Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 253: New PAA


Another powerful roar reverberated throughout the surrounding kilometer, and soon after that, the speed of the horde picked up a notch as the surging numbers of the horde rushed towards the hospital building like a tidal wave!

Everything happened so fast that it startled Leo, so he quickly disabled his helmet and took a deep breath and unleashed his ability [Primal Roar!].


His roar was so powerful that it created a tornado-like air blast that crashed into the middle of the zombie horde, killing hundreds of them as they were sent flying to the skies like rag dolls!

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Leo was breathing hard as the [Primal Roar] consumed a great deal of his energy, and seeing that the full force of the crazed horde was almost upon them, and realizing that it would certainly overrun them with the current state of the zombie horde.

Leo quickly issued orders for them to retreat, "Retreat!"

Dirk, who immediately received the order from the intercom and was piloting the Pelican in the skies, quickly piloted the aircraft to descend down as he also saw the grave situation down below.

Lin and Carl who also heard the order from their intercoms immediately performed countermeasures of their own.

"Retreat!" yelled Lin the moment that the Pelican is about to land, and the soldiers and the volunteers didn't even hesitate for a second more and quickly disengaged from their positions and brought their weapons with them as they hastily made their way towards the Pelican and boarded it the moment it's hatch door came down.


"Go, I'll catch up!" Carl said and gave Ryujin a push towards the rooftop door as he started unstrapping the grenade belt strapped over his shoulder.

"Yes! Make sure to come quickly!" Ryujin didn't even hesitate and gave a firm nod along with a meaningful look before he turned around and hastily ran towards the Pelican and boarded the aircraft after giving the rooftop door another look while four guys carrying the cargo crate inside the Pelican went past him.

"Carl!" Lin anxiously yelled for his companion when he saw that Carl hadn't yet emerged from the door as he could already feel that the whole building is shaking along with the barrage of gunshots happening down below them.

"Give me a second!" Carl yelled back as he stared at the surging tide of zombies racing through the stairs below him.

"Goddammit Carl! Get your ass over here! That's an order!" Lin once again shouted for him with his other foot already stepping on the hatch door while keeping an eye around their surroundings as there would mutant zombies emerging from the edges any second now!

But Carl just ignored his orders and waited for the right opportune moment!


"Fire in the hole!!"

Carl yelled a second beat later and pulled the pin on one of the grenades and threw the belt containing at least seven more grenades towards the direction of the staircase on the third floor, before making a mad dash towards the Pelican as he also saw three Hunters climbing up with an agility similar to cat by jumping around the staircases.


Lin was relieved at first when Carl finally emerged, but then his eyes glowed with a cold glint as he yelled for Carl while he pulled his strapped rifle up and quickly went into a shooting stance and pulled the trigger!


Trusting him, Carl didn't even hesitate and quickly ducked his head down, and he was just in time as the bullet whizzed past above his head and hit the first Hunter Zombie that came up and appeared from the door!


The Hunter was struck on its shoulder while in mid chair and got thrown back from the force of the bullet and fell over the stair railings.

And just a beat later when the zombie was shot down, the grenades that Carl had thrown earlier had finally exploded, followed by the whole building shaking like there's an earthquake!

The explosion was so powerful that it created a large hole on the third and fourth floor as it permanently destroyed the path leading to the rooftop.

"Go! Go! Go!" yelled Lin through the intercom as he pulled Carl towards the hatch door, and both men hastily went inside with the hatch door slowly closing behind them, and at the same time the Pelican was slowly lifting off from the ground.

"W-wait! What about Leo and Alex!? Why are we leaving them behind!?"

Hearing his orders and seeing that Leo and Alex haven't even arrived yet, Bella angrily stood up from her seat and shouted at Lin with an indignant face when she heard what he said as the hatch door slowly closed up, followed by the aircraft taking off.

It was because she couldn't believe what she's seeing as they are actually planning on leaving the two men behind while they escaped for safety!

"It's the boss's orders" said Lin as he didn't even bother looking at her and just calmly sat down.

"Impossible! That kind of order is suicide! No one in their right minds would give an order like that! You just left them to die there!" Bella angrily berated him while Darius and a few of their friends looked on with worried looks on their faces as Darius even tried to pull on her clothes to get her attention.

Sadly for him, the former's anger had already muddled her head that she didn't even notice his actions..

"For us that is, but for them, it's not. You haven't seen the extent of their abilities yet Bella, and I can understand that. And if you knew about it, you wouldn't be right here right now, screaming at me like this. Just believe and trust them, just like we do" Lin didn't lose his cool as he just calmly replied to Bella's accusations.

After all, he wasn't that narrow minded, and he could also understand where she's coming from as he would probably be like her, probably even worse if he learns that they are actually abandoning their comrades.


"Bella, stop"

Finally hearing enough of her, Darius quickly pulled her back with force that cut her off.

."What?!" Bella angrily turned her head to Darius and yelled at him.

"Just stop, listen to them. They've been with Leo and Alex longer than us. They know what they're doing" said Darius while shaking his head at her, with eyes that says "don't get us into trouble".


Bella wanted to rebuke him, but quickly shut her mouth as she also quickly realized that she had maybe gone too far, and what Darius said also has a point.

So she just clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction and sat down with a frown, her arms crossed together.

'Don't die, both of you'

The person who was worrying about them didn't even know that Leo and Alex are actually having the time of their lives!



"Charge through the horde and towards that bastard Alex!"

With a rifle on one hand and a broadsword on the other, Leo ordered Alex to cut a path in the middle of the horde towards the Z type zombie controlling them.

But this time, it's different as Leo wasn't the only one wearing a PAA anymore!

Because Alex finally has an armor of his own!

Wearing an ash gray colored Mark IV Powered Assault Armor, Alex looked as imposing as Leo.

It was the cheapest PAA, but it had almost drained Leo of all his savings!

"Yes sir!"

And for the first time, Leo could actually hear a tinge of excitement on Alex's voice which made him smile.

"Let's go!"

With no weapon in hand, and unlike Leo who had switched to using his M395 DMR,

Alex just used his two fists and smashed their heads with it!

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