Strongest Martial God

Chapter 3357 - The storm will start

In fact, those immortals and true immortals are all talking about each other, but only those who are quasi-dominant at this moment have a rapid contraction of the pupils, because they are actually not afraid of the glare of the sky, the first time they discovered the truth, here For a moment, their cheeks are constantly twitching, and I really don’t know what to say.

Later, everyone else shut up, because the Hongyao Tower converges at this moment, no longer so embarrassing and glaring.

In the field, the people who fell across the ground, the Xuanyuan sister, the lion nine days, the sword, the magic Ling Tian and other people are all seriously injured, fell on the ground and pumped, it is difficult to move half a .

Only the Ye Qingcheng, at this moment, the eyes are shining, a pair of Laozi is the first appearance in the world, it is really full of spirits.

At the same time, who is he still sitting on?

A group of people are speechless. At this time, even the strength of the shock is gone.

Because, at this moment, the Taikoo demon cow was broken and the horns were broken. The whole person and the body were not much different. The hundred-claw octopus is nowhere to go. The huge tentacles have fallen to the ground. He himself is like a zombie. At this moment, his nose and mouth are all bloody, his eyes seem extremely sluggish, and it is difficult to move halfway.

Moreover, both of them have been **** and it is difficult to move.

As for the key person at the moment, Miss Meimei, a generation of fairy goddess, at this moment she turned out her own ancestor, the body directly on the ground, was tied up, and at the same time, there are people sitting Her body.

“Ye Liancheng!?”

“I am going! What happened in the end? Is that Ye Yangcheng so fierce? Actually sitting on the fascinating body, and directly tied her up? What is this?”

A group of people have the feeling of a frying pan. At the moment, they don’t know how to react. It’s totally different from the imagination!

In particular, those quasi-dominant, at this moment are all squeaky, do not know what to say. Even the characters like them were prejudging mistakes at the beginning. This Yechengcheng is not only dead, but also has a look of excess energy. Others are all in a hurry. He is good, really is something. No.

Stone Road is very ugly at this moment. He knows the purpose of these little scorpions and wants to swear by the opening. But in fact, he has just been warned by the Taoist people. He knows that at this moment, he is not able to make a mess. Forbearance, do not speak.

“Ye Liancheng, what is the situation?”

After all, there are still a large number of strong people in this place, half of them are true immortals, and half are immortals.

Now, even if the king of the king is shocked to the point where it is difficult to attach, one is shaking and the other is shaking, and some people can’t believe what they see in their eyes.

“What is the situation here?”

“What the **** did you do?”

“In fact, I didn’t do anything, but there were a few Xian Wang who came to me for trouble, and then the result was not only found to be troublesome, but also I was put down.” Ye Zhongyi’s face was light and cloudy, and this time His posture, how to see it is all invincible, there is no opponent in the world

Look like that.

“What are you special!” The lion nine days and so on are all mad, as if they did not contribute, all of them have become the credit of this kid, but the people who look at the scene, do not know the inside, most really thought It is his credit for one person.

Others didn’t know the inside story. They saw that Xuanyuan’s sisters and other people fell on the ground. They all looked like a wordless, because they all felt that it wasn’t really that Ye Yecheng had killed everyone in the field.

This is a shocking thing. At this moment, even if the fairy king looks at Ye Zhong’s eyes, it’s changed. You must know that even a charmed person is definitely a leader in the fairy king. It is not a general. Can the king of the kings fight against it?

At this point, the fascinating fascination woke up, suddenly felt that it was not appropriate, many people are watching her, a stunned look. She doesn’t like her own ancestors very much. She feels that no one is good-looking. At this moment, she sees many people, and the subconscious is to restore the person.

But she still didn’t figure out the situation, forgot that she was put down, and there were a few distributions. At this moment, she didn’t realize that she still had a plate sitting on her body.

Now, after she recovered her body, she realized that it was wrong. Soon, she knew who was on her body. At this moment, she really almost fainted again.

You must know that the fascinating figure is really good, the curve is undulating, the long legs are thin, the skin is crystal-like like the white jade, and the above is beautiful, even Xuan Zhede’s wretched guy saw her big long. I want a Moss for my legs.

But at the moment, her beautiful face is full of anger.

“Ye Liancheng!” She spoke. At this moment, she was really angry and unimaginable. She really couldn’t believe it. She was actually caught, and this kind of **** became a prisoner.

The most important thing is that the leafy city that is so eager to take its ruthlessness is actually sitting on her body. This is something that can’t be tolerated! She is fiercely confronted and wants to struggle to stand up.

However, she has been at the end of the moment, and has been suppressed by Ye Zhong once. How easy is it to want to rise?


The leaves are full of light, still sitting on the plate, and there is a ring of gods in the outer body, shrouded in the body of the body, so it is like a monument.

The fascination of the charm is almost a blood spurt out, and it is so suppressed that she is so painful that she feels that her bones are broken.

She is still tied with a rope, and it is not an ordinary rope. It is specially used to tie the king. The more she struggles, the tighter the rope is tied.

At this moment, the charm only felt that I couldn’t come up in one breath. It was almost a spurt of old blood. Her waist was almost cut off by the leaf weight, and she almost fainted at the moment.

“Bastard guy!” She was really angry, and she was so upset that she was so close. There were so many people in the neighborhood, and there were some of her acquaintances, and they were basically kings. Under this witness, she was actually suppressed like this. ? What a shame and shame for her?

Many people are stunned and even more suspicious. This is the big lady of the fascinating family.

High-end combat power, but now it has been so badly picked up? What does this make people say?

We must know that the charm is outstanding, the appearance is peerless, and it is the leader among the immortals. I don’t know how many people admire her. The pursuers are countless, but what is the situation now? Has she actually become a prisoner? What does this make people say? How should people react?

“The poor road has been demon for so many years, like you have seen this for the first time, the infinite God!” Ye Zhong looked a serious look, and then the backhand was a slap on the head of the charm .

Everyone is speechless. Is there anyone in the world who dares to deal with the succulent family? Not to mention other people, simply her brother, who is known as the third king of the Magic Gate camp, absolutely wants to tear off the offender, not to mention her pair of pursuers.

In fact, at this moment, Ye Zhong is also gnashing his teeth. He really wants to come here. If he does not consider that there are several prospective masters staring nearby, he wants to kill the charm directly.

However, considering that it was too irritating, he did not do such a thing.

“I have gone, I have no old eyes today? What am I seeing?!”

Someone broke the silence, so I opened my mouth and looked unbelievable.

The fall of the leaves is unwelcome. I will kick this enchanting lady to the side of the Taikoo demon and the hundred-claw octopus, and let them sit in a row and become a real prisoner.

This scene is even more so that the eyes of countless people are green, because the lineup of these three people is really scary. It appears on the battlefield of Xianwang, and few people can match it, but they don’t think they will eventually fall. At this end of the game, I really don’t know what people say.

“Occupied the topography, blocked the space, and banned the Taoist law. Only then can the body fight and kill the other side. In this case, Ye Qingcheng and Xuanyuande are not so powerful. Is this a conspiracy to win? Someone said this way.

“Intrigue? You are going to intrigue and try it out. Can you suppress the three? If you lose, you lose. You forgot the Ye Wang before the battle on the battlefield.”

“But at that time, the fairy king was obviously not as terrible as the charm and others!”

At this moment, there was a hot discussion in the battlefield, and people from both positions were discussing.

Now many people are already speculating, this Yechengcheng’s foot is absolutely extraordinary, mostly from a certain tyrannical system, otherwise, how could there be such a terrible battle?

However, such things are quickly denied. The strongmen of the Magic Gate camp are not without, but there are definitely not many. If such people are selected one by one to screen, they can quickly screen out which strong family, but which one is Yecheng. Strong people are not.

However, some people speculate that he is mostly from the hidden world, but when it comes to the pulse, it is not easy to confirm. For Ye Zhicheng, in the end, many people can only hold a skeptical attitude.

Outside, the boiling up, the fairy king lost to the real fairy, such things are too shameful.

At the moment, several parties did not care about the outside world, and they all fell in love with each other. ()

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