Strongest Martial God

Chapter 3397 - King and overbearing

This moment of discoloration of Daomen, obviously can not think of this leaf heavy dominance so unconcerned, not afraid of the shot directly directly provoked a huge cause and effect. In the next moment, his figure ran out and directly blocked the attack of Ye Zhong with the body of the beast.

Ye Zhong did not continue to shoot, but turned and directly fell into the void, and went to the forbidden place where Jiu Xuan Tiandi was.

However, when he was about to retreat, Ye Zhong slightly frowned and looked in one direction. One hand explored and wanted to take Xuan Yuande and others away, for fear that these people would have an accident.


The one who was in the door again shot again, and it seemed even stronger at the moment. One blow blocked the big hand of Ye Zhong.

Above the battlefield of the three-party camp, I don’t know how many souls are desperate at the moment. When these two people are so fighting, it’s really earth-shattering. Every hit contains an unimaginable big pressure in it. Even the battlefield is able to sink.

If it is implemented, all the strong people here will be destroyed.

Ye heavy frowns, I can’t think of the key moment that the door is still unable to go with himself. He looks at the place where the Taoist ancestors once again, and the backhand is a palm of the hand.

At the same time, he was stunned and suddenly looked back.

Because in the three-party camp, there is actually a strong breath spreading out at the moment, containing the chaos law and runes in it, the avenue breathe, so as to shelter this battlefield, resisting the two touches in the sky The ultimate in the existence of the ultimate in the formation of the power of destruction.

There is no doubt that this should be another strong man hidden in the dark, wanting to fish in troubled waters, but the key moment is still shot.

Ye heavy frowns, there is no time to think about this place in the end, who is a sudden shot, and now the situation is too critical, if the nine Xuan Tiandi defeated, by other people to suppress, he alone can not stop four terrible The existence of the joint. The ultimate in the presence of these touches is absolutely not simple, and there is no good deal.

In the next moment, the leaves are heavy and the shape is swaying.

However, in an instant, Ye Zhongzhi did not enter the forbidden place, because in fact the distance is not far, his speed is almost unimaginable, and it has entered its place.

“I really thought that the two of us had joined forces. Is there no other preparation? I really thought that this master of the world is a clay sculpture. If you destroy all of you today, you will join forces with the Hades and the origins. You will all kill.” People!” Ye heavy cold drink, the taste inside the sound is the ultimate.

The one who saw the door looked at the bottom, and did not pay attention to what was there. He did not care what the people wanted to take the opportunity to fish in the water. At this moment, there is nothing more important than killing Ye Zhong. His body swayed and directly killed the past against the forbidden place.

Today, these three battlefields are destined to have an unimaginable blood kill. The ultimate presence in the dominance is destined to bleed, and no one can block such a big disaster.

On the ground, all kinds of runes have finally disappeared, and the law of Chaos Avenue has dissipated, and it has been branded into the void, and it has disappeared.

Everyone has the feeling of restoring the rest of his life. Whether it is Ye Zhongduo or Daomen, they are too horrible. Although they did not deliberately shoot, each of them has an earth-shattering force. It’s shocking.

At this moment, in the camp of the magic gate, a woman looked up at the sky, and there was a sense of worry in the face of peerlessness. If Ye Zhong is here, it should be recognizable. This is Su Shiran, the spirit of previous life. month.

At this moment, her fighting power seems to have recovered. Only when she took the opportunity to shelter the three sides of the battlefield, it is likely that she is her.

Above the battlefield, for a time, it was very quiet. No one wanted to continue to follow up. They all prayed that the battles of those people would be best done in the forbidden land. Otherwise, God knows what will happen in the end, and what will happen in the end.

However, among the top ten and the Jedi in the restricted area, no matter whether it is a fossil-class grotesque or an indescribable creature, it is impossible to remain calm at the moment.

The rise of this worldly master has been doomed, and if he is killed, it shows the strength of the door.

Regardless of which of the two sides wins this battle today, it will definitely not be a good thing for those who have always been detached from the world.

Because, when the world dominates the victory, it is once again positive for his strength. In his age, everyone needs to shrink. After all, this person is obviously very disgusted with the origin of the Hades, and most of them will launch a annihilation war. If such a war is involved, the ruler may fall.

And if the Daomen wins, what will happen to him in conjunction with the Hades, the source, and the Buddhism? This is something that no one knows, and even leads the future of chaos to an unpredictable point.

All in all, the current situation is too chaotic, and the chaos has reached a point of headache.

Some unnamed creatures in the Jedi in the restricted area have begun to be deduced. If they take their own shots, can they sit endlessly, even if they are in charge of the chaos?

There are many roads, each person’s way is different, but everyone is pursuing the same thing, that is, the road that is destined to go beyond the chaos of the big world, and open up its own path without the road.

Like unspeakable creatures, some are arguing, and their own forms are constantly changing. They have long been infamous, and some have taken dozens of roads. Every time they touch the ultimate line, they are all I want to find a way back, because they feel that the road is not suitable for them. If that way goes down, it is destined to be the end.

In the world, it is a kind of hegemony. When a person is in the world, he can suppress everyone. But in fact, there are not many people who can take this hegemony to the end when he is in the world.

The strong pressure of the world’s master, control the chaos of the world, the king of the world, this is a king, once successful, it is absolutely terrible, able to sweep the enemies.

However, this is the way for individual people. It is not that everyone wants to go this way. It is not everyone who is looking for such a path.

Others feel that the world should have an invincible path that is more suitable for oneself, and there is a supreme law that is more suitable for oneself.

For example, the ultimate law, how many strong people have tried to go through this road, but what the result is, it is not known.

At least, in terms of this world, Ye Zhong walked out of Tianfa Avenue with the ultimate method. It should be the most successful person in history. No one should have come to this step in ancient times.

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield is full of thoughts, restlessness, and some people who have a good relationship with Ye Zhong, such as Xuan Zhede, Shi Jiudian, etc., feel that the scalp is numb, and I don’t know what to say at one time.

My own big brother, the master of the world, is really too tossed. This has become the ruler for a few days. I have toss out so many things. God knows how everything will change in the future.

If he wins and wins, then naturally there is nothing. On this day, can someone else be his opponent?

However, once he failed to toss, people like Xuan Yuande who are his people will be very miserable.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound of the road above the battlefield. A chariot of sinister air came out slowly, driven by the ancient servants, and came to this vast battlefield.

Pulling the car is a few creatures with only skeletons left. These creatures look like dragons. They are all rotten meat. There are four heads. At this moment, pull the car together and slowly approach the place.

Everyone at this moment is involuntarily retreating a way, looks ugly.

“The creatures of the Hades are actually born? Are you in this area?” Someone was shocked and looked incredulous, so he murmured.

The sacred creatures, in principle, are not dare to appear in the chaos of the big world, but at this moment, there are actually the glory of the glory of the glory, and driving away from the car, how to look is not simple.

Moreover, sitting in the chariot at the moment, it seems to be a very young creature. Why is he coming in such a bright and beautiful way? What is his identity?

In the sky, the red flames burned the heavens, and the **** three-headed dog came out, and the guards were on one side, accompanied by the ancient chariot slowly landing.

People are sucking a cold breath, actually the most pure **** of the three-headed dog pulling the car?

Even the strongest of the three-headed Hells, I feel stunned at this moment, how can their family become a vassal of others?

But very quickly, the rulers of the Hells three-headed dog came out and looked complicated, because these creatures came from the Hades, and their Hells three-headed dogs were from the Hades. To some extent, this is their biggest card and backing.

The master is going to see the ceremony, but it is the number of rituals. But at this time, there was a peaceful voice in the carriage, which made him get up, no flying, and not very strong.

However, such an attitude has made the people dare not slack off.

Soon, I saw a yin spread out. A man wearing a white armor covered his shackles and walked out of the car. Then he looked at where Xuanyuande and others were, and then he walked with a smile. Come over.

“Do you have something for me?” Xuanyuan De is not a fearful lord, but at this time he did not know why he was staring at the other side. He had a feeling of creepyness. At this moment, he couldn’t help but say this.

“There is nothing, just want to borrow something from you to use it.” The creatures of the Hades, the white-haired creatures smiled and seemed to be taking things for granted.

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