Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 148

Chapter 146: You want to cheat me away, and then ask my dad for money, right?

Of course Mrs. Zhuo Ya knew what Fu Zhengnan meant.

Qi Lingyang gave up the inheritance rights of the Fu family and followed the dumb man away from home, which has always made him worry about it.

She seemed to have been stabbed by a needle, and she screamed, “What are you talking about, what I have done!”

Her graceful face instantly turned hideous: “Fu Zhengnan, if it wasn’t for the romantic debt you owed, would something like this happen?”

“This evildoer, you should be talking about yourself!”

Fu Zhengnan was already in anger, Zhuo Ya was excited, her eyes became scarlet and said, “Shut up! Do you know what’s going on now!”

He panted, and pointed at her viciously: “You! You messed up everything!”

Mrs. Zhuoya was talked about by her son before, and now she is scolded by her husband again. She felt grief and aggrieved for a while, and her eyes became sore. She said with a nasal voice slightly: “Fu Zhengnan, Han Chuan is also your son. He is the heir of the Fu family, which makes you so uncomfortable. You have to let that wild species sit on it to make you happy?”

Fu Zhengnan took a few deep breaths, and his voice became gloomy.

“One more thing, he is a wild species, try it!”

Whoever is the heir of the Fu family is his son, only to see who can take the Fu family to a higher place. And Zhuo Ya’s line of wild species, under the circumstances in front of him, made him even more angry.

Madam Zhuo Ya looked at his instantly cold face, and her heart became even more sad.

She had been married to him for decades, and he didn’t care about their husband and wife relationship at all. He only thought about the dead woman, even if he wanted to find a mistress, he would be like that woman.

Even the son of that woman, he has to do everything possible to get it back.

Madam Zhuo Ya quickly walked forward two steps until she reached Fu Zhengnan’s, and said aggressively: “Am I wrong! He was originally a wild species, is there his name in your Fu family’s genealogy?”

“Your woman was married to someone else and raised your son by another man. That man helped you take care of your woman and raised your son for you. Are you in your heart? Just as happy?”

“Ha! Now you want to recognize him, people are still thinking about the affection between father and son, and they want to be Qi Haipeng’s son!”

“Do you think that if you give some money, you can buy people’s hearts and make you feel at ease?”

“Fu Zhengnan, can you still ask for a little face! Your sin is much deeper than mine!”

This is the private scene between Fu Zhengnan and his wife, countless quarrels, countless mutual tears.

But this time, Madam Zhuoya had never said such heavy words, nor had she been so hysterical.

Maybe it was Fu Zhengnan’s sentence of making evil that pierced her heart, maybe it was the resentment she had squeezed for so many years broke out in an instant, she burst out the resentment burst out of her mind, and tears gurgled from her eyes.

She complained: “Fu Zhengnan, as long as I am the wife of the Fu family, that wild species, I will never think of entering the Fu family!”

“This Fu family’s heir can only be my son!”

She sneered, and her face became cold and ironic.

“Are you anxious about that wild species and that dumb guy?”

“Isn’t that great? A wild match with a dumb, a perfect match!”

She would rather they get married as soon as possible. It’s better to do a big deal so that everyone knows that the dumb man married Qi Lingyang and will never enter the Fu family’s door.

A vase was smashed to the ground, and the broken pieces of porcelain bounced on the hard floor tiles, rubbing them into one piece.

The two people quarreled more and more, and the servants in the house shrank aside and did not dare to go up and say anything at all, nor did they dare to call anyone.

Who can tell the affairs of this wealthy family clearly, and who can manage it?

Su Xiang didn’t know what Fu Zhengnan was like after the conversation with Fu Zhengnan, and no matter what he thought, it was probably years of accumulated anger that vented out. She slept very calmly this night.

Just in my dream, I ate that Japanese tofu again.

In the dream, Shen Yan cooled the freshly cooked tofu, fed it into her mouth, and said lovingly: “Xiangxiang, you must remember this taste.”

Shen Yan touched the head of the little girl who couldn’t speak, and sighed helplessly: “How come you can’t teach?”

In the kitchen, Su Xiang put the one-centimeter-thick tofu in starch and powdered them, then put them in a frying pan and fry them in pieces. The oil bubbled over and watched the tofu gradually turn golden brown.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly. After so many years, she finally knew that many things were only slowly learned to do after becoming a mother.

Qi Lingyang came downstairs and saw Su Xiang working in the kitchen in pajamas. Her hair was casually pulled up with a hair stick, the broken hair fell on her neck, and her white skin was glowing with morning light.

She was holding a spatula in her hand and she didn’t apply any cream on her face, but she didn’t look like a yellow face woman. It just made people feel warm and warm enough to make people see her in the morning, and she would get great satisfaction in her heart.

Qi Lingyang’s eyes softened, and he walked over to hug her from behind and kissed her on the cheek. Su Xiang tilted his head a little and said, “I haven’t washed my face yet, oily.”

Qi Lingyang smiled and quickly pecked her face, resting her chin on her shoulders, and said in a low voice, “I don’t care.”

At this time, he was just a happy man with his beloved.

He glanced at the contents of the pot and asked curiously: “How do you get up and do this?”

Su Xiang turned his head and glanced at him, smiling slightly and said, “I ate that dish yesterday and found it delicious, so I made it myself.”

Qi Lingyang watched her pour the tuned tomato meat sauce on tofu. Su Xiang would occasionally make this dish. I don’t know why she ate that dish yesterday and made it specially today.

“Try it.”

Qi Lingyang glanced at her, took a bite with the chopsticks on one side, and tasted the taste, feeling a little strange, but it couldn’t be said how strange it was.

He frowned, and took another bite in Su Xiang’s expectant gaze: “How do I feel that this taste seems to be similar to yesterday’s?”

Last night, Qi Lingyang just focused on talking to Fu Zhengnan, and didn’t pay much attention to the taste of the dishes. Now that he tasted it again, he felt a little weird.

Su Xiang nodded and said, “I feel so too.”

“So you deliberately do it again, want to see if it really does the same as you?”

Su Xiang nodded: “I plan to go there again.”

Qi Lingyang raised his eyebrows: “Do you think that person may be your mother’s deceased?”

The dishes that Su Xiang cooks, especially her specialty dishes, come from her mother, Shen Yan, and the taste of this tofu is so similar that it is easy to associate with it.

Su Xiang wanted to find out the truth about how he was poisoned and dumb, and Su Mingdong and his wife have passed away, so they can only find clues from the living people.

So many years have passed, especially in such a long time, it is difficult to find people back then.

Since Su Xiang had the memory, she was a dumb and was hidden in a deep boudoir by Su Mingdong. If it weren’t for the Su family to go bankrupt, she would not have been known.

At that time, Su Xiang didn’t know anything at all, and he didn’t even know which friends Su Mingdong and his wife had. At this time, he didn’t even know who to look for.

The person who knew all this best was Su Run, and Su Run was hiding in Japan at this time.

Ordinarily, Su Run got a large sum of money like Mrs. Zhuoya, and he should have lived very ostentatiously. I don’t know what happened to the couple in the past three years. I only heard that they offended the Japanese gangsters. Now they are everywhere. It is even harder to find someone in hiding.

And now that there was such a line suddenly, Su Xiang certainly didn’t want to let it go.

Qi Lingyang said: “But the pillow garden requires an appointment. If you suddenly pass by, you may not be able to see him.”

The name of the villa is called Zhenyuan, a strange name, but some people say that it means to sit back and relax, so it attracts so many dignitaries, even if the place is remote.

But that person is also a very rigid person. If there is no appointment in advance, he will not accept any background.

Su Xiang smiled and lowered her head to put part of the tofu in a bento box. She said, “Of course not today.”

Qi Lingyang looked at her: “Then you are”

He understood: “Are you going to school?”

Su Xiang smiled slightly and said, “Fu Ying also likes this dish very much. I want to send it to school and make him lunch.”

“Didn’t you say that the school teacher wouldn’t let you see him?”

Su Xiang’s smile faded a little, and she said: “I can’t see it, but it’s always okay to send a lunch.”

The school has a unified lunch, but these days, Su Xiang has also noticed that some parents will send food and extra meals specially at noon.

Fu Ying must be able to taste this taste.

Qi Lingyang opened his mouth, wanting to say that the school listed her as a stranger, and would not give students food from strangers, but seeing her look expectant, it was hard to say anything.

Su Xiang closed the lid of the bento box and smiled at Qi Lingyang: “Breakfast is ready, you have to eat first, I will wash my face and brush my teeth, and let the pearls get up by the way.”

Qi Lingyang saw that she was full of energy and smiled like a sunny day, and patted the top of her hair: “Go.”

These days, she went out vigorously every day, and then came back with a lonely face, which made him feel distressed.

Seeing Su Xiang walking out briskly, his eyes sank.

After Su Xiang washed, she woke up Pearl, the little girl opened her eyes in a daze, and her hair was messy.

Su Xiang squeezed her tender face: “Morning, Pearl.”

“Ma Ma” the little girl grinned, her brows and her eyes curled out to reveal a few millet teeth, she hugged Su Xiang’s neck and acted like a baby.

When Su Xiang saw that the little girl was so coquettish, he thought of Fu Ying when he was a child.

Only when she walks, the first thing she wakes up is to rub her and act like a baby.

Su Xiang changed her diapers, hugged her to wash, then let her sit on the bed, went to the closet to pick out the clothes she was going to wear, only turned around, and the little girl disappeared.

Su Xiang looked for her with her clothes, and watched Qi Lingyang holding her halfway down the stairs: “You only walk around with short legs. At such a high place.”

Before Qi Lingyang finished his preaching, the little girl gave him a kiss on his cheek, and yelled sweetly, “Baba”.

“Oh, so you ran out in a hurry, are you looking for dad?”

When she heard her acting like a baby, Qi Lingyang instantly changed his preaching, and he was exulted by the little girl’s flattery.

Su Xiang smiled and said, “Little drama, are you still wearing clothes?”

The little girl immediately smiled and squinted at her and stretched her small arm.

After breakfast, Qi Lingyang went to work in the Qi family, and Su Xiang returned to her studio to handle affairs.

Whenever Su Xiang was working, Xiao Zhenzhu would paint in her office obediently, without being noisy or noisy.

The little girl’s graffiti scattered all over the floor covered with gaskets.

Although the little girl doesn’t speak very much, she has a talent for painting, and the paintings she paints have a taste of abstract painting. If she is cultivated, she might become a great painter in the future.

The busy morning just passed, Su Xiang sent out the newly choreographed dance score, raised his head and rubbed his sore neck, and when he turned his head, Little Pearl had fallen asleep on the floor.

She squatted down in front of the little girl, picked up the picture on the ground and looked at it, chuckled lightly, and hugged her up.

As soon as the little girl touched her arms, she slept better when she smelled the familiar smell.

Su Xiang took Pearl back to the bedroom, ordered the servants at home to look at her, and then walked out with the lunch made in the morning.

Su Xiang was already very familiar with the road to Beicheng Experimental Primary School. She couldn’t hide a smile on her face when she glanced at the lunch box on the front of the car.

When I arrived at the school, there was a private car parked at the door. Several parents asked the security guard to send the lunch box they sent to the classroom and classmate.

Su Xiang walked over, feeling a little nervous, and squeezed the lunch box tightly.

She stepped forward and said, “Can you help me transfer the lunch to Fu Ying, who is in class every year?”

The last class in the morning was physical education. In the second half of the class, the teacher asked the children to practice badminton one-on-one.

Fu Ying hates playing basketball the most. He is so hungry at this time, how can he have the strength to play.

He lazily waved the aerial shots a few times, and slipped away quietly while the teacher was not paying attention.

Take a stroll in the garden first, and then show up when get out of class is over, then there is no problem.

As he passed the garden, he glanced at the school gate, and he didn’t feel better.

They came to deliver meals again. The school clearly ordered meals, so why did they come to deliver meals, as if they were eating pig food, they didn’t care about food and waste it.

If he upsets him, he will let his father tell the school to ban all meals, and hungry them for a few meals!

He thought of something, frowned, and suddenly walked to the door.

He didn’t hear clearly yesterday, as if someone was looking for him.

Teacher Wu is so mysterious that he didn’t even tell him.

Fu Ying changed his mind, walked to the school gate, and sneaked into the security room while the security was receiving the lunches.

When he opened one of the bento boxes and wanted to see what was inside, he heard a weird sound.

“Can you help me transfer the bento to Fu Ying, who is in class once a year?”

Fu Ying’s body stiffened. He heard it right, did someone really come to him?

The security guard had seen Su Xiang, and the teacher had especially confessed, so he said coldly: “No.”

Su Xiang frowned, “Other people can pass it on, why can’t I?”

The security waved his hand: “If I say I can’t, then I can’t, what nonsense.”

Fu Ying listened to the debate between the two, and slightly lifted his body and looked out.

Where did he seem to have seen that person. Fu Ying frowned and thought deeply.

Su Xiang was ruthlessly rejected by the security guard again, and the parents who were waiting for the food delivery began to mutter, looking at her warily.

“What kind of person is this? The security has said that it is not the child’s parent, is it a liar?”

“Who knows, today’s liars have all kinds of tricks.”

“Security, this kind of person, you must be careful, just in case.”

The security guard no longer talked to Su Xiang, smiled at the parent and said “definitely”, while registering the lunch box.

Su Xiang felt terribly uncomfortable. She just came to deliver lunch and was treated as a liar who abducted and trafficked children.

Seeing this situation, Su Xiang couldn’t continue arguing. If these parents really took her as a liar and became angry, she would suffer.

Su Xiang squeezed the lunch box, turned his throat, and walked over to the car.

At this time, a tender voice came from behind her.

“Hey, are you looking for me?”

Fu Ying copied his hand in his school pants, tilted his head, and looked at the woman in front of him like an adult.

Su Xiang’s heartbeat seemed to have stopped, and the whole person froze, even his breathing tightened.

When she thought she would not see the child, she suddenly gave her such a surprise.

“Hey, are you looking for me?” Fu Ying was a little upset. Since he was here to look for him, why didn’t he turn around.

He heard very clearly, Fu Ying in the class every year.

There is only one child named Fu Ying in the first class of the year.

Su Xiang took a deep breath and calmed the beating heart a bit. She turned around and looked at the little boy in front of her, with tears in her excited eyes.

“Yes, it’s me.” She choked slightly, and she couldn’t say anything nervous. She looked at the little guy carefully, not letting go.

Even if he hasn’t seen him for three years, the little guy has grown taller and opened up, but he still has the shadow of his childhood.

It’s becoming more and more like Fu Hanchuan.

Fu Ying looked at the tearful woman in front of him, but took a step back in horror.

Why are you crying? What are you doing?

Su Xiang blinked, pressing down the soreness of his eyes. She squatted down, squeezing a smile and said, “Fu Ying, do you remember me?”

Fu Ying tilted his head and looked at her. He recognized her when she turned around just now.

It was the man he met when he went to learn taekwondo.

He also chased it out, chasing a long way, and almost lost himself.

Fu Ying was in a bad mood when he thought of the reason why he had chased it out in the first place.

“Who are you, why are you looking for me?”

Su Xiang suffocated his breath, and the pain in his chest spread.

When she left, Fu Ying was only three years old, and he really couldn’t remember her.

“Fu Ying, don’t you remember me at all?” Su Xiang squeezed out a smile, “You take a closer look?”

Fu Ying stared at her for a long time, and saw Su Xiang put down the lunch box in his hand and raised his hand.

Fu Ying, I am a mother, don’t you remember me?

Fu Ying’s face changed, and the whole person froze, staring at Su Xiang blankly.

In his vague memory, there seemed to be a person who always talked with her hands, and also took his little hand to teach him gestures.

After a few seconds, he yelled, “You are talking nonsense!”

His little face was taut, his brows frowned, and his little fingers pointed at Su Xiang and said, “You are not my mother!”

“My mother is a dumb, she can’t speak, you are a liar!”

“You want to cheat me away, and then ask my dad for money, right!”

Su Xiang’s whole person is not well, she eagerly said: “I have cured my disease, I can talk now. Fu Ying, you believe me, I really am your mother.”

I am your mother.

Su Xiang made another gesture with sign language.

“Fu Ying, do you remember these sign languages?”

After Su Xiang left, no one signed in in front of Fu Ying anymore. Three years later, he had few sign languages in his memory, but he still remembered the word “mother”.

Fu Ying watched her hands calm down, but her heart was messed up, Su Xiang picked up the lunch box and opened the lid, leaning in front of him and said, “Try it, this is what you ate when you were a kid, isn’t it? That smell?”

What I made in the morning, after a few hours, even if there is an insulation layer, it has become warm and cool at this time. Fu Ying looked at the red sticky things and said angrily: “I don’t want to eat it. Are you trying to poison me!”

Su Xiang looked at the tofu and regretted that she should make it later.

It was that dream that made her do it when she woke up, but she was not so thoughtful.

“Next time I will cook it again for you, okay?”

Fu Ying stared at her mouth closely at this time.

Su Xiang looked into his eyes, alert and curious. She somewhat understood that the only thing Fu Ying might remember about her was that she was a mute.

Once, Madam Zhuoya told her that if she left early, when Fu Ying grew up, she would not know that the mother who gave birth to him was a mute and would not be laughed at.

Fortunately, the time between their mother and child hasn’t been that long, and Fu Ying still has her in his memory fragments.

But it was precisely because she was able to speak, which caused confusion in the child.

Su Xiang smiled and gestured again with sign language.

While making gestures, he said in his mouth: “Your name is Fu Ying, born in 2015, and your birthday is March 12th, which is the Arbor Day. In your glass house, there are three yew trees, one every year. I bought it and put it inside.”

In fact, there should be four trees. The first one was bought by Fu Ying when she was full of the moon, and she has kept this habit ever since.

The fourth tree was when Fu Ying was three years old, she moved out of Fu’s house, and the fourth yew tree was in Chawan’s apartment. When she decided to leave, she planted the small sapling in the garden downstairs.

Not long after she came back, she went back to Chawan once, and the yew tree was still there.

Fu Ying frowned and said, “I don’t know what yew is. I have a lot of flowers in my house.”

When Su Xiang thought, how could he tell which yew is so, she continued: “My name is Su Xiang. When you were young, you liked to stick to me the most. When you were three years old, I once gave you a remote control. The airplane is a birthday present, is that airplane still there?”

That was the most recent meeting between Su Xiang and Fu Ying. No matter how far away he was, he couldn’t remember it even more, so Su Xiang only picked the memory.

“The plane is red, with a little Beta mouse painted on its tail”

Fu Ying lowered his eyelids, as if thinking about something, his small hands pinched the hem of his pants, tightening them tighter and tighter.

A violent look suddenly appeared on his small face. He kicked the bento box on the floor and said angrily at Su Xiang, “Go away!”

“You are not my mother!”

The little guy’s face was flushed, his dark eyes burst into tears, and he stared at Su Xiang with hatred.

Su Xiang was stunned, wondering why he suddenly became angry.

The look in his eyes was more like a knife, and he stabbed her fiercely.

The mother and the son joined the heart. When she saw the tears in his eyes, she knew that the child had thought of her.

But he didn’t want to recognize her.

“Fu Ying” she reached out to grab his little hand, and at the same time, another voice called him.

“Fu Win”

A little girl stood at the crossbar of the gate with a badminton racket in her hand, looking over here.

“Fu Ying, why did you go out? The school doesn’t allow you to go out.”

At this time, the security guard also saw a child sneaking out while he was not paying attention, and hurried over.

“Which class of you are you, why did you run out? Go back!”

Cold sweat came out of the security’s forehead and almost had an accident.

He stood in front of Fu Ying, blocked the people behind him, and stared at Su Xiang fiercely: “If you keep entangled like this, I will call the police!”

“Report to the police, she didn’t do anything to me!” The little adult Fu Ying shouted back.

“It’s so annoying!” The little guy murmured, didn’t look at Su Xiang again, kicked and walked back to the school gate.

As Su Xiang watched Fu Ying get further and further away from her, the pain in his heart spread, and he could only bite his lips to prevent him from crying.

She did not expect that the meeting with her son would be like this.

She looked at the bento box that had been kicked over on the ground, squatted down, and grabbed the broken Japanese tofu back into the box piece by piece. The tears she endured could no longer stand the gravity of the earth, and it fell down.

The security guard originally wanted to drive her away, but seeing her appearance, he also got a sore nose inexplicably.

Behind the school gate, Fu Ying stuck out his head and looked at it quietly. He raised his arm and wiped his eyes indiscriminately, twitching his small nose.

Lian Liang looked at him timidly and took out a tissue from his pocket: “Fu Ying, are you crying again?”

“That person, who is she?”

“Who is crying!” Fu Ying glared at her, grabbed the racket in her hand and ran away.

Lian Liang squeezed the tissue and chased after him: “Fu Ying, don’t you run so fast, wait for me.”

The rest of the afternoon, the children of Fu Ying were in a bad mood, and no one dared to come and play with him. Whoever wants to talk to him, he just screams at someone.

He didn’t have the energy to lose his temper until school was over.

Teacher Wu came to pick him up from school. The little guys were all listless. He climbed into the car and sat down sullenly. The little girl was not cute anymore.

When he got home, he ran to his toy room and rummaged indiscriminately.

Mother Song tidy up all his toys, watched his crackling mess, and asked, “Little master, what are you looking for?”

Sweat broke out on Fu Ying’s forehead: “Mother Song, where is my plane?”

“What plane? You have so many toys.” Mother Song watched him looking around in his toy pile, not knowing how to help.

“found it.”

Seeing Fu Ying stood up from the toy mountain holding an airplane, his little face that had just gotten up quickly collapsed again.

The plane had broken down a long time ago, and the propellers on it would not move. Fu Ying fiddled with it, and with his nails on the sticker on the tail, he walked to the glass room boringly.

Mother Song looked at him strangely, he stopped playing that plane a long time ago.

“Mother Song, which one is the yew?” Fu Yingwen asked angrily.

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