Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 292

Chapter 290: That little woman is not so pretty

Su Xiang opened his mouth. He seems to know this manager?

Yangu seemed to know what she was thinking, and said lightly: “Manager Fang is a Malay son-in-law, and his wife is the daughter of the founder of the hotel. He is now the second in command.”

so it is.

Su Xiang nodded, and Yan Gu looked at the manager and asked, “What happened the day before yesterday, why did you find that you didn’t see it until today, and you called the police?”

South Star’s influence, let alone Kuala Lumpur, is one of the best Chinese companies in Malaysia. The hotel manager gave Yangu a lot of face, and said helplessly: “After I finished talking with the client, I went to the Penang Hotel to inspect and didn’t come back until today.”

There is a deputy manager in the hotel to deal with affairs, and there is his old husband, so he can handle things there with peace of mind, who would have thought that he himself was stolen.

In fact, Su Xiang knew that even if the manager did not go to Penang, he might not be able to find that his painting was stolen.

The manager likes to collect famous paintings, but he bought them as an investment. Since it is regarded as an investment product, I don’t always think about it, so I just bought it and left it there.

Now that the matter is clear, the dispute with the hotel ends here. She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and at the same time glanced at Yan Gu, it seemed that he was not just walking around with her. Or, the maintenance of Ye Cheng’s paintings that she showed just now made him willing to speak?

In the next time, the police got the phone number of the person who asked him out from the manager. They told the manager that they would go to his office to collect evidence later, and after the case was over, they would put the picture. Return it to him, and the manager agreed.

Su Xiang and his party waited, waiting for the police to finish their negotiations with Manager Fang, and then go to the hotel to collect evidence again.

Of course, the police have not been able to find any useful clues from the surveillance. The thieves are now very savvy, not to mention that they started at the tightly secured hotel. Even the number given by Manager Fang turned out to be empty after checking. NS.

After coming out of the hotel, it was already more than two o’clock in the afternoon. Su Xiang was in a daze, and he couldn’t tell whether he was hungry or angry.

Fu Hanchuan looked at the time and said, “Let’s go eat, where can I eat?”

Yangu stopped, looked at them and said, “I have something to do, so I won’t be with you.”

He nodded, turned into the car, simply and neatly, and behaving indifferently.

Car Yangchen left, Su Xiang looked at the car’s bottom and shrugged his shoulders and said, “Whatever.”

Out of such troubles, she was in no mood to eat, nor did she have the interest to go sightseeing. At this time, it was not a meal time. The two found a tea restaurant and ordered an afternoon tea set.

Su Xiang carried a chicken wing and stared at the jasmine tea in front of him in a daze. Fu Hanchuan saw that she did not move and said, “What’s wrong, this tea is poisonous?”

Su Xiang glanced at him dispiritingly, took the last bit of chicken wings, sucked his fingers and wiped it with a tissue. She said: “I’m thinking, if Fu Zhengkang did it, who by his side could come up with such a detailed plan.”

Su Xiang Cha Yanlin didn’t have much fanfare, and there were very few people who knew the inside story. Fu Zhengkang was self-defeating because he didn’t know the situation and pushed her instead.

But it is very thoughtful to design such a careful plan.

Su Xiang showed a sneer on her face. Although she said a question just now, her tone was sure.

Attached to Fu Zhengkang, who has common interests with him, there is anyone besides Lu Weiqi. If Fu Zhengkang were to fall, there would be no hope for her Madam Fu.

Fu Hanchuan drank coffee, his eyes flickered, and said slowly, “We can start from Lu Weiqi’s side.”

Su Xiang looked at him and said, “You mean, you can investigate from Lu Weiqi’s back and find the person she arranged for Malay?”

What Fu Hanchuan meant was to use the reverse method. Since that person has annihilated the evidence, he must investigate from the source. As long as Lu Weiqi instructed this matter, she could find someone she arranged here.

Su Xiang thought for a while, and said: “Lu Weiqi has set up a series for us. She has already gotten it. Will she keep that person here for us to check?”

Fu Hanchuan chuckled and said, “Don’t forget, in their eyes, what is the purpose of my coming to Malaysia?”

Su Xiang said: “Draw in Yanlin.”

Fu Hanchuan nodded and analyzed: “You think, Fu Zhengkang is nervous when I come to Malaysia, he will always stare at what I have gained here. They dig holes and jump for me because they want me to offend Yanlin for not being able to alliance, dig graves and steal. The painting has already happened as they set, but what is the result, how can you rest assured that they haven’t got the exact answer?”

Su Xiang turned his eyes slightly, glanced towards the hotel, and said, “In other words, it is very possible that the person is still in the hotel, or near the hotel, still staring.”

Fu Hanchuan said: “That’s right.” He leaned back into the back of the chair, his arms stretched out on the armrests, and he said, “We have appeared at the hotel with Yanlin just now. If that person sees it, you Guess how you will report it back?”

“That must be telling the truth. Waiting for her instructions to retreat.” Lu Weiqi certainly didn’t dare to expose herself when the other party took the money to do business.

Fu Hanchuan curled the corner of his lower lip slightly and said, “Not necessarily.”

Su Xiang cast a suspicious look, and Fu Hanchuan explained: “They wiped out the evidence, and the police couldn’t find it for a while. Try to stand in Lu Weiqi’s perspective and think that I’m here to win Yanlin. I was suspected of digging a grave and stealing paintings, so I must prove my innocence. We went to the hotel to investigate the case with Yanlin and the police, which proved this.”

“But after a long time, Yanlin will definitely be impatient and feel very disgusted with me, and it will be no different from offending him.”

Su Xiang pondered, what he said was reasonable, and nodded.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her, pondered, frowned and lowered his eyebrows, erected his body, and slowly stirred the coffee with a silver spoon, and said slowly: “In fact, I saw Lu Weiqi in the gallery a few days ago. Maybe, she saw the painting I bought and thought it was I bought it to Yanlin as a gift to win him.”

Although she walked in front of him, according to her personality, she might go back to find out.

Su Xiang glanced at him and frowned slightly. The size of the Four Seasons map he bought was different from that of Jiang Hua.

She watched Fu Hanchuan suddenly laughed sarcastically, and took a sip of the tea.

Fu Hanchuan was dissatisfied with her smile and said coldly: “What are you laughing at?”

Su Xiang said, “Weiqi Lu knows that you bought the painting, but she can frame me for stealing the painting, killing two birds with one stone.”

If you think from the perspective of Lu Weiqi, Fu Hanchuan asked Mrs. Zhuo Ya to apologize publicly, which triggered a series of events, and lost her identity as the person in charge of the Fu family, so she insisted on dragging her into the water.

If Lu Weiqi thinks that the painting is a gift for Yanlin, then the painting has another intention for her if it is dropped.

There are four pictures of the four seasons, and they only sent one of them to Malaysia this time. Incomplete pictures would be boring. In order to win over Yanlin, Fu Hanchuan could catch his appetite. Once he nodded, all the other three paintings were presented.

It’s just that she held the painting in her hand, and if the painting was dropped, it became hers. She became the one who coveted that little profit?

This trick is really not very clever, at best it is to do a little revenge to add to her heart.

Su Xiang said coldly: “Lu Weiqi really intends to retaliate against me.”

She put her in jail back then. In that battle, Lu Weiqi was defeated with nothing. She wanted to retaliate back, but she had more than enough energy, but Fu Zhengkang fanned her vengeful little Martian seedlings.

She looked at Fu Hanchuan and said, “They stabbed out what Mrs. Zhuoya and Chang Yan did, right?”

In that storm of public opinion, Fu Zhengkang, who was far abroad, became the final winner, and Lu Weiqi was also stunned. I believe that in her design intent, she wanted her to go against Fu Hanchuan’s goal, but Fu Hanchuan had a press conference afterwards. This was definitely unwilling to her, and she would do nothing if she didn’t accomplish anything.

It’s just that she can’t understand how they know so much inside information.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her, and he found a little eyebrow about the incident. He planned to talk to her again after the evidence was conclusive, but now she guessed it by herself, so she didn’t hide it from her. He said: “You can say so.”

Su Xiang squeezed his fingers, with anger in his eyes, and went back to find her to settle!

“However, she couldn’t know so clearly, who told her?”

Fu Hanchuan said: “I haven’t found it yet.”

Su Xiang pursed her lips and stopped speaking. When she mentioned Lu Weiqi, there was a fire in her heart, and she took a sip of the slightly cool tea.

Fu Hanchuan put aside the silver spoon, took a sip of coffee, looked at her from above the edge and said, “Do you still want to live in the banquet house?”

At this moment, the sky is still warm and the light is projected in, and half of the restaurant is shrouded in sunlight.

Su Xiang said: “If I continue to live in the banquet house, in the eyes of some people, can I be regarded as a hostage?”

If the other party knew that she lived at the banquet house and didn’t know what happened, he would guess that way.

Fu Hanchuan’s original intention was to hope that Su Xiang could return to the hotel tonight. Yanlin was hostile to him, and he was also depressed.

Inside a villa in North City.

Lu Weiqi was walking back and forth in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with her mobile phone in one hand and her belly in the other, with an irritable expression on her face.

She said: “Malaysian police are not so efficient in handling things. Trying to find a way to delay the time for the person who handles the case. After a few days, the banquet family will not be able to keep their breath.”

The Yanjia must be so angry with the grave digging that there was smoke above his head, but Fu Hanchuan went to investigate the painting instead.

Also, digging a grave is against morals, but it does not involve the amount of money, and that painting is valuable. Fu Hanchuan couldn’t find the grave digger, so he started with painting.

But he certainly won’t win a banquet.

Entering the April weather, the sun was shining outside the window, a spring rain came down, and flowers were in full bloom. In the middle of the garden, a cluster of peonies bloomed beautifully, with layered petals, and the atmosphere was graceful, suppressing the surrounding crowds.

Lu Weiqi looked at the bunch of flowers, her lips curled up slightly.

Fu Zhengkang likes big and big peonies, so he only planted one cluster in his yard. When he came back last year, he specially asked a gardener to cultivate it.

The outside temperature is good, and the wind is warm on the body. Lu Weiqi relieved herself and walked into the garden. She stroked the tender petals, and the more she looked, the more she liked them. How could she like tulips before?

Fu Zhengkang walked in from outside, saw Lu Weiqi admiring the flowers, and walked over and said, “Is in such a good mood?”

Lu Weiqi smiled and said, “If the weather is good today, I will be in a good mood.”

The sun hit her face, her skin was white, her eyes bright, and she was more delicate than a flower.

Fu Zhengkang stroked her delicate face, this woman is beautiful. Even without heavy makeup, the skin looks translucent, smooth and tender, like a peeled egg.

He took off his jacket and handed it to the next person. Then he sat down on a chair with Lu Weiqi in his arms, sniffing the scent between her slippery neck, digging in under her clothes and saying: “You have thirty, this skin How tenderer than a little girl, I can’t put it down.”

Lu Weiqi was unhappy in her heart. Age is a taboo for any woman. She spent more than two years in prison without any maintenance. She couldn’t eat well and sleep well. She was depressed. Her skin suddenly became dull and her hair was withered. She looked older than a woman in her thirties.

Fortunately, she worked hard afterwards, once a week in the beauty salon, and once a day in the milk bath until now. Now, those little girls can’t compare to her. But it can’t stop age from climbing up.

She took out Fu Zhengkang’s hand and complained: “After I give birth to a child, this skin will be broken. Go find a little girl and prepare it now.”

She got up and left. Fu Zhengkang took her wrist and pressed her back to her leg and said, “Isn’t she still tender now.” He continued to touch, and Lu Weiqi was no longer pretending. This man only needs to indulge in her for one day. She is still favored.

Taking advantage of being favored, giving birth to a son, and getting the position of Mrs. Fu, he will look for whoever he likes in the future, anyway, there are no fewer women around him now.

She doesn’t love him, just loves the benefits he can bring to her.

Fu Zhengkang held her silky fingers to play with, lowered his eyebrows and asked, “How’s going on over there?”

Lu Weiqi said: “Yan’s family is very angry. The caller over there said that the police station had reported the case, and the police station accompanied by Yangu had a very ugly face. After the investigation from the hotel, they didn’t even eat lunch together. I heard that the dumb guy stayed at the banquet house for one night, he should have been left as a hostage.”

Fu Zhengkang was quite satisfied with the answer, and smiled while holding the woman’s chin, and said, “This time I did a good job.” As long as Fu Hanchuan can’t win over Yanlin.

Lu Weiqi patted his hand away, wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “Which time did I disappoint you?”

“What reward for me this time?” she asked, stretching out one of her slender hands and moving her ring finger to hint him. The child will be born in a few months. She doesn’t need to have a wedding banquet, but she can get a certificate.

For Lu Weiqi now, no matter how dazzling lights, no matter how many people pay attention, it is not as practical as a marriage certificate.

It is ironic that she used to not want other people’s marriage proposal, but now it is her shy face begging to get married.

Fu Zhengkang glanced at her green fingers, raised her eyebrows slightly, took out a small square flannel box from her pocket, and said simply, “Look for yourself.”

Lu Weiqi’s eyes lit up when she saw the purple box. At a glance, you know what’s inside.

She released her hand, took the flannel box and opened it, and the brilliant light of the diamond was shining in the sun, and she suddenly felt her breathing stop. A very large diamond, at least ten carats.

Fu Zhengkang squeezed her cheek and said, “The mouth is going to reach the back of the ear.” He pinched the diamond ring and put it on Lu Weiqi’s fingers, his eyelids converged with his gleam.

Give her some sweetness, and she will do well for him.

This woman is much smarter and more useful than his last wife

In Kuala Lumpur, Su Xiang was sent back to the banquet house at a later date.

When I entered, Su Xiang was a little embarrassed, saying that there was some trouble in the hotel, and I would like to interrupt for a while and bring my luggage.

For Yanlin, she wished she could live forever, but was afraid she would not want to.

As for Fu Hanchuan, Yanlin didn’t have such a good face. He glanced at him coldly, and did not say to leave him for dinner. Fu Hanchuan was also interested, and after sending Su Xiang, he went back to the hotel.

Regarding this, Su Xiang said nothing.

Fu Hanchuan dragged her to the vortex of the Fu family’s fight and dragged Shen Yan down, so she didn’t want to say anything for him.

Fu Hanchuan was sitting in the hotel lobby alone for dinner, shaking lightly with a glass of red wine in his hand, his eyes half-dangling thinking about things.

Today, Su Xiang asked about Lu Weiqi, which suddenly made him feel strange.

From the time Mrs. Zhuo Ya and Chang Yan were stabbed out, to Fu Zhengkang’s seizure of the power of the Fu family, this was carried out under the instigation of Lu Weiqi.

She relied on the news she got to make this seizure of power come quickly and effectively.

But what about the person who gave her the news? What benefits did you get?

On that day, Lu Weiqi clearly said that someone had delivered the secret to her, that is to say, that mysterious person didn’t take any advantage.

But in this world, if you don’t need any benefits, you just send people news for nothing. If you don’t take the benefits, and you risk offending him, it’s just as simple as his offending people, or is there another benefit?

Fu Hanchuan had offended many people in the mall, but those people couldn’t even get the commercial secrets in his hands, let alone this secret matter.

Then it’s the latter, with other benefits

Fu Hanchuan narrowed his eyes, thinking so deeply, he felt that including Lu Weiqi, it was a **** of that mysterious man.

So, what is the intention of this person? He and his father left Fu Shi, what good is it for this person?

As he felt closer and closer to the answer, a voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

“Hey, handsome guy, we meet again.”

The wheat-skinned girl was wearing a short skirt with a daisy pattern and a pair of big golden hoop earrings. She looked sunny and healthy. When she walked, the big earrings swayed under her neck and shattered light under the light.

She lifted the chair opposite Fu Hanchuan, sat down unceremoniously, looked at the steak in front of him, then turned her head around and looked around and said, “Where is that fair-skinned and beautiful little woman?”

“Are you eating alone?”

“You quarreled?”

She asked a few questions in a row, and Fu Hanchuan was annoyed to rush people. The girl saw his impatience and immediately said, “It doesn’t matter if you are broken in love. In fact, that little woman is not very beautiful, I think she is inferior to her. I look good.”

She held her chin and blinked at him with her pretty face: “It’s boring to eat alone. I can accompany you.”

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her faintly, took a sip of red wine, and took a knife and fork to cut the steak. The man said indifferently: “I don’t like eating with strangers, you can leave.”

The girl raised her eyebrows and stood up, showing a regretful expression: “Great handsome guy, do you know that you are really hurting.”

Fu Hanchuan didn’t pay attention to her anymore, only to meet this girl again and again. It was just a small episode. He didn’t expect to see her again soon, only to realize that this proactive little girl was eyeing him early in the morning.

A few days later, Su Xiang went to the police station every day to inquire about the progress, and then deal with the official affairs, and when he had time, he would go shopping nearby. Of course, she was accompanied by Mrs. Shen or Yanlin. Sometimes they didn’t have time, and the servants of the Yan family stayed by her side.

In the eyes of some people, this is the appearance of being held hostage.

Look at her, being watched all the time, she can’t escape at all.

Five days later, her wait finally came to an end. The police station informed her that she was caught by the thief who stole the painting.

This time, Yangu sent her to the police station. Fu Hanchuan received the call and passed directly from the hotel.

When I arrived at the police station, Su Xiang felt a little familiar looking at the girl sitting in the chair. Fu Hanchuan was more familiar with the wheat-skinned girl.

“You?” His brows bulged and his face was very ugly. It turned out that when he first came to Malaysia, this woman was eyeing her.

She approached him repeatedly, greeted him, and acted as if she was enamoured of him, just to remove the suspicion of her surveillance.

This is indeed a good trick, so much so that he never thought about it in that direction, but thought he had met a flower idiot.

After Fu Hanchuan and Su Xiang discussed starting from Lu Weiqi’s side, they asked Qiao Shen to arrange someone to follow her. Lu Weiqi did not expect that she had been suspected, so the detective saw the phone number and wrote it down lightly.

Fu Hanchuan gave the phone number to the police and asked them to check it, so he found the girl.

Seeing people coming, the girl didn’t have any shy expressions on her face. She smiled at Fu Hanchuan, shrugged her shoulders and said, “It’s a pity, I should retreat sooner.”

“It’s a pity that you have no chance.” Fu Hanchuan said with a cold expression to the police officer, “I’m still waiting for something to start the interrogation.”

For the police, their task is to complete the case and retrieve the lost paintings, but for Fu Hanchuan and others, it is much more than that.

They didn’t file a lawsuit, but this woman was left behind, and she was even more useful.

When reporting the case, Fu Hanchuan did not say that the matter involved other fights, so the police dealt with it as theft. As long as they didn’t pursue it, they could discuss it.

As for the painting that the hotel manager had stolen, it had been returned, and if Yangu went to negotiate, the manager Fang had not suffered any loss at all, so he no longer entangled.

The woman still hides the stolen Jiang Hua picture in the hotel room. She is a guest. As long as she is not listed as a suspect, it is safe to put the picture in the room. Of course, after she was exposed, this painting was taken back by Su Xiang.

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