Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 127

Chapter 125: The ending of the story is in her hands

Wrote: Miss Su, I would like to invite you to meet, maybe it can help you solve the dilemma.

Did not introduce who she is, knows her last name is Su, and knows her current predicament

Su Xiang raised her eyebrows. Such a thoughtless remark seemed really weird, but it also aroused her curiosity.

It was late, but Su Xiang still tried to return a message to the other party, and then saved the photos she took to Fu Ying today on the computer.

I thought I wouldn’t get a reply again tonight, but before she went to bed, the information from that number came back.

The other party asked her to drink coffee tomorrow, gave her the name of a cafe, and said she would go anytime.

Su Xiang held the phone for a while for a while, neither said yes nor said no, and did not give any more reply.

At breakfast the next day, Su Xiang had been turning on the phone intentionally or unintentionally, and the other party did not send any more messages.

This seems to be a psychological warfare, it depends on who can stand it first.

Su Xiang felt that if she went to the appointment, she would know something she didn’t know. But what good is it for that person to tell her this?

Su Xiang’s eating speed slowed down, because he had no appetite, so he got up and poured the remaining half of the bowl of porridge.

The days of not being a good wife and mother are comfortable and relaxing, but I also feel that this day is very long and empty.

Wandering aimlessly in the street, without realizing it, I walked to the coffee shop mentioned in the text message.

Hashio Cafe, a name that sounds strange, but when you see the location of this cafe, you can understand the origin of the name.

This cafe is just below a stone arch bridge, and there is a awning at the entrance of the shop. It is not much different from other cafes. What is special is that this shop has a lot of succulents.

Su Xiang walked in, and the wind chimes hanging at the door rang, because it was not a weekend and there were not many people in the store.

Su Xiang ordered a cup of mocha at the counter and saw that the cookies were good, so he ordered another cookie, and then walked to the awning outside and waited.

The grinding sound of the coffee machine inside the shop was accompanied by soft music to the outside. Su Xiang looked at the fleshy pot of sight on the table, wondering how that person knew whether she was here or not.

What if she did not come?

“This is a mountain rose.” A beautiful voice came from behind her. Su Xiang turned her head and looked over. She saw a woman in a long shirt and skirt standing behind her with a tray in her hand. She was tall and tall. The appearance is extremely delicate, she is a perfect beauty, and she is a very charming woman.

She smiled slightly, put down the tray in her hand, pulled a chair beside Su Xiang and sat down.

Su Xiang looked at her, glanced at the coffee on the table, that was what she had just ordered.

The woman picked up another cup of grapefruit tea and gestured to Su Xiang, “How about the taste of the coffee I made?”

Su Xiang picked it up and smelled the aroma first, and took a sip. The ratio of coffee powder to chocolate was good, and there was no sourness, so he took another sip.

The woman slowly drank the grapefruit tea while looking at Su Xiang, with a smile on her lips.

In the silence, the woman spoke first, “I thought I would have to wait a while.”

Su Xiang looked up at her with a calm expression.

From seeing this woman, she guessed that she was the person who sent her the message and the owner of this coffee shop, otherwise she would not say when she came here.

Su Xiang glanced at her, put down the coffee, picked up the phone and said: “Are you the one who sent me the message?”

The woman smiled and said, “It’s me.”

She looked at Su Xiang with a slight smile, but Su Xiang couldn’t feel comfortable looking at this smile.

She went on to say: “You know me, but I don’t know you yet.”

The woman said: “You can call me Miss Yu, as for my identity.” She paused slightly, as if thinking about whether to say, “You may know in the future.”

Su Xiang glanced at this mysterious woman: “Then what do you want to tell me? Tell me, what good do you have?”

They are not relatives, no one is nosy, and the woman in front of them does not seem to be a nosy person.

The woman glanced at Su Xiang, lowered her eyes slightly, and said with red lips, “You know, you may be in a bad mood. So”

She pushed the plate of cookies in front to Su Xiang: “First, have some sweets. May I tell you a story?”

Su Xiang glanced at her suspiciously and picked a cookie sprinkled with chocolate beans. The woman folded her legs and looked at the arch bridge.

“Many years ago, there was a man who fell in love with a beautiful woman. The man has a very good family background, and of course he also faces family struggles. It just so happens that he is a very ambitious and ambitious person.”

“For his future, he married another woman with a good family background, and the one he loves can only be abandoned.”

Su Xiang took a bite of the biscuit, chewed it slowly, and frowned, feeling that the story was a bit familiar.

However, the similar stories were told too much, and it became a cliché. Su Xiang has always been a good listener, and continued to listen in silence.

Just listen to the woman continue: “Later, the abandoned woman married another well-known man, even one step earlier than that man. In less than ten months, she gave birth to a boy.”

Su Xiang looked at the woman and gave birth to a boy. In other words, that boy is not her husband?

The woman saw what she was thinking from her expression, and smiled lightly and said, “Yes, that boy belongs to the man before her. After she suffered betrayal, she took revenge on that man. It could also be at the time. As a last resort, protect yourself. After all, that man’s fiancee is a very powerful character.”

Su Xiang frowned slightly and said in voice: “Actually, what you want to tell me is the story behind, right?”

The woman glanced at Su Xiang with a smile, and said, “Yes, the following story is more important.”

She took a breath and said, “Twenty years later, the man noticed the neglected boy and found that the boy was his son. It can also be said to be his eldest son.”

She looked at Su Xiang: “Not long after that man got married, his wife also gave him a son, and he was very good.”

“The man was very guilty of the son who was living away, so he found a suitable opportunity to recognize him, and gave him start-up funds to start his own company and create his own business kingdom.”

“The boy is very good. He picked a new field and achieved the top position. Therefore, the man planned to let him return to the family to see who can provoke the family responsibility with another boy. ”

“It seems that fate is repeating the trajectory of the previous generation. This huge family is facing another fierce competition. Originally, everything was going according to the boy’s plan.”

“However, at this time there is another problem”

Hearing the woman’s tone of voice sinking, Su Xiang’s breathing sank, and his eyebrows frowned slightly. Intuitively, the next story will not be just a story of Gemini.

The woman took a sip of tea and seemed to sigh lightly, and said, “That boy, when he was preparing to return to the family, he did something deviated. He seemed to fall in love with his chess piece.”

Su Xiang’s fingers slowly squeezed, and for some reason, there was a feeling of anxiety in his heart. She put down half of the cookies and said in voice: “You told me such a story, but what does it have to do with me?”

The woman turned her head to look at her at this time, the smile on her face disappeared, her dark eyes stared at her faintly and said, “No, in this story, the final ending lies in the hands of this woman.”

“Miss Su, the boy who is living outside, his name is Fengjiang, also known as Qi Lingyang!”

“The other one, he is called Fu Hanchuan!”

“They are half brothers from the same father!”

Su Xiang’s hand holding the coffee cup shook violently, and some coffee spilled out, splashing the dampness of her hand.

She picked up the tissue indiscriminately and wiped it, no wonder she felt a bit familiar at the beginning of the story.

Qi Lingyang once told her similar stories, brothers fight, give up and seize

It turns out that this is not a boring story that he thinks, but his own personal story.

Su Xiang’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and the huge shock made her unable to think normally for a while.

Are Qi Lingyang and Fu Hanchuan brothers?

By the way, Qi Lingyang is not favored in the Qi family, he also used another identity to create the Shengtang

Sheng Tang has been acquired by Fu, and together with Qi Lingyang, she has taken down the Danish order.

It turns out that he is the son of Fu Zhengnan

Na Fu Hanchuan

The fragments that flashed through my mind are coherent, but it’s still a little bit

Su Xiang’s suffocation in his chest became stronger and stronger, and he was almost out of breath.

But what did she say has anything to do with her? Why did she say that she could solve the predicament?

What chess piece did she just say?

Su Xiang pinched the brown-dyed tissue and looked up at the woman. The woman’s complexion was faint. She said: “They are not only half brothers, but also because of a woman, they have another entanglement.”

“Five years ago, someone made a trade-off between them, Miss Su. When I say this, you should know who this woman I am talking about is?”

With a “pop”, the porcelain cup smashed to the ground, coffee spilled all over the ground, and the brown liquid was ugly on the ground, just like Su Xiang’s solidified face.

Her face was pale, and her eyes trembled violently.

The woman only glanced at the broken pieces on the ground, and then said to Su Xiang: “Miss Su, although you cannot speak, you are a smart person. What is the omitted story like yourself? Think about it, when I tell this story, you should be able to think through it. Think about how to write the story after this.”

She pulled her lower lip slightly, nodded to Su Xiang, stood up, and walked into the store.

Su Xiang’s throat rolled down, and when the woman passed by her side, she reached out and grabbed the woman’s arm.

The woman lowered her head and glanced at her: “Ms. Su has anything else to ask?”

Su Xiang said in voice: “You haven’t told me yet. Tell me, what good will it do for you?”

The woman gently pulled her hand out of her fingers, and said in a manly voice, “I hope Miss Su can write down the following story. This is my benefit.”

Su Xiang sat there alone, the sun shining on the awning near noon, forming an elliptical shadow underneath.

Su Xiang was in this shadow, and his whole body was terribly cold.

She thought, she should come out to bask in the sun, or she would be too cold.

She stood up and walked up the steps of the arch bridge step by step. There are steps in front of them, and there are people walking down the top of the bridge. Who is on the other end of the bridge?

The person standing at the top and coming up from under the bridge turned out to be

Su Xiang’s chest thumped down, and then sank.

Qi Lingyang looked at Su Xiang, who was standing on the top of the bridge and looking down. She stood motionless, her face showing no expression at all, but the sun made her face nearly transparent.

Thinking of something, he glanced at the other end of the bridge, then looked at Su Xiang, breathing tightly.

“Su Xiang”

Su Xiang looked at him and walked down step by step, the distance between the two getting closer and closer, until he stopped at the last two steps.

Su Xiang stood two steps higher and was level with Qi Lingyang’s sight. She looked at him quietly, and in her dark and quiet eyes, it seemed that something was surging in the depths.

“Su Xiang” Qi Lingyang stretched out his hand. At that moment, he suddenly felt his dry mouth. He tried to catch her arm, “You”

Su Xiang turned his head, avoiding the hand he stretched out, and walked around his body.

Standing on the spot, Qi Lingyang turned his head and looked at her back, clenching his fingers.

I wanted to chase her over, but my feet seemed to be nailed to the road.

Her extremely disappointed and indignant eyes nailed him firmly there.

Qi Lingyang clenched his fists, glanced back at the roof of the coffee shop, turned around and walked over calmly.

Su Xiang’s heart was far less calm than on the surface.

She walked forward step by step, but every step she took would pause, as if only in this way could she continue to walk steadily without falling.

She felt like a person caught between two whirlpools, torn between two forces, cold and painful.

One is her closest person, and the other is her best friend.

Treating each other sincerely, but in exchange for the use of one after another, whether it is him or him, it is the same

It seems that the meaning of her existence in this world is to be used by others, just a pawn.

Su Run squeezed the glory and wealth from her, and the Fu family got the future heir. Qi Lingyang wanted to enter the Fu family through her, Fu Hanchuan and Fu Hanchuan

No wonder, he will suddenly send a divorce certificate.

Su Xiang smiled miserably, and before he knew it, his face became cold.

Two children chasing and playing around came, and one of them accidentally hit Su Xiang. Su Xiang was directly knocked to the ground by the impact. The child saw her crying and was frightened.

The old lady in the back was probably the grandmother of the two children. Seeing this, she hurried over. She glanced at Su Xiang, and started to blame for fear of causing trouble.

“Why are you a child hitting it and crying again? You are so young that even children blackmail them. It’s all in the world, it’s not a good job.”

The old lady’s voice is loud, and touching porcelain is another thing that has changed the conversation nowadays. The few pedestrians on the road were attracted to the past.

Could it be that the same thing went through this road, and saw a woman walking and crying on the opposite side came over, was knocked down and sat on the ground without saying a word, looking pitiful.

It’s really outrageous. If you bump into someone without apologizing, you don’t have to blame others first. People in these days are irresponsible, but the old don’t teach crookedness.

Could it be that he didn’t want to be nosy, he himself was upset, but he kept listening to the old lady’s machine gun, and walked over with a anger in his heart, and directly picked up the child’s ear and said, “I see What happened is that you didn’t have eyes when you walked, and you bumped into someone. Don’t you hurry up and apologize?”

The child was picked up by his ears and started to cry. The child’s grandmother saw it and immediately turned the tip of the gun: “What’s the matter with you, why are you hitting my child? You, you let me go!”

Could it be that the fellows are tall and majestic, and after all, they have been on the road, and they are born with evil spirits, even if the old lady is arrogant and unreasonable, she dare not rush to such a man.

Could it be that Tong was too lazy to deal with such a messy person, whether she was an old lady or an eldest lady, and looked at the woman on the ground.

The woman who was sitting on the ground suddenly disappeared, and when she turned her head, she was already gone.

That back figure looked very familiar.

Could it be that there was a thump in the same heart, and no longer cared about the old lady who was talking, letting go of her hand, and strode to catch up.

“Little mute?” Could it be the same as chasing up the woman, and looking at her profile, it was even more certain that it was Su Xiang, “It’s really you.”

“What are you doing here?”

Su Xiang only cared about going forward, could he just follow her all the time.

“Little mute, why are you crying, who provoke you?”

If it weren’t for the fact that Su Xiang was already crying at the same step earlier, he would definitely go back and clean up the bear kid.

Su Xiang didn’t speak, could it be that Tong couldn’t help but grabbed Su Xiang’s arm directly, Su Xiang looked up at the tearful face in front of him, and his words choked on his throat.


He couldn’t see a woman crying, so he was annoyed when he saw it, facing Su Xiang’s sad eyes, he felt even more uncomfortable, and he could only awkwardly pinch the sleeves and wipe her face.

Damn it, why did he wipe the tears more, he tried too hard?

Looking at the woman whose face had been blushed, could it be conspired to curse inwardly, why didn’t she go out without a handkerchief and paper towel?

“Little mute, please tell me if you have any grievances. Didn’t I tell you, I will be your elder brother”

With a “boom”, could it be that the words behind him disappeared into his throat, and his hands hung on Su Xiang’s shoulders with nowhere to put them.

Su Xiang touched his chest with his forehead, and silently, tears fell on the open space between the toes of the two of them, and the ticking water fainted.

Could it be that the same mouth became dry, and he could feel his heart beating at a heart rate of 180, and also felt her body trembling slightly.

He did not dare to move, for fear that the little mute would be frightened.

“Little, little dumb, what do you have, you can tell me”

Could it be that Tong said softly, eyelids drooping to look at the head against her chest, her hands slowly approached her shoulders, and her heart beat faster.

At this moment, Su Xiang raised her head, and she blinked her eyes vigorously, stabilizing her emotions.

Do you also know what Fu Hanchuan did?

Could it be that he only saw the fingers gesturing in front of him, he couldn’t understand what she was talking about, sweating anxiously.

“Little mute, what are you talking about, I don’t understand.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, I don’t understand”

Could it be that the same honest sentence, another very impatient sentence sounded in Su Xiang’s mind, her fingers stopped in the air and slowly fell down.

The bottom of my eyes is deeper despair.

Since he has never regarded her as his wife, why bother to learn sign language and just treat her as a familiar stranger.

Since I chose not to have her, why give her a little bit of happiness hypocritically, isn’t it better to be unfeeling?

Could it be that he also looked at the despair in Su Xiang’s eyes, and then became confused.

He held Su Xiang’s shoulder and said anxiously: “Little mute, what are you thinking, what happened, you write it to me?”

He looked to her side, she didn’t bring her bag.

“Where’s your phone?”

Su Xiang was silent and didn’t move. Could it be that he hurriedly took out his mobile phone, but found that the pp was not downloaded on his mobile phone, and hurriedly made a mess of it.

“Wait a minute, when I download the software, you tell me.”

Just as he was downloading the login page, Su Xiang had already bypassed him and walked forward.

Could it be that the same looked back, no matter what the pp, grabbed the phone and followed.


When Qi Lingyang saw the waiter mopping the floor at the door, he stopped slightly and walked inside.

There was a small room on the second floor that was not open to the public. Yu Cangcang sat in front of the bill and checked the revenue of the coffee shop. Qi Lingyang pushed the door in, and the blowing wind blew the paper on the table.

Yu Cangcang watched the pages float down in the air, she stood up short and picked them up.

“What are you doing so vigorously, you messed up my bills.”

When I looked up, I saw Qi Lingyang with a dark face, glaring at him.

During the time they worked together, Qi Lingyang had never faced her with such an expression.

Yu Cangcang pulled his lower lip slightly, turned around and sat back on the table indifferently, took a sip of cake, drank a sip of tea, and took care of his accounts.

Qi Lingyang patted her bill, and Yu Cangcang could feel the man’s anger.

She paused, looked up at him and said, “Ling Yang, what do you mean?”

Qi Lingyang narrowed his eyes and said coldly, “What did you say to her?”

Yu Cangcang raised his eyebrows slightly: “So soon, did she ask you to find out?”

Qi Lingyang said: “She didn’t say anything.”

But she didn’t say anything, her eyes explained everything.

Su Xiang never looked at him with that expression, even if she was bullied by the Fu family, she smiled slightly when she faced him.

Yu Cangcang leaned back on the back of the chair, holding his arms, and said calmly: “I just told her the story of your brother.”

“Whether you like her or not, she will know about it, right?”

Qi Lingyang gritted his teeth and said: “As long as no one tells her, she won’t know.”

Yu Cangcang glanced at him without expression and said, “I care about her so much. It seems that she has a deep place in your heart. It’s no wonder that Fu Hanchuan can use her to deal with you.”

“Did you decide to want her instead of the position in the Fu family?”

Qi Lingyang was silent, and Yu Cangcang raised the corner of his lips: “It seems that I expected it to be correct.”

Qi Lingyang narrowed his eyes: “Did you tell her on purpose to break my thoughts?”

He planned to confess to Su Xiang after careful consideration, but she did not come out that night.

But now, she won’t believe him anymore, and he won’t have a chance again

Yu Cangcang looked at him and said, “I said, if she knew about you, she would not forgive you.”

“Ling Yang, come back to the track you should take. Su Xiang is not the one you should choose.”

Qi Lingyang’s fists clenched, and his gentle face suddenly became ugly: “My business, don’t take care of you, who will let you be nosy!”

Yu Cangcang was yelled by him, and he sighed and frowned, “Qi Lingyang, I am not your mother, but the old Fu entrusted you to me, so I did my best for you!”

“Heh, are you? Are you sure, it’s not because the interests of the two of us are tied together?”

Qi Lingyang is not a fool. One of them is an illegitimate child, and the other is a mistress who cannot see the light. The two of them have some kind of pity for the same illness, so they can be tied together.

Yu Cangcang is not a nosy person, she does everything with a clear purpose.

If he can become the heir of the Fu family, she will be able to get greater benefits in the future.

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Yu Cangcang interrupted him angrily, “No matter who the heir of the Fu family is, Lao Fu will leave with me when the dust falls. I’m doing my best to help you just because”

Qi Lingyang sneered and looked at her: “Because of what?”

Yu Cangcang stroked his forehead, his voice lowered, “Because you are her son.”

She loves and hates Yu Kelan.

What I hate is that she will never be able to replace her, but because she looks similar, Fu Zhengnan will be noticed, will be by his side for so many years, and even get his promise for the rest of his life.

Everything that Yu Kelan didn’t get was obtained by her Yu Cangcang.

“I hope you can go back to the Fu family, and you can be the eldest son of your Fu family as if I were repaying you.”

Yu Cangcang pursed his lower lip and stopped talking.

Qi Lingyang’s tight muscles were slightly startled at this moment.

Yu Cangcang was very young, similar to the mother in his memory, but he had never regarded Yu Cangcang as her.

In private, Qi Lingyang has never looked at Yu Cangcang, because she only used that similar face to please that man.

But I didn’t expect that she would still have such a side.

Qi Lingyang frowned slightly, the atmosphere froze at that moment.

At this moment, Yu Cangcang took a hand bag from the table and handed it over, “She left it, but she may not want to see you again.”

Qi Lingyang glanced at her, took his bag over, and Yu Cangcang said to him: “I still hope you don’t go the wrong way.”

After Qi Lingyang left, Yu Cangcang stood on the balcony, looking at the figure with a chill on his face.

A woman who has been wounded will never be given another chance, so she will say that the end is in her hands

Could it be that he was afraid that Su Xiang, who was so muddled, would have an accident, so he personally sent her back to Chawan.

“Little mute, you should go to bed first, and talk about everything when you wake up.”

He closed the door and took out his phone

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