Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 306

Chapter 304: Your woman you look the best

But she immediately denied this speculation.

How could a person like Fu Hanchuan spend all his energy on the factory?

He is busy regaining his power. At most, he took the time to get the factory, right?

He also happened to use the guise of busy factory affairs to secretly figure out how to plot Fu Zhengkang.

When living together in the past, Su Xiang often saw Fu Hanchuan sitting in the study and working. She went in to deliver a glass of milk. She didn’t really pay attention to Fu Hanchuan’s work status, only knew that he was very busy. And she is just a housewife, she doesn’t know anything.

But now, they work together and discuss problems together, which feels very different.

Su Xiang has been doing her own business for nearly three years. She knows her own strength and has put a lot of effort into it. It has been very good to achieve such an achievement in three years, and she does not underestimate herself.

But at this time, she suddenly felt that she was better than she thought, and she actually worked with Fu Hanchuan. This was something she had never thought of, even though the factory in front of her was just a few pits dug in the ground.

Fu Hanchuan, the chief executive who controls a huge company in one hand, discusses factory construction with her here, which feels new and incredible to her.

This feeling is different from when she worked with Qi Lingyang. Qi Lingyang is her predecessor and her teacher. She respects him, and sometimes even forgets that he is the chief executive. The two discussed issues, and it was mostly she who asked him for advice.

At this time, Su Xiang really felt like she was struggling. She could catch up with Fu Hanchuan’s thinking and make quick judgments.

Su Xiang stared at the workbook lying on the table, which recorded many important points. Fu Hanchuan’s handwriting is very hard, and every stroke is sharp. What he writes is also something that must be prepared in the early stage of the factory. There are general directions and small details.

Su Xiang turned over page by page and wrote a lot of densely, some were already working on it, and some were just a concept, with question marks.

Fu Hanchuan probably finished introducing the situation of a factory in Zhoushan. When listening to opinions, he turned around and saw Su Xiang holding his workbook in a daze.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her, not to listen to him well, and to see what his workbook was doing.

Fu Hanchuan knocked off the table, and Su Xiang came back to his senses.

“Qiao Shen has already made an appointment with Zhoushan, and he will check it out next week to see if he has the ability to design and meet our production requirements.”

Fu Hanchuan looked into her eyes and said at last.

Su Xiang nodded: “Oh.” She had no objection.

In Su Xiang’s studio, all products are developed by his own team and then completed by the processing factory. She will first inspect the processing factory, and if it meets her requirements, she will hand it over to the factory to do it. She didn’t understand the machine, and she didn’t even ask him why he didn’t give it to the machinery company under Fu’s company, but let someone else do it.

After Su Xiang responded, he turned a page and asked him, “Did you really take the time to do this?”

Fu Hanchuan frowned and glanced at her. If his subordinates didn’t listen carefully to the lecture and asked about something unrelated to the meeting when he was in a meeting, he would definitely take the other party’s scolding blood. At this moment, the corners of his lips curled up and said, “So what?”

He withdrew the workbook from her hand, and the corner of the book still had the slight temperature left when she was pinched.

This woman is looking at him with admiration.

Fu Hanchuan was in a good mood and even felt very proud.

Su Xiang touched her nose, she just asked and got an affirmative answer, and she felt bored again.

Her small studio was so busy that she was spinning around like a spinning top, and Fu Hanchuan actually got a factory information when she took time out.

In the last few pages, she even saw him drafting the factory rules and regulations.

People are really different from people, and the pride that Su Xiang ignited was a bit blown. She even thought, fortunately, she was very self-aware to dispel Yanlin’s plan to hand over the Southern Star Company to her.

At the same time, this also illustrates a problem. Fu is about to return to Fu Hanchuan’s hands.

When he takes back Fu Shi, the factory is not his focus, and he will send another person to take over. Now, he is setting up the framework here as soon as possible, so that no mess will be left at that time.

Su Xiang retracted the gods and said: “This is how the machine matters are set for the first time.”

The factory is under construction, and many things are very cumbersome. After discussing one by one, we talked about the packaging of the products.

This is also an important issue. With a good product, there must be a suitable container. This container can be made by yourself or handed over to the manufacturer.

On this point, Su Xiang and Feng Qingyang had a disagreement, and the two began to argue.

Feng Qingyang advocates plastic packaging, find a designer to design a simple and portable, but highlight the product grade, and then find a celebrity endorsement to increase the popularity.

Su Xiang insisted on saving endorsement fees and looking for environmentally friendly materials to replace plastic products.

Feng Qingyang died of anger. When the meeting was resting, she complained to Fu Hanchuan: “If you listen to her, my thirty million will be lost!”

Feng Qingyang approached Su Xiang and wanted to invest in her studio, but she refused. Fu Hanchuan said that she wanted to build a factory, and she was looking for Su Xiang to do it together. She joined Fu Hanchuan and became the third shareholder of the company.

Feng Qingyang looked to Su Xiang for investment because she felt that her philosophy was very good. She proposed a development project with good prospects. But this woman didn’t put money and profit first, how could she cooperate?

The driver went to buy two boxes of mineral water and came in and piled them in the corner. Fu Hanchuan walked over, took two bottles of water, and handed one to Feng Qingyang.

Feng Qingyang took it and took a few sips to reduce the fire, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Fu Hanchuan smiled and said, “Isn’t your thirty million related to her?”

Feng Qingyang’s 30 million yuan was the settlement gold given to her by the Chang family, and Feng Qingyang used it for investment, not wanting the Feng family to know.

Feng Qingyang glared at him, she thought about it, and said, “Go and talk to her and let her change her mind. Otherwise, we have to die.”

Fu Hanchuan said, “I agree with her opinion.”

Feng Qingyang couldn’t help feeling angry, she said anxiously: “Fu Hanchuan, you want to chase a woman, you spend as much money as you want, and it’s just fun to invest hundreds of millions, but can you not cheat me!”

Everyone knows that environmentally friendly materials are good, but environmentally friendly materials are also very expensive. How much is the cost of juice drinks? How is the price set?

“Take the most popular milk tea for example, a cup of milk tea is ten yuan, a plastic cup and a straw is only a few cents? Merchants can net more than double the net profit after deducting the cost of raw materials, rent, water, electricity and labor.”

“She is going to make environmentally friendly materials. When we ship, who will be handed to and who will pick up our products?”

Feng Qingyang broke his fingers, calculated with a pen, and spoke very fast, and finally said: “The materials of her skin care products are not environmentally friendly, and it is not her money that she doesn’t feel bad!”

The factory was funded by Fu Hanchuan, and Feng Qingyang invested 30 million in. Su Xiang said he didn’t own a share, but just joined as a factory consultant. However, Fu Hanchuan is deliberately increasing her importance in the factory, and she must be included in any meeting.

Fu Hanchuan smiled and said, “Thirty million, isn’t it a big sum for Miss Feng, right?”

Although Feng’s family is not a wealthy super wealthy like the Fu’s family, the tens of millions is only the money for those men from Feng’s family to go to a casino.

It was rainy in spring, but now it started to rain again and again. The eaves of the simple house hung a rain curtain, and the rain fell on the ground, splashing mud and water. Fu Hanchuan took Feng Qingyang’s arm and stepped back to avoid the rain. Feng Qingyang threw away his hand unhappily, unhappy.

Although the money does not seem to be a lot, she is looking for her own way out of her patriarchal family.

Looking at the gray sky, Fu Hanchuan said quietly: “Su Xiang’s experience is different from ours.”

Those of them who came from merchants and devoted themselves to shopping malls were pursuing utilitarianism. Su Xiang bypassed these utilitarian interests, and started doing charity and public welfare first, and then started to do business, which is a bit more Confucian, and her perspective is different from theirs.

“As soon as you asked her to invest, she refused you. She explained at the time that she was not aiming to make a lot of money, right?”

Feng Qingyang curled her lips. There was no real contact at that time, and with Fu Hanchuan’s participation this time, she felt that it was safe.

But now that the investment has been made, it is impossible to withdraw, she mumbled: “How do I know that you are so unprincipled in front of a woman and have no bottom line.”

Feng Qingyang’s bottom line and principle are to make money, and this is also a unique rule in Feng’s family. Whoever can make money for the company has the right to speak. Unfortunately, Feng Jia also has another supreme rule of male power.

Feng Qingyang never felt that Fu Hanchuan was the kind of person who started a company to play with his own women. He personally participated in it, which showed that he would not lose money. Thinking about it now, Fu Hanchuan is just chasing women through the factory.

Fu Hanchuan twitched the corners of his lips, raised his head and took a drink. He squinted at Feng Qingyang and said, “Don’t worry, you won’t lose money. On the contrary, Su Xiang’s idea is more convincing than if you hire a big name.”

Feng Qingyang looked at him with an expression of “your woman, you look the best”.

At the end of the break, Fu Hanchuan patted Feng Qingyang on the shoulder and said, “Go in and listen to what she said, and you’ll know.”

The two returned to the conference table, and Su Xiang didn’t care about the dispute that started in the first half of the meeting.

She began to say: “Our products are originally sold for health, but using unenvironmentally friendly packaging materials, they are healthy and pollute the environment. After all, they are still unhealthy.”

“Furthermore, environmental protection is a general trend in the future. Starting from the elimination of straws in large fast food restaurants such as Starbucks and McDonald’s, I think plastic products will gradually be replaced by other materials.”

Qi Lingyang has sponsored the research and development of environmentally friendly materials in university laboratories a few years ago. Packaging bags are the main cause of plastic pollution, especially now that take-out food is popular. There are tens of millions of take-out lunch boxes a day. If anyone can develop suitable packaging materials, whoever will take the lead. This is a big pie.

“Furthermore, our positioning is the high-end market, so the use of good materials in materials has improved our quality from the packaging. A celebrity who has not participated in production or research and development, on what basis represents our products?”

Su Xiang opposes giving so much endorsement fees to those celebrities. The advertisement here says with a smile that the product is good. If you look back to eat and drink from other people, it is better to use your own word of mouth to speak.

“In terms of sales, we have already said that our market is positioned in fitness venues and office buildings. Now a cup of milk tea costs more than ten or twenty yuan. Do you think that is worth it?”

Su Xiang finally used milk tea as an example and insisted on his own ideas.

Looking at the packaging material plan in front of him, Feng Qingyang opened his mouth, agreeing with Su Xiang in his heart. However, for a savvy businessman, reducing costs and increasing profits is the first element. Su Xiang’s plan is high in cost and low in profit and is not efficient, which contradicts her philosophy.

“Su Xiang, you have to know that our products are not very technical. Then others will follow suit and invite a star or sponsor a variety show to quickly open the market, and then you will have nowhere to stand.”

Now any industry, as long as there is capital intervention, the market will soon be preempted. Su Xiang wants to push to the market with the quality of the products, but I am afraid that there will be no place to stand.

“You are a factory consultant, so you have to stand on the investor side and consider issues.”

Su Xiang smiled slightly and said, “Miss Feng, we have government support. In addition, the Youth League I cultivated will be able to endorse for free when the time comes. Let’s make the product first.”

The Youth League has been to concerts, and now there are several variety shows in contact, and the traffic is increasing. Although there is not such a strong ability to carry goods as big coffees, but on the other hand, some big coffees have not met a hundred responses. After all, people nowadays value quality more and more.

Su Xiang had already made such a promise, Feng Qingyang was thoroughly persuaded, and the meeting ended.

Su Xiang was doing the meeting sorting out, and Fu Hanchuan looked at her and said, “Let’s eat together tonight?”

Su Xiang put the documents in the bag, and she said, “I’m going to the pillow garden at night.”

Fu Hanchuan squeezed his eyebrows, he could no longer fight against Yanlin.

He said: “I heard that Yanlin is leading you to meet those big guys?”

The Pillow Garden is open for business, and in the prosperous North City, there is still a place where the rich and powerful people prefer to gather.

Su Xiang nodded, and Yanlin said that she was asking her to help, but in fact it was to let her make friends with those big people. In the past, Su Xiang rarely had this opportunity.

Su Xiang understands Yanlin’s painstaking efforts.

He had never raised her, nor had he lived together. By the time he met, she had grown up, and he refused to take over his company. Yanlin wanted to compensate her and cultivated her again, from all aspects.

Yanlin also revealed to her that Mrs. Pang might have to withdraw from the Fu Rui Charity Foundation.

The Furui Charity Foundation was led by Mrs. Pang, and slowly developed into a huge and influential charity organization. However, due to the large size of the organization, the establishment of a board of directors and official intervention and supervision, Mrs. Pang’s power Be constrained.

Madam Pang withdrew from the foundation and sent a signal that Madam Pang had a problem. The Foundation wanted to settle the matter calmly and find a suitable person to replace it. After all, if there is a big trouble, the foundation is questioned, causing a crisis of trust, who will donate in the future?

Su Xiang is now the charity ambassador of the Disabled Persons’ Federation, but the charity ambassador has a term of office.

Originally, Yanlin thought that Su Xiang could be a charity by himself, but to do charity, he had to pull people to donate. There are many non-governmental charities, but the public can donate only that much. Rich people donate to your organization. If other organizations don’t give something, they don’t give face. It’s hard to do.

Therefore, Yanlin felt that Su Xiang could take the position of Madam Pang.

Mrs. Pang has a very wide network of people in the upper class, and the annual Furui Charity Gala can attract a lot of donations. Yanlin is giving Su Xiang a chance to meet those big people.

Yanlin felt that it was not enough for Su Xiangguang to have his own small studio. He was paving the way for her to have a higher social status.

In the future, no matter whether it is the Qi family or any family, Su Xiang can’t be looked down upon. A person with a strong background is one thing, but if he is strong enough, he can truly stand up.

But Su Xiang did not disclose these to anyone. After all, this matter involved Madam Pang. No matter what Madam Pang had done, she helped her and the two of them cooperated, and it was also related to the reputation of the foundation. Just quietly complete the transition.

Fu Hanchuan didn’t make an appointment for Su Xiang’s dinner. Feng Qingyang was a little gloat, bumped his arm and said, “Otherwise, I will accompany you to dinner?”

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her and said sternly, “No need.” He turned back to Qiao Shen and said, “Didn’t you say that you made an appointment with Mr. Gao? No need to push, let’s eat with him tonight.”

Gao is a British overseas Chinese that Fu Hanchuan met in private. He intends to cooperate with Gao after retaking Fu Shi. If you take over Fu Shi again, why do you have to make some achievements?

Qiao Shen was holding a stack of documents and an umbrella in his hand. Feng Qingyang got under his umbrella. Fu Hanchuan held up a black umbrella by himself, and the group walked toward the car.

Feng Qingyang remembered something and asked, “Fu Hanchuan, don’t you have a machinery company under your family? Can’t you still make a set of beverage equipment?”

Fu Hanchuan opened the door handle and said lightly: “I don’t want to improve Fu Zhengkang’s performance.”

Now ordering machines from Fu Shi is just to brighten Fu Zhengkang’s face. He doesn’t want to make any money for him. Furthermore, Zhoushan’s machinery company has his private shares, so in the end part of the money will still fall into his pockets.

Feng Qingyang was startled, watching Fu Hanchuan unload his umbrella and get into the car.

God, she thought that Fu Hanchuan was fainted by Su Xiang, and Su Xiang was led by the nose. It seems that Fu Hanchuan’s vision is the most correct. This shrewd man will definitely not suffer!

Since then, Feng Qingyang has participated in the factory meeting again and never raised any objections. Fu Hanchuan praised Su Xiang on his face, accepted all her opinions, and made some adjustments at the back. It looked like he was in the second position, but in fact it was always the head.

This man is not only smart at making money, but also smart at chasing women.

Feng Qingyang tweeted twice, she got into her car, stretched out a hand from the car window and swayed, and left by herself.

Qiao Shen drove in front, and Fu Hanchuan sat in the back seat to look through the cooperation plan with Gao, and said, “The management of the factory can be recruited first.”

Qiao nodded deeply and said, “I have asked the headhunters to look for them.”

They all know that in the near future, they will return to Fu Shi, and the factory will need a suitable person to take over.

The rain continued to fall, the rain washed the glass, sliding down like an earthworm, the cabin was quiet, Fu Hanchuan looked at the file intently, and the sudden ringing of the cell phone made him frowned.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, did not look at the ID, and answered the call directly.

On the other end of the phone, Fu Zhengnan came with an angry voice: “You go to the old house.”

Fu Zhengnan confessed that sentence and hung up the phone.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at the phone and frowned slightly. Why is my father so angry?

However, since Fu Zhengnan was squeezed by Fu Zhengkang with nowhere to stand, he was full of fire every day, and now he drinks tea with golden chrysanthemum.

Fu Hanchuan put away his cell phone and said to Qiao Shen: “The appointment with Mr. Gao will be changed to tomorrow, first go back to the old house.”

Out of the suburbs, at an intersection in front, one direction to Fu Di, the other direction to Fu’s old mansion. Qiao Shen’s car turned at the intersection and went to the Fu’s old house.

After Father Fu passed away, the auxiliary building of the old house was empty. Later, Mrs. Zhuoya also moved out of the old house. The huge old house was even more empty, but Fu Zhengnan, who often did not go home, stayed there for a long time.

However, the servants of the old house have not been dismissed, Lao He is still a housekeeper, and the Fu family is still in order.

Fu Hanchuan stepped into the house, and Fu Zhengnan sat on the sofa in the living room with a black face. He seemed to be irritated, and He stood aside with his hands hanging down.

“Father.” Fu Hanchuan greeted him. Fu Zhengnan looked up at him and pointed to the sofa in front of him, “Sit down first.”

Then, he pointed to Lao He and said, “Just tell me.” This matter was so irritating that he didn’t want to say a word.

He nodded: “Yes, Mr. Fu.” He turned his body halfway around and said to Fu Hanchuan, “Mr. Fu, the person who betrayed the old man’s body found it.”

After the old man passed away, the Fu family did not immediately dismiss the servants who served him. It’s not that the Fu family needs to leave these people to take care of the house, they are investigating the inner ghost.

Although Fu Zhengkang only appeared at the funeral of the old man, how could he return in a hurry in his subsequent moves?

The father’s condition was blocked, doctors and nurses were not able to disclose it, but Lu Weiqi was able to grasp the time when the news of Madam Zhuoya was disseminated, and the arrangement was seamless. This shows that someone has been revealing the physical condition of the old man for a long time.

After they heard the news that the old man had died soon, they quietly returned to Beicheng. Lu Weiqi first came forward and appeared to be socializing everywhere. Fu Zhengkang appeared at the funeral again, accusing Fu Zhengnan of blocking him from visiting the old man, and let Fu Zhengnan go first. Lost the majesty in front of the guests.

Fu Hanchuan frowned and said, “Who is it?”

He asked who, instead of asking where the person was, he knew that this person had already been dealt with by Fu Zhengnan. It is certain to drive out the Fu family, but the price will not be easy, this is not what Fu Hanchuan is concerned about.

He said, “It’s Lao Li. He said that Fu Zhengkang would give him a salary every month and let him talk about the father’s condition. He felt that Fu Zhengkang was also the father’s son, and the son knew that his father’s condition was appropriate, so he agreed. NS.”

Lao Li turned out to be a full-time driver of Old Man Fu. After he was ill, he didn’t go out. After spending more than ten years with him, he was transferred to work in the house.

No one doubted him, and the Fu family did not dismiss him. He could continue to do it with an extra salary when he was older.

Fu Hanchuan remembered that when the old man was dying, he and his father were talking in front of the old man’s bed. There were indeed people waiting in the corridor. Later, the person who walked in was Lao Li.

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