Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 167: Drag You To Hell

"Dammit! How did they know that we're gonna attack them!? I even spread the zombies around the areas that they hadn't taken over so that it wouldn't look suspicious to them!" This intelligent zombie roared in rage.

"Bring me my food!" he ordered as a zombie immediately came over from a corner while dragging a wailing man dressed in rags and with his face covered in tears and snot.

"No! Please! Don't eat me! There are others!" the man kept wailing as he tried to get away but the zombie was more powerful than him, that he's being dragged around on the messy and dirty floor, "There are others who are more meatier and taste better than me!"

The tried in fear and horror as he tried so hard to make his face, looks as convincingly as possible but sadly, his face was covered in his own tears which just made his efforts really ridiculous.

Then that zombie slowly left the man in front of the intelligent zombie and the zombies around, eyed the human infront of them with madness and hunger in their eyes but they didn't dare to pounce towards the human as they were afraid, totally afraid of that lone zombie standing before the human.

The zombie leader smiled widely as he clamped the man's head with his hands like a basketball player gripping the ball in his hands as the carried the man until the human was at his eye level.

"You, humans are inferior beings! We are this world's future! Your time of supremacy in this world is already over! Are you angry? That you're so powerless in front of me!? That's the evidence that "We" had already surpassed all of you!" The zombie mocked him as he laughed in crazed manner!

But from out of nowhere, the fear on the man's face suddenly disappeared as it was replaced by disgust.

"How dare you look at me like that!?" the zombie roared angrily in front of the man's face as the zombie's spit flew towards his face and the zombie's roar was so powerful that it even blew the man's hair and at the same time, covering the man's face in his disgusting saliva.

"You said that you're more superior to us humans but you don't even know how to brush your teeth! You're breath stinks, you mothaf*cker!" the man laughed in disdain and mockery, the fear that gripped his heart disappeared thoroughly as the man had probably accepted his fate today that he would die and be eaten by these monster.

"You!" bulging angry veins appeared on the zombie's face as he stared angrily at the human, he's lifting.

"If I'm gonna die in the end, then let's die together you bastard! Mwahaha!" the man yelled as he laughed like a maniac and then he shot his hands towards his shirt and pulled out two round grenades and then he immediately pulled out the pins under the shock gaze of the intelligent zombie!

"You! Where did you get that!?" the intelligent zombie sounded panic as he probably wasn't expecting that the human in front of him is hiding a weapon like that.

"Haha! Shock!? Too late!" the man continued laughing like a mad man as the two grenades in his hands lit up and exploded!

The grenade is an M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade and its power is double that of a regular army hand grenade!


The man just continued laughing even when before he was torn to pieces while the intelligent zombie on the other hand was blasted backwards and through the wall behind him as he dropped down from the fifth floor of the building and landed on the road below, creating a huge deep pit.

And the two floors of that building was blasted to pieces!


And after the dust cleared up, it revealed the zombie lying motionless in the pit and there is a huge hole that almost took out zombie's whole upper body.

But the most surprising thing is that his body is twitching continuously as the flesh around the wound is wiggling continuously as it slowly patched up the wound, showing just how powerful is the healing ability of this evolved zombie who had gained intelligence.

Some of zombies that gathered around looked at the body of the evolved zombie with greed and hunger in their eyes, all of them are probably having the urge to pounce forward and devour the injured body of the evolved zombie but the most surprising thing is that no zombies dared to do it that even the "Big One's" are hesitating in their steps.

It was like there was something restricting their instincts to devour any living being they see or other lifeforms they see as food or prey.

The man earlier probably wouldn't know how to feel if he knew that his last hurrah was in vain. After all, the man wasn't an idiot, he knew that this zombie that could think like a human would certainly pose a threat to humanity if left alone, so knowing that he would still die in the end and that begging for mercy is useless, he at least wanted to die with a "Boom!" and wanted to drag this future disaster with him in death!

Three minutes later.

The zombie was finally all patched up like the huge wound didn't even existed in the first place and showing just how much perverted this zombie's ability to regenerate! It was even more perverted than Leo's vitality!

"Urghh~" the zombie groaned in pain as it slowly stood up and stretch its body.

"Damn that human! That was painful!" it growled angrily as he rubbed his chest as it could still feel some pain from the place where its wound was earlier.

"How foolish, did he really think that he could kill me with that?" the zombie smirk before it climbed up from the pit and walked back inside the building that acts as its hideout, that now looks like a wreck with its destroyed upper floors.

In the distance.

The evolve zombie didn't notice that lone human watching him from on top of seven story building.

"Your death won't be in vain, brother" Leo offered his prayers and gave a bow towards the direction of where the explosion happened.

He actually saw everything, from when the explosion happened to the zombie being blasted outside the building.

Even though he doesn't know the face of the person, he at least knew that it was a man when he heard his crazed laughter before the explosion.

"He was really brave to blow himself up but sadly he wasn't able to drag the bastard into the depths of hell but I at least found out the capacity of its healing ability and that it had the same intelligence as a human from the way it talked" Leo mumbled to himself.

The reason that Leo was here is actually thanks to that evolved zombie himself.

It was so arrogant that it didn't know that it actually gave away its location by amassing a group of humans in its hideout to serve as its food.

So unfortunately for him, he might be as smart as an average human but it didn't know the full capabilities of his opponent. He didn't know that Leo had the ability to detect life forms from his surroundings through the use of his [Map] so it unknowingly made blunder and exposed its location to its enemy and that the gathering of humans made Leo thought that there was a group of humans trapped at that place and so he actually took the time to go there and possibly rescue them but what greeted him was the scene that it had just witnessed.

"I won't kill you for now because it would be a waste not to use you to your fullest and to use you as whetstone for my men" Leo smile before he jumped down from the building and went back to base.

Leo wanted to rescue the trapped or imprisoned survivors from the building but he guessed that they were probably broken and in despair by now if they were captured and made to watch as they're companions got eaten every single day.

"An evolved zombie named Dark Seeker, what an interesting name you have" Leo mumbled while sprinting and leaping along the road.

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