Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 118

Chapter 116: Miss Su accepted the divorce certificate calmly

Su Xiang’s breath tightened slightly, and his mind began to feel restless.

She took the phone from her ear and typed it in: “Can you tell me first, what’s the matter?”

Qiao Shen hesitated, looked down at what was in his hand, and said, “Miss Su, let’s wait until you come back.”

Hearing the name “Miss Su” again, Su Xiang was sure she had heard it correctly, her breath tightened, her fingers tightly gripped the phone.

Qiao Shen has always been very precise in addressing, and will not address people indiscriminately.

She rolled her throat and wrote, “Well, wait for me for a while.”

Hung up the phone and raised her eyes again, her eyes were foggy, her heartbeat was chaotic, and her hands trembled slightly when she held the steering wheel.

She glanced at the front, sniffed, forced the water vapor in her eyes back, turned the car key, and lightly stepped on the gas pedal at the same time.

She drove the car steadily, but she was as tragic as rushing to the execution ground.

When the car drove to the community, she saw Qiao Shen’s Ferrari, slowly retracted her gaze, and got out of the car.

The elevator dinged and stopped on the fifth floor. When Su Xiang stepped out of the elevator, she saw Qiao Shen standing at the door of her house.

She squeezed the corners of her lips slightly upwards and walked over, while writing on her phone: “Let you wait a long time.”

When Qiao Shen saw Su Xiang, his smile was very reluctant, and he stammered nervously: “No, it’s okay.”

Facing Su Xiang, facing the next thing to do, he was so nervous that he could not meet her.

Su Xiang stood at the door, pressed the code on the door lock, and the door opened with a beep. She stepped across the entrance hall and said to Qiao Shen, “What’s the matter, let’s talk first.”

“No, no more.”

There was a door frame between the two, but Qiao Shen seemed to be nailed to the door, and did not take a step forward.

He clasped his hands in his lower abdomen, looking entangled in his expression not knowing how to speak.

Su Xiang’s gaze was flat as water, watching him quietly, his gaze slowly fell, falling on the briefcase he was carrying, and the corners of his lips were slightly torn off.

After two seconds, Joe touched his forehead deeply and closed his eyes, then lowered his head to open the briefcase, and took out a small, green-covered certificate from it.

“Miss Su, President Fu asked me to send this.”

His voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of frightening her, and as if he had done something wrong, his eyes hung down and he dared not look at her face.

He saw Su Xiangsong squeeze his saggy hand, then slowly stretched it out, and squeezed the certificate.

Qiao Shen immediately withdrew his hand as if burning his fingers, and couldn’t help but look at Su Xiang’s reaction.

She looked calm, as if she had expected it, she opened the certificate and looked inside, as if making a final confirmation.

Qiao Shen was a little surprised by her calmness, and felt that he was expecting it.

After all, Mrs. Fu in my impression has never looked like chaos and hysteria in front of outsiders.

Qiao Shen sighed slightly, and took out a document from his briefcase and said: “Ms. Su, according to the divorce agreement signed by you and Mr. Fu, this is the property that Mr. Fu gave you, and this is Bank card.”

Su Xiang also took it, with the divorce certificate in the left hand and the compensation she got when she left the Fu family in the right.

At this time, her calm face finally had some expressions, but with a sarcasm.

She raised her eyes to Qiao Shen, nodded at him, said nothing, took a step back and closed the door.

Qiao Shen blinked at the dark brown door, sighed and said, “Miss Su, Mr. Fu said, you are free.”

Inside the door was quiet, there was no sound at all.

Qiao Shen moved his feet and almost pressed his ear to the door, as if wishing for something other than quiet to come from inside.

After a while, he gave up and stood up straight, and said: “Miss Su, do you have anything you want to tell Mr. Fu? I can help you convey it.”

After speaking, he stood and paused for a while, before he waited for any response inside, he gave up and turned and left.

At the door, Su Xiang stood there, looking at the divorce certificate to the left, and to the right to see the huge amount of property she had obtained, walking to the living room as if numb, and sat down blankly.

She looked at the divorce certificate without sadness or joy on her face.

Finally, she was free, no longer a member of the Fu family

It feels that this marriage went from being dying, to dying, and finally dead.

I have maintained a sitting posture for a long time, my mind flashed back from blank to messy past, and then I thought of seeing that person again, what would it be like?

The sky dimmed, Qiao Shen completed the arduous task and arrived at Fu’s house. Mother Song opened the door for him, and he walked all the way to Fu Hanchuan’s study.

In the study, the man’s shirt was rolled up to his elbow, and he faced the computer screen with a grim expression, tapping his fingers sharply, as if he was replying to an email.

Qiao Shen stood and waited for a while.

After returning from the mall, he received an order from the boss to send the divorce agreement to the lawyer and get the divorce certificate as soon as possible.

The leadership of the Civil Affairs Bureau opened up the p channel and stamped it within half an hour.

It can be said that when he sent the divorce certificate to Chawan, the divorce certificate was just released and steaming.

As one of the witnesses of this couple’s marriage mileage, Qiao Shen admits that he has never understood Mr. Fu’s feelings for Mrs. Fu, nor can he understand Mrs. Fu’s feelings for Mrs. Fu, but after the divorce, they can both maintain this way. He’s calm, even sighing is superfluous, and it’s rare.

If he must be a bystander and comment on their marriage, Qiao Shen would say that he probably chewed a piece of durian-flavored gum. It smelled very stinky, and it smelled vigorously, but in the end it was still unavoidable. Spit out the fate of the mouth.

As the last hit of the keyboard fell, Fu Hanchuan raised his head to look at Qiao Shen, his deep eyes filled with indifference: “I gave it to her?”

Qiao Shen nodded and said, “Yes, Mr. Fu.”

Fu Hanchuan’s nose made a soft “Um” and then there was no sound. He stared at the bright desktop. Qiao Shen thought he had nothing more to say, so he turned around and planned to leave. At this time, Fu Hanchuan asked, “What’s her expression? ”

Qiao Shen said: “Miss Su accepted the divorce certificate very calmly.”

Fu Hanchuan’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and there was another “um” sound, but this time, Qiao Shen found that his face became more gloomy.

Qiao pushed the eyes on his nose deeply and said, “Mr. Fu, if there is nothing wrong, I will get off work.”

Anyway, he didn’t expect to stay for dinner. In this case, he would not dare to ask him to stay for dinner because he was afraid of indigestion.


Qiao Shen’s footsteps moved, and when he turned around, the man’s low voice sounded again: “Did she say anything?”

Qiao Shen shook his head: “No, Miss Su didn’t say anything, she closed the door after she took the things.”

Qiao Shen also hoped that he could speak in more detail, and he tried his best to make his expression detailed and meticulous, but after a lot of searching, there were only a dozen “precious” words.

Fu Hanchuan’s brow furrowed more tightly, and he shook his fingers, as if he didn’t want to look at him again.

Qiao Shen pursed his lips and turned around consciously. At this moment, he turned around again when he thought of something.

“Oh, right”

Fu Hanchuan raised his eyes to look at him. There was something gleaming in his eyes. He said, “What else have you not said?”

Qiao Shen took out another divorce certificate from his briefcase and walked a few steps forward, put his palm on his desk, and then slowly released it.

Fu Hanchuan stared at the green-skinned thing, frowning his eyebrows that could pinch the flies, and raised his yin-eyes to stare at Qiao Shen.

Qiao Shen’s scalp was numb by this gaze, cold sweat dripped from his back, and he said: “I forgot, put this and this.”

Fu Hanchuan said coldly: “What are you doing for me!”

Although Qiao Shen also keeps some things for the boss, it’s not always good for him to keep things for him, right?

He is not married yet.

Qiao Shen smiled bitterly and said: “Mr. Fu, I keep this, it seems not good, right?”

Fu Hanchuan glared at him fiercely: “Get out.”

As if he received an amnesty order, Qiao quickly greased the soles of his feet and left. Mother Song asked him to drink a bowl of bamboo sun chicken soup before leaving, but he did not agree.

In the study, Fu Hanchuan stared at the divorce certificate fiercely, as if the certificate was a green-skinned cockroach obstructing his eyes.

He squeezed his fingers, creaked, and then suddenly loosened, reached out and took the divorce certificate over, opened it and looked at it, and exhaled heavily.

With a “click”, the sound of the certificate being randomly dropped on the desktop.

Fu Hanchuan sat in the leather chair and turned around, staring coldly at the dark night outside the window.

No reaction at all, that dead woman

The palm of his hand gripped the armrest tightly, and the back of his hand bulged slightly. He couldn’t think of any adjectives for her in his mind.

For her, does she only have a sense of relief?

There is not even a word, a message per call, no questioning

Even if she raises a dog, she will come back after throwing it away and stay in front of her house. In the past four years, she has not felt at all?

There seemed to be something rubbing against his legs and feet. Fu Hanchuan looked down. The white cat he picked up was meowing at him, and Walan’s eyes were clear, looking at him innocently.

As soon as he loosened his fingers, Fu Hanchuan exhaled heavily, bent over and hugged the cat on his lap.

In general, his study room is not allowed to be disturbed by anyone, even Fu Ying is strictly controlled, and this cat sneaks in silently.

Fu Hanchuan stroked its smooth fur, and the cat touched his palm affectionately with his head, making a comfortable snoring sound with a charming expression on his face.

He snorted and scratched the back of his neck, which made it more comfortable, and turned his posture to open his belly.

When he touched its belly, the cat suddenly got up fierce, kicking and biting with his hand.

Fu Hanchuan pulled out his hand and watched the cat turn over his body vigilantly and stared at his fingers.

Fu Hanchuan sneered again. He remembered, what does that woman look like, isn’t it just like this cat?

He seemed to be quietly obedient and clever, and when he turned his face, he forgot who was the benefactor.

Yes, he gave her the divorce certificate, can he expect her to cry for mercy, or to call him ruthless and unrighteous?

She is dumb

Fu Hanchuan looked forward with faint eyes, and slowly pinched his fingers.

Now that you have decided, don’t look forward and backward. Since you want to cut the mess with a quick knife, don’t say that the knife fell too fast.

There is no turning back arrow

“I said that the wound on my finger is not getting better. It turns out that there was a thorn in it. After pulling it out, it will heal in one day. It doesn’t hurt at all. It just hurts when I remove the fuzzy flesh and blood.”

Could it be that they both looked at that paragraph of text, pondered for a long time and didn’t understand it.

He looked at his finger, and a thorn went in. Does it hurt?

This is a passage written by Su Xiang on Weibo. After the Lu Weiqi incident, he paid attention to her.

When did the little mute get stabbed, why didn’t he pull it out right then? Why wait for pus to grow inside before pulling it out?

Could it be that he beckoned, turned the phone back to the bartender, and asked, “Can you see what this means?”

The bartender stretched his head and squinted in the light of Hyun Wu, finally finishing the look with great effort. He put his elbow on the bar and teased: “Brother, have you never been in love?”

Could it be that he glared at him warningly: “Who said I haven’t been in a relationship, I just never thought about what women think.”

The bartender Pi smiled and said, “Brother, do you want to understand this person’s heart now?”

Could it be that he groaned from his nose: “Don’t want the bonus?”

The bartender smiled immediately and said solemnly: “Brother, to be precise, this is a woman’s description of a dead relationship.”

Could it be that the same brow furrowed: “Dead feelings? What do you mean?”

“I warn you, you have to talk nonsense, and I will kill you.”

The bartender glanced at the boss imperceptibly.

There is a boss who has a feeling of noob, who can’t hurt or skin, but also has to explain it seriously, which is really exhausting.

He said: “It’s just that the two people are divided. In this relationship, both of them should be tortured, at least this woman doesn’t feel good.”

Under the bartender’s gaze, the bartender patted his mouth: “Sorry, brother, I’m used to it.”

He coughed slightly, and then continued: “She felt like she had a thorn, and she couldn’t get better, but she finally separated her heart cruelly, and she felt free from torture.”

“Well, that’s it.” The bartender nodded seriously.

Could it be the same frowning and stunned aftertaste, the bartender remembered to be concerned about who made the boss so caring, then craned his neck to look at the Weibo blogger, did he push his forehead and put the phone away? When he came back, he said coldly: “Go to work.”

The bartender tilted his head in a jealousy, and picked up the shaker under the bar.

In the dazzling lights, could it be that the brows were twisted into a pimple, divided?

The little mute had moved out of the Fu’s family a long time ago, and she suddenly wrote such a paragraph without reason, that is

He looked terrified, and immediately stood up and walked over to the elevator, and at the same time dialed Fu Hanchuan’s number.

What the **** is Fu Hanchuan doing!

The phone rang for a while before being picked up.

Could it be that at the same time, he asked: “Fu Shao, what’s the matter with you and the dumb?”

The elevator stopped on the top floor, which was different from the noisy downstairs, quietly even the sound of Fu Hanchuan’s breathing on the phone could be heard.

Fu Hanchuan’s cold voice came: “It’s divorced, what’s the matter?”

As if hearing a joke, could it be the same saying: “What are you kidding, don’t be crazy.”

For the past four years, the rumors of the two divorce have been circulating every day. The most fierce one is Su Xiang’s statement after the Lu Weiqi incident, but the two are still in the marriage deed?

How could you suddenly say divorce?

“Do you think I’m joking?” Fu Hanchuan said coldly, after thinking of what he said, “Where did you know it?”

He didn’t talk to them about this matter, unless it was Qiao Shen who told Qiao Ying with a big mouth.

I thought it was Qiao Shen who had leaked it, but what he told him was another answer.

“It says it on Xiao Dumb’s Weibo. Fu Hanchuan, I think you are really crazy!”

Could it be that Tong was very angry and cut off the phone after cursing.

On the other side, Fu Hanchuan frowned, pinched the phone with his thumb and index finger, and turned it around, then moved his finger a little bit and then turned it again. A corner of the phone knocked on the desktop, making a rhythmic beeping sound.

Su Xiang’s Weibo?

Didn’t she have nothing to say to him, and actually posted it on Weibo?

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a cold smile hung from the corner of his lips.

Haha, she had nothing to say to him, but when she posted on Weibo, didn’t she just tell the person that she is free now?

Fu Hanchuan stopped the rotation of the phone and opened the screen.

Flying fish, the last Weibo post was reposted two months ago, and there was no divorce to talk about.

That is deleted in seconds.

Fu Hanchuan’s eyes flashed slightly, and he dialed the phone back.

Could it be that the same was sitting on the sofa sulking, and the phone rang suddenly.

He looked at the caller ID, flicked his fingers and said angrily: “What are you doing?”

“What did she say?”

Could it be that Tong was still immersed in shock, and said, “What did she say?”

Fu Hanchuan: “Her Weibo.”

Could it be the same: “You can’t watch it yourself?”

Fu Hanchuan: “…”

Could it be that the same breath came along, and he sighed: “I just said something like pulling a thorn, saying it hurts, oh no, it doesn’t hurt.”

There was another silence on the other end of the phone.

Could it be that he couldn’t help but asked: “Fu Shao, it’s good, why are you going crazy, why did you really leave?”

He couldn’t figure it out.

I still remember the last time Fu Hanchuan locked himself here in pain, and almost died of drunkenness after drinking so much alcohol.

The two of them have been through it for so long, but they suddenly let go.

Wasn’t he angry that the dumb boy signed the divorce agreement and left her to dry?

Did he think of something and asked, “Is it related to Qi Lingyang?”

He took a breath: “You won’t really want it”

At that time, I only thought that he had that kind of thought, and based on his feelings for the little mute, he would never really do that.

Could it be that the same breath was held in his chest, and he didn’t dare to really think about that.

Just listening to the phone, the man’s voice was so calm and heinous.

He said: “No, my marriage with her is still in the renewal period. Should I plant grass on my own head?”

Could it be that the lungs hurt in the same breath, and he yelled: “Fuck you crazy, Fu Hanchuan, are you still a human being!”

What kind of evil did the little mute do, to be kicked and kicked by these two brothers so calculating!

Fu Hanchuan’s eardrums ached slightly, and he took out his ears, with a cold smile on the corners of his lips.

Does she think he is a thorn?

Fu Hanchuan cut off the phone and held the phone tightly, pain in his metacarpal bones.

When he looked at the pale moon

Why is the moon so vague tonight, as if sinking to the bottom of the water

Could it be that they were so angry that they dropped the phone while listening to the beeping busy tone on the phone.

“I’m so angry, I haven’t finished cursing yet!”

The phone flicked on the sofa before it slid into the gap of the sofa. Could it be that he grabbed the wine on the coffee table and drank it, cursing at the phone and said: “Fu Hanchuan, you will regret it, you lunatic!”

Is the position of heir so important? I have persisted until now, just separated like this, lunatic, crazy!

Could it be that they cursed at the same time, thinking of something, then dug out the phone from the gap in the sofa, picked up the phone and hurried downstairs.

This kind of day should be celebrated to celebrate her return to freedom.

Su Xiang held a wine glass in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, sitting on the balcony and drinking.

A pot of wine in the flower room, no blind date for a drink alone.

Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and face the shadow of three people.

She smiled bitterly, freed, and finally freed.

She smiled and sipped the wine, a tear slid over the corner of her eye, and fell into the wine glass along her chin, and was held in her mouth together.

With the tip of his tongue pressed against his teeth, Su Xiang lowered his head and laughed, tears falling more and more, and the shaking of his arm made the wine glass shake.

Her eyes fell on the divorce certificate on the table.

Haven’t you been waiting for this day to come, she is free, and in the future he will no longer be able to cross his eyebrows to her, he can’t yell at her and lose his temper, and the Fu family can’t mock her anymore. .

She will never see them again.

She still has a lot of money

This feeling is really refreshing, but why does it sound like a big dig in my heart.

Is there so much room left by that thorn?

There was a doorbell at the door, Su Xiang stopped laughing and glanced back.

She didn’t care any more, picked up the wine glass and drank it in one sip, carrying the wine bottle before pouring.

The doorbell rang again, and then it became a intensive knock on the door, as if eagerly wishing to break in.

Su Xiang took a deep breath, put the wine glass and bottle on the small table, got up and stood up.

Today was probably a small day when she was drinking, and her body shook as soon as a glass of red wine went down.

Su Xiang shook his head, wiped his face indiscriminately, and walked to the door.

Fu Hanchuan, do you regret it?

Humph, it’s too late for you to regret, you let me go, and I will never have anything to do with you in the future!

Su Xiang walked to the door and yanked it open, but the people in front of her made her stunned.

Not Fu Hanchuan, but Su Run and Wei Lanxi!

Both Su Run and Wei Lanqian looked furious, and Wei Lanqian came up and shouted in a sharp voice: “Su Xiang, are you crazy? You actually let Fu Hanchuan really divorce you!”

Su Xiang frowned and stretched her face. When she signed the divorce agreement, Mrs. Zhuo Ya also called them. Now that she is officially divorced, what are their names?

Su Run glared at Su Xiang with a black face and stepped in.

“Su Xiang, are you really talking to that Qi Lingyang?” Su Run was so angry that he couldn’t say anything, and felt that his sister had cheated on it. He poked his fingers hard and said, “What does it have to do with that Qi Lingyang, let Fu Hanchuan Cruel to leave with you?”

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