Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 158: What In Blazes Is This!?

"You guys just stay inside the PELICAN when were out camp, okay?" Leo looked behind him and said while operating the aircraft.


"No worries, we're not kids you know"

"I was just saying" Leo rolled his eyes at Michelle's reply.

An hour later, they finally arrived at the temporary base above Girton College.

"You guys, ready?" Leo asked as the PELICAN slowly landed on an open ground.

"Yep" Amanda as she put her pistols on the holsters on her legs.

"Ready when you are" Michelle said as she strapped her Heckler & Koch HK416 on her back.

And beside the two women are one white wolf and one black wolf who are over a meter tall and over two meters in length lying on the floor.

It was the two wolf cubs they always carry around and they have the ability to change their shapes from a cub into a full grown adult as they were just as big as the "Stark Direwolves" in the Game of Thrones series. The one white one is named "Storm" while the black one is known as "Grim".

The PELICAN finally landed and the hatch on the back opened as Leo and others walked out and they were greeted by a man with a long beard that reaches the top of his chest.

"Sir! Madams!" the man saluted as his eyes were filled with gratitude and respect.

"Walk with Me" Leo said as he walked towards the largest building in this place as the bearded followed two steps behind him while the two ladies kept a distance between the two of them.

This place was the campus of Girton College and the place was heavily guarded with small teams of soldiers patrolling every corner of the place and behind them, they would intermittently hear gunshots echoing from the distance.

"Anything new?" Leo inquired while walking.

The man took a deep breath to calm his nerves before answering, "As you may have already noticed, Sir. We have already fully taken over the entire campus and the nearby university farm and Sir Alex had ordered some of the survivors whom we rescued the past few days and are still considered fit, to work on the fields while the others who are still quite weak were given a two days rest before going to the field to help the others"

Then they entered through the main college building where there were only soldiers at the entrance of the building but the inside that was once messy with blood, books, papers and corpses that once littered around the building were now all cleaned up and people wouldn't even notice that this place was once a "graveyard" of many students if they didn't see how it originally looked like before when this place got overrun.

Then Leo, Amanda and Michelle started looking around the place as the bearded soldier followed them like a tourist guide.

"Wow, this place would be a great place to have as there are a lot of facilities around here but this isn't a suitable place if you turn it into a military base" Michelle commented.

"I agree with her. It's better to turn this place into a residence instead" Amanda nodded in agreement.

"Residence for what?" Leo looked at the two of them and asked.

"Residence and a training ground for soldiers and their families and the recruits that enlisted themselves!" Amanda answered after thinking for a short moment.

"Oh? That's actually not a bad idea" Leo turned towards her and said with a bit of amazement in his voice.

The bearded soldier who was following behind them felt a bit shocked when he heard what Amanda said, `Isn't that the idea we had from the meeting two nights ago!? That was what the Leader even suggested back then'

"Actually I plan to turn the entire University into a huge training ground" Leo said unconsciously. He already had this plan from back then when he planned to take over Cambridge. He wanted the entire university to become a training facility for future soldiers who would accompany him in the upcoming war three years from now.

"Oh right" Leo turned and asked the bearded soldier following behind them, "Where are Alex and the others?"

This soldier known as Alan immediately answered him and said, "They are currently clearing the roads from all directions, Sir"

"And as per your order, there are also a group of builders constructing makeshift walls after them along the outer side of the road"

Leo rubbed his chin and nodded as he remembered that he had ordered them to do just that. Leo wanted a wall that would encircle the entirety of the girton college campus, the nearby university farm and the orchard.

The wall would start from the west to the north highway road to the east and south suburban road across through the middle of the farmlands, resulting a semi square wall created from different materials.

"What about our supplies?" Leo said as he looked at the messy lawn through the window while Amanda and Michelle are already gone ahead of them along with the two huge wolves.

Alan looked through his small notebook and said, "It would last us three months but if we take in more survivors inside then the supplies would only support us for over a month but the others who are out clearing the roads are also looting supplies around the houses, cars and buildings that they would pass by and would send it directly towards here, Sir"

"Give me a break down of our current population here" Leo said with his hands behind his back.

Alan nodded and started turning the pages of his little notebook and then he stopped and read the contents, "Sir, we now have exactly two hundred and thirty eight soldiers and exactly four hundred and twenty seven survivors that we had rescued throughout our journey. Totalling a number of six hundred sixty five and over half of those survivors are building the wall and the rest are either at the farm working or resting inside at the west wing building"

"Good, that's all. You can go back" Leo said.

"Yes sir" Alan saluted before leaving.

Leo then opened his [Map] and when he saw that Amanda and Michelle are okay, he immediately closed it.

"Well, let's relax for now" Leo said as he headed over to where the two ladies are.


At the suburban road beside a residential neighborhood, east of Girton College.

A group of soldiers lead by Alex are on the move taking out the zombies quietly using their melee weapons.

"Form in groups of twos and dispersed" Alex commanded as the soldiers immediately found their partner and moved in opposite directions while Alex moved by himself.

At a nearby medium sized grocery store.

A group of ten armed people are currently looting the remaining merchandise inside when someone suddenly came running inside and almost yelled, "Hey guys! Someone is coming here!"

"How many!?"

"O-one but he's armed! Fully armed from head to toe with rifles and the like, there are even grenades!" the scout said in panic.

The others looked at each other, they knew that this guy wouldn't lie especially if it's related to their lives.

"Look for a place to hide, we'll ambush him and take all of his belongings after we kill him," said a man, who seems to be the leader of the group. All of them are also armed with firearms but theirs was just built from uncommon materials which could be found anywhere if you try to look for them which literary just labels them as makeshift firearms.

All of them immediately dispersed and looked for their own hiding place and pointed their weapons towards the only entrance of the place as they controlled their nervous breathing along with some excitement.

A minute later, footsteps slowly rang out as it slowly approached the place they were at.

A man slowly showed up at the entrance, The man was wearing a standard UNSC Army BDU, equipped with MA37 ICWS and M6G PDWS as a sidearm, in short he was fully equipped from head to toe with cool looking grenades strapped on his side waist.

"Fire!" someone suddenly yelled as gunshots sounded as they fired towards Alex.

*Clink* *Clink* *Clang* *Clang* *Clink* *Clink* *Clang* *Clang*

"W-what in blazes is this!?" someone yelled in terror when they saw the bullets ricocheting off of Alex's body.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!" their leader yelled in panic as continuously shot at Alex along with his men but their efforts were futile until they emptied out all of their bullets from their cartridges.

"B-boss! He's not human! A human can't do that!" a man yelled in terror as he jumped out of his hiding spot and ran in fear towards another exit.

"B-bastard! Stay there!" their boss yelled with a bit of fear in his voice as he hastily reloaded his weapon and the others also came out of their hiding places and were looking at each other as they hesitated whether they should also run or not but when they remembered how ruthless their leader is and the guy at the entrance just standing there and not doing anything but just watching them with a nonchalant look on his face.

"You guys done?" Alex said with a cold voice.

"Then die" Alex disappeared from his spot and only that cold sentence remained.



Blood curdling screams rang out from within the store and it only stopped after a few moments had passed.

"As*holes" Alex walked out of the building as he dusted off his clothes.

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