Strongest Martial God

Chapter 3384 - . Touch the ultimate power

This is the second method that Ye Zhong realized in the war. The five-day gate is the carrying method of Tianfa Avenue. This kind of one-shot defense is extremely amazing, effectively blocking the time and space of Emperor Peng Peng. The avenue caused this power to be disturbed and failed to fall on Ye Zhong’s body.

“Good ability, but if there is only this ability, it is not enough!”

The two men fought fiercely and continued for half an hour. Ye Zhong was hit several times and his body exploded. The time and space avenue caused great harm to him. If he was the master of the world, I am afraid that he will fall down many times directly. Drop it.

In the fierce battle, Ye Zhong also realized the law of chaos. This attack can simulate many killings in the world, and each hit makes this universe boil.

Then there is the eight ridiculous seals. When such an ambition is revealed, it will make the surrounding world manifest itself in an eight-year-old world.

The four-pole fist, the five-day gate, the chaotic law, and the eight-year-old seal. In this war, Ye Zhong gradually realized the law that belongs to his own Tianfa Avenue, showing a more terrible attacking power. When the door method was simultaneously motivated, it was really the world that was boiling.

There are verses in his body, and all kinds of ambitions are displayed, becoming the ocean of laws and secrets. Even the visions are in the sky.

The Emperor Peng Peng was discolored, because he felt abnormal, accompanied by Ye Qian’s desperate shots. Although he was splashing the stars and even exploding his body from time to time, the other party’s understanding of the law was more and more, equivalent to the basis of his previous enlightenment. There has been some terrible change in the law of heaven.

The laws around the leaves are intertwined, and the culture is the road. With all kinds of terrible visions appearing, the whole person has evolved into a vast world, which is extremely terrible.

“Pole testimony! You want to use my lore to make a slap in the road! You are so bold!” The Emperor Peng Peng screamed, his face was ugly.

He finally knows what the other side’s avenue is. This young enemy is too courageous. He has been crushed many times, and he has been killed several times. He may fall at any time, but in this case, he still remains. In terms of deducing your own avenue and your own law, what makes people say good?

The so-called polar testimony, the purpose is very strong, is to let his own law out of the law, condense the only law, this trick, will be similar to his previous emperor’s killing, can destroy thousands of masters!

This is what he is going to do at the moment!

Even in the face of the time and space of Emperor Peng Peng, he is still the same.

“Don’t you really want to push the ultimate blow in the ultimate law?” The more the Emperor Peng Peng thought, the more he felt scared. If he allowed the matter to continue to develop, he would be in trouble!

At this moment, he slammed to the front and killed him.

The Emperor Peng Peng’s murder came out. At this moment, the time and space avenue was pushed to the extreme, and there was no more left hand. He was stunned and savage, and the breath was terrible. For example, the same war singer should force the enemy in front.

At this moment, the avenue of time and space has turned into a martyrdom wave. The leaf weight is swayed by the terrible time and space order. Just like a big cockroach, it is called a beam of light.

All the avenues of the avenue are transformed into tangible carriers, like chains, like runes, colorful, colorful, radiant, smoky, seemingly dreamlike.

These order rules, etc., are now like melted metal liquids that wrap the leaves where they are. Tianfa Avenue is a natural way to suppress thousands of roads, but it can also accommodate thousands of roads. This is what it is all about.

The Emperor Peng Peng’s several attacks, although they made Ye Zhongzhong vomiting blood in the enlightenment, but never smashed his body, which made the former discolored.

On the contrary, Ye Zhong was in a counterattack in a Jedi, and he danced for nine days. The various chains of the gods flew in the air, and the whole body of the Emperor Peng Peng was hit with riddled holes and blasted again and again.

“It really made me unexpected! I was able to fight with me. If I were not empty, I might really fall into your hands.”

At the same time, he stopped and stood in the distance, watching the weight of the leaf in the furnace, the glory in his eyes, and finally he took a deep breath and extracted many essences directly from the heavens and the earth.

This move made many of the top ten masters frown. Soon, the three existences that were not prepared to intervene in this battle from the ancient history were shot separately, and the space for the two men’s battle was settled. .

This is not to be biased towards who, but to give the two people the opportunity to continue to extract the essence of the world. If this continues, I am afraid that someone will drain the world. This is definitely a catastrophe for the chaotic world. .

It is not without reason that the ancients ruled not to fight. Unless someone can strongly suppress the other party, if it falls into a situation of equal potential and becomes a war of attrition, it is an unimaginable disaster for the chaotic world.

The Emperor Peng Peng frowned, but did not say anything. At this moment, when he was not concerned with other people, he only had the right to speak at this moment. He had the right to speak. Otherwise, anything was nonsense.

His hands and his mark began to change, and he continued to seal and secretly promote the secret law. This is based on the interpretation of time and space, and this kind of avenue has been interpreted to a level that is almost incomprehensible.

One of his palms became crystal clear and clear, and then a shock of violent force directly turned into a French seal, falling toward where Ye Zhong was.


This method is dazzling and fascinating. It is amazing and amazing. It flies out of his palm and directly penetrates the heavens and the earth that is brought back by Ye Ye at this moment. It is necessary to wear all his protection and fall into his body.

“Time and space source!”

Even the existence of the three out of the ancient history can not remain calm, almost exclaimed at this moment, apparently quite touched, because such a blow can threaten their safety.

This method is not so big, but it directly penetrates all the rules and order chains of Ye Zhong’s body and is about to fall on him. It is conceivable that once the power of time and space is involved, it is so horrible and amazing.

Leaf weight can’t be touched by the flesh. This kind of power is too strange and terrible. A little mistake will make you lose a lot of Shouyuan, and no one can afford it.

He sighed and spurred the five-day door to stop in front of him. The French seal fell directly to the top, making the five-day door disappear quickly.

Just as this method has experienced a thousand times in a flash.

If the leaf weight reaction is not timely, what kind of scenario will this stroke fall directly on him?

Everyone is shocked. This is not a character who can claim to be a god. Any such person has an unimaginable means. It is not something that other people can compare. The means are already near.

The power of time and space of the Emperor Peng Peng’s own operation is also uncomfortable. This is a move against the sky. The power of time and time is taboo, so under such circumstances, his own consumption is really not small, and the interest rate is good. After that, his nephew began to become cold and cold.

The short-lived calm quickly passed. At this moment, the Emperor Peng Peng roared, and the whole person was mad. It was no longer like the dusty dust. Just now, he became like a roaring lion. The light came, dazzling and dazzling, and violently attacked at this moment.

At his fingertips, one after another horrible beams of light flew out, and turned into a hot boulevard, as the nine-day waterfall emerged, all lingering toward the place where Ye Zhong was, to completely destroy him. Where is in the field.

This is the so-called force of time and space. Every light beam is such a force. When the war reaches this step, Emperor Peng Peng directly uses the power of taboos. Each hit is consuming his own life, because he does not want to delay for too long. However, I want to completely suppress the leaf weight in the shortest time.

All parties in the universe are silent at the moment, everyone is shocked, so many times the power of time flies, in fact no one can resist.

Ye Zhong has long since changed color. He has spurred the door of five days and constantly slammed the world’s defense. This fierce confrontation is only a moment, and his defense is constantly destroyed. In the final quarter. Retreat, almost lost.

This is a fierce fight. During the period, Ye has repeatedly spurted the blood out of his mouth and turned it into himself. He used the technique of death. If this is not the case, most of his masters have fallen.

The three existences that came out of the ancient history were silent. After a long time, some people whispered softly: “This is really terrible. It is a rare person who can claim to be a **** in ancient times. His power in time and space. No one can match the ancients, even if I wait for the shot, most of them will suffer big losses, it is likely to fall!”

“After touching the ultimate line, who’s power is not terrible? If you really fight it, it’s just half a catty, but the probability of being the same is too big, not worth it!”

“It doesn’t have to be a battle, it just doesn’t make sense!”

The existence of the three descendants from the ancient history is open to each other and is highly appraised by Emperor Peng Peng. From this point, he can see his terrible things. At the same time, this is also a side view of the strength of Ye Zhong, because confrontation By now, he has not been killed and can still be in a relatively complete state.

However, passive beating is not the style of Ye Zhong. Although he is the ultimate blow in the cultivation, he wants to touch the ultimate, but at this moment he is almost violent, and every pore of the whole body has a terrible fairy light.

The four-pole boxing, the five-day door, the chaotic law, and the eight-year-old seal were separately promoted. At this moment, he turned into an immortal ancient Buddha and hit the ground where the world was broken.

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