Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 300

Chapter 298: A typical person who steals pleasure when he gets a bargain

Fu Hanchuan watched Su Xiang, and saw the smile flashing across her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up.

Little fox, she took the initiative this time.

Fu Hanchuan didn’t expect that Su Xiang would be so bold and would cool Lu Weiqi on such occasions, and it was just a sentence.

According to what she knows, if she doesn’t mess with her, she won’t take the initiative to make trouble with others. At least, it wouldn’t be the time for her to clean up Lu Weiqi, but if you think about it carefully, it’s easier to cool Lu Weiqi now than waiting for her to gain power in the future.

According to Fu Hanchuan’s position, if he makes a move, he will wait for the opponent to grow up and fatten up before starting. Only when the opponent gets it and then loses, that is the most painful.

Su Xiang’s thinking was much simpler. She didn’t want Lu Weiqi to come back and hinder her clean life.

People like Lu Weiqi can’t gain power, and she doesn’t want to see her again.

Since she was going to the banquet by herself, it was tantamount to putting the opportunity in front of her. Why would she have to wait for the next time?

Besides, Lu Weiqi is definitely still going to attack her. Why should she give the other party a chance to hurt her?

At the end of the banquet, Fu Zhengkang walked away. His face was pale, and he strode towards the parking lot. Lu Weiqi stood up her belly. To show her identity, she still wore a pair of high heels today. At this time, she chased behind him with her belly, the high heels rattling, even more so. Be noticeable.

She was flustered, and the setting of elegance and beauty had left her long ago, embarrassed.

“N! n! Wait for me, don’t go so fast!” She was very scared, afraid that Fu Zhengkang would not want her.

Everyone knew that she came back. She became Fu Zhengkang’s woman and was pregnant. If Fu Zhengkang dumped her, then she would become an abandoned woman. How will she live in the future?

For her, it is no longer a face issue, but a survival issue.

She doesn’t need love, she chose power, but now she even loses power, and she really has nothing.

Fu Zhengkang opened the car door and sat down, with a gloomy and furious face, Lu Weiqi couldn’t ask for it anymore.

He didn’t really want her to be his wife, he just wanted to wait for her to give birth to a child, but now he doesn’t even want her child.

Fu Zhengkang was expelled to Canada by Fu Zhengnan, and he could not return for decades. Now that he is coming back strongly, it is the time when he is beautiful, and he cannot be held back by a woman.


The driver sat in the driver’s seat and looked back at him in surprise: “Mr. Fu?”

The driver didn’t know what happened, but when he drove over with three people, only one person got in the car at the moment, so he couldn’t make up his mind.

Fu Zhengkang’s face darkened a bit. Seeing Lu Weiqi running over in the mirror, he didn’t want to see her, and his voice was even more gloomy: “Drive!”

So the driver started the car, and just as she was about to drive out, Lu Weiqi grabbed the handlebar and quickly got into the car.

She was embarrassed, her delicate coiled hair had long been scattered, she glanced at Fu Zhengkang in horror and horror, she could feel the chill radiating from him, and she did not dare to amplify her breathing.

She swallowed hard, and quickly asked for mercy to clear the relationship: “n, I really didn’t know Chen Chen would say that.”

“Don’t worry, I will find a way to make this happen. Yanjia, I will find a way to build a good relationship with them, and it will never affect us.”

The car left the parking lot one after another, the wheels ran over the thin gravel road, making a rustling sound, and the car shook slightly. Lu Weiqi shook slightly along with her body, holding Fu Zhengkang’s hand nervously.

Her fingers are soft and her skin is slippery. This beautiful face has lost its noble and glamorous appearance, and her horrified and helpless eyes are like a discarded child, which makes people feel soft.

Fu Zhengkang still remembered that when he went to the prison to see her, she was wearing a gray prison uniform through a piece of glass. She had no brilliance, but that face was still cold and arrogant, and her eyes were full of suspicion, ruthlessness, and defensiveness. For everyone.

In the days to come, she did not lose her arrogance. She became his woman. When she was pleased, she dared to threaten him when she was cruel.

But now, what does she look like?

She has no dignity, so she almost kowtows under his feet.

Fu Zhengkang squeezed her chin and looked at her face. Her eyes were red, and her pitiful appearance made him feel soft.

After all, she is credited for getting Fu Shi so quickly.

This woman is also clever, she hasn’t gotten into a mess yet, she lowered her posture and begged for mercy without telling him at this moment, but it made him difficult to say something for a while.

Fu Zhengkang let go of Lu Weiqi’s chin and said coldly, “Can you really?”

Lu Weiqi nodded repeatedly and promised: “You know what I can do.”

Fu Zhengkang snorted lightly, “Your ability is to promote people to recognize your relatives?”

Lu Weiqi blushed, suffocated and had nowhere to send her breath. The woman Su Xiang was so vicious. She clearly said she would not be held accountable, but prevented her from coming to Taiwan and ruined her marriage.

Fu Zhengkang finally agreed to marry her, it is impossible now.

But she still has room for change.

Lu Weiqi said, “No matter what, I just recognized my god-in-law. Su Xiang helped the Yanjia, and the Yanjia gave her face, but she is not from the Yanjia, is she?”

Fu Zhengkang’s eyes turned slightly, thinking that what she said was the same. He is now the person in charge of the Fu family, no matter how the Yan family is, can he make life difficult for him for a goddaughter?

He lowered his eyelids, dusted the non-existent dust on the legs of his trousers, and said coldly: “However, you found someone to dig his graveyard. People can’t spare you this matter.”

Lu Weiqi choked and clenched her fist. She lowered her eyelids and put her posture very low. She said: “I have a secret about Su Xiang on hand now, but it has not been verified yet, but I will do it as soon as possible.”

As long as Fu Zhengkang doesn’t drive her out of the car now, she will slowly round up the matter and find a way to establish a relationship with the Yan family.

Everything will remain the same.

Fu Zhengkang glanced at her, his eyes moved slightly: “Well, it depends on your ability.”

He raised his head and looked straight ahead, his anger still remained, still with an expression of rejection.

At this time, Lu Weiqi couldn’t put on her arrogant posture. She had to please this man and let him talk about it.

Lu Weiqi held his hand and pressed it to her belly, her delicate body leaned on it, and said softly, “n, you scared our children just now.”

Fu Zhengkang glanced at her slantingly. The soft touch of the woman was in the palm of her palm, and her faint fragrance was still on her body. The seductive tone was irresistible to a man who had drunk a lot of alcohol.

Fu Zhengkang pressed a button, and the barrier between the front and rear seats was lowered, covering everything in the back seat. His big hand touched Lu Weiqi’s body, and his drunk lips pressed against her slender neck.

So Lu Weiqi raised her head and held the man’s head with her hands. There was an even more seductive scream between her red lips, but her eyes were cold and sad when she looked at the roof of the car.

She knows what she is now, it’s just a plaything for Israel’s servants.

Chen Chen came with Lu Weiqi. As soon as Lu Weiqi ran, she ran with him. But her shoe heels are stiletto high heels. When she reached the fine gravel road near the parking lot, she couldn’t run fast at all. She twisted her foot after two steps. It’s not as fast as a pregnant woman who runs fast, seeing the car passing in front of her. Did not stop for a second.

“Hey, wait for me, I haven’t gotten in the car yet” Chen Chen ran after the car for a few steps, and watched the car disappear from her eyes.

She knew that she hadn’t kept her anger and made Lu Weiqi and Fu Zhengkang embarrassed and offended others. She also regretted that she had known that she would not drink so much.

But the water spilled out by the spoken words can’t be collected even if I want to collect it.

“So why are you afraid of the banquet family?” Chen Chen felt that Fu Zhengkang made a big fuss. Can the Fu family, the number one in the North City, still be afraid of an outsider?

Chen Chen has always been spoiled and spoiled, and she had a family political relationship before. It was always others who came to flatter her and coax her, and she still couldn’t adapt to changes in the environment.

Cars passed by her one by one, but none of them stopped. There were a lot of ironic gazes.

Such an unobstructed woman, who would dare to solicit her?

Chen Chen was ashamed and angry, but she didn’t dare to attack again, suffocating her breath until she was about to explode. If her grandfather is still alive, what are these people.

The old man of the Chen family retired from Beijing. In the retreat, the old man will not fall down in the Chen family, but the old man can’t live forever. Once he leaves, the Chen family will take tea and cool down.

Chen Chen ate a mouthful of ashes, and tears of aggrieved eyes were streaming down. She didn’t drive, and there was no one to carry it, and it was even more unlikely that she would go back to find someone from the banquet’s family to send her back.

She can only go out on her own feet.

Chen Chen kicked the gravel on the ground and walked forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot. He looked at the bottoms of the cars with resentment and said: “I used to cheat on me, a bunch of things that are high and low.”

At this time, a car stopped at her feet, the door opened, and the man in the back seat smiled at her gleefully. He said, “Did they leave you behind?”

Seeing the gloating face of May Fei Tong, Chen Chen said angrily: “I want you to take care of it!”

Could it be that the corners of the lips were coldly hooked and said, “Get in the car.”

Chen Chen didn’t want to just walk all the way back. Her legs would definitely be scrapped, so she got into the car.

But she didn’t expect that when she got in the car, she would be in a tiger’s mouth.

Pillow Garden.

After the banquet was over, the invited helpers cleaned up outside, and Su Xiang and his family at the banquet entered the garden.

Did both Tong and Pei Xian know the true relationship between Su Xiang and Yanlin, and stayed alone for a while after the banquet, and also met with Yanlin to congratulate him.

The two didn’t stay much, and after congratulating them, they left together. Su Xiang sent them away and went to the room to change their clothes.

After drinking so much wine, she was full of alcohol. Fortunately, Qi Lingyang gave her liver protection tablets first, otherwise she should feel uncomfortable now.

Entering the room, there was a cup of honey water on the table, Su Xiang picked it up, the temperature was just right, and she smiled slightly. Don’t think about it, Qi Lingyang must have prepared here in advance.

Drinking the warm honey water makes people feel more comfortable, and there is no burning sensation in the throat.

She sat on the sofa, staring at the scenery outside the window, feeling calm.

The scenery of the pillow garden is not good, even desolate.

There are no small woods here, but from a distance, you can see some paddy fields, and green vegetables are emerging from the brown land.

“Mom, I’m back to him”

She said a little softly, saying that to those who no longer exist, she also set the roots for herself. At the end of the banquet, she is the daughter of the banquet.

She smiled slightly, stood up and went to the bathroom to remove her makeup, change her clothes, and then go downstairs.

She is wearing a white chiffon shirt and a dark green suspender tulle skirt, with a refreshing spirit.

There are no people in the living room, they are all refurbishing. Fu Ying was left by Su Xiang ahead of time, Pearl was playing with him, and Zhang’s mother stayed to take care of the two children.

Fu Ying saw Su Xiang coming and looked up at her: “Mom, Dad didn’t come in.”

Really, he told him to go back first, and he really left. Why didn’t I hear him before?

All the members of the Fu family left, leaving only Fu Ying as a child.

Su Xiang glanced outside the door, knowing why.

Fu Zhengkang doesn’t need to say, Lu Weiqi and Chen Chen made him make a fool of himself. How could he say a few more words, and it was almost the same when he went back to find a way to save the relationship.

As for Fu Zhengnan, Fu Hanchuan knew the inside story, he must also be clear. There is a gap between the Fu family and her. With Fu Ying there, he doesn’t need to be nervous at all.

Not only that, Lu Weiqi and Chen Chen offended Yanlin, which means that Fu Zhengkang has offended the Yanjia. He should be very happy and compare Fu Zhengkang with no effort. He didn’t even need to worry that Fu Zhengkang would win Yanlin first.

As for Fu Hanchuan’s banquet house in Kuala Lumpur, he kissed Yanlin in front of her, and molested her at the banquet just now. Yanlin hated him, so naturally he would not come in and hit the wall.

He will not have more confrontations with Yanlin when the situation is unfavorable.

A typical person who steals pleasure when he gets a bargain.

Su Xiang didn’t think about that person anymore, touched Fu Ying’s little head and said, “Aren’t you tired?”

Entering April, the weather started to get hot after the Ching Ming Festival. After playing for a while, the little guy took off his coat and bow tie when he sweated on his forehead. He was only wearing a white shirt and a small waistcoat. The collar had two buttons torn apart. It’s that person, take it off when it gets hot.

Su Xiang curled her mouth, squatted down, fastened his fingers flexibly, and said, “This weather can’t be cold.” She drew a tissue and wiped his sweat.

“Ma Ma, I want too.” Pearl came over, her round eyes were bright, like stars washed by Bitian, her face was pink, and the hair on her forehead stuck to her forehead.

Su Xiang smiled and changed the tissue to wipe her: “Okay, wipe the little pearl, too.”

Pearl is just like her name. The more she grows up, the brighter she is. The little girl is only four years old, and her appearance is already very moving. The eighteenth woman changed, she can still grow more beautiful.

The two children stood together, like a golden boy and a jade girl under the Guanyin seat.

At this time, the sound of tumbling footsteps came from the stairs, messy but powerful, and several men walked down from above.

Qi Haipeng shook hands with Yanlin and said with a smile: “Then it’s settled, and I will visit later.” He glanced at Su Xiang and said, “Be good with the banquet boss, I will go back first.”

He left after speaking, smiling and looking happy.

Su Xiang didn’t know what they had agreed, but it should be a good thing.

Su Xiang looked at Qi Lingyang inquiringly, and Qi Lingyang smiled at her and said, “I thought you had to sleep for a while.”

She has drunk so much, a sleep should be better.

Su Xiang shook his head and said with a smile: “No need, drinking your honey water, it’s okay.”

The two children were tilting their heads up, and standing obediently watching the adults talk, Fu Ying was already curiously looking at Yanlin who was carrying his back.

When Yanlin was not speaking, he was majestic, and there was a scar on his face. A child would be scared when he saw it, but he was not afraid, his eyes were clear.

Yan Lin was also looking at the little boy.

This child looked like Fu Hanchuan, did not inherit the appearance of Su Xiang, and did not have the beautiful eyes of Shen Yan. The Fu family looks good, but he doesn’t like it, because the Fu family bullied his daughter.

From the data point of view, when this child was born, he almost killed Su Xiang, so he didn’t like it even more.

The child was still stubborn, and his eyes were as domineering as Fu Hanchuan, he disliked it even less, and his eyes became cold.

Fu Ying still stared at him, not missing the line of sight he was looking at.

Su Xiang glanced at both ends, a little drumming in his heart. She knows that Yanlin is tired of the Fu family, but Fu Ying is her child, can’t and hate it?

At this time, Yanlin looked up and down to see Fu Ying, took a step forward and said lightly: “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

Fu Ying asked, “Are you my grandpa?”

His voice was childish, but he was quite manly, and he was not afraid of people.

Yanlin looked at the little guy again, walked to the sofa and sat down with a cane.

Children at this age are accustomed to the family. I was a bully at home, and a cat outside. He lost his temper with a stern look at a harsh sentence, or he was so scared that he cried. The child did not lose his temper or cried, but he was a little courageous and clever.

He saw that he didn’t like him, but he took the initiative to ask: Are you my grandpa?

It sounds like a testimony, but another meaning can be heard: if you are my grandfather, you have to be nice to me.

This unpleasant tone was almost the same as that of Fu Hanchuan, but when Yanlin heard it, it wasn’t that annoying anymore.

A boy can’t flinch, and if he cries when he stares, he won’t be able to look at him.

Yanlin was calm and uncomfortable.

On the one hand, he hated that the child belonged to the Fu family, but he came out of Su Xiang’s stomach. Moreover, the elderly have no natural resistance to children, and they are such a white jade doll.

This child is still angry, and he won’t be a dude when he wants to come. Su Xiang was bullied by others before, of course, now he is protected, but what about in the future? There will always be a day when he will die.

Her children will always protect her mother. When Su Xiang gets old, no one dares to bully her if she has children to protect her.

Thinking of this, Yan Lin’s expression softened a bit.

In the past few minutes, Su Xiang was still in the air, sweating from her nervous back. Seeing Yanlin’s expression loosened, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She planned to confess the children individually, and did not specifically explain the name of **** and blood. Anyway, she has already recognized her father-in-law, and even if the children call grandpa in person, they will look like grandpa-in-law from the outside, but it sounds different in Yanlin’s ears.

It was a pity that she couldn’t call him his father, and she couldn’t let him lose more.

When Zhang Ma saw Yanlin sitting on the sofa, she knew it was almost done. She prepared two soft cushions and spread them on the floor. The coffee table in front of the sofa had already moved.

Su Xiang stood between the two children, put his hands behind the children and gently pushed forward, and said with a smile: “This is your mother’s father, that is, your grandfather. Go call your grandfather.”

When Zhenzhu first returned to Beicheng, she was afraid of life, but during this time she went to school and had a grandfather like Qi Haipeng, so she was no longer so timid. The little girl obediently knelt on the soft cushion according to what Su Xiang had taught in advance, and bowed her head to Yan Lin, calling her grandfather milky and milky.

After Zhang’s mother poured the tea, Su Xiang picked up the tea and held Pearl’s little hand to give Yanlin the tea.

The little girl looks like a doll and is cute and cute. She was brought up by Su Xiang, who is like her own daughter to Su Xiang.

It is Su Xiang’s daughter, who is also his grandson’s daughter Yanlin. Yanlin drank the tea, took out the red envelope that was ready, the little girl grinned and her eyes curled up, revealing her white millet teeth, and she said thank you glutinously.

During the Chinese New Year this year, the little girl got a red envelope and kissed her grandfather. Mom said that grandpa and grandpa are the same, and they are both people who love her. Mom will kiss Dad again. This is fair and no one will be unhappy.

The little girl kissed Yanlin on tiptoe.

Yanlin had been in a catastrophe in this life, and his life was rough. After Shen Yan left, there was no such warmth. At this time, the soft girl turned away his hard heart, and his eyes became slightly moist.

He had never seen Su Xiang’s childhood and missed her growth. He thought, the little girl in front of him was sent by God to make up for his regrets in this life.

Su Xiang was also very pleased in her heart. She had always worried that Yanlin was too self-blame, and the two children made up for his regrets.

She looked at Fu Ying, and the little guy kowped his head in a proper manner. He is a little man and can’t act like a girl. Knocking his head, he changed his name to Grandpa, holding his tea firmly in both hands.

Yanlin looked at him. It is rare for a child to have such a stable disposition, without arrogance or rashness.

He drank tea and gave a red envelope.

Fu Ying thought it was over, Su Xiang winked at him, and raised his chin to Yanlin’s face. Although he is a boy, he is still young. .

When Fu Ying grew up, it was impossible for him to come here at every turn like a three-year-old kid. He only kissed Su Xiang, and that was when there was no one.

Xiao Zhengtai’s ears were red, so she went over and kissed him.

Yanlin’s confession is over, and then Yangu, who will be the uncle of the children from now on. The two children changed their names to uncle according to Su Xiang’s instructions. Yangu was used to having an iceberg face. When he was called uncle, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, but he gave a thick red envelope.

Su Xiang held back a smile and lowered her eyelids. She saw Yangu’s nervousness, so she sullen her face and didn’t move.

However, she heard about Yangu’s life experience. He was adopted by Mrs. Shen from the orphanage. His relatives were also Yanlin and the old lady. Two children surrounded him called uncle. of.

At the end of the confession of the Yan family father and son, Su Xiang asked, “Is the old lady still resting?”

Mrs. Shen is too old to fly long distances. For the purpose of acknowledging relatives this time, she came here specially from Malaysia. But she doesn’t like the excitement. Anyway, an old lady of her doesn’t need to meet those big people. She doesn’t need to socialize, so she rests alone in the small building.

At this time the guests dispersed, and Yanlin’s assistant pushed Mrs. Shen over. The old lady took a rest for a day, recovered her spirit, and saw Su Xiang’s face full of light: “Xiang Xiang.”

“Grandma.” Su Xiang walked over, took the wheelchair from the assistant, pushed her to the center of the living room, and let the two children bow their heads to salute, and recognized this grandma Zeng.

The old lady smiled and narrowed her eyes when she saw the two cute little ones. She felt a few years younger again. She gently stroked the child’s tender face. She put the movements very lightly, so she was afraid that her old palms and hard skin would hurt the children.

It is a pity that she is too old to take them personally, and it is a pity that such time is running out.

She is over eighty years old, and she counts her days by day.

During dinner, Su Xiang said, “Grandma, if you want, you can stay here instead of going back to Kuala Lumpur.”

Although the air in North City is not as good as in Kuala Lumpur, there are relatives here, and the pillow garden is quiet, with a separate small building behind it, even if it receives guests here, it won’t bother her.

Mrs. Shen shook her head and said, “No.” Her expression was slightly lonely, and then she smiled under the guise, “I have been in Kuala Lumpur for half my life, and I have been familiar with life there, and I won’t adapt when I come back.”

Su Xiang understands that the elderly are not suitable for changing environments. The people she knew around her, friends and neighbors were all from Kuala Lumpur, and there were no deceased people in North City.

After that incident, in the memories of those who have grown old, the people of the Shen family have long been gone.

Su Xiang didn’t force her, and knew in her heart that the old lady didn’t want to face this sad city again.

Here, she lost her husband, best friends, and her daughter. If it hadn’t been for this confession, she would never come back.

Su Xiang has too little family affection in this life, and she also hopes that the old lady can live a little longer so that she can accompany her more.

Su Xiang said: “Also, the environment in Kuala Lumpur is good and suitable for the elderly. I can often take the children to see you.”

Qi Lingyang also said: “Yes, but while the old lady is in Beicheng, you can also take the old lady to take a look. The changes in Beicheng are great.”

When he said this, everyone was relieved, and the rest of the time passed quickly.

After dinner, Su Xiang and Qi Lingyang took the children back. Su Xiang will also send Fu Ying back to Banshan Villa.

Fu Hanchuan’s message has been sent: when will Fu win over?

It is absolutely impossible for him to enter the scope of Xiangyuan.

Su Xiang read the information and replied: On the road.

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