Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 149: Are You Being Racist, Right Now?

"W-what is happening?" Ji-hyo's voice trembled.

"It seems someone just helped us" Jong Kook said as he squinted his eyes as to make out their surroundings as it was too dark around them and they could only see an arms length within the darkness.

"It must be those people on the helicopter that I saw earlier!" Kwang Soo shouted in glee as he tried to stand up.

"Shush~ Someone's coming" Jong Kook said as he immediately perked up his ears as he could clearly hear those rushed footsteps heading towards their direction with how eerily quiet the forest had become after those multiple gunshots.

Ji-hyo and Kwang Soo also went silent immediately as they could also hear it.

Then the footsteps stopped just a few meters away from them and the three people immediately became nervous as they started having cold sweats as they could even hear their hearts beating wildly.


A flash of light suddenly blinded their eyes as they heard the voices ordering them, "Don't move! Stay where you are!"

Frightened, Kwang Soo immediately raised his hands.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! We're civilians!" Jong Kook immediately yelled as he raised his hands followed by Ji-hyo.

The soldiers immediately surrounded them as Josh then came over and looked carefully at them.

"They're Asians" Josh said when he noticed that the three people weren't of Western Descent.

"Get up" Josh said as he gestured for the three of them to get up from the ground.

Jong Kook and the other two immediately tried to get up but Ji-hyo had a hard time getting up and needed Jong Kook's help.

"What happened to her?" Josh said as he directed his torch light at Ji-hyo, noticing that there were something wrong at one of her legs.

"I sprained my ankle" Ji-hyo weakly answered him


"Give them some water first. After that, you three will be coming with us, alright?" Josh said as he gestured someone to hand them some water to drink.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

The three of them immediately took the bottled water that was handed over to them and drank it all in one go like they have never drank water before in their entire life.

A minute later.

"Can you walk?" Josh asked Ji-hyo as he was worried that she might a hard time walking with that sprain but then after he asked that question, he felt like he was an idiot for asking something so obvious.

"I'll carry her on my back" Jong Kook answered as he immediately squatted down, "Ji-hyo, I'll carry you on my back"

"Okay" Ji-hyo said as she carefully hopped on his back and put her arms around his neck while Kwang Soo just watch, feeling a bit left out that no one is paying attention to him.

"Let's go then. Make sure to follow us carefully through the woods and make sure you don't get left behind too much from us" Josh said as he immediately led them through the woods and headed back to the direction of the camp ground with the three survivors in the middle of the soldier.

"Thank you for saving us back there" Jong Kook said as the other two also gave their thanks.

"Don't thank us, you should be thanking the Lieutenant instead as he was the one who killed those zombies" one of the soldiers.

"Don't mind it. It wasn't a big deal" Josh immediately said before they could even say something.

But the three knew that it was a pretty big deal for them as their lives were saved so they still gave their thanks to Josh.

A few moments later, they were almost near the campground as there were already lights up ahead of them.

"Oh..oh..oh! That's the helicopter I saw earlier!" Kwang Soo yelled when they passed by where one of the Black Hawk's were parked with soldiers keeping an eye around it.

"That's a Black Hawk helicopter" one of the soldiers beside him said smugly.

And there were more surprises for them the deeper they went as they met more armed soldiers and military vehicles on the way which made the three really gasped in surprised as they had never seen this many military vehicles before and they also spotted people like them who were probably also rescued they are the only people wearing civilian clothes right now and they smelled the aroma of food wafting through the air as it made their nose tingle and their stomachs rumble as they also started salivating.

After that, they finally arrived in front of the largest tent in the campground with two soldiers wearing Exoskeleton Armor guarding at both sides of the entrance.

"Disperse" Josh said to his men and then he turned towards Jong Kook, Ji-hyo and Kwang Soo as he said, "Stay here. I'll call you guys later" and then he walked passed inside.

The three then just stood in front of the entrance after Jong Kook put Ji-hyo down and all of them felt uncomfortable with multiple eyes sizing them up especially the two soldiers in front of them who are watching them too sternly.

When Josh walked inside, he was met with a Leo who is already having his dinner on his table in front his folding bed and his dinner was bacon and rice with an egg on top of it along with a fruit juice on the side. It looks more like a breakfast than a dinner.

"Bro! I brought the survivors!" Josh said as he also can't wait to have his dinner later.

"Huh? Why did you bring them here?" Leo looked surprised at Josh as he chewed on his food.

Josh scratched the back of his head and said, "Well, they're Asians so I thought I'd bring them here"

Leo looked at him in disbelief and said, "Wah~ you're not being racist right now, are you?"

"W-what? No, no, no! I just don't know what kind of Asian they are but they looked kind of familiar though, like I've seen them somewhere before. I'm just not sure" Josh felt a bit bitter from being misunderstood and at the same time, he really felt like the three people they brought with them really looks kind of familiar.

"Alright, bring them in" Leo said as he put another mouthful of food in his mouth.

"Should we have them take a bath first? They stink though" Josh said with a bit of a chuckle.

"No need, they can do it later. Bring them in" Leo said as he also felt curious of who they are for Josh to even think that they looked familiar.

'They couldn't be BTS, right? Maybe even Blackpink! After all, these two groups are pretty famous in the international scene before the Apocalypse even happened' Leo thought.

Josh then nodded and then he poked his head out from the entrance and saw the three standing stiffly in front of him which made him laugh a bit with how helpless they look right now.

"Come inside. Our boss wants to see you guys" Josh said as he gestured them to come in with his hand.

Then the three of them cautiously entered the tent and when they got inside, they immediately bowed in greeting.

"Hello" Kwang Soo said.

"Hello" Jong Kook said.

"Hello" Ji-hyo said while limping.

Leo noticed her because of that and he turned at Josh and said, "What happened to her?"

"She sprained her ankle" Josh hastily replied in case there were some misunderstanding there.


'They're Koreans. So that's the reason why Josh said that they look familiar. Could they be celebrities though?' Leo immediately recognized from where they originated from.

After that, there were silence as Leo stared at the three people who are certainly feeling uncomfortable right now as they fidgeting around from where they are standing.

'Wait! They really do look familiar! I think I've seen them before!' Leo immediately stood up from his while still chewing thee bacon hanging from his mouth.

"Ohh!" Leo literally yelled in shock!



The two soldiers looked at each other then smiled as they shrugged it off even the soldiers who were near Leo's tent were looking at each other in surprised as they didn't expect to hear that excited yell from their commander.

"I wonder what happened?" one of the passing soldiers said.

"It's probably because those new survivors" his companion answered.


"You guys are from that Running Man, right!? That Korean TV-series!?" Leo said sounding really surprised.

"I'm a huge fan of that show! How come you guys are here!? Did you guys got stranded here in UK because you guys were doing one of your episode?"

"But where are they others?" Leo said looking confused as he looked towards Josh with a questioning gaze.

Josh was also surprised by that sudden revelation as he would also watch that TV show from time to time before and when he saw Leo looking at him with that questioning gaze, he immediately answered, "My men already looked around from where we found. There was only three of them there except for the Zombies"

Then Leo turned his head back to the three and said, "So what happened?"

Ji-hyo shook her head and said with a trembling voice as she started to tear up.

"T-they...t-the others..are already dead"

"Ohhh~" Leo immediately sat back down on his bed when he heard her as he also expected that kind of answer from them.

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