Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 12: Old cunning Winston

  Mingti finally ate the sundae she was thinking of, and was sent back to Dad's residence by Jordani.

   And Jordanian returned to the Continental Hotel after a day of wandering.

  The judges of the board of directors have visited many places and collected a lot of information. When the FBI loosened the blockade on the CIA's cross-border law enforcement cases, with the energy of the board of directors, they could even obtain a lot of information from the FBI.

   The final ruling should come down within these two days.

   Much faster than Jordan expected. Early in the morning of the next day, Jordan was notified by Charon.

  The judges of the council want to see Jordan.

  The meeting with the judge was in the rooftop garden of the Continental Hotel, where Winston was also the host.

"Jordanny Jovovich, born in the Eastern European Roma training camp, because he took the initiative to assume the obligation of Leviathan to donate blood to the board of directors, obtained the Leviathan internal pass, and chose to come to the Continental Hotel in New York a year ago. Performed 41 missions. In the process of stepping on the mission four days ago, in order to maintain the glory of the Continental Hotel, it was affected by the CIA internal tumultuous war, right?

  The judge of the council is a blonde woman, tall, thin and murderous, looking extremely powerful.

   In the other party’s words, from beginning to end, there was no mention of the misinformation about the Continental Hotel. Instead, it was directly judged that Jordanian was to maintain the glory of the Continental Hotel. This was a little accidental.

   Jordan didn't answer at the first time, but looked at Winston beside him.

   Obviously, in these four days, Winston should have reached some agreement with the board of directors, which has covered up the mistakes of the Continental Hotel.

   Regarding this, Jordan had no objection, after all, in the future, he would have to eat together under the Continental Hotel.

   But Jordanian must be sure that his cake will not be swallowed.

   Winston's eyes are still awake as before, and he meets Jordan's calmly.

   It was just a few seconds, and Jordan said quickly: "I have done my loyalty, I will obey and offer my honor."

   Regarding Jordan's performance, the judge nodded in satisfaction, and left without saying a word.

   After the judge left, Winston got Jordan a glass of wine. For the first time, he took out a cigar from his own collection and handed it to Jordan.

  In Western countries, sharing private collections with others is a symbol of friendship.

   Joe Danny took the cigar handed by Winston, curled his lips, and said, "To be honest, I haven't smoked this stuff. Is there any harm?"

   Winston patted Jordan on the shoulder and said, "Joe, you just have to enjoy it with ease. I owe you a favor."

   Maintaining the glory of the Continental Hotel can be given a ready-made reward.

   As for the compensation of the Continental Hotel, it is impossible to put this kind of thing on the table, so it becomes a human affection.

   This accident, in a sense, it was indeed Jordanian who helped Winston.

  Because no matter whether there is a mistake in the mission information, the board of directors can never be wrong. If Jordan is forced to pursue it, then the culprit can only be placed on the person in charge of the Continental Hotel in New York.

   This is also the reason why Winston came to thank Jordan Danny.

   It’s just such a trouble to communicate with these big people. Before he said anything, Jordan had to think about it many times.

   Fortunately, there are no mistakes and deviations.

  On the board of directors, Jordan will be given a reward in an official capacity and will allow Jordan to make a request to the board.

   Similarly, Winston, or the Continental Hotel in New York, will also compensate Jordan as much as he deserves.

   negotiated the terms, and all that was left was chatting and enjoying the wine and cigar.

   is different from smoking and chatting in the previous life. The time for a cigarette is only a few minutes at most. For a cigar, it needs to be tasted, a cigar, it takes an hour or two, let alone.

   Fortunately, the rooftop garden is open, otherwise, two large chimneys can faint people.

   It is said that Eastern people speak more convolutedly, but in fact it is not. Westerners talk indifferently, and sometimes they can make people cry.

   A cigar is about to end, and Winston has just turned back to the topic from the endless nonsense.

   "Joe, you and I both work together in New York. You can withdraw the favors from my side at any time. On the board of directors, I suggest thinking about it as soon as possible and not treating others."

   "Winston, in fact, I have already figured it out. I hope that the newcomer agreement on me can be turned into a free agreement."

   "Are you sure? The council has a lot of energy..."

   "Winston, what I have done, I know myself, I will be punished if I am greedy."

   Jordan made the choice simply, and ignored Winston's temptation.

   Winston looked kind, but in fact he was too deep in his mind to be able to grasp the New York Continental Hotel for more than 20 years. This is not a short answer.

   In fact, Jordan didn't want to have too much contact with Winston if it was not necessary.

   Seeing that Jordan's determination was firm, Winston did not continue to persuade him, smiled, and said, "Tomorrow the agreement regarding you will change, Joe, you are a smart guy."

   Joe Danny smiled and said nothing, but thought in his heart whether to use up the favor of the old fellow Winston now.

   Joe Danny is sure that with Winston's identity and means, he must know much more about the Assassin's Mutual Aid Society than Cassian.

   Use a little intelligence to exchange his favor, Winston must be happy.

   It's just that Jordan feels a bit at a loss. There are two lines between Jenny and Cassian. On the side of the Assassins Mutual Aid Association, Jordan has already placed enough bets.

   It's still a long time before a huge disaster arrives in the future.

   Winston is one of the ground snakes in the underground world of New York. This favor may be more useful than I thought.

   But considering that once he awakens MP in the future, his strength will definitely grow extremely fast. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   When you grow up to a certain height, the so-called underground world becomes trivial.

   Jordan thought quietly, Winston looked awake, and did not interfere with Jordan's decision.

   After a while, Jordan stood firm and asked: "Winston, I need to know about the Assassins Mutual Aid Association. After joining the Mutual Aid Association, can my memory be restored?"

   Winston's eyes changed for a moment, and he took up his wine glass to cover it up, and said, "Joe, about the mutual aid association, I don't recommend that you provoke it."

   Joe Danny had known for a long time that the other party would definitely not simply tell the information.

   So Jordan took out a blood oath emblem from his arms and said, "Winston, there is my blood and my glory on it, and I must help him."

   Winston glanced at the blood oath emblem, and said, "Cassian?"

  Qiao Danni naturally wouldn't say that he was the superb idea of ​​the Mutual Aid Society. He didn't say a word, but just nodded seriously.

   Winston shrugged and said, "Joe, I can't tell you too much. Mutual aid will be Hydra's fangs. If I say too much, it will be targeted."

   It seemed that Winston was just making a metaphor, but Jordan's heart was shocked.


The name    is too sensitive in the Marvel world.

   Joe Danny remained silent, and said, "Winston, you just need to tell me how to help him restore his memory."

Winston said: "The deep space potion is the venom on Hydra's fangs. It can give people a powerful force and also make people feel painful. And this level of secrets is not something I can know. Yes, maybe you need to find a brain and psychiatrist."

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