Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 47: A Path Towards.....

Pant~ Pant~ Pant~

"I'm beat and I can't feel one of my legs right now" Isaac said breathing raggedly as he laid on mess ground with his limbs spread around covered in injuries and bruises.

"I'm soo~ never doing this again" Joe cursed complaining while leaning on a huge boulder.

"This was one hell of a ride" Austin said smiling and then he suddenly started laughing.

Isaac and Joe looked at him and also started laughing to themselves. Inside them, they felt a sense of achievement that they have never felt before in their lives.

"We did it! We killed this bastard!" Joe yelled full of joy with his face covered in excitement.

Just a couple of meters away from them is a mutated beast corpse and at his head was that huge sword stuck sideways.

But defeating this monster, didn't come with an easy price. Joe had long gash on his leg from his inner thigh towards his shin that his bones can even be spotted.

Isaac had his shoulder and one of his legs broken with blood leaking from the corner of his mouth while Austin had a long gash from the top of his right extending towards his low chest and broken left arm.

Along with them killing it, they had a new profound respect for Alex and Leo as they truly realized how monstrous their strengths are, that even the three of them had a hard time killing one and if it wasn't for Alex intervening in time and saving from the jaws of death, then all of them would have been a cold corpse by now.

Leo immediately ordered Alex to give them each a high grade potion as Leo looked on while Alex made each of them drink a potion.

'Truly spectacular, so it really is true that when a man is truly cornered and is desperate to survive would they burst like a dam and do something unimaginable' Leo thought as his blood is still boiling with excitement as he can't forget that moment when the three people burst with a sudden strength that the three guys was able to pull out the sword together and swung it towards the monster and killing it.

After all, Leo ordered Alex not to intervene anymore halfway through the fight and just let them fight it to the death which probably one of the reasons why the three people was able to pushed or even exceeded to their limits and did something amazing.

After that, Leo started walking towards them when he suddenly heard them shouting in surprise and amazement.

"Holy shit! My god! I'm saying so much 'shit' today! This thing healed us in just a few seconds! Look, it didn't even left a scar, it looked like we didn't even received any injuries at all!" Joe was standing and talking loudly while touching every part of his body that was injured earlier.

"Could it be this thing that Caleb was talking before that fixed him!? But it left him with scars and were not!" Austin muttering in a raised voice while fiddling around the bottle on his hands and that his face was so close to it like he was trying to figure out it secrets even though it's already empty.

"A breakthrough in the medical field. This kind of thing is not impossible to be made in 100 years or maybe more but right now… absurd~!" Isaac was looking at the empty small bottle on his hands while muttering like a possessed person.

"Hey, give me the bottles back" Leo said to them as he walked over to the beast corpse and pulled out the sword and swung it a couple of times trying to get rid the blood and gore on it before storing it back inside his inventory.

"Boss! What the h-off!" Joe tried to run towards Leo but suddenly face planted on the ground.

Cough~ Cough~ Cough~

Joe spit the dirt that got inside his mouth and slowly raised his head and said with a bit of difficulty "Damn, I think the adrenaline just wore off. I feel so weak right now and my body aches all over"

When they heard what Joe said, Isaac and Austin tried to get up but fell on their butts back on the ground and laid there.

"Me too. I was so excited earlier that I didn't even notice it and now I feel sluggish and whole body is like bitten by countless small ants. It's so f*cking hurts like hell!"

"Yeah, my body feels like I'm being burned slowly instead. Arrggh~! So much pain!"

"Hmm?" Leo raised an eyebrow when he heard them twitching on the ground as he felt something was off as he knew from Caleb that he only felt a bit of pain and some weakness when he was fixed up.

'Is it because they have lower constitution than Caleb?' Leo thought.

'No' then shook his head and then Leo looked back at three people twitching on the ground covered in cold sweat.

"This is different" Leo held his chin as he muttered and then suddenly Alex butted in from nowhere and said.

"According to my database, they are currently undergoing improvement and reconstruction of their cells. In other words, their constitution is being improve, sir" Alex said

"What!? Are you sure about that!?" Leo asked with a raised voice.

"Yes sir. When a person was able to surpass their limits for even just a bit and then immediately drinks a high grade potion after that and they would have a 000000.1 percent chance of them suffering like that" Alex said as he pointed at the three people in front of him, that looks like beggars with their clothes tattered all over and their bodies covered in dirt.

Hearing what Alex said, Leo hurriedly checked the description of a high grade potion.

[High Grade Potion] - heals any kinds of minor or heavy injuries with perfection.

Hidden Effect: 000000.1 percent chance of increase constitution]

Reading the item description, Leo's eyes widened in shock as a sudden realization dawned on him 'Evolution!'.

"Damn, damn, damn! This is certainly one of the path towards human evolution!" Leo shouted with excitement as his eyes started shining.

Leo then noticed that three guys are sleeping with a frown in their faces. He then walked over Austin and touched his arm.

'Wow, they are burning hot. Is this normal system?' Leo asked within his mind.

[Yes Host, the longer they are in that state, the better results]

Leo sighed in relief when he heard that because if something happened to them, he wouldn't know how to face their family.

"But still, this is a good thing for them, kukuku. In face of great hardship is a bountiful reward, eh?" Leo started laughing to himself as he discovered some crucial information today.

"But this is probably the most expensive and dangerous way to achieve evolution" Leo then said bitterly because a single high grade potion already cost 10,000 DC and even the chances of surpassing someone's limit in the face of death is not a sure thing.

"Alex, pick them up and put them in the ATV" Leo ordered as Alex immediately picked them all up over his shoulders and tucked them in inside the ATV while Leo started to store the mutated beast corpses around them.

"Let's go back!" Leo said as he went and sat down on the passenger seat.

Alex then turned on the engine and made a U-turn towards the direction of the camp and leaving behind them a wake of destruction.


Inside the Foxhound.

"Hey, do you know how to fly the Pelican?"

"Yes sir"

"Really!? That's awesome! Then let's go travelling tom- well..maybe when I finished the things I need to do back at the camp then we'll go, alright!?"

"Aye sir!"

Leo smiled as he sat comfortably with his hands behind his head.

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