Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 146

Chapter 144: Heart and reality often cannot be together

Chang Yan put the dessert on the table and waited for Fu Ying to eat. When she looked up and saw Fu Hanchuan coming in, she became a little nervous.

A few days ago, Fu Ying was lost. She did not dare to talk to Fu Hanchuan for several days, nor did she dared to take Fu Ying out alone.

Chang Yan smiled and said, “Are you back so early today?”

Fu Hanchuan let out a faint “um”. At this time, Fu Ying washed his hands and came out. He blinked and was a little confused when he saw his father.


He glanced at the mango pudding on the table and walked over there.

Fu Hanchuan took off his suit and asked faintly: “Have you finished your homework?”

Fu Ying’s spoonful of pudding stayed on his mouth and couldn’t swallow it anymore.

Seeing this, Chang Yan helped and said, “He just came back from school, let him eat something before going to do his homework.”

Fu Hanchuan didn’t even look at her. He threw his clothes on the sofa and said coldly: “Mr. Wu is in the study, going to do his homework.”

Fu Ying glanced at him and walked to the study reluctantly with a mouthful of pudding in his mouth.

Chang Yan glanced at the little guy, blinked at him and motioned, and the little guy’s footsteps started quickly.

Chang Yan picked up the bowl of pudding and wanted to send it to the study for Fu Ying to eat while writing. She said: “He just finished school and was hungry for an afternoon. Only when he is full can he have the strength to do his homework.”

Fu Hanchuan looked at her and said indifferently: “Miss Chang, I hope you can understand that Fu Ying is my son. He has professional tutoring, and when I set the rules for him, I also hope that you will not disturb him. .”

“I” Chang Yan’s face turned white and red, and she was not standing in embarrassment, nor was she turning around, her eyes reddened embarrassingly.

At this time, Madam Zhuo Ya walked downstairs, just to hear those few words, she chuckled, “Samkawa, how can you talk to Miss Chang like this!”

She walked down the armrest step by step, and said to Chang Yan: “Miss Chang, don’t take it to heart.”

When she walked to the living room, Mrs. Zhuo Ya stood still in front of Fu Hanchuan, and said to him: “I haven’t seen anyone for a few days, and didn’t answer the phone. She will show her face when she comes. If Miss Chang has a good temper, she will bully her, right? ?”

Fu Hanchuan took a breath and ignored it. He said: “My mother came here for what?”

Since the charity banquet that day, Mrs. Zhuo Ya has been calling Fu Hanchuan, but he has not answered. Madam Zhuoya had no choice but to ask the driver to take Fu Ying to the old house every day, thinking that he would always come to pick up his son, but he asked Qiao Shen to come over and send the child there.

It was Mrs. Zhuo Ya who went to the company to give a talk today, and Fu Hanchuan came back early.

Madam Zhuo Ya glanced at him and said, “I have something to talk to you, come here.”

After speaking, he walked to the meditation room for himself. Fu Hanchuan lowered his eyebrows lightly and walked along with him.

The Zen room was built in the back garden of the villa, which was renovated just two years ago. The side facing the garden is full of floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can see the scenery in the yard when you look up. The white gauze curtains on both sides hang quietly.

The interior decoration is full of Zen flavor, solid wood painting and calligraphy desk, pen and ink, futon and tea seat, and an ink painting of flowers and birds hung on one wall.

It’s as simple as that, at a glance.

Madam Zhuoya sat down on the futon in the cafe, struck a match and lit a piece of sandalwood, and said, “Why don’t you answer so many calls?”

Fu Hanchuan sat down opposite her and said, “The company is busy.”

Madam Zhuo Ya raised her eyes, shook her hand to put out the match, and put it in a small box aside.

With shrewd eyes, she faced Fu Hanchuan straightly, as if she had seen something through, she said straightforwardly: “It may be really busy, but is it also avoiding me?”


Fu Hanchuan pressed his lips and did not speak, Madam Zhuo Ya glanced at him, pressed the automatic kettle on the tea seat, and took out the teapot to put tea in it.

She said: “When she appeared at the charity banquet, you were all wrong.”

Those shrewd eyes fell on Fu Hanchuan’s face again: “Do you still want her to come back?”


After a moment of silence, Fu Hanchuan took a breath and said directly: “Mother, I don’t want Miss Chang to intervene in what Fu Ying’s mother should do, and you should not intervene in my affairs anymore.”

What Chang Yan was thinking about, Fu Hanchuan saw in his eyes, but didn’t say anything, but now, he didn’t want to continue.

According to Madam Zhuoya’s previous temper, she was already angry. At this moment, she just smiled faintly, and raised her hand to pour the boiling water into the teapot.

A faint white mist rose up, blurring her slightly older face.

Madam Zhuo Ya said: “Are you going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?”

“The year that the woman left, Fu Ying fell ill, who was taking care of him intricately?”

“It can be said that Chang Yan has been by his side for the past two years, so that he will not become weird because of the absence of his mother.”

“In addition, with Chang Yan, there are fewer women around you. She has a soft temper and dare not talk back to you, so you can use it with peace of mind, right?”

“Now that she is back, do you want her to make room for that woman?”

“It’s good to show her that you have been waiting for her for the past three years?”

“Samkawa, isn’t your way of doing things unfair?”

Fu Hanchuan pursed his lips. When Madam Zhuoya finished speaking, he said, “First of all, I didn’t ask her to take care of Fu Ying. Maybe in your plan, Su Xiang left, and the person you arranged can just enter this vacancy. In your opinion, time can cultivate everything.”

“Secondly, Fu Ying would not have become like Chang Yan even without Chang Yan. Judging from my growth experience, I haven’t changed, so what can he do?”

This sentence actually satirizes Madame Zhuoya and Fu Zhengnan’s dispensable marriage for decades. Fu Hanchuan did not grow up in a happy environment when he came along.

Fu Ying is his son, and he will not let him go on a crooked road and become crippled.

Madam Zhuoya’s face became colder, and Fu Hanchuan continued: “Mother is right. I did not refuse Chang Yan, so that my mother can stop arranging for me, Miss Wang and Miss Li. I don’t want Fu Ying. Seeing that there are too many women coming and going around me.”

“But mother, why did Su Xiang leave at that time? Why didn’t my mother think about fairness when she talked about those things?”

He turned his head and glanced at the Zen room, and said, “Mother comes here to meditate and practice meditation every day. Isn’t it also because of what she did to her in the past and feel uneasy in her conscience?”

“Fu Ying has not been disciplined by his mother since he was a child. Who caused all this?”

“When facing Fu Ying, you can’t be at ease, right?”

“Then mother, have you gained your peace?”

Madam Zhuo Ya’s face was cold and strained, her fingers were holding the teacup, and blue veins appeared on the back of her hand.

The teacup slammed on the table with a muffled sound, the tea splashed out and burned a red on the back of her hand.


Madam Zhuo Ya said with a calm face: “If you want to compensate her, you can use other methods, I won’t object.”

“But! No matter what, it is impossible for that woman to return to our Fu’s house.”

“If you are still holding this idea, I advise you to give up as soon as possible. Let her in unless I die.”

She paused, and then continued: “That video is so ridiculous that everyone knows, how big of a face can you be pointed at and laughed at?”

Taking the family of the Fu family, marrying a dumb woman or a woman who can crawl on the bed, has already lost the face of the Fu family, and now, no matter how much honor that woman has, in these celebrity circles, her The reputation is not much better.

What’s more, this time Su Xiang returned, and the person next to her was Qi Lingyang. The two publicly appeared on the red carpet and embraced each other closely. Who doesn’t know their relationship?

It is impossible for the Fu family to ask an unclean woman to enter the Fu family again.

Especially, he had a relationship with that illegitimate child.

Madam Zhuoya held back her anger and said, “In short, I won’t allow you to have anything to do with her again. Don’t see her again, and don’t think about her coming back.”

She was only fortunate that the woman came back with Qi Lingyang this time.

I heard that they also have a daughter, which is even better.

After speaking, she picked up the teacup and took a sip of the remaining tea. The light tea scent spread between her lips and teeth. Her tense expression relaxed a little, and then she raised her eyes to stare at Fu Hanchuan and said, “Also, Do you think it is such a simple matter that you want to clarify the relationship with Chang Yan?”

Every day in Beicheng is changing, the city is changing, and the characters on the tip of the pyramid are also changing.

Three years ago, a foreign businessman entered Beicheng in a strong posture, and several established companies went bankrupt and were acquired overnight. Many aristocratic families have begun to strengthen cooperation between enterprises in order to cope with risks or to overcome the risk of being annexed, especially to deepen cooperation with large companies from other provinces and cities.

After Fu Zhengnan became the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, he gave the Chang family some convenience. The business relationship between Fu and Chang has also become closer. Several large-scale projects have begun to be implemented, and the Fu and Chang are also entering in-depth cooperation.

This is why in the past two years there has been a trend of marriage between Fu and Chang. They need to give people the appearance of sufficient funds and strong strength.

If one day it is said that the wind has stopped, then the stock markets of Fu and Chang will surely plummet tomorrow.

The larger the group and the larger the company, a little change will cause tens of billions of losses, and this little change may give the opponent a chance to take advantage of.

When Madam Zhuoya said this, her eyes showed a cold look, and finally said: “Shanchuan, sometimes when doing things, the heart and reality can’t be together.”

“Even if you feel uncomfortable, you can only keep going like this.”

After speaking, she glanced at her finger.

Even if her methods are dirty, she can only make one mistake.

The reality is so cruel, and the reality does not believe in tears. Weak people, and worthless people, can only be sacrificed and abandoned.

Fu Hanchuan was silent, and squeezed his hands on his knees. After a while, he sneered and repeated Madam Zhuo Ya’s words.

“Heart and reality often cannot be together”

He raised his eyes and said coldly: “Mother wanted to say, did my father do the same back then?”

For the sake of the family business, let go of his own woman and marry someone who has no feelings with him. He has to go this way and let the family continue to be cold.

He said word by word: “Fu Family, I am already in my hand, and I will not give up the rest. If I can do it, does it mean that I am stronger than him?”

Madam Zhuo Ya was shocked, her eyes widened: “You”

Her breath was a little confused: “You are playing with fire! Are you making fun of the entire Fu family!”

Fu Hanchuan curled his lips and stopped arguing with her.

He stood up and said, “I’m not suitable for sitting here to cultivate my body and mind, nor for sitting on a futon, so I won’t accompany my mother to continue meditation. Mother can ask Miss Chang to taste this tea.”

After speaking, he went out.

Madam Zhuo Ya clenched her fists, still being shaken by Fu Hanchuan’s words.

He is so disregarded for the interests of the Fu family and the overall situation. I really don’t know if the Fu family is right in his hands.

After Fu Hanchuan came out of the Zen room, he went to the study.

Fu Ying was holding a pen, his claws scratching his cheeks and writing his homework. Teacher Wu stared at him. The little guy didn’t dare to play a game console with his temper.

Because he knows that today when his father is at home, Mr. Wu will most likely give him a short report.

Hearing Fu Hanchuan’s footsteps, he straightened up even more, writing down several arithmetic problems in a swift manner, which was much more efficient.

Teacher Wu held up his glasses with satisfaction. She turned her head and glanced at Fu Hanchuan, remembering something, her eyes flashed, and another glance at Fu Ying.

After thinking about it, she said, “Mr. Fu, I have something to say to you.”

Fu Hanchuan glanced at Fu Ying and nodded. When he left the house, Fu Ying began to relax with his back and said sharply: “Do your homework well and don’t play games.”

Fu Ying’s back straightened immediately after it had just loosened. Teacher Wu smiled, and the boy was able to cure him.

When he reached the corridor outside, Mr. Wu looked around, showing some unspeakable expressions on his face.

She said: “Mr. Fu, I seem to see Miss Tai Su at school today.”

It was difficult to change the name that I was used to before. Teacher Wu took a careful look at Fu Hanchuan, fearing that he had said something he shouldn’t say.

Fu Hanchuan twisted his eyebrows and said quietly, “Did she say anything?”

Teacher Wu said: “I didn’t say anything, just looked at it from a distance and didn’t come forward.”

Fu Hanchuan nodded, and then there was no more words. Teacher Wu asked: “Mr. Fu, if Miss Su comes over and asks to meet the young master, do you want to stop it?”

Fu Hanchuan’s breath sank slightly, as if he was thinking about something. For a long time, he said, “Don’t let them meet in private.”

Teacher Wu was a little surprised, and subconsciously said: “Mr. Fu, the young master actually missed it very much.”

She was interrupted by Fu Hanchuan before she finished speaking.

“I said that if you don’t need it, you don’t need it, what’s the problem, can you take it?”

Teacher Wu was scolded again, so she nodded and said, “I see, Mr. Fu, I will do what you want.”

In the study, Fu Ying’s ears were tightly attached to the door. In order to be able to hear clearly, he deliberately attached his ears to the keyhole, but the soundproofing of the door was so good that he could only hear it vaguely. Who wants to see him.

When the little guy scratched his ears and wanted to hear more clearly, the doorknob suddenly turned.

Fu Ying glanced at the door in horror, only to step back a few steps before the door opened.

Fu Hanchuan’s tall figure stood at the door, his ink-colored eyes staring at him, Fu Ying had a clue, his little hand covered his front crotch and said, “Dad, I want to go to the bathroom.”

Fu Hanchuan gave him a cold look: “Go.”

The little guy ran away in a hurry, and Fu Hanchuan walked to the desk. Most of the homework was already written in the homework book, but the handwriting was scribbled and almost came across.

With a big hand stretched out, he tore off the page, crumpled it up and threw it into the trash can and walked out. When Fu Ying came back from the toilet, he saw his blank homework book, and his whole body was not good.

That night, the little friend Fu Ying cried and cried for a long time, and finally was thrown into the car by his father. The crying didn’t stop.

Su Xiang returned to Xiangyuan in silence after returning to school without success.

Madam Zhang came up and said, “Miss Su, Mr. Qi is looking for you.”

“Huh?” Su Xiang quickly walked into the room, only to see Qi Lingyang wearing a neat suit, and the little pearl he was holding in his hand also changed into a small skirt.

Su Xiang looked at him: “Where are you going?”

It’s no surprise that Qi Lingyang wears a suit and tie, but there is a problem with Pearl’s formal dress.

Qi Lingyang smiled slightly and said, “You also go and change your clothes. We will go out for dinner in a while.”

Su Xiang gave him a surprised look: “Isn’t it good to eat at home?”

Qi Lingyang said, “I’m going to eat there.”

If he talked about the old house of the Qi family, he would directly talk about the Qi family, and that means Fu Zhengnan’s side.

Su Xiang’s face faded, and she said, “Can you not go?”

Whether it was the Fu family or the small family where Fu Zhengnan was away, she would not be in a good mood to go.

Qi Lingyang knew her temper, he sighed lightly and said: “I want to take you to see him, as his fiancée.”

Although he had made a choice three years ago, that person was Fu Zhengnan, and he could not be completely relieved. Furthermore, there was another Fu Hanchuan staring at him.

He wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible, and with Fu Zhengnan, he did not want to make any compromises.


Su Xiang opened his mouth, subconsciously thinking of Fu Hanchuan’s marriage certificate.

“Qi Lingyang, I am now”

“I know you are in a special situation now, but things have not changed between us, have they?”

“Your business with him will always end, won’t it?”

Su Xiang pursed his lips, still reluctant to go, but at this time footsteps sounded at the door.

The parrot under the porch cried, “Here is a visitor, here is a visitor.”

Su Xiang and Qi Lingyang looked at each other in surprise, and saw Yu Cangcang walking in.

As soon as Yu Cangcang came in, he smiled and said, “That bird is very interesting, and the training is really good.”

She glanced at Qi Lingyang and greeted him: “Ling Yang, we haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

Qi Lingyang frowned slightly, but he didn’t expect Yu Cangcang to come personally.

Yu Cangcang smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I came here without saying hello in advance.” She turned her head and looked around and smiled, “You’re pretty good here, then, this will be your home with Miss Su from now on. Yet?”

As she said, her gaze fell on Su Xiang’s face, and she smiled lightly and said, “The design of Xiangyuan is really good, and it fits Miss Su.”

Su Xiang’s expression was faint, and he said, “Thank you, Miss Yu, for looking up.”

Listening to Su Xiang’s accent, Yu Cangcang showed a slightly surprised expression. She said: “It is surprising to hear that Miss Su can speak, but now that the real person listens to it, I believe it is true.”

“Congratulations to Miss Su’s rebirth.”

She paused for a while, and her lips curled, revealing a meaningful smile.

Regaining a new life is not only because she regained a new voice, but also because of her identity after three years.

The same shocked Beicheng, but three years ago, she was a woman who was extremely dismissed by the Fu family. Three years later, she was already a famous public figure.

Su Xiang twitched the corners of his lips, his expression still faint.

“Thank you Miss Yu for the compliment.”

She stopped, turned her conversation, and asked, “I don’t know why Miss Yu came here? Is it just to visit my Xiangyuan?”

Yu Cangcang smiled and glanced at Qi Lingyang and said, “I’m afraid that you won’t appreciate your face. I came here to pick you up for dinner. The car is outside.”

She glanced outside the courtyard, and then said: “Ling Yang should tell you, who am I?”

Su Xiang didn’t know who the woman who had talked to her was before, but before returning to Beicheng this time, Qi Lingyang told her about this woman and knew her identity.

Fu Zhengnan’s lover, and the lover who has been with him for more than ten years, who looks serious, stubbornly, and a man who thinks of the Fu family, even raises a little lover behind his back, and the riches are all filthy, as expected.

Seeing that from the moment he entered the door, he had always had a composure, controlling the woman at home, Su Xiang silently thought that she was indeed the woman that Mr. Fu liked, and she was on the same level as Madam Zhuoya in the aura.

She nodded and said, “I know.”

Yu Cangcang smiled, no longer staying on this topic, and said to Qi Lingyang: “Then, can we go now?”

Everyone had already come by himself, and Su Xiang couldn’t avoid it, so he had to get in the car.

It took a long time for the car to stop in front of a private villa.

This is a well-known private kitchen in Beicheng, and it is also a very secret place. It is very customer-oriented, so many officials and businessmen will eat here.

The villa in the twilight is located in an empty countryside, looking lonely. I don’t know why, there are only a few houses scattered in such a big place.

Su Xiang walked in behind Qi Lingyang, while Yu Cangcang was talking.

“This place used to be a cemetery. After the developer dug out the coffin, he didn’t continue to build a house here and changed hands to others.”

She pointed to the villa in front: “It’s the owner of this villa. He said, “Coffins, coffins, people with hard characters can live here, so they can get promoted and get rich. Many senior officials like to eat here.”

Qi Lingyang glanced forward, then chuckled and said, “It looks true.”

Su Xiang’s courage is not too big, he straightened his hair when he walked in this gloomy place, and his hand holding the pearl tightened.

I don’t understand why Fu Zhengnan wants to have dinner here. There are more secret private clubs in Beicheng.

Seeing her fear, Qi Lingyang reached out and hugged Pearl, freed a hand to hold her tightly, and whispered: “It’s okay, my horoscopes are also very hard.”

Yu Cangcang glanced at the hands they were holding together, showing a smile but not a smile. At this moment, they had already reached the door of the villa, and bright lights came out from inside.

“Old Fu, they are here.”

Fu Zhengnan was reading the newspaper in the living room. After Yu Cangcang entered and stood beside him, Fu Zhengnan stood up, facing the three people who came in with a serious expression.

His gaze swept across the three people with a great sense of oppression.

For the first time, Pearl was scrutinized with such a deep gaze, and she twisted her body in fear and hugged Qi Lingyang’s neck.

Qi Lingyang patted her on the back and comforted a few words, but Little Pearl didn’t turn around again.

Fu Zhengnan said, “Is she the daughter of Qi Lingcong?”

With Yu Cangcang’s information, Qi Lingyang didn’t have to hide anything, but he still said, “She is my daughter.”

Fu Zhengnan frowned deeply and looked at him for a while, then fell his gaze on Su Xiang.

Su Xiang Luoluo generously let him look at it. Now she no longer has any fear of this person.

This person is nothing to her.

Fu Zhengnan looked at Su Xiang with his back on his back for a while, and said, “I saw you at the charity banquet. It seems that outside the Fu family is the place where you can display your ambitions.”

Su Xiang curled his lower lip, and said with some irony: “A person who is ashamed of others will be suppressed even if he moves. How can he develop?”

“Only when you leave, will you learn from the pain and tell yourself that you must not underestimate it anymore.”

Fu Zhengnan glanced up and down with sharp eyes, then glanced at Qi Lingyang, and suddenly said, “Have you ever seen Fu win when you came back?”

This look, this sentence, has subtext.

He was reminding Qi Lingyang that this woman was not so desirable.

It’s the same old idea. She was married and had children, and the children were his brothers.

He was also reminding Su Xiang that now that the child has grown up and sensible, she would have to face even more if she wants to be with Qi Lingyang.

Su Xiang smiled lightly and said frankly: “It would be great if Mr. Fu brought Fu Ying tonight. We mother and son can get together, and I will be very grateful to you.”

“But Mr. Fu, I’m afraid I don’t really care about whether our mother and son meet. People in the Fu family don’t want me to see him so much, do they?”

In the past, they were already calculating how to let her leave Fu’s house, and also calculating that she would not be able to meet Fu Ying again, to make Fu Ying forget her, and also resorted to such a vicious trick so that she could not face Fu. win.

Thinking of this, Su Xiang couldn’t control the anger in his heart.

The humiliation they inflicted on her over the years, she always wants to get it back!

Su Xiang’s face was calm, but there was fire in his eyes. Fu Zhengnan looked at her for a few seconds. Su Xiang didn’t do any evasion. He pulled the corner of his lips and said indifferently: “Now that I can speak, I will speak even more. Now, huh”

When Su Xiang was a dumb, she was just deprived of the right to speak, but it didn’t mean that she had no opinion. She said: “I have always been like this.”

The smell of gunpowder was filled just after the meeting, Yu Cangcang came out and said, “Old Fu, it’s not you who said to eat. Why did the needle point to the wheat mang when I met? How can I eat this?”

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