true that he is imprisoned, he can’t give him a chance!” Shi Fang said at the moment, his face was stunned.

You must know that this kind of thing, such as the search for the soul, is really serious if you encounter it. If you are not good, you will abolish it. This stone is absolutely unwilling, and you want to destroy the leaf weight, even The martial arts achievements that made him a lifetime are limited.

Ye swept his eyes and said: “You are such a person hiding in the last battlefield. What can you see through such a distant distance? But you know everything, as if you witnessed it, you know the ins and outs of everything. I don’t want to say that your brother is guilty for a while, you can’t run it!”

At this moment, the leaf weight is calm and calm. The old servant of the Taoist family is in this place. At this moment, it should be safe, and there will be no change. As long as it can fight for a period of time, the other party naturally cannot get up and down, so this moment leaves The weight is very reassuring.

Ye Zhong still quite understands the rules of this battlefield. He pointed to the sky and said: “The above is someone who monitors everything. Even if the king who wants to kill me is secret, he will still leave some clues. And with the breath above the arrow feathers, there will be a flaw in how to cover up, and please ask the masters to observe the Ming, it is really invisible, please the real master to return to the Yuan, naturally able to find out everything. The truth!”

At this moment, the leaf weight is very calm. It is really true that gold is not afraid of fire, and I am not worried about what will happen.

At this time, Xuanyuan De, Lion Nine Days and the Sword also came over. Their identity is extraordinary. At this moment, standing on the side of Ye Zhong, naturally can protect him.

“Don’t let the people of Buddhism look at the jokes. The people at the gates are also far away.” An old man said, “This is a battlefield. If you continue this way, a bad joke will lead to a big joke. If you go back and solve it, if you don’t handle it well, it will really trigger a change in morale.

At the same time, he also felt that there was no fear of Ye Zhong. If this was not the case, Ye Zhong would not dare to make so many oaths, and such calm and calm, I expected to be fearless and did not say anything false. That is to say, it is really possible that the stone method has gone wrong.

And he and Shi Daozi have a certain relationship, it can be considered to take advantage of the other side, and if so, at this time, the appropriate shot, to see if it can be a big thing, and let it go.

“Okay, go back and say!” Anotherone spoke.

Ye Zhonglang said: “You predecessors, I worked hard to kill the enemy for my demon camp, killing so many forwards, even blocking the other side of the king at a critical moment, is this not hard work, but also hard work? And Now the evidence is in my hands. I can’t accept it. Why do I fight for the Devils camp, but there are still people who want to put a cold arrow on me? If you don’t give me an account, then if you put things down, it will make you chilling! How do you let these vast warriors, in the future, reassure us to fight for our devils? On the battlefield, not only must we guard against enemies, but also guard against ourselves? Is this a joke!?”

It is said that many people are really watching the magic gates of the true level. Although they have no openings, the atmosphere in the field is very depressed. The responsible persons knew that the matter was troublesome at a glance. When the matter came to this point, if there was no way to give a satisfactory reply, it might indeed affect morale, and it would break everything arranged by the demon gate. If she pursued it, I am afraid it is a big trouble.

“Reassured, things have come to this step, I will definitely check out the water and give you an explanation!” An old man said, he originally wanted to sell his personal feelings, but at the moment his heart suddenly felt awkward, I feel that this person can not Sell.

Ye Hao, the old servant of the Tao Mozu, slightly decapitated, said: “Reassured, will give you an account, go back first, don’t show jokes!”

This matter was picked up by Ye Zhong. It can be said that the impact is very bad and must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be people who are chilling in their hearts, which will really affect all future layouts of the Magic Gate.

At this moment, Shidaozi feels creepy. He knows that the trouble is big. Why is this Yechengcheng so powerful that it will not die under such a design? Originally, according to the plan, he should be the only one who died in a place where he died, but he could not think of him intact.

One thought of this, in terms of the heart of the stone, can not help but hit a shackle, a bit tremble, things seem to really develop beyond his control.

When the matter reached this point, the two sides could not continue to fight, and they could only receive the money. The original leaf recalculation brought a huge victory to the Demon camp, but in this case, it became a tiger’s tail, but it was taken advantage of the Buddhism.

The two sides have withdrawn.

In the camp of the immortal level, how many old people are not so good at the moment, these signs seem to indicate that this is definitely a premeditated murder, no matter what the purpose and idea of ​​this stone method. But he wants to kill the leaves.

“Old Stone, your grandson is really too much. This kind of thing is not beautiful. If there is no way to give an explanation, we will be held accountable. Don’t forget the one’s temper.” Someone spoke.

The stone road surface sinks like water. At this moment, it is impossible for him to attack like this, because in the same level, even if it is too horizontal, it is useless. Everyone is a master of this level. No one is afraid of who said it, and if he is also If he is unreasonable, his grandson will be more unlucky.

“This little debt doesn’t know what I want to do, but in any case, he has violated the rules. So, you can do business, but I want to give me a face and give him a life!” Shidaozi had to do this. Opening.

Under such circumstances, if you don’t admit it, you can’t do it. You can only confess it boldly, and then you can retreat, and then ask for a business, give a little face, leave a life for Shifa, as for others, how Punishment will do.

Someone spoke up and said: “The impact is too much, although it does not harm the life of Ye Qingcheng, but if we do not punish, we will not be able to manage the battlefield in the future. So, deprive him of all the credit after entering the battlefield, and then send it to the death squad. Ten years!”

The so-called death squad is that every time a big battle needs to be shot, one can not avoid it, and once it is defeated, it needs to be a post-peak. It can be said that the danger is abnormal. As for the deprivation of the merits, there is nothing.

Shidaozi has changed his face at this moment. If he really enters the death squad, then he will be in trouble. The battlefield will be dead for ten years. If it is not dead, it will naturally be honed, but the probability of death is really too great.

“It’s too long, five years, don’t force people to die!” Someone else said.

“Three years, three years is enough, but I have to send a cultivation resource to Ye Yecheng, lest he continue to reach. After all, the impact of this matter is too bad. If there is no satisfactory explanation, we will also trouble!” In the end, some people open their mouths like this. This is a stone man.

“You will discuss it. If you want to send it, you have to nod.” The old servant of the Tao Mozu got up and left, and he went out. He knew that in this case, it was fair to deal with it. Ye Qingcheng did not. As for the loss.

At the moment, in Xuanyuande’s big account, Xuan Zhede and other three people sat around Ye Zhong’s side, poured a glass of water, a look of sigh.

“Old leaves, you are really fierce and messy, it is simply the big devil on the battlefield!” Xuanyuande said.

“I don’t understand a bit, that is, I don’t know the people of Shijia. Why do they want to kill me?” Ye frowned and kept thinking about this matter. If the other person recognized his original identity, it is impossible to Such a small scene. However, this was taken care of by people, and it still made him feel extremely uneasy and extremely puzzled.

Xuanyuan De, Lion Nine Days and the Sword are all face to face, thoughtful, and finally like what I thought.

“It won’t be that Shifang wants to join us and share a piece of cake, so I want to push you away!?”

“It is really possible to have this possibility. On several occasions, he was very active and showed up in front of us!”

“Most of it is so, but he is not powerful enough, we have never looked at him!”

Soon, the three pieces pieced together some of the truth, which restored the purpose and motivation of the other party.

“It seems that our guess is correct. They want to join us, but they don’t have a doorway. After seeing Ye brother join, I feel that I have lost the last chance. The only way is to get rid of the old leaves!”

“But the stone is not strong enough, he still wants to join us? I thought that when we did this, we would bring a tow bottle and want to follow us to take a big bargain and get the legendary big Creativity? Ambition is not small, but I am afraid that his life is not so hard!”

Xuan Zhede’s people were all sneer, and their hearts were extremely angry. They were all the devils in the battlefield. Such characters were actually peeped into their hearts, and they were prepared to count them, which made them feel shameful. Really is the one who can’t wait to shoot the stone family directly.

The sword sneered, saying: “It seems that someone needs to warn the people of Shijia. If our things are known, they will only ask!”

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